#' REVEALER Scoring Method
#' Compute conditional mutual information of \code{x} and \code{y}
#' given \code{z} for each row of a given binary feature matrix
#' @param FS a matrix of binary features where rows represent features of
#' interest (e.g. genes, transcripts, exons, etc...) and columns represent
#' the samples.
#' @param input_score a vector of continuous scores representing a phenotypic
#' readout of interest such as protein expression, pathway activity, etc.
#' The \code{input_score} object must have names or labels that match the column
#' names of FS object.
#' @param meta_feature a vector of one or more features representing known
#' causes of activation or features associated with a response of interest
#' (\code{e.g. input_score}). Default is NULL.
#' @param assoc_metric an association metric: \code{"IC"} for information
#' coefficient or \code{"COR"} for correlation. Default is \code{IC}.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(c(1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,
#' 0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,
#' 0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0), nrow=3)
#' colnames(mat) <- 1:10
#' row.names(mat) <- c("TP_1", "TP_2", "TP_3")
#' set.seed(42)
#' input_score = rnorm(n = ncol(mat))
#' names(input_score) <- colnames(mat)
#' revealer_rs <- revealer_rowscore(
#' FS = mat,
#' input_score = input_score,
#' assoc_metric = "IC"
#' )
#' @return return a vector of row-wise scores where its labels or names
#' must match the row names of \code{FS} object
revealer_rowscore <- function(
meta_feature = NULL,
assoc_metric = c("IC", "COR")
) {
assoc_metric <- match.arg(assoc_metric)
# Check if meta_feature is provided
if (is.null(meta_feature)) {
meta_vector <- as.vector(rep(0, ncol(FS)))
} else {
# Getting the position of the known meta features
locs <- match(meta_feature, row.names(FS))
# Taking the union across the known meta features
if (length(locs) > 1) {
meta_vector <- as.numeric(ifelse(colSums(FS[locs, ]) == 0, 0, 1))
} else {
meta_vector <- as.numeric(FS[locs, ])
names(meta_vector) <- names(input_score)
# Remove the seeds from the binary feature matrix
FS <- FS[-locs, , drop = FALSE]
# Assume the score direction is always positive
# So we need to sort input_score from highest to lowest values
input_score <- sort(input_score, decreasing = TRUE)
# Re-order the matrix based on the order of input_score
FS <- FS[, names(input_score), drop = FALSE]
# Compute CMI given known seed features
cmi_1 <- apply(X = FS, MARGIN = 1, function(x) {
x = input_score,
y = x,
z = meta_vector,
assoc_metric = assoc_metric
names(cmi_1) <- rownames(FS)
#' Compute Conditional Mutual Information of x and y given z from
#' \code{REVEALER}
#' @param x a vector of continuous values of
#' a given functional response of interest
#' @param y a binary present/absent feature typically representing
#' genome-wide alterations (mutations, cnvs, amplifications/deletions)
#' @param z a consolidated or summarized vector of values obtained from
#' one or more binary features(s) which representing known “causes”
#' of activation or features associated with a given response of interest
#' @param assoc_metric an association metric: information coefficient
#' (\code{"IC"} by default) or correlation (\code{"COR"}) from \code{REVEALER}.
