time <- Sys.time()


This vignette describes the general workflow for running r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") on gene expression data [@reed_2020]. While this vignette describes an analysis of bulk gene expression data, many of these steps are shared with that of single-cell expression analyses. A vignette for running r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") on single-cell expression data can be found here.


Load packages

## K2Taxonomer package

## For example expression data

## For drawing dendrograms

Read in sample ExpressionSet object

The main input of r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") is an ExpressionSet object with approximately normally distributed expression values. Here we read in an example data set. See ?sample.ExpressionSet for more information about these data.


r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") basic run

Initialize K2 object

The K2preproc() initializes the K2 object and runs pre-processing steps. Here, you can specify all arguments used throughout the analysis. Otherwise, you can specify these arguments within the specific functions for which they are implemented. See help pages for more information.

Here we will start by using the defaults.

## Run pre-processing
K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet)

Note: This data set is microarray expression data. If using normalized and log-transformed count data then it's generally recommended that you set logCounts=TRUE . This will more appropriately perform differential gene expression analyses with the r Biocpkg("limma") R package [@limma].

K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet,

K2 object structre

r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") functions create and manipulate S4, K2 objects, defined within the package. K2 objects have 5 slots.

K2preproc() will fill in three of these slots:, eSet, meta, and dataMatrix.

## Extract ExpressionSet

## Extract dataMatrix

meta will be populated by default a set of parameters entered into K2preproc(). Note that for each step, new parameters may be entered, specific to that function.

## Extract meta data

Running r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") algorithm

The r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") is run by K2tax(). At each recursion of the algorithm, the observations in dataMatrix are partitioned into two sub-groups based on a compilation of repeated K=2 clustering on bootstrapped sampling of features. For each partition in the recursion, a stability metric is used to estimate robustness, which takes on values between 0 and 1, where values close to 1 represent the instance in which the same clustering occured in every or nearly every perturbation of a large set of observations. As the number of observations decreasing down the taxonomy the largest possible stability estimate decreases, such that the largest possible stability estimate of triplets and duplets, is 0.67 and 0.50, respectively.

The parameter, stabThresh, controls the minimum value of the stability metric to continue partitioning the observations. By default, stabThresh is set to 0, which will run the algorithm until until all observations fall into singlets. If we set stabThresh=0.5 the algorithm can not separate duplets, as well as larger sets that demonstrate poor stability when a partition is attempted. This can also be set during initialization with K2preproc().

Choosing an appropriate threshold is dependent on the size of the original data set. For large data sets, choosing small values will greatly increase runtime, and values between 0.8 and 0.7, are generally recommended.

## Run K2Taxonomer aglorithm
K2res <- K2tax(K2res,

r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") results structure

The results slot of the K2 object is a named list of the results of running the r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") algorithm. Each item in the list contains the IDs of the two sets of observations denoted by the partitions, as well as additional annotation for that partition, including the stability estimates.

Each item is assigned a letter ID. If there are more than 26 items, than an additional letter is tacked on, such that the 27th item is named, AA, and the 28th item is named BB.

## Labels of each partition

Partition results

## Get observations defined in each partition

Stability metrics

Stability metrics measure the extant to which pairs of observations in the data setpartitioned together for a given partition of the data.

## Get bootstrap probability of this partition

## Node stability (Value between 0 and 1. 1 indicating high stability)

## Stability of each subseqent subgroup.

## Distance matrix indicating pairwise cosine similarity of each observation
partitionAstability <- as.matrix(K2results(K2res)$A$stability$samples)

## Show heatmap
hcols <- c("grey", "black")[colnames(partitionAstability) %in%
    K2results(K2res)$A$obs[[1]] + 1]

        distfun=function(x) as.dist(1-x),
        hclustfun=function(x) hclust(x, method="mcquitty"),
        col=hcl.colors(12, "Blue-Red"),

Generate dendrogram from r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") results

After running the r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") algorithm, a dendrogram object can be built using K2dendro().

## Get dendrogram from K2Taxonomer
dendro <- K2dendro(K2res)

## Get dendrogram data

Annotating r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") results

A principal motivation behind r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") is that insight can be garnered and tracjed for various levels in a hierarchical sub-grouping of obervations, such that analytical characterization of different sub-groups throughout the taxonomy serve to both validate and inform about specific sub-groups.

