#' featlistCompare
#' compare feature tables and find molecular features that are shifted from the
#' mz values in \code{reflist} by \code{mzdiff} and are within \code{rtdiff}.
#' Will first find matches in \code{complist} and then go back and find the shifted
#' mz in \code{reflist} as well as the unshifted mass in \code{complist}.
#' @param reflist data.frame with molecular features and columns \code{mz, rt, rtmin, rtmax}
#' @param complist data.frame with molecular features and columns \code{mz, rt, rtmin, rtmax}
#' @param mzdiff expected mz difference between features of interest in \code{reflist} and \code{complist}
#' @param pktol maximum fold difference in retention time peak width between matched peaks
#' @param rtdiff maximum retention time difference (same unit as \code{rt} columns in \code{reflist} and \code{complist}, typically seconds)
#' @param ppm maximum relative \code{mz} difference between matched peaks in parts per million (ppm)
#' @return a list of data.frames
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MseekExamplePreload(data = TRUE, tables = TRUE)
#' demo_reflist = data.frame(mz = 101:200,
#' rt = 201:300,
#' rtmin = 198:297,
#' rtmax = 201:300)
#' demo_complist = demo_reflist
#' demo_complist$mz <- demo_complist$mz + rnorm(100, 2*1.00335, sd = 2*1.00335/600)
#' demo_complist[101:150,] <- demo_complist[1:50,]
#' demo_complist$mz[101:150] <- demo_complist$mz[101:150] + 1e-10
#' compareResults <- featlistCompare(reflist = demo_reflist, complist = demo_complist)
#' MseekExamplePreload(data = FALSE, tables = TRUE)
#' compareResultsBig <- featlistCompare(reflist = tab2$df, complist = tab2$df)
#' }
#' @export
featlistCompare <- function(reflist=reflist,
pktol = 2,#fold difference in peak width allowed
cat(paste0("Reference list with ",length(reflist[,1])," features, iterating through list, feature #" ))
collector <- vector()
collectlist <- list()
for (i in c(1:length(reflist[,1]))){
# find labeled counterparts of feature in labeled sample
selection1 <- complist[which(abs(reflist$mz[i]+mzdiff-complist$mz)<reflist$mz[i]*ppm*0.000001
& abs(reflist$rt[i]-complist$rt)<rtdiff
& complist$rtmax-complist$rtmin < (reflist$rtmax[i]-reflist$rtmin[i]) * pktol
& complist$rtmax-complist$rtmin > (reflist$rtmax[i]-reflist$rtmin[i]) / pktol
#find "labeled" compounds in unlabeled sample
selection2 <- reflist[which(abs(reflist$mz[i]+mzdiff-reflist$mz)<reflist$mz[i]*ppm*0.000001
& abs(reflist$rt[i]-reflist$rt)<rtdiff
# & reflist$rtmax-reflist$rtmin < peakwi*pktol
# & reflist$rtmax-reflist$rtmin > peakwi/pktol
#find "unlabeled" compounds in labeled sample
selection3 <- complist[which(abs(reflist$mz[i]-complist$mz)<reflist$mz[i]*ppm*0.000001
& abs(reflist$rt[i]-complist$rt)<rtdiff
# & complist$rtmax-complist$rtmin < peakwi*pktol
# & complist$rtmax-complist$rtmin > peakwi/pktol
#selection1e <-selection1
collectlist$I1S1[[length(collectlist$I1S1)+1]] <- reflist[i,]
collectlist$I2S2[[length(collectlist$I1S1)]] <- selection1[order(abs(selection1$rt-reflist$rt[i])),]
collectlist$I2S1[[length(collectlist$I1S1)]] <- selection2[order(abs(selection1$rt-reflist$rt[i])),]
collectlist$I1S2[[length(collectlist$I1S1)]] <- selection3[order(abs(selection1$rt-reflist$rt[i])),]
if(!i %% 500){message(i, " ")}}
#' mergecollectlist
#' helper function to reorganize featlistcompare() outputs for findLabeledPeaks()
#' @param collectlist a list of list of data.frames from featlistcompare()
mergecollectlist <- function(collectlist){
