#' plotpeaks
#' plot detected peaks for each file in an EIC object
#' @param EIC a single EIC object (list item of multiEIC output)
#' @param peaklist a peaklist, such as list items returned by \code{find_peaks()}
#' (or its rbind product)
#' @return plots to the current plotting device
plotpeaks <- function(EIC, peaklist){
par(mfrow = c(ceiling(nrow(EIC)/5), 5))
for(i in seq(nrow(EIC))){
plot(EIC[[i,"rt"]], EIC[[i,"intensity"]], type = "l", xlab = ("RT (sec)"), ylab = "intensity", main = basename(row.names(EIC)[i]))
selpeaks <- grep(row.names(EIC)[i], peaklist$file)
if(length(selpeaks) > 0){
cols <- Mseek.colors(n = length(selpeaks), alpha = 0.8)
for (k in seq(length(selpeaks))){
sel <- which(EIC[[i,"rt"]] >= peaklist$rtmin[selpeaks][k]
& EIC[[i,"rt"]] <= peaklist$rtmax[selpeaks][k])
pol_x <- EIC[[i,"rt"]][sel]
pol_y <- EIC[[i,"intensity"]][sel]
polygon(c(pol_x[1], pol_x, pol_x[length(pol_x)]), c(min(pol_y), pol_y, min(pol_y)), col = cols[k], border = NA )
# abline(v = prts[[i]], col = "red")
# abline(v = prts_min[[i]], col = "green")
#' peakDetect
#' Peak detection using an algorithm modified from Ma et al.[1].
#' @param trace numeric vector of intensity values. it is assumed that the
#' data points were collected in regular intervals (problems may occur e.g.
#' with variable scan rate due to ddMS2 experiments)
#' @param SN factor by which the maximum of a peak has to be larger than its
#' edges (start and end scan) in final filter step
#' @param minwidth minimum width of a peak to not be thrown out in
#' initial filter step
#' @param localNoise window size for local noise level calculation - default 7
#' means data from each point plus/minus 3 scans is used
#' @param localNoiseFactor factor to adjust local noise level. can be negative
#' to allow very small peaks
#' @param globalNoiseFactor factor to adjust global noise level (based on
#' entire trace). can be negative to allow very small peaks
#' @param extend if true, will try to expand peak boundaries to include
#' downstream tails that may have been cut of before. Aslo depends on
#' local noise settings.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Ma M, van Genderen A, Beukelman P (2005) Developing and Implementing Peak
#' Detection for Real-Time Image Registration. Proc 16th Annu Work Circuits,
#' Syst Signal Process 4:641–652
#' @return a data.frame with detected peaks
#' @details Columns of the returned data.frame:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{max} index of position in trace with a peak maximum
#' \item \code{start} index of peak start position in trace
#' \item \code{end} index of peak end position in trace
#' }
#' @export
peakDetect <- function(trace,
SN = 1,
minwidth = 4,
localNoise = 7,
localNoiseFactor = 0.5,
globalNoiseFactor = 0.5,
extend = T
slope <- c(NA,diff(trace))
#Find maxima
max <- which(slope >= 0 & c(na.omit(slope),NA) < 0)
#find minima at end of peaks
min_end <- which(slope < 0 & c(na.omit(slope),NA) >= 0)
#find minima at beginning of peaks
min_start <- which(slope <= 0 & c(na.omit(slope),NA) > 0)
if(length(max) == 0 | length(min_end) == 0 | length(min_start) == 0){return(data.frame(max = numeric(0), start = numeric(0), end = numeric(0), npeaks = numeric(0)))}
#summary of all found peaks
allpeaks <- matrix(unlist(lapply(seq_along(max), function(n){