To this end, r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") runs additional analyses to annotate each partition. These analyses include: differential expression analysis using the r Biocpkg("limma") package and gene set enrichment testing for both hyperenrichment and differntial analysis of singe-sample enrichment scores estimated using the r Biocpkg("GSVA") package [@limma][@gsva].

Differential gene expression analysis

Differential analysis in r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") is performed using r Biocpkg("limma"). Differential analysis is performed for each partition of the data, comparing the gene expression between each pair of subgroups across all partitions.

## Run DGE
K2res <- runDGEmods(K2res)

## Get differential results for one partition

## Concatenate all results and generate table
DGEtable <- getDGETable(K2res)

See ?getDGETable for a description of the columns in this data frame.

Interpretting differential analysis results

In this example, we are running r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") without information specifying a set of observations to treat as a control group, for which to make comparisons in regards to the directionality of differential expression. In the absence of this designation, r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") assigns genes to the partition-specific subgroup with the larger mean. Accordingly, the of coeficient (the "coef" in the output of getDGETable()) is always positive, indicating the difference of mean of the gene expression of the assigned subgroup from the other subgroup. Moreover, the "direction" of this gene will always be assigned to up.

Following the full description of this analysis, we describe methods for running r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer"), specifying a cohort variable in the data set. When including this variable, the user may assign one of the levels of this variable as the control group. With the inclusion of this designation, r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") will assign directionality to the differences in gene expression.

Gene set hyperenrichment

r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") performed both hyperenrichment and differential single-sample enrichment tests based on an input of gene sets using the genesets argument, which can be specified in runGSEmods(), as demonstrated here, or during initialization with K2preproc(). Here, the gene sets are made up.

Gene set hyperenrichment is performed on the top genes for each subgroup, as defined by differential analysis with the runGSEmods(). The arguments qthresh and cthresh specify thresholds for defining top genes, based on FDR Q-value and log fold-change, respectively. Here, qthresh=0.1, such that genes with FDR Q-value < 0.1 will be assigned as the top genes for a given partition.

## Create dummy set of gene sets
genes <- unique(DGEtable$gene)
genesetsMadeUp <- list(

## Run gene set hyperenrichment
K2res <- runGSEmods(K2res,

Single-sample gene set enrichment

Single-sample enrichment is performed in two steps. First, the r Biocpkg("GSVA") package is used to generate observation-level enrichment scores, followed by differential analysis using the r Biocpkg("limma") package. This is performed by the functions runGSVAmods() and runDSSEmods(), respectively. Here, we can specify which enrichment algorithm to use when running the r Biocpkg("GSVA") functionality and the number of CPU cores to use with the ssGSEAalg and ssGSEAcores arguments, respectively. These can also be set in the K2preproc() function. Note, that the arguments shown are the defaults.

## Create expression matrix with ssGSEA(GSVA) estimates
K2res <- runGSVAmods(K2res,

## Extract ernichment score Expression Set object

Differential single-sample enrichment analysis

## Run differential analysis on enrichment score Expression Set
K2res <- runDSSEmods(K2res)

## Extract table of all hyper and sample-level enrichment tests
K2enrRes <- getEnrichmentTable(K2res)

See ?getEnrichmentTable for a description of the columns in this data frame.

Differential single-sample enrichment analysis

Phenotypic variable tests (optional)

In addition to annotating subgroups based on gene and pathway activity, r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") includes functionality to perform statistical testing of these subgroups based on known "phenotypic" information. For example this data set includes three phenotypic variables, including two binary variables, "sex" and "type", and a continuos variable, "score".


Note: Unlike differential gene or pathway analysis, the phenotypic variable tests are run one-versus-all, comparing the members of an individual subgroup to all other observations.

Categorical Variables

For categorical variables, over-representation of a specific label in a given subgroup is evaluated using Fisher's Exact Test. For binary variables, like in this case, this may be run as a one-sided test, in such case the over-representation of only the second factor level in a given subgroup is evaluated. For example, as it is currently coded, a one-sided test of the "type" variable would only assess whether a subgroup had significantly greater observations labeled as "Case". Alternatively, the test can be run as two-sided, if subgroups of over-representation of "Control" observations is also of interest.

Note: For categorical variables with more than two levels, only two-sided tests are possible.

