
Defines functions .dots_multi_plot

Documented in .dots_multi_plot

#' Plot top enriched genesets across multiple signatures
#' @param multihyp_data A list of hyp objects
#' @param top Limit number of genesets shown
#' @param abrv Abbreviation length of genesetlabels
#' @param size_by Size dots by e.g. c("genesets", "significance", "none")
#' @param pval_cutoff Filter results to be less than pval cutoff
#' @param fdr_cutoff Filter results to be less than fdr cutoff
#' @param val Choose significance value e.g. c("fdr", "pval")
#' @param title Plot title
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% set_colnames
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select
#' @importFrom scales log10_trans
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point labs scale_color_continuous scale_size_continuous guides theme element_text element_blank
#' @keywords internal
.dots_multi_plot <- function(multihyp_data,
                             size_by=c("genesets", "significance", "overlap", "none"),
                             val=c("fdr", "pval"),
                             title="") {
    # Default arguments
    val <- match.arg(val)
    size_by <- match.arg(size_by)
    # Count significant genesets across signatures
    multihyp_dfs <- lapply(multihyp_data, function(hyp_obj) {
        hyp_obj$data %>%
        dplyr::filter(pval <= pval_cutoff) %>%
        dplyr::filter(fdr <= fdr_cutoff) %>%
    # Take top genesets
    labels <- names(sort(table(unlist(multihyp_dfs)), decreasing=TRUE))
    if (!is.null(top)) labels <- head(labels, top)
    # Handle empty dataframes
    if (length(labels) == 0) return(ggempty())
    # Create a multihyp dataframe
    dfs <- lapply(multihyp_data, function(hyp_obj) {
        hyp_df <- hyp_obj$data
        hyp_df[hyp_df$label %in% labels, c("label", val), drop=FALSE]
    df <- suppressWarnings(Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by="label", all=TRUE), dfs))
    colnames(df) <- c("label", names(dfs))
    rownames(df) <- df$label
    df <- df[rev(labels), names(dfs)]
    # Abbreviate labels
    label.abrv <- substr(rownames(df), 1, abrv)
    if (any(duplicated(label.abrv))) {
        stop("Non-unique labels after abbreviating")
    } else {
        rownames(df) <- factor(label.abrv, levels=label.abrv)   
    if (val == "pval") {
        cutoff <- pval_cutoff
        color.label <- "P-Value"
    if (val == "fdr") {
        cutoff <- fdr_cutoff
        color.label <- "FDR"
    df.melted <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(df))
    colnames(df.melted) <- c("label", "signature", "significance")
    df.melted$size <- 1
    if (size_by == "significance") {
        df.melted$size <- df.melted$significance
    } else if (size_by == "genesets") {
        geneset.sizes <- lapply(multihyp_data, function(hyp_obj) {
                hyp_obj$data[, c("label", "geneset")]
            }) %>%
            do.call(rbind, .) %>%
            dplyr::distinct(label, .keep_all=TRUE) %>%
            dplyr::pull(geneset, label)
        #df.melted$size <- geneset.sizes[df.melted$label]
        names(geneset.sizes) <- substr(names(geneset.sizes), 1, abrv)
        stopifnot( all(!is.na(match_idx <- match(df.melted$label,names(geneset.sizes)))) )
        df.melted$size <- geneset.sizes[match_idx]
    } else if (size == "overlap") {
      stop( "size_by overlap not implemented yet")
      overlap.sizes <- lapply(multihyp_data, function(hyp_obj) {
        hyp_obj$data[, c("label", "overlap")]
      }) %>%
        do.call(rbind, .) %>%
        dplyr::distinct(label, .keep_all=TRUE) %>%
        dplyr::pull(overlap, label)
      #df.melted$size <- overlap.sizes[df.melted$label]
      names(overlap.sizes) <- substr(names(overlap.sizes), 1, abrv)
      stopifnot( all(!is.na(match_idx <- match(df.melted$label,names(overlap.sizes)))) )
      df.melted$size <- overlap.sizes[match_idx]

    p <- df.melted %>%
    dplyr::filter(significance <= cutoff) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=signature, y=label, color=significance, size=size)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_color_continuous(low="#114357", high="#E53935", trans=.reverselog_trans(10)) +
    labs(title=title, color=color.label) +  
          axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))
    if (size_by == "none") {
        p <- p + guides(size="none")
    } else if (size_by == "significance") {
        p <- p + scale_size_continuous(trans=.reverselog_trans(10)) + labs(size="Significance")
    } else if (size_by == "genesets" ) {
        p <- p + scale_size_continuous(trans=scales::log10_trans()) + labs(size="Genesets\nSize")
    } else if (size_by == "overlap" ) {
      p <- p + scale_size_continuous(trans=scales::log10_trans()) + labs(size="Overlap\nSize")
    } else {
      stop("unrecognized 'size_by':", size_by)