#combining the lists into one file, using only the features as filtered with the smallest RT difference (1 to 1 to 1 to 1 feature); smallest rt because dfs are ordered by featlistcompare()
combinat <- lapply(c(1:length(collectlist$I1S1)), function(n){
collectlist$I1S1[[n]]$feat <- n
collectlist$I2S2[[n]]$feat <- n
collectlist$I2S1[[n]]$feat <- n
collectlist$I1S2[[n]]$feat <- n
#keep column names for I1S1
#colnames(collectlist$I1S1[[n]]) <- paste0("I1S1.",colnames(collectlist$I1S1[[n]]))
colnames(collectlist$I2S2[[n]]) <- paste0("I2S2.",colnames(collectlist$I2S2[[n]]))
colnames(collectlist$I2S1[[n]]) <- paste0("I2S1.",colnames(collectlist$I2S1[[n]]))
colnames(collectlist$I1S2[[n]]) <- paste0("I1S2.",colnames(collectlist$I1S2[[n]]))
combinat <-cbind(collectlist$I1S1[[n]][1,],collectlist$I2S2[[n]][1,],
mergecollectlist2 <- function(collectlist){
#combining the lists into one file, using only the features as filtered with the smallest RT difference (1 to 1 to 1 to 1 feature)
#lapply(names(collectlist), function(n){colnames(collectlist[[n]]) <- paste0(n,".",colnames(collectlist[[n]]))})
combinat <- do.call(rbind, collectlist[[1]])
for(n in names(collectlist)){
combinat[[n]] <- collectlist[[n]]
#' findLabeledPeaks
#' find labeled peaks in a data.frame that was prepared by mergecollectlist()
#' @param df data.frame as returned by mergecollectlist(); importantly with IXSX prefixes, including for the intensity columns
#' @param ref_intensityCols intensity column names from original feature table (without IXS1. prefix) e.g. for unlabeled samples
#' @param comp_intensityCols intensity column names from original feature table (without IXS2. prefix) e.g. for labeled samples
#' @param ifoldS1 min. fold Iso1/Iso2 in unlabeled
#' @param ifoldS2 max. fold Iso1/Iso2 in labeled
findLabeledPeaks <- function (df,
ifoldS1 = 10,
ifoldS2 = 5){
if(length(ref_intensityCols) > 1){
df$I1S1.meanInt = rowMeans(df[,paste0(ref_intensityCols)])
df$I2S1.meanInt = rowMeans(df[,paste0("I2S1.",ref_intensityCols)])
df$I1S1.meanInt = df[,paste0(ref_intensityCols)]
df$I2S1.meanInt = df[,paste0("I2S1.",ref_intensityCols)]
if(length(comp_intensityCols) > 1){
df$I1S2.meanInt = rowMeans(df[,paste0("I1S2.",comp_intensityCols)])
df$I2S2.meanInt = rowMeans(df[,paste0("I2S2.",comp_intensityCols)])
df$I1S2.meanInt = df[,paste0("I1S2.",comp_intensityCols)]
df$I2S2.meanInt = df[,paste0("I2S2.",comp_intensityCols)]
df$ratio.I1S1.I2S1 <- as.numeric(df$I1S1.meanInt)/as.numeric(df$I2S1.meanInt)
df$ratio.I1S2.I2S2 <- as.numeric(df$I1S2.meanInt)/as.numeric(df$I2S2.meanInt)
filtrate <- df[which(df$ratio.I1S1.I2S1> ifoldS1
& df$ratio.I1S2.I2S2< ifoldS2),]
filtrate$rt <- (filtrate$rt+filtrate$I2S2.rt)/2
#filtrate$mz <- filtrate$mz
filtrate$mziso <- filtrate$I2S2.mz
#filtrate$Comments <- paste("Unlab: Abovemean/mini", filtrate$Abovemean_I1S1, "/", filtrate$Abovemini_I1S1, "Spikes/Peaks", filtrate$Spikes_I1S1,"/", filtrate$Peaks_I1S1,
# "Lab: Abovemean/mini", filtrate$Abovemean_I2S2, "/", filtrate$Abovemini_I2S2, "Spikes/Peaks", filtrate$Spikes_I2S2,"/", filtrate$Peaks_I2S2)
filtrate <- filtrate[order(filtrate$mz),]
#' findLabels
#' find labeled compounds in \code{complist} which correspond to unlabeled compounds in \code{reflist}
#' @inheritParams featlistCompare
#' @param ref_intensityCols intensity column names in reflist
#' @param comp_intensityCols intensity column names in complist
#' @param labelmz expected m/z difference between reference and labeled compounds
#' @param pktolerance maximum fold difference in retention time peak width between matched peaks
