#' EICgeneral
#' wrapper function to plot multiple EICs
#' @param rtmid vector of retention time values (not ranges). If length >1,
#' multiple plots are called (multiple pages in pdf file)
#' @param mzmid vector of mz values (not ranges).
#' Has to be same length as \code{rtmid}
#' @param glist a named list of grouped file names
#' (as supplied in $grouping of rawLayout objects)
#' @param cols integer, number of columns in plot. if NULL,
#' grid can be defined externally
#' @param colrange character(1), color range function used for line colors,
#' OR a list of data.frames, see \code{Details}
#' @param transparency numeric(1), alpha (range 0..1) for transparency of lines
#' @param RTall if TRUE, entire RT range will be plotted
#' @param TICall if TRUE, TIC will be plotted instead of EIC
#' @param rtw retention time window +/- rtmid in seconds that will be plotted
#' @param ppm mz window +/- mzmid in ppm that will be plotted
#' @param rdata named list of xcmsRaw objects
#' @param pdfFile character - if not NULL, plotting result will be saved in a
#' pdf file with this name.
#' @param leadingTIC if TRUE, a TIC plot is made before the EIC plots
#' (e.g. as first page of pdf file)
#' @param midline if TRUE, dotted vertical line should be plotted at feature rt
#' @param lw line width for plot lines
#' @param yzoom zoom factor into y-axis
#' @param cx character expansion factor (font size)
#' @param adducts numeric() of mass shifts to be added to feature masses
#' @param RTcorrect if not NULL, this RTcorr object will be used to
#' adjust retention times.
#' @param importEIC a \code{\link{multiEICplus}()} output object to plot here, If NULL,
#' \code{multiEICplus()} is called with the other supplied parameters
#' @param globalYmax if TRUE, all EICs are scaled to the maximum value across all
#' plotting groups instead of the maximum within each group
#' @param subtitles subtitles for each EIC, must be character of
#' same length as rtmid and mzmid or NULL
#' @param raise if TRUE, EIC will be plotted with y axis going to
#' -0.02*max(ylim) so that EICs with 0 intensity are visible.
#' @param relPlot if TRUE, y-axis will show relative intensities
#' @param margins manual setting for plot margins (par$mar)
#' @param ylabshift shift horizontal position of y axis label
#' @param RescaleExclude character(), exclude this group from rescaling, or NULL to use all
#' @return sends a grouped EIC plot to the current plotting device, or
#' generates a .pdf file
#' @details
#' \describe{
#' \item{colrange}{A named list with the same structure as \code{glist},
#' but with a data.frame in each list element with row order corresponding to
#' items in the list elements of \code{glist} and columns \code{color} and \code{label},
#' specifying the EIC color and legend label for each EIC trace.
#' }
#' }
#' @export
EICgeneral <- function(rtmid,
cols = NULL,
colrange = "Mseek.colors",
transparency = 1,
RTall = FALSE,
rtw = 30,
ppm = 5,
pdfFile = "plotOutput.pdf",
leadingTIC = T,
lw = 1,
adducts = c(0),
cx = 1,
midline = T,
yzoom = 1,
RTcorrect = NULL,
importEIC = NULL,
globalYmax = FALSE,
subtitles = NULL,
raise = F,
relPlot = F,
margins = NULL,
ylabshift = 0,
RescaleExclude = NULL
#number of plot rows
rows <- ceiling(length(glist)/cols)
rows <-1}
#make color scales for each group, color shades based on group with most members
colvec <- do.call(colrange,
list(n=max(sapply(glist,length)), alpha = transparency))
colrs <- list()
for(i in 1:length(glist)){
colrs[[i]] <- data.frame(color = colvec[1:length(glist[[i]])],
label = sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1",basename(glist[[i]])),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colrs <- colrange