start <- min_start[which(min_start < max[n] & if(n >1){min_start > max[n-1]}else{TRUE})]
end <- min_end[which(min_end > max[n] & if(n < length(max) ){min_end < max[n+1]}else{TRUE})]
if(n == length(max) && length(end) == 0) {end <- length(trace)}
if(length(start) == 0 | length(end) == 0){return(NULL)}
return(c(max[n], start[1], end[1]))
})), ncol = 3,byrow = T, dimnames = list(NULL, c("max","start","end")))
#get peak intensities at begining, end and maximum
allpeakints <- matrix(trace[allpeaks], ncol = 3,byrow = F, dimnames = list(NULL, c("max","start","end")))
globalnoise <- (max(trace)+mean(trace))/100 + globalNoiseFactor*(sum(abs(trace-mean(trace)))/length(trace))
noise1 <- sapply(seq(length(trace)), function(n){
localtrace <- na.omit(trace[seq(max(n - localNoise, 1), n + localNoise)])
return((max(localtrace)+mean(localtrace))/2 + localNoiseFactor*(sum(abs(localtrace-mean(localtrace)))/length(localtrace)))
#filter by local noise levels
allpeaknoises <- matrix(noise1[allpeaks], ncol = 3,byrow = F, dimnames = list(NULL, c("max","start","end")))
filvec <- allpeakints[,"max"] > globalnoise & allpeakints[,"max"] > allpeaknoises[,"max"] #noise1
filpeaks <- allpeaks[filvec,, drop = F]
filpeakints <- allpeakints[filvec,, drop = F]
filpeaknoises <- allpeaks[filvec,, drop = F]
if(nrow(filpeaks) == 0){
return(data.frame(max = numeric(0), start = numeric(0), end = numeric(0), npeaks = numeric(0)))
#find peaks that are adjacent
checkmerge <- !c(TRUE, filpeaks[seq(1,nrow(filpeaks)-1),"end"] != filpeaks[seq(2,nrow(filpeaks)),"start"])
#check if peaks really should be merged with the previous adjacent peak
for(i in which(checkmerge)){
checkme <- filpeakints[i,"start"]
#if the peak start intensity is lower than a third of either of the surrounding peaks, don't merge it with previous peak
if(checkme < min(filpeakints[i-1,"max"]/3,filpeakints[i,"max"]/3)){
checkmerge[i] <- FALSE
checkmerge <- FALSE
#group peaks that will be merged
groups <- cumsum(!checkmerge)
#merge peaks by group
mergedpeaks <- matrix(unlist(lapply(unique(groups),function(g){
item <- filpeaks[groups == g,, drop = F]
ints <- filpeakints[groups == g,, drop = F]
c(item[which.max(ints[,"max"]),"max"], min(item[,"start"]), max(item[,"end"]), nrow(item))
})), ncol = 4, byrow = T, dimnames = list(NULL, c("max","start","end", "npeaks")))
#addtional filtering
# print((mergedpeaks))
# min. peak width filter
goodpeaks <- mergedpeaks[mergedpeaks[,"end"] - mergedpeaks[,"start"] >= minwidth,, drop = F]
if(nrow(goodpeaks) <1 ){
# remove peaks that where the maximum does not stand out enough over the intensities in entire peak width:
thresh <- sapply(seq(nrow(goodpeaks)),function(n){mean(trace[seq(goodpeaks[n,"start"],goodpeaks[n,"end"])])})
goodpeaks <- as.data.frame(goodpeaks[trace[goodpeaks[,"max"]] > SN*thresh,, drop = F])
goodpeaks$maxint <- trace[goodpeaks$max]
if(extend & nrow(goodpeaks) > 0){
localminimum <- sapply(seq(length(trace)), function(n){
localtrace <- na.omit(trace[seq(max(n - localNoise, 1), n + localNoise)])
#now, extend the good peaks on their tails:
stops <- which(trace < noise1/20 | seq_along(trace) %in% goodpeaks$start | trace <= localminimum)
goodpeaks$end <- sapply(goodpeaks$end, function(ends){
sel <- stops >= ends
#' find_peaks2
#' Find peaks in a multiEIC output list item, using \code{\link{peakDetect}()}
#' @param EIC an EIC output item
