#' cosine2
#' simple cosine calculation
#' @param x numeric vector 1
#' @param y numeric vector 2
#' @return cosine between two numeric vectors of equal length
cosine <- function(x,y){
sum(x * y)/(sqrt(sum(x * x)) * sqrt(sum(y * y)))
#' spectralAngle
#' Calculate spectral angle
#' @param x numeric vector 1
#' @param y numeric vector 2
#' @return spectral angle score between two numeric vectors of equal length
spectralAngle <- function(x,y){
1 - ((2*acos(cosine(x,y)))/pi)
#' pairCompare
#' Compare two vectors of equal length pairwise and calculate a similarity
#' score (e.g. intensity values of matched MS peaks).
#' @param v1 vector 1
#' @param v2 vector 2
#' @param NAasZero replace NA values with 0 if the value is NA in one vector, but not the other
#' @param method "cosine" will use MassTools::cosine(), "pearson" will use stats::cor()
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @return the result of the method call, a numeric similarity score
pairCompare <- function(v1, v2, NAasZero = T,
method = c("cosine", "pearson",
"kendall", "spearman",
#remove instances where values in both vectors are NA
remfeats <- is.na(v1) & is.na(v2)
v1 <- v1[!remfeats]
v2 <- v2[!remfeats]
# if only one vector is NA, set that value to 0.
v1[is.na(v1)] <- 0
v2[is.na(v2)] <- 0
# selfeats <- which(!is.na(v1) | !is.na(v2))
# v1[selfeats[which(is.na(v1[selfeats]))]] <- 0
# v2[selfeats[which(is.na(v2[selfeats]))]] <- 0
if(method[1] == "cosine"){
}else if(method[1] == "spectralAngle"){
cor(v1,v2, method = method[1], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
#' network1
#' Compare two spectra and calculate a similarity score
#' (e.g. intensity values of matched MS peaks)
#' NOTE: handling matching peaks from one spectrum that match multiple
#' peaks from the other spectrum is implemented now but needs testing
#' @param spec1 spectrum 1
#' @param spec2 spectrum 2
#' @param mztol max m/z difference between peaks to match matching
#' @param ppm max difference between peaks in ppm
#' @param parentshift m/z difference between parentmasses (importantly,
#' has to be Parent(spec2) - Parent(spec1) ) to find alternative matches /
#' neutral loss matches; will only be calculated if \code{abs(parentshift) > abs(mztol)}
#' @param method method passed on to \code{\link{pairCompare}()};
#' "cosine" will use MassTools::cosine(), "pearson" will use stats::cor()
#' @param minpeaks minimum number
#' of peaks that have to be matched, otherwise returns 0
#' @param nonmatched if TRUE, will add non-matching peaks to calculation,
#' with 0 intensity in the spectrum missing the peak
#' @return the result of the method call, a numeric similarity score
#' @export
network1 <- function(spec1, spec2,
mztol = 0.005,
ppm = 0,
parentshift = 0,
method = "cosine",
minpeaks = 6,
nonmatched = T){
if(!nrow(spec1) | !nrow(spec2)){return(NA_real_)}
mx <- abs(outer(spec1[,1], spec2[,1], "-"))
posx <- which(mx < abs(mztol) | mx/spec1[,1] < 1e-6*ppm, arr.ind = T)
if(abs(parentshift) > abs(mztol)){
mx2 <- abs(outer(spec1[,1]+parentshift, spec2[,1], "-"))
posx <- rbind(posx, which(mx2 < abs(mztol) | mx2/spec1[,1] < 1e-6*ppm, arr.ind = T))
posx <- posx[!(duplicated(posx)), , drop = FALSE]
#preliminary/slow implementation with for loops...