# print(colrs)
#generate rt boundary df
if(any(RTall, is.null(rtmid))){ # any can handle NULL, seems more flexible than ||
rtmid <- NULL
rtx <- NULL
rtx <- data.frame(rtmin = rtmid - rtw,
rtmax = rtmid + rtw)
#generate mz boundary df
if(any(TICall, is.null(mzmid)) ){
mzmid <- if(!is.null(rtmid)){rep(100,length(rtmid))}else{100}
mzx <- data.frame(mzmin = mzmid-1,
mzmax = mzmid+1)
titx <- if(!is.null(rtmid)){rep("TICs",length(rtmid))}else{"TICs"}
tictog <- TRUE
tictog <- FALSE
mzx <- data.frame(mzmin = mzmid - mzmid*ppm*1e-6,
mzmax = mzmid + mzmid*ppm*1e-6)
titx <- EICtitles(mzmid, rtmid, ppm)
if(length(titx) != length(subtitles)){ subtitles <-NULL}
#optionally export to pdf
rows <- ceiling(length(glist)/5)
cols <-1}
#optionally plot TICs first (page 1 in pdf)
EICsTIC <- multiEIC(rawdata= rdata[basename(names(rdata)) %in% basename(unlist(glist))],
mz = mzx[1,],
rt = NULL,
rnames = "1", #major item names
byFile = F,#if true, table will be sorted by rawfile, otherwise by feature
RTcorr = RTcorrect
yl <- if(!is.null(globalYmax)
&& globalYmax){matrix(c(rep(0, length(EICsTIC)),
sapply(EICsTIC, function(x){ max(unlist(x[,"tic"])) })), ncol = 2, byrow = F)}else{NULL}
groupPlot(EIClist = EICsTIC,
grouping = glist,
plotProps = list(TIC = T, #settings for single plots
cx = cx,
colr = colrs,
lw = lw,
midline = NULL,
ylim = yl, #these should be data.frames or matrices of nrow = number of plotted features
xlim = NULL,
yzoom = 1),
compProps = list(mfrow=c(rows,cols), #par options for the composite plot
xpd=NA, bg="white",
header = "TICs",
header2 = NULL,
pdfFile = NULL,
pdfHi = 6*rows,
pdfWi = 6*cols,
cx = cx,
adductLabs = 0),
EICs <- multiEICplus(rawdata= rdata[basename(names(rdata)) %in% basename(unlist(glist))],
mz = mzx,
rt = if(is.null(RTcorrect)){rtx}else{NULL},
rnames = row.names(mzmid), #major item names
byFile = F, #if true, table will be sorted by rawfile, otherwise by feature
RTcorr = RTcorrect
EICs <- importEIC
&& length(na.omit(match(RescaleExclude,names(glist)))) > 0
&& length(na.omit(match(RescaleExclude,names(glist)))) < length(glist)){
excludedfiles <- unlist(glist[match(RescaleExclude,names(glist))])
excludedfiles <- character(0)
if(is.null(rtx) || length(EICs) %% nrow(rtx) != 0 ){
yl <- if(!is.null(globalYmax)
&& globalYmax){matrix(c(rep(0, length(EICs)),
sapply(EICs, function(x){ max(unlist(x[,"tic"])) })), ncol = 2, byrow = F)}else{NULL}
yl <- if(!is.null(globalYmax)
&& globalYmax){matrix(c(rep(0, length(EICs)),
mapply(function(x, rt){ max(unlist(x[,"tic"])[unlist(x[,"rt"]) >= max(c(min(rt),min(unlist(x[,"rt"])))) & unlist(x[,"rt"]) <= min(c(max(rt),max(unlist(x[,"rt"]))))])}, x = EICs, rt = as.list(as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(rtx)))) )), ncol = 2, byrow = F)}else{NULL}
}) #warnings occur if all scans are out of given rt range
#make sure the EICs all get scaled to their highest intensity across all adducts
if(is.null(rtx) || length(EICs) %% nrow(rtx) != 0 ){
maxys <- Biobase::rowMax(matrix(sapply(EICs, function(x){ max(unlist(x[which(!rownames(x) %in% excludedfiles),"intensity"])) }), ncol = length(adducts), byrow = F))
maxys <- Biobase::rowMax(matrix(mapply(function(x, rt){
subsel <- which(!rownames(x) %in% excludedfiles)
max(unlist(x[subsel,"intensity"])[unlist(x[subsel,"rt"]) >= max(c(min(rt),min(unlist(x[subsel,"rt"]))))
& unlist(x[subsel,"rt"]) <= min(c(max(rt),max(unlist(x[subsel,"rt"]))))])},
x = EICs, rt = as.list(as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(rtx)))) ), ncol = length(adducts), byrow = F))
}) #warnings occur if all scans are out of given rt range
