IsoModel <- function(data, gen, design = NULL, Q = 0.05, min.obs = 6, minorFoldfilter = NULL,
counts = FALSE, family = NULL, theta = 10, epsilon = 1e-05)
# data is a matrix containing isoform expression. Isoforms must be in rows and experimental conditions in columns
# gen is a vector with the name of the gene each isoform belongs to
Genes <- unique(gen)
g <- length(Genes)
if (is.null(family)) {
if (!counts) {
family = gaussian()
if (counts) {
family = negative.binomial(theta)
# STEP -1: Remove cases with low expressed isoforms:
print (paste(nrow(data), "transcripts"))
print (paste(length(unique(gen)), "genes"))
if (!is.null(minorFoldfilter)) {
print ("Removing low expressed minor isoforms")
moreOne <- names(which(table(gen) > 1))
iso.sel <- NULL
gene.sel <- NULL
for ( i in moreOne) {
which(gen==i) <- data[which(gen==i),]
isoSUM <- apply(, 1, sum)
major <- names(which(isoSUM == max(isoSUM)))[1]
minors <- names(which(isoSUM != max(isoSUM)))
div <- as.numeric(matrix(rep([major,], length(minors)), ncol = ncol(data), length(minors), byrow = T)) / as.matrix([minors,])
is <- names(which(apply(div, 1, min, na.rm = T) < minorFoldfilter))
iso.sel <- c(iso.sel, is)
gene.sel <- c(gene.sel, rep(i, length(is)))
data <- data[iso.sel,]
gen <- gene.sel
print ("Done")
print (paste(nrow(data), "remaining transcripts"))
print (paste(length(unique(gen)), "remaining genes"))
# STEP 0: Remove cases with 1 transcript:
NT <- tapply(rownames(data),gen,length)
Genes1 <- names(which(NT!=1))
data1 <- data[gen%in%Genes1,]
gen1 <- gen[gen%in%Genes1]
Genes1 <- unique(gen1)
g <- length(Genes1)
dis <-$dis)
mycolnames <- colnames(dis)
# STEP 1: Gene models comparison.
for(i in 1:g)
div <- c(1:round(g/100)) * 100
if (is.element(i, div))
print(paste(c("fitting gene", i, "out of", g), collapse = " "))
zz <-data1[gen1==Genes1[i],]
nt <- nrow(zz)
dis.gen <- REP(dis,nt)
y <- c(t(as.matrix(zz)))
transcript<- factor(rep(c(1:nt),each = ncol(zz)))
ydis <- cbind(y, dis.gen, transcript)
model0 <- glm(Formula0(mycolnames), data=ydis, family = family, epsilon = epsilon )
model1 <- glm(Formula1(mycolnames), data=ydis, family = family, epsilon = epsilon )
if(family$family=="gaussian") {
pvali <- anova(model0, model1, test="F")[2,6] }
else {
pvali <- anova(model0,model1, test = "Chisq")[2,5] }
names(pvali) <- Genes1[i]
pval <- c(pval, pvali)
num.genes <- sum(p.adjust(pval)<Q, na.rm=TRUE)
selected.genes <-names(sort(p.adjust(pval))[1:num.genes])
# STEP 2: p.vector and to the transcripts that belong to selected.genes
data2 <- data[gen%in%selected.genes,]
gen2 <- gen[gen%in%selected.genes]
pvector2 <- p.vector(data2, design, counts=counts, item="isoform")
Tfit2 <-, item="isoform")
# Output
ISO.SOL <-list(data, gen, design, selected.genes, pvector2, Tfit2)
names(ISO.SOL)<- c("data","gen", "design", "DSG","pvector","Tfit")
# Auxiliar internal functions: REP, Formula0, Formula1
REP <- function(D,k)
for(i in 1:c)
DDi <- rep(D[,i],k)
DD <- cbind(DD,DDi)
Formula0 <- function(names)
formula <- "y~"
if(length(names)==1){ formula=paste(formula,names[1],"+ transcript") }
else if(length(names)>1)
for (i in 1:(length(names)))
formula <- paste(formula,names[i],"+")
formula <- paste(formula, "transcript")
formula <- as.formula(formula)
Formula1 <- function(names)
formula <- "y~"
if(length(names)==1){ formula=paste(formula,names[1],"* transcript") }
else if(length(names)>1)
formula <- paste(formula,"(" )
for (i in 1:(length(names)-1))
formula <- paste(formula,names[i],"+")
formula <- paste(formula,names[length(names)])
formula <- paste(formula, ") * transcript")
formula <- as.formula(formula)
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