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{peakDetect}()}
#' @return a data.table with information on peak position in EICs
#' @details Columns of the returned data.table:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{rt} retention time of peak maximum
#' \item \code{rtmin} retention time of peak start position in trace
#' \item \code{rtmax} retention time of peak end position in trace
#' \item \code{file} file names
#' }
#' @export
find_peaks2 <- function(EIC, ...){
warning("EIC input in wrong format")
pl <- lapply(row.names(EIC), function(fname){
tr <- EIC[fname,]
dtp <- peakDetect(trace = tr$intensity,
... )
dtp$rt <- tr$rt[dtp$max]
dtp$rtmin <- tr$rt[dtp$start]
dtp$rtmax <- tr$rt[dtp$end]
dtp$file <- if(nrow(dtp)<1){character(0)}else{basename(fname)}
return(data.table::rbindlist(pl, fill = T))
#' mergepeaks2
#' merge peaks in a peaklist within a file or across multiple files
#' @param pl a peaklist, such as list items returned by \code{\link{find_peaks2}()}
#' @param rttol retention time tolerance in seconds to merge peaks
#' @param minint minimum intensity for a peak to be retained (before merging)
#' @param minrelint minimum intensity of a peak to be retained (before merging),
#' relative to largest peak
#' @param topN number of highest intensity peaks retained after merging
#' @return a data.frame with information on peak position in EICs
#' @details Columns of the returned data.table:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{rt} retention time of peak maximum,
#' average across merged peaks, weighted by peak intensity
#' \item \code{rtmin} retention time of peak start,
#' average across merged peaks, weighted by peak intensity
#' \item \code{rtmax} retention time of peak end,
#' average across merged peaks, weighted by peak intensity
#' \item \code{maxint} maximum intensity of peak
#' \item \code{file} file names, separated by "|"
#' }
#' @export
mergepeaks2 <- function(pl,
rttol = 3,
minint = 0,
minrelint = 0,
topN = 100){
if(nrow(pl) < 2){
pl <- pl[pl$maxint >= minrelint*max(pl$maxint),]
pl <- pl[pl$maxint >= minint,]
if(nrow(pl) < 2){
if(is.null(pl$file) | is.null(pl$rt)){warning("wrong peak list format (file or rt columns missing)!")}
#group peaks together if their retention time is within a tolerance AND they come from different files
pl <- pl[order(pl$rt),]
#note that these are the conditions under which a peak is NOT added to the same group as the previous one, and a new group starts
#EITHER: rt difference is too large
#OR: peaks are from the same file (these should be merged already in previous step
#OR: rt difference of start and end of peak are both too large | (c(TRUE, diff(pl$rtmin) > rttol) & c(TRUE, diff(pl$rtmax) > rttol))
pl$group <- cumsum((c(TRUE, diff(pl$rt) > rttol) | pl$file == c("",pl$file[seq(length(pl$file)-1)]) ))
#double check no 2 peaks from the same file end up in the same group:
checkdoubles <- c(F,sapply(seq(2,length(pl$group)), function(n){
# print(pl$group[1:(n-1)] == pl$group[n] & pl$file[1:(n-1)] == pl$file[n])
any(pl$group[1:(n-1)] == pl$group[n] & pl$file[1:(n-1)] == pl$file[n])
pl$group <- pl$group + cumsum(checkdoubles)
checkdoubles <- c(F,sapply(seq(2,length(pl$group)), function(n){
any(pl$group[1:(n-1)] == pl$group[n] & pl$file[1:(n-1)] == pl$file[n])
mergedpls <- lapply(unique(pl$group), function(n, pl){