yl <- if(!is.null(globalYmax) && globalYmax){matrix(c(rep(0, length(EICs)),rep(maxys, length(adducts))), ncol = 2, byrow = F)}else{NULL}
groupPlot(EIClist = EICs,
grouping = glist,
plotProps = list(TIC = tictog, #settings for single plots
cx = cx,
colr = colrs,
xlim = rtx,
ylim = yl, #these should be data.frames or matrices of nrow = number of plotted features
lw = lw,
midline = if(midline){rtmid}else{NULL},
yzoom = yzoom),
compProps = list(mfrow=c(rows,cols), #par options for the composite plot
xpd=NA, bg="white",
header = titx,
header2 = subtitles,
pdfFile = NULL,
pdfHi = 6*rows,
pdfWi = 6*cols,
cx = cx,
adductLabs = adducts),
#' EICtitles
#' helper function to generate titles for EICgeneral
#' @param rts vector of retention time values (not ranges)
#' @param mzs vector of mz values (not ranges)
#' @param ppm mz window +/- mzmid in ppm that will be plotted
#' @return a character vector with plot titles of same length as
#' \code{rts} and \code{mzs}
EICtitles <- function(mzs, rts, ppm){
numbs <- matrix(mapply(sprintf,matrix(c(mzs,
MoreArgs = list(fmt = "%.5f")),
titx <- paste0('m/z range: ',numbs[,1], " +/- ",
format(ppm, scientific = F),
" ppm (", numbs[,2]," - ", numbs[,3],")",
" @ RT: ", sprintf( "%.2f", rts/60), " min",
" (", sprintf("%.1f", rts)," sec)")})
numbs <- sprintf("%.5f", mzs)
titx <- paste0('m/z: ',numbs,
" @ RT: ", sprintf( "%.2f", rts/60), " min",
" (", sprintf("%.1f", rts)," sec)")})
#' groupPlot
#' generate multiple EICs on one page
#' @param EIClist list of EICs from \code{\link{multiEIC}()} or \code{\link{multiEICplus}()}
#' @param grouping a named list of grouped file names (as supplied in $grouping of rawLayout objects)
#' @param plotProps a list of settings for the individual plots, see \code{Details}
#' @param compProps layoout options for the composite plot, see \code{Details}
#' @param raise if TRUE, EIC will be plotted with y axis going to -0.02*max(ylim) so that EICs with 0 intensity are visible.
#' @param relPlot if TRUE, y-axis will show relative intensities
#' @param margins manual setting for plot margins (par$mar)
#' @param ylabshift shift horizontal position of y axis label
#' @param RescaleExclude character(), exclude this group from rescaling, or NULL to use all
#' @return sends a grouped EIC plot to the current plotting device
#' @details
#' \describe{
#' \item{plotProps}{A list with these elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{TIC} if TRUE, TIC instead of EIC
#' \item \code{cx} numeric(1) font size (character expansion) factor
#' \item \code{colr} color range (actual vector of color values)
#' \item \code{ylim} data.frame or matrix of nrow = number of plotted features,
#' with min and max visible rt value (in seconds) for each feature
#' \item \code{xlim} data.frame or matrix of nrow = number of plotted features,
#' with min and max visible intensity value for each feature
#' \item \code{midline} numeric() of y-axis positions where a dotted vertical
#' line should be plotted
#' \item \code{lw} line width for plot lines
#' \item \code{yzoom} zoom factor into y-axis
#' }
#' }
#' \item{compProps}{
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{mfrow} integer(2) rows and columns for plotting (cf. par(), mfrow)
#' \item \code{oma} numeric(4) outer margins (cf. par(), oma)
#' \item \code{xpd} drawing outside of plot region, cf. par(), xpd
#' \item \code{bg} background color, cf. par(), bg
#' \item \code{header} First (title) line of composite plot
#' \item \code{header2} Subtitle line of composite plot
#' \item \code{pdfFile} character - if not NULL, plotting result will be saved in a pdf file with this name.
