#' layout_components_qgraph
#' Generate subgraphs and sublayouts from a graph for Mseek interactive view.
#' @param graph an igraph object, needs to have an "id" vertex property
#' @param layout the layout function applied (from igraph or qgraph packages).
#' Defaults to qgraph.layout.fruchtermanmeingold with some Mseek specific
#' settings
#' @param ... arguments passed to layout (except if layout is
#' qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold)
#' @import igraph
#' @import qgraph
#' @return a list of graph layouts, see \code{details}
#' @details Elements of the returned list
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{layout} merged coordinates of all subgraphs
#' \item \code{subgraphs} result of \code{\link[igraph]{decompose}(graph)}
#' \item \code{sublayouts} list of layout coordinates for each subgraph
#' \item \code{subedgelist} list of edgelists for each subgraph
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' g <- igraph::erdos.renyi.game(30, 3/30)
#' V(g)$id <- 1:30
#' l1 <- layout_components_qgraph(g, qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold)
#' l2 <- layout_components_qgraph(g, igraph::layout_with_kk)
#' }
#' @export
layout_components_qgraph <- function (graph, layout, ...)
if (!is_igraph(graph)) {
stop("Not a graph object")
V(graph)$id <- seq(vcount(graph))
gl <- decompose(graph)
el <- lapply(gl, get.edgelist, names = F)
vl <- lapply(gl, vcount)
al <- relist(8*(unlist(vl)^2), vl)
rl <- relist((unlist(vl)^3.1), vl)
layout <- eval(parse(text = layout))
ll <- lapply(gl, layout, ...)}
#if(length(el >1)){
ll <- mapply(qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold,
el, vcount = vl, area = al, repulse.rad = rl, SIMPLIFY = F)
# qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold(el[[1]], vcount = vl[[1]], area = al[[1]], repulse.rad = rl[[1]])
#if(!is.list(ll)){ll <- list(ll)}
l <- merge_coords(gl, ll)
l[unlist(sapply(gl, vertex_attr, "id")), ] <- l[]
return(list(layout = l,
subgraphs = gl,
sublayouts = ll,
subedgelist = el))
#' findsubgraph
#' Find the graph in a list of graphs that contains a vertex with a given id.
#' @param id ID of vertex
#' @param graphlist list of graphs, such as those in \code{$subgraphs} of objects
#' generated by \code{\link{layout_components_qgraph}()}
#' @import igraph
#' @export
findsubgraph <- function(id, graphlist){
if(length(id) == 0){return(numeric(0))}
for(i in seq(length(graphlist))){
if(id %in% V(graphlist[[i]])$fixed__id){return(i)}
#' simplifyGraph
#' Assign a color from a range of colors to all values in a numeric vector
#' (datarange). NOTE: Edges are expected to not have a direction.
#' TODO: Debug and simplify this function
#' @param nodes a node table
#' @param edges an edge table with "from" and "to" as the first two columns.
#' "From" and "to" have to refer to rownumbers of nodes.
#' @param mergebyedges indices by of those edges in edges that link
#' two nodes that should be joined
simplifyGraph <- function(nodes, edges, mergebyedges){
if(length(mergebyedges) == 0){
return(list(nodes = nodes,
edges = as.data.frame(edges)))
edges[,1] <- as.integer(edges[,1])
edges[,2] <- as.integer(edges[,2])
nodes$edgeGroup = numeric(nrow(nodes))
edges <- as.data.frame(edges)
other_edges <- edges[-mergebyedges,]
edges <- edges[mergebyedges,]
for(i in seq(nrow(nodes))){
if(nodes$edgeGroup[i] == 0){
nodes$edgeGroup[i] <- i
selTargets <- edges[edges[,1] == i,2]
if(length(selTargets) > 0){
#this way, all nodes with any connections below throeshold will be in group even if it is a single link
if(is.na(any(nodes$edgeGroup[selTargets] != 0))
| !is.logical(any(nodes$edgeGroup[selTargets] != 0))
| length(any(nodes$edgeGroup[selTargets] != 0)) == 0){
if(any(nodes$edgeGroup[selTargets] != 0)){
supergroup <- nodes$edgeGroup[nodes$edgeGroup[selTargets] != 0][1]
nodes$edgeGroup[c(i,selTargets)] <- supergroup
nodes$edgeGroup[selTargets] <- i
groups <- nodes$edgeGroup
group = unique(groups)
res_l <- lapply(group, function(group,groups,nodes){
sel <- which(groups == group)
# dt <- data.table(nodes[1,])
if(length(sel) == 1){
if(coln == "mzmin"){
if(coln == "mzmax"){
if(coln == "rtmin"){
if(coln == "rtmax"){
if(coln == "fixed__id"){
return(paste(col, collapse = " "))
if(coln == "MS2scans"){
if(!any(col != "")){return("")}
return(paste(col[which(col != "")], collapse = "|"))
return(paste(col, collapse = " "))
}, col = nodes[sel,],
coln = colnames(nodes),
SIMPLIFY = F), stringsAsFactors = F))
}, groups, nodes)
res <- list(nodes = as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(res_l)))
res$nodes <- data.frame(id = seq(nrow(res$nodes)),res$nodes[,colnames(res$nodes) != "id"], stringsAsFactors = F)
mergetracking <- lapply(res$nodes$edgeGroup, function(ind, df){
which(df$edgeGroup == ind)
}, df = nodes)
mergeedges <- other_edges
if(nrow(other_edges) < 1){
res$edges <- other_edges
for(i in seq(length(mergetracking)) ){
mergeedges[other_edges[,1] %in% mergetracking[[i]],1] <- i
mergeedges[other_edges[,2] %in% mergetracking[[i]],2] <- i
mergeedges <- mergeedges[mergeedges[,1] != mergeedges[,2],]
#make sure that from is always < to, prevents having multiple edges between node with different direction
if(nrow(mergeedges) > 1){
asm <- as.matrix(mergeedges[,1:2])
mergeedges[,1] <- Biobase::rowMin(asm)
mergeedges[,2] <- Biobase::rowMax(asm)
mergeedges[1,1:2] <- c(min(mergeedges[1,1:2]), max(mergeedges[1,1:2]))
splitedges <- split(mergeedges, list(mergeedges[,1], mergeedges[,2]), drop = T)
res$edges <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(splitedges, function(tab){
outp <- data.frame(from = tab[1,1],
to = tab[1,2],
stringsAsFactors = F)
for( i in colnames(tab)[c(-1,-2)] ){
outp[[i]] <- mean(tab[[i]])
outp[[paste0("min_",i)]] <- min(tab[[i]])
outp[[paste0("max_",i)]] <- max(tab[[i]])
outp[[paste0("median_",i)]] <- median(tab[[i]])
outp[[i]] <- paste(unique(tab[[i]]), collapse = " ")
outp[["mergedEdges"]] <- nrow(tab)
})), stringsAsFactors = F)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.