Man pages for montilab/K2Taxonomer
Creating annotated submodules of high-throughput data through recursive partitioning

aggregateGSVAscoresTake difference of two paired GSVA scores
cKmeansWrapperWrapper for constrained K-means
cKmeansWrapperSubsampleWrapper for constrained K-means on subsampled data
getDGETableExtract table of differential results from 'K2' object
getEnrichmentTableExtract table of enrichment results from 'K2' object
getGenePathwaysMap features (genes) to feature list (genesets)
getTestsModTableExtract table of phenotypic variable tests from 'K2' object
hclustWrapperWrapper for hierarchical clustering
K2-classK2 object
K2dashboardGenerate interactive dashboard of K2 Taxonomer results
K2dataData matrix from K2 object
K2dendroReformat K2Taxonomer results to dendrogram object
K2eSetExpressionSet object used in K2Taxonomer run
K2gene2PathwayVector of collapsed pathways for which each gene belongs
K2genesetsNamed list of genesets used in K2Taxonomer run
K2genesetURLAssign URLs to genesets included in K2Taxonomer run
K2geneURLAssign URLs to genes included in K2Taxonomer run
K2gSetExpressionSet object of of GSVA output
K2infoData frame of phenotypic information from K2 object
K2metaMeta data defining parameters of K2Taxonomer run
K2preprocFunction to create K2 object for pre-processing
K2resExample K2Taxonomer output
K2resultsAnnotated list of partition assignments from K2Taxonomer run
K2taxFunction K2 Taxonomer
K2visNetworkInteractive K2 dendrogram
runDGEmodsPerform differential analysis of gene splits
runDSSEmodsPerform differential analysis of single-sample gene set...
runGSEmodsPerform hyperenrichment of split specific gene signatures
runGSVAmodsPerform ssGSVA on gene sets and get set signature hits
runK2TaxonomerWrapper function to run K2Taxonomer algorithm and annotation
runTestsModsPerform tests to test for associations between subgroups and...
montilab/K2Taxonomer documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 7:17 p.m.