#' \item \code{pdfHi} pdf height in inches
#' \item \code{pdfWi} pdf width in inches
#' \item \code{cx} numeric(1) font size (character expansion) factor
#' \item \code{adductLabs} adduct labels (nonfunctional)
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @export
groupPlot <- function(EIClist,
plotProps = list(TIC = TRUE, #settings for single plots
cx = 1,
colr = topo.colors(nrow(EIClist[[1]]), alpha=1),
ylim = NULL, #these should be data.frames or matrices of nrow = number of plotted features
xlim = NULL,
lw = 1,
midline = 100,
yzoom = 1),
compProps = list(mfrow=c(1,2), #par options for the composite plot
xpd=NA, bg=NA,
header = paste0(names(EIClist)),
header2 = NULL,
pdfFile = NULL,
pdfHi = 6,
pdfWi = 12,
cx = 1,
adductLabs = c("0","1","2")),
raise = F,
relPlot = F,
margins = NULL,
ylabshift = 0,
RescaleExclude = NULL
#majoritem is the EIClist top level (typically by mz, but could be)
autosize <- compProps$cx*1.5
while(max(strwidth(compProps$header, units = "figure", cex = autosize, font = 2)) > 1){
autosize <- autosize*0.975
nrowcheck <- if(!is.null(nrow(EIClist))){nrow(EIClist)}else {1}
for(majoritem in c(1:nrowcheck)){
#adductLabs legend does not work yet
#if(length(compProps$adductLabs)>1){compProps$mfrow[1] <- compProps$mfrow[1]+1}
if(length(compProps$mfrow) > 1){
mar = if(is.null(margins) ){ c(2.6*(1+(compProps$cx-1)/2),4.1*(1+(compProps$cx-1)/4),4.1,2.1)}else{margins})
# layout(t(as.matrix(c(1,2))))
for(plotgroup in c(1:length(grouping))){
items = grouping[[plotgroup]]
preminoritem <- if(nrowcheck ==1){EIClist}else{EIClist[majoritem,]}
minoritem <- subsetEICs(preminoritem,
#minoritem <- if(length(items) == 1){t(as.matrix(EIClist[[majoritem]][items,]))}else{EIClist[[majoritem]][items,]}
#if(length(items) == 1){row.names(minoritem) <- items}
xlimes = if (is.null(plotProps$xlim)){c(min(unlist(minoritem$EIClist[[1]][,'rt'])),
else{c(min(plotProps$xlim[majoritem,]), max(plotProps$xlim[majoritem,]))/60}
### by default, only the visible part of the spectrum will be used to determine y-max
if(!is.null(plotProps$ylim) && !names(grouping)[plotgroup] %in% RescaleExclude){
ylimes = c(0,1)
ylimes = c(min(plotProps$ylim[majoritem,]), max(plotProps$ylim[majoritem,]))
}else if(plotProps$TIC){
mm <- 1
for(k in 1:length(minoritem$EIClist)){
mm <- max(mm,
max(unlist(minoritem$EIClist[[k]][,"tic"])[which(unlist(minoritem$EIClist[[k]][,"rt"]) >= min(xlimes)*60
& unlist(minoritem$EIClist[[k]][,"rt"]) <= max(xlimes)*60)])
}) #warnings occur if all scans are out of given rt range
ylimes = c(0,mm)
mm <- 1
for(k in 1:length(minoritem$EIClist)){
mm <- max(mm,
max(unlist(minoritem$EIClist[[k]][,"intensity"])[which(unlist(minoritem$EIClist[[k]][,"rt"]) >= min(xlimes)*60
& unlist(minoritem$EIClist[[k]][,"rt"]) <= max(xlimes)*60)])
}) #warnings occur if all scans are out of given rt range
ylimes = c(0,mm)
if(raise){ylimes[1] <- -0.02*max(ylimes)}
EICplot(EICs = minoritem$EIClist, cx = plotProps$cx,
ylim = ylimes,
xlim = xlimes,
colr = if(is.list(plotProps$colr)){plotProps$colr[[plotgroup]]$color}
legendtext = if(is.list(plotProps$colr)){plotProps$colr[[plotgroup]]}
else{paste(sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1",basename(row.names(minoritem$EIClist[[1]]))))},
heading = names(grouping)[plotgroup],
relto = if(relPlot){max(ylimes)}else{NULL},
TIC = plotProps$TIC,
lw = plotProps$lw,
midline = plotProps$midline[majoritem],
yzoom = plotProps$yzoom,
ylabshift = ylabshift
# }
title(main = compProps$header[majoritem], outer=T,line=2, cex.main=autosize, font = 2)}
if(!is.null(compProps$header2)){mtext(compProps$header2[majoritem], side=3, outer=T,line=0, cex=compProps$cx)}
#' EICplot
#' generate one EIC plot for multiple files in one plot window.