Continuous Variables

For continuous, statistical differences can be evalutated user either the parametric Students' T-test or the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test. As with categorical variables, these tests can be either one-sided (higher mean (T-test) or rank (Wilcox) in subgroup, or two-sided (higher or lower mean in node).

Running phenotypic variable tests

We specify the type of test to run as a named vector using the infoClass argument, in which the values of this vector indicates the type of test to run and the names indicate the variable for which to run the test. Value options are ...

An example of this vector is shown below, specifying the following tests:

infoClassVector <- c(

After creating the named vector, phenotypic variable testing is performed using the runTestsMods() function.

## Run phenotype variable tests
K2res <- runTestsMods(K2res, infoClass=infoClassVector)

## Get differential results for one partition

## Concatenate all results and generate table
modTestsTable <- getTestsModTable(K2res)

See ?getTestsModTable for a description of the columns in this data frame.

Generate interactive dashboard to explore results

r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") can automatically generate an interactive dashboard for which to parse through the differential analysis results. This creates it's own sub-directory with a compilable .Rmd file.

For more information go here.


Running with runK2Taxonomer wrapper

Alternatively, K2Taxonomer can be run in one step with the runK2Taxonomer() function. This function takes all of the same arguments as the K2preproc() function, and runs all of the steps above.

K2res <- runK2Taxonomer(

Additional options

Running with cohorts

If there is replicates in the data or if the user is only interested in capturing subgroup relationships between known groups without partitioning the observations themselves, one can specify the cohorts variable of interest in the ExpressionSet object.

## Create set of cohorts from data
sample.ExpressionSet$group <- paste0(sample.ExpressionSet$sex,

## Run pre-processing
K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet,

## Cluster the data
K2res <- K2tax(K2res)

## Create dendrogram
dendro <- K2dendro(K2res)

Running with cohorts and controls

When running with cohorts, r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") includes the option of treating one of the levels within the cohorts variable as a control by specifying this value in the vehicle argument. In doing so, the values of each of the other cohorts will be evaluated in relation to this value.

## Run pre-processing
K2res <- K2preproc(sample.ExpressionSet,

## Cluster the data
K2res <- K2tax(K2res)

## Create dendrogram
dendro <- K2dendro(K2res)

Differential analysis with controls

By specifying a control value, r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") is able to assess directionality to differential analyses in relation to the control group, assigning direction of test statistics and gene assignments based on the subgroup in which the difference of the mean is more significantly different from the control group.

## Run DGE
K2res <- runDGEmods(K2res)

## Get differential results for one partition

## Concatenate all results and generate table
DGEtable <- getDGETable(K2res)

Gene set analysis with controls

Accordingly, r Githubpkg("montilab/K2Taxonomer") can now establish sets of genes that are both up- and down-regulated within a specific subgroup. We can now perform hyperenrichment with these additional gene sets.

## Run gene set hyperenrichment
K2res <- runGSEmods(K2res,

Finally, differential analysis of single-sample gene set enrichment scores is performed in the same fashion as with differential analysis of gene expression, assessing directionality of differences in enrichment scores based on comparisons to the assigned control group.

## Create expression matrix with ssGSEA(GSVA) estimates
K2res <- runGSVAmods(K2res,

## Run differential analysis on enrichment score Expression Set
K2res <- runDSSEmods(K2res)

## Extract table of all hyper and sample-level enrichment tests
K2enrRes <- getEnrichmentTable(K2res)

Here, we see that, although not statistically significant ("fdr_limma"=0.25), the enrichment score of "GS2" deviated further from the control group in subgroup, "node"="B"; "edge"="2", compared to subgroup, "node"="B"; "edge"="1".

Missing values for hyperenrichment analysis indicated that no genes were assigned to these specific subgroups and direction combinations. Missing values for differential enrichment score analysis indicate that, while genes were assigned to these specific subgroups and direction combinations, the enrichment score of the gene set deviated further from control in the alternative subgroup for that partition.

Additional topics

Multiple hypothesis correction

For each of the four statistical testing steps: differential gene expression, gene set hyperenrichment, differential single-sample gene set enrichment, and phenotypic variable testing, multiple hypothesis correction is performed across the aggregate set of p-values across all partitions using the Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction [@bh]. This correction is performed independently for each of the four testing steps.

Unsupported combinations of arguments

Runtime for this example

Sys.time() - time


montilab/K2Taxonomer documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 7:17 p.m.