for(i in unique(posx[,1][duplicated(posx[,1])])){
mergeus <- posx[posx[,1]==i,]
spec2[mergeus[,2]] <- do.call(mean, list(x = spec2[mergeus[,2]]))
for(i in unique(posx[,2][duplicated(posx[,2])])){
mergeus <- posx[posx[,2]==i,]
spec1[mergeus[,1]] <- do.call(mean, list(x = spec1[mergeus[,1]]))
posxuni <- posx[(!duplicated(posx[,1]) & !duplicated(posx[,2])),, drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(posxuni) >= minpeaks && nrow(posx) > 0){
#count non matching peaks using the posx with duplicates to avoid treating double matched peaks as nonmatched
v1 <- c(spec1[posxuni[,1],2], spec1[-posx[,1],2], rep(0, length(spec2[-posx[,2],2])))
v2 <- c(spec2[posxuni[,2],2], rep(0, length(spec1[-posx[,1],2])), spec2[-posx[,2],2] )
return(pairCompare(v1, v2, method = method))
return(pairCompare(spec1[posxuni[,1],2], spec2[posxuni[,2],2], method = method))
#' makeEdges
#' Make an edgelist (data.frame) using a vector of parentmasses
#' and a list of MS spectra. Wrapper for \code{\link{network1}()}.
#' @param speclist (non-nested) list of MS spectra
#' @param parentmasses vector of parent m/z values (same length as speclist).
#' @param mztol max difference between matched peaks in m/z
#' @param method "cosine" will use MassTools::cosine(), "pearson" will use stats::cor()
#' @param minpeaks minimum number of peaks that have to be matched, otherwise returns 0
#' @param nonmatched if TRUE, will add non-matching peaks to calculation,
#' with 0 intensity in the spectrum missing the peak
#' @return a data.frame with edge information, see \code{Details}
#' @details Columns of the returned data.frame:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{from} vertex id
#' \item \code{to} vertex id
#' \item \code{cosine} similarity measure
#' \item \code{deltamz} parent mass difference
#' }
#' @export
makeEdges <- function(speclist,
parentmasses = NULL,
mztol = 0.005,
method = "cosine",
minpeaks = 6,
nonmatched = T){
#remove NULLs from the speclist, but keep track of the indices of the non-NULL scans:
selNonNulls <- which(!sapply(speclist,function(x){return(is.null(x) || nrow(x) == 0)}))
speclist <- speclist[selNonNulls]
selectlist <- list()
for(i in seq(length(speclist)-1)){
selectlist[[i]] <- i:length(speclist)
p20 <- ceiling(length(selectlist)/20)
parentmasses <- parentmasses[selNonNulls]
#inefficient but prob wont take long
pmassShifts <- list()
for(n in seq(length(speclist)-1)){
#spec2 - spec1!!
pmassShifts[[n]] <- parentmasses[selectlist[[n]][1]] - parentmasses[selectlist[[n]][-1]]
alledges <- mapply(function(n, specs, pmasses){
if(!n%%p20){message(paste((n/p20)*5, "% done"))}
sel <- selectlist[[n]]
mapply(network1, spec1 = specs[sel[-1]], parentshift = pmasses,
MoreArgs = list(spec2 = specs[[sel[1]]],
mztol = mztol,
minpeaks = minpeaks,
method = method,
nonmatched = nonmatched))
n = seq_len(length(selectlist)),
pmasses = pmassShifts,
MoreArgs = list(specs = speclist),
alledges <- lapply(seq_len(length(selectlist)),
function(n, specs, mzt, mp, nonm){
if(!n%%p20){message(paste((n/p20)*5, "% done"))}
sel <- selectlist[[n]]
spec2 = specs[[sel[1]]],
method = method,
mztol = mzt,
minpeaks = mp,
nonmatched = nonm)
}, specs = speclist, mzt = mztol, mp = minpeaks, nonm = nonmatched)
sz <- sum(sapply(alledges, length))
dt <- data.frame(from = integer(sz),
to = integer(sz),
cosine = numeric(sz),
stringsAsFactors = F)
dt$from = unlist(mapply(rep, 1:length(alledges), sapply(alledges, length)))
dt$to = unlist(sapply(selectlist, "[", -1))
dt$deltamz = unlist(pmassShifts)
dt$cosine = unlist(alledges)
#put the node indices back together correctly
dt$from <- selNonNulls[dt$from]
dt$to <- selNonNulls[dt$to]
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