if(is.null(pl) || nrow(pl) == 0){
sc <- pl[pl$group == n,]
data.frame(rtmin = sum(sc$rtmin*sc$maxint)/ sum(sc$maxint),
rtmax = sum(sc$rtmax*sc$maxint)/ sum(sc$maxint),
rt = sum(sc$rt*sc$maxint)/ sum(sc$maxint),
maxint = max(sc$maxint),
file = paste(unique(basename(sc$file)), collapse = "|"),
stringsAsFactors = F)
}, pl)
mergedpls <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(mergedpls, fill = T))
return(mergedpls[na.omit(order(mergedpls$maxint, decreasing = T)[1:topN]), ])
#' getpeaks2
#' find and then merge peaks for an EIC object. wrapper function for
#' \code{\link{find_peaks2}()} and \code{\link{mergepeaks2}()}
#' @param EIC a single EIC object (list item of multiEIC output), or a list of EIC items (multiEIC output)
#' @param findProps named list of arguments passed to \code{\link{find_peaks2}()}
#' @param mergeProps named list of arguments passed to \code{\link{mergepeaks2}()}
#' @return a data.frame with information on peak position in EICs, or a list of
#' such data.frames if \code{EIC} is a list of EIC matrices (e.g. EICs for multiple mz values)
#' @inherit mergepeaks2
#' @export
getpeaks2 <- function(EIC, findProps = list(SN = 1,
minwidth = 4,
localNoise = 7,
localNoiseFactor = 0.5,
globalNoiseFactor = 0.5,
extend = T),
mergeProps = list(rttol = 3, minint = 0, minrelint = 0, topN = 100)){
outp <- do.call(find_peaks2, c(list(EIC = EIC), findProps))
return(do.call(mergepeaks2, c(list(pl = outp),mergeProps)))
return(lapply(EIC, getpeaks2, findProps, mergeProps))
#' makeRTlist2
#' find and then merge peaks, given a set of mz values in a dataframe
#' and a set of xcmsRaw objects. Wrapper for \code{\link{getpeaks2}()}.
#' @return a data.frame like \code{\link{getpeaks2}()}, that will also retain
#' the \code{mz} column of the input \code{df}, and optionally additional as
#' defined in \code{retainColumns}.
#' @param df a data.frame that contains a mz column with mz values of interest
#' @param rawdata a list of xcmsRaw objects
#' @param ppm ppm tolerance for EIC construction
#' @param retainColumns keep and copy these columns from the original df when
#' making the result data.frame
#' @param ... arguments passed to getpeaks2()
#' @importFrom data.table is.data.table rbindlist
#' @export
makeRTlist2 <- function(df, rawdata, ppm = 5, retainColumns = NULL, ...){
aEICs <- multiEIC(rawdata,
mz = data.frame(mzmin = df$mz-ppm*1e-6*df$mz, mzmax= df$mz+ppm*1e-6*df$mz),
rt = NULL,
rnames = row.names(df),
byFile = F,#if true, table will be sorted by rawfile, otherwise by feature
XIC = F,
getgauss = F,
RTcorr = NULL
allpeaks <- getpeaks2(aEICs, ...)
lapply(seq(nrow(df)), function(i, df, allpeaks, retainColumns, ppm){
if(nrow(allpeaks[[i]]) > 0){
pt <- allpeaks[[i]]
if(!is.data.frame(pt) || is.data.table(pt)){pt <- as.data.frame(pt)}
pt <- pt[,!colnames(pt) %in% c("group", "max", "start", "end", "npeaks") , drop = F]
pt$mz <- df$mz[i]
pt$mzmin <- df$mz[i]-ppm*1e-6*df$mz[i]
pt$mzmax <- df$mz[i]+ppm*1e-6*df$mz[i]
if(length(retainColumns) == 0 || !any(retainColumns %in% colnames(df))){
#fix issue when only a single column is selected
if(length(retainColumns) == 1){
pt[[retainColumns]] <- df[[retainColumns]][i]
tdf <- df[rep(i, nrow(allpeaks[[i]])),retainColumns]
return(updateDF(pt, tdf))
}, df, allpeaks, retainColumns, ppm), fill = T) ))
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