#' @return sends a single EIC plot to the current plotting device
#' @param EICs item from a list of EICs from Metaboseek:multiEIC
#' @param cx character expansion (font size) factor
#' @param ylim numeric(2) min and max visible rt value (in seconds)
#' @param xlim numeric(2) min and max visible intensity value (in seconds)
#' @param legendtext character() with item for each shown EIC for the plot legend
#' @param colr color range (actual vector of color values)
#' @param heading plot title
#' @param relto normalize intensities to this number
#' @param TIC if TRUE plot TIC
#' @param single TRUE if this is not part of a composite plot
#' @param midline numeric() of y-axis positions where a dotted vertical line should be plotted
#' @param lw line width for plot lines
#' @param yzoom zoom factor into y-axis
#' @param ylabshift shift horizontal position of y axis label
#' @export
EICplot <- function(EICs, cx = 1,
ylim = c(0,max(unlist(EICs[[1]][,'tic']))),
xlim = c(min(unlist(EICs[[1]][,'rt'])),
legendtext = paste(sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1",basename(row.names(EICs[[1]])))),
colr = topo.colors(nrow(EICs[[1]]), alpha=1),
heading = "test",
relto = NULL,
TIC = F,
single = F,
midline = 100,
lw = 1,
yzoom = 1,
ylabshift = 0
|| !is.finite(max(ylim))){ylim = c(0,1)}
maxint <- format(max(ylim), digits =3, scientific = T)
if(!is.null(relto) && relto != 1 ){
maxint <- format(relto, digits =3, scientific = T)
if(is.null(relto)){relto <-1}
if(!is.null(yzoom) && yzoom != 1 ){
ylim[2] <- ylim[2]/yzoom
if(!is.null(relto) && relto != 1 ){ylim <- (ylim/relto)*100}
ysci = if(!is.null(relto) && relto != 1){F}else{T},
liwi = lw,
ylab = if(!is.null(relto) && relto != 1){"Relative Intensity (%)"}else{"Intensity"},
ylabshift = ylabshift
if(length(midline)> 0 ){
for(i in midline){
abline(v=i/60, lty = 2, lwd = 1)
##draw the eics
addLines(EIClist = EICs,
relto = relto,
liwi = lw
#fix axis to not have gaps at edges
abline(v=min(xlim), h=min(ylim))
text(min(xlim), max(ylim)+1.5*strheight("M"),
labels = maxint, bty="n",
font = 2, cex=cx*1)
legendtext <- legendtext[!duplicated(legendtext),]
# inset=c(-0.08,-0.08),#c(0.025*max(xlim),0.025*max(ylim)),
legend = legendtext$label, lty=1,lwd=2.5, col=legendtext$color, bty="n", cex=cx*0.7)
# inset=c(-0.08,-0.08),#c(0.025*max(xlim),0.025*max(ylim)),
legend = legendtext, lty=1,lwd=2.5, col=colr, bty="n", cex=cx*0.7)
#' addLines
#' Helper function for EICplot to plot the lines of EICs into a PlottingWindow.
#' Mass shifts will be handled by plotting different line types
#' @return plots EIC trace lines into the current plot window
#' @param EIClist matrix or list of EIC objects (potentially subsetted)
#' @param TIC logical() if TRUE, TIC will be plotted instead of EIC
#' @param colr character() of color values for lines
#' @param relto if not NULL, intensities will be given as relative to this numeric(1)
#' @param liwi line width of plotted lines
addLines <- function(EIClist,
TIC = F,
colr = topo.colors(1, alpha=1),
relto = NULL,
liwi = 2
reps <- 1
reps <- length(EIClist)
for(n in 1:reps){
int <- EIClist[[n]][,'tic']
int <- EIClist[[n]][,'intensity']
if(!is.null(relto) && relto != 1 ){
int <- lapply(lapply(int,"/",relto),"*",100)
# maxint <- format(relto, digits =3, scientific = T)
#convert to minutes
rts <- lapply(EIClist[[n]][,"rt"],"/",60)
# par(xpd=NA)
# options(scipen=20)
#colr <- topo.colors(2, alpha=1)#rainbow(length(eiccoll[[t]]), s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1, length(eiccoll[[t]]) - 1)/length(eiccoll[[t]]), alpha = 0.7)#topo.colors(length(eiccoll[[t]]), alpha=1)
##draw the eics
tmp <-mapply(lines, x= rts, y = int, col = as.list(colr), MoreArgs = list(lty = n, lwd = liwi))}
#' legendplot
#' Plot a legend in an otherwise empty plot
#' @param ... all arguments passed on to \code{\link[graphics]{legend}()}
#' @return calls a new \code{plot()} with a legend
legendplot <- function(...){
mar = c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
oma = c(0,0,0,0)
plot(1, type = "n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
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