#' @param ppm_compare ppm m/z tolerance for feature list comparison
#' @param ifoldS1 min. fold Iso1/Iso2 in unlabeled
#' @param ifoldS2 max. fold Iso1/Iso2 in labeled
#' @param rawdata list of xcmsRaw objects. Item names must be contained in column names
#' @param ppm_extract ppm m/z tolerance for EIC extraction
#' @param rtw_extract retention time window for EIC extraction (seconds, will be applied +/- the expected rt)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MseekExamplePreload(data = TRUE, tables = TRUE)
#' findLabelsResults <- findLabels(reflist = tab2$df[,!colnames(tab2$df) %in% c(tab2$intensities, paste0(tab2$intensities,"__norm"))], #remove intensity columns to have them replaced with new ones from rawdata
#' complist = tab2$df[,!colnames(tab2$df) %in% c(tab2$intensities, paste0(tab2$intensities,"__norm"))],
#' ref_intensityCols = tab2$intensities[1:3],
#' comp_intensityCols = tab2$intensities[4:7],
#' labelmz = 2*1.00335,
#' ifoldS1 = 10,
#' ifoldS2 = 10000,
#' rawdata = MSD$data)
#' }
#' @return a data.frame based on reflist, filtered for features with matches in complist
#' and information on a single match (best rt match).
#' @export
findLabels <- function(reflist,
#Label m/z
labelmz = 2*1.00335,
#fold difference in peak width allowed
pktolerance = 20,
#max rt difference (sec)
rtdiff = 10,
#accuracy values
ppm_compare = 5,
ifoldS1 = 10,
ifoldS2 = 5,
rawdata = NULL,
ppm_extract = 5,
rtw_extract = 5
collectlist <- featlistCompare(reflist=reflist,
pktol = pktolerance,#fold difference in peak width allowed
rtdiff=rtdiff,#max rt difference (sec)
combinat <- mergecollectlist(collectlist)
# Optionally, re-extract EICs here and put in new columns [with appropriate IXSX prefix]
for(s in ref_intensityCols){
## TODO add checks to handle ambiguity
thisfile <- rawdata[[which(sapply(names(rawdata), function(x){grepl(basename(x), s)}))]]
combinat[[paste0(s)]] <- Metaboseek::exIntensities(thisfile,
mz = combinat$mz,
rtw= data.frame(combinat$rtmin-rtw_extract,combinat$rtmax+rtw_extract),
ppm = ppm_extract,
areaMode = TRUE)
message(paste("Unlabeled intensities extracted for unlabeled sample", s))
combinat[[paste0("I2S1.",s)]] <- Metaboseek::exIntensities(thisfile,
mz = combinat$I2S2.mz,
rtw= data.frame(combinat$rtmin-rtw_extract,combinat$rtmax+rtw_extract), #changed these to use I1S1 rts instead of I2S2.rt to guess I2S1 rt
ppm = ppm_extract,
areaMode = TRUE)
message(paste("Labeled intensities extracted for unlabeled sample", s))
for(s in comp_intensityCols){
## TODO add checks to handle ambiguity
thisfile <- rawdata[[which(sapply(names(rawdata), function(x){grepl(basename(x), s)}))]]
combinat[[paste0("I1S2.",s)]] <- Metaboseek::exIntensities(thisfile,
mz = combinat$mz, #used this before, but that would contain NAs: combinat$I1S2.mz,
rtw= data.frame(combinat$I2S2.rtmin-rtw_extract,combinat$I2S2.rtmax+rtw_extract), #changed these to use I2S2 rts instead of I1S1.rt to guess I1S2 rt
ppm = ppm_extract,
areaMode = TRUE)
message(paste("Unlabeled intensities extracted for labeled sample", s))
combinat[[paste0("I2S2.",s)]] <- Metaboseek::exIntensities(thisfile,
mz = combinat$I2S2.mz,
rtw= data.frame(combinat$I2S2.rtmin-rtw_extract,combinat$I2S2.rtmax+rtw_extract),
ppm = ppm_extract,
areaMode = TRUE)
message(paste("Labeled intensities extracted for labeled sample", s))
findLabeledPeaks(df = combinat,
ifoldS1 = ifoldS1,
ifoldS2 = ifoldS2,
ref_intensityCols = ref_intensityCols,
comp_intensityCols = comp_intensityCols)
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