#' @noRd
#' @return a score statistics value
#' @importFrom MASS kde2d bcv
#' @importFrom misc3d kde3d
#' @importFrom stats cor median sd
#' @importFrom ppcor pcor.test
revealer_score <- function(
x, y, z,
assoc_metric = c("IC", "COR")
) {
assoc_metric <- match.arg(assoc_metric)
# Compute CMI
cmi <- suppressWarnings(
cond_assoc(x = x, y = y, z = z, metric = assoc_metric)
# Revealer only returns score statistics value
return(c(score = cmi))
# Compute the conditional mutual information of x and y given z
cond_assoc <- function(x, y, z, metric) {
# Association of x and y given z
# Conditional mutual information I(x, y | z)
if (length(unique(x)) == 1 || length(unique(y)) == 1) {
if (length(unique(z)) == 1) { # e.g. for NULLSEED
if (metric == "IC") {
return(mutual_inf_v2(x = x, y = y, n.grid = 25)$IC)
} else if (metric == "COR") {
return(cor(x, y))
} else {
if (metric == "IC") {
return(cond_mutual_inf(x = x, y = y, z = z, n.grid = 25)$CIC)
} else if (metric == "COR") {
return(pcor.test(x, y, z)$estimate)
# Computes the conditional mutual information x, y | z
cond_mutual_inf <- function(
x, y, z,
n.grid = 25,
delta = 0.25 * c(
MASS::bcv(x), MASS::bcv(y),
) {
# Computes the Conditional mutual information:
# I(X, Y | X) = H(X, Z) + H(Y, Z) - H(X, Y, Z) - H(Z)
# The 0.25 in front of the bandwidth is because different conventions
# between bcv and kde3d
# Compute correlation-dependent bandwidth
rho <- cor(x, y)
rho2 <- ifelse(rho < 0, 0, rho)
delta <- delta * (1 + (-0.75) * rho2)
# Kernel-based prob. density
kde3d.xyz <- misc3d::kde3d(x = x, y = y, z = z, h = delta, n = n.grid)
X <- kde3d.xyz$x
Y <- kde3d.xyz$y
Z <- kde3d.xyz$z
PXYZ <- kde3d.xyz$d + .Machine$double.eps
dx <- X[2] - X[1]
dy <- Y[2] - Y[1]
dz <- Z[2] - Z[1]
# Normalize density and calculate marginal densities and entropies
PXYZ <- PXYZ / (sum(PXYZ) * dx * dy * dz)
PXZ <- colSums(aperm(PXYZ, c(2, 1, 3))) * dy
PYZ <- colSums(PXYZ) * dx
PZ <- rowSums(aperm(PXYZ, c(3, 1, 2))) * dx * dy
PXY <- colSums(aperm(PXYZ, c(3, 1, 2))) * dz
PX <- rowSums(PXYZ) * dy * dz
PY <- rowSums(aperm(PXYZ, c(2, 1, 3))) * dx * dz
HXYZ <- -sum(PXYZ * log(PXYZ)) * dx * dy * dz
HXZ <- -sum(PXZ * log(PXZ)) * dx * dz
HYZ <- -sum(PYZ * log(PYZ)) * dy * dz
HZ <- -sum(PZ * log(PZ)) * dz
HXY <- -sum(PXY * log(PXY)) * dx * dy
HX <- -sum(PX * log(PX)) * dx
HY <- -sum(PY * log(PY)) * dy
MI <- HX + HY - HXY
SMI <- sign(rho) * MI
SCMI <- sign(rho) * CMI
IC <- sign(rho) * sqrt(1 - exp(-2 * MI))
CIC <- sign(rho) * sqrt(1 - exp(-2 * CMI))
# Computes the Mutual Information/Information Coefficient IC(x, y)
mutual_inf_v2 <- function(
x, y, n.grid = 25,
delta = c(MASS::bcv(x), MASS::bcv(y))
) {
# Computes the Mutual Information/Information Coefficient IC(x, y)
# Compute correlation-dependent bandwidth
rho <- cor(x, y)
rho2 <- abs(rho)
delta <- delta * (1 + (-0.75) * rho2)
# Kernel-based prob. density
kde2d.xy <- MASS::kde2d(x, y, n = n.grid, h = delta)
FXY <- kde2d.xy$z + .Machine$double.eps
dx <- kde2d.xy$x[2] - kde2d.xy$x[1]
dy <- kde2d.xy$y[2] - kde2d.xy$y[1]
PXY <- FXY / (sum(FXY) * dx * dy)
PX <- rowSums(PXY) * dy
PY <- colSums(PXY) * dx
HXY <- -sum(PXY * log(PXY)) * dx * dy
HX <- -sum(PX * log(PX)) * dx
HY <- -sum(PY * log(PY)) * dy
PX <- matrix(PX, nrow = n.grid, ncol = n.grid)
PY <- matrix(PY, byrow = TRUE, nrow = n.grid, ncol = n.grid)
MI <- sum(PXY * log(PXY / (PX * PY))) * dx * dy
rho <- cor(x, y)
SMI <- sign(rho) * MI
# Use pearson correlation the get the sign (directionality)
IC <- sign(rho) * sqrt(1 - exp(-2 * MI))
NMI <- sign(rho) * ((HX + HY) / HXY - 1)
return(list(MI = MI, SMI = SMI, HXY = HXY, HX = HX, HY = HY, NMI = NMI, IC = IC))
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