#' Plot top enriched genesets
#' @param hyp_df A dataframe from a hyp object
#' @param top Limit number of genesets shown
#' @param abrv Abbreviation length of genesetlabels
#' @param size_by Size dots by e.g. c("genesets", "significance", "none")
#' @param pval_cutoff Filter results to be less than pval cutoff
#' @param fdr_cutoff Filter results to be less than fdr cutoff
#' @param val Choose significance value e.g. c("fdr", "pval")
#' @param title Plot title
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom scales log10_trans
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point labs scale_color_continuous scale_y_continuous guide_colorbar coord_flip geom_hline guides theme element_text element_blank
#' @keywords internal
.dots_plot <- function(hyp_df,
                       size_by=c("genesets", "significance", "none"),
                       val=c("fdr", "pval"),
                       title="") {
    # Default arguments
    val <- match.arg(val)
    size_by <- match.arg(size_by)

    # Subset results
    df <- hyp_df %>%
          dplyr::filter(pval <= pval_cutoff) %>%
          dplyr::filter(fdr <= fdr_cutoff) %>%
          purrr::when(!is.null(top) ~ head(., top), ~ .)

    # Handle empty dataframes
    if (nrow(df) == 0) return(ggempty())

    # Plotting variables
    df$significance <- df[,val]
    df$size <- 1
    if (size_by == "significance") {
        df$size <- df$significance
    if (size_by == "genesets") {
        df$size <- df$geneset

    # Order by significance value
    df <- df[order(-df[,val]),]
    # Abbreviate labels
    label.abrv <- substr(df$label, 1, abrv)
    if (any(duplicated(label.abrv))) {
        stop("Non-unique labels after abbreviating")
    } else {
        df$label.abrv <- factor(label.abrv, levels=label.abrv)   

    if (val == "pval") {
        color.label <- "P-Value"
    if (val == "fdr") {
        color.label <- "FDR"

    p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=label.abrv, y=significance, color=significance, size=size)) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(title=title, y=color.label, color=color.label) +
    scale_color_continuous(low="#E53935", high="#114357", guide=guide_colorbar(reverse=TRUE)) +
    coord_flip() +
    scale_y_continuous(trans=.reverselog_trans(10)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=0.05, linetype="dotted") +
    if (size_by == "none") {
        p <- p + guides(size="none")
    if (size_by == "significance") {
        p <- p + scale_size_continuous(trans=.reverselog_trans(10)) + labs(size="Significance")
    if (size_by == "genesets") {
        p <- p + scale_size_continuous(trans=scales::log10_trans()) + labs(size="Genesets\nSize")

#' Visualize hyp/multihyp objects as a dots plot
#' @param hyp_obj A hyp or multihyp object
#' @param top Limit number of genesets shown
#' @param abrv Abbreviation length of geneset labels
#' @param size_by Size dots by e.g. c("genesets", "significance", "none")
#' @param pval Filter results to be less than pval cutoff
#' @param fdr Filter results to be less than fdr cutoff
#' @param val Choose significance value for plot e.g. c("fdr", "pval")
#' @param title Plot title
#' @param merge Use true to merge a multihyp object into one plot
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @examples
#' genesets <- msigdb_gsets("Homo sapiens", "C2", "CP:KEGG")
#' signature <- c("IDH3B","DLST","PCK2","CS","PDHB","PCK1","PDHA1","LOC642502",
#'                "PDHA2","LOC283398","FH","SDHD","OGDH","SDHB","IDH3A","SDHC",
#'                "IDH2","IDH1","OGDHL","PC","SDHA","SUCLG1","SUCLA2","SUCLG2")
#' hyp_obj <- hypeR(signature, genesets, background=2522)
#' hyp_dots(hyp_obj, val="fdr")
#' @export
hyp_dots <- function(hyp_obj,
                     size_by=c("genesets", "significance", "none"),
                     val=c("fdr", "pval"), 
                     merge=FALSE) {

    stopifnot(is(hyp_obj, "hyp") | is(hyp_obj, "multihyp"))

    # Default arguments
    val <- match.arg(val)
    size_by <- match.arg(size_by)
    # Handling of multiple signatures
    if (is(hyp_obj, "multihyp")) {
        multihyp_obj <- hyp_obj

        # Merge multiple signatures into a single plot
        if (merge) {
            .dots_multi_plot(multihyp_obj$data, top, abrv, size_by, pval, fdr, val, title)
        # Return a list of plots for each signature
        else {
            mapply(function(hyp_obj, title) {


            }, multihyp_obj$data, names(multihyp_obj$data), USE.NAMES=TRUE, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    else {
        .dots_plot(hyp_obj$data, top, abrv, size_by, pval, fdr, val, title)
montilab/hypeR documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 12:01 p.m.