fols <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
writeLines(utils::capture.output(utils::sessionInfo()), "settings/AnalysisSessionInfo.txt")
history <- writeStatus (previous = NULL,
message = list(Status = paste0("Starting analysis with xcms_runner in Metaboseek v",packageVersion("Metaboseek")," and xcms version ", packageVersion("xcms")),
Details = "initializing parameters"))
#Load settings from csv files in wd
filegroups = read.csv("settings/filegroups.csv",
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = F)
mzxml_pos <- filegroups$File
fgroups <- as.integer(as.factor(filegroups$Group))
centWave = read.csv("settings/centWave.csv",
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = F)
#peak picking parameters
cparam <- CentWaveParam(ppm = as.numeric(centWave["ppm",1]),
peakwidth = c(min(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(centWave["peakwidth",1], split = " ")))), max(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(centWave["peakwidth",1], split = " "))))),
snthresh = as.numeric(centWave["snthresh",1]),
mzCenterFun = as.character(centWave["mzCenterFun",1]),
firstBaselineCheck = as.logical(centWave["firstBaselineCheck",1]),
prefilter = c(min(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(centWave["prefilter",1], split = " ")))), max(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(centWave["prefilter",1], split = " "))))),
mzdiff = as.numeric(centWave["mzdiff",1]),
noise = as.numeric(centWave["noise",1]),
fitgauss = as.logical(centWave["fitgauss",1]),
verboseColumns = FALSE )
if(['sysname'] == "Windows"){
#bparam <- SnowParam(workers = as.integer(centWave["workers",1]))
groupparam = read.csv("settings/group.csv",
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = F)
#grouping parameters
gparam <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = if(as.logical(groupparam["usegroups",1])){fgroups}else{c(1:length(mzxml_pos))},
minFraction = as.numeric(groupparam["minfrac",1]),
bw = as.numeric(groupparam["bw",1]),
binSize = as.numeric(groupparam["mzwid",1]),
maxFeatures = as.integer(groupparam["max",1]),
minSamples = as.integer(groupparam["minsamp",1])
peakfilling = read.csv("settings/peakfilling.csv",
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = F)
fparam <- FillChromPeaksParam(expandMz = as.numeric(peakfilling["expandMz",1]),
expandRt = as.numeric(peakfilling["expandRt",1]),
ppm = as.numeric(peakfilling["ppm",1]))
mos_fparam <- list(ppm = as.numeric(peakfilling["ppm_m",1]),
rtw = as.numeric(peakfilling["rtw",1]),
rtrange = as.logical(peakfilling["rtrange",1]),
areaMode = if("areaMode" %in% row.names(peakfilling)){as.logical(peakfilling["areaMode",1])}else{FALSE}
retcorParam = read.csv("settings/retcor.csv",
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = F)
#retcor parameters
rparam <- ObiwarpParam(binSize = as.numeric(retcorParam["profStep",1]),
centerSample = 1,#integer(),
response = as.numeric(retcorParam["response",1]),
distFun = as.character(retcorParam["distFunc",1]),
gapInit = numeric(),
gapExtend = numeric(),
factorDiag = 2,
factorGap = 1,
localAlignment = T,
initPenalty = 0)
##force use of PeakGroupsParam if obiwarp does not work
pgparam <- PeakGroupsParam(minFraction = as.numeric(retcorParam["minFraction",1]),
extraPeaks = as.integer(retcorParam["extraPeaks",1]),
smooth = as.character(retcorParam["smooth",1]),
span = as.integer(retcorParam["span",1]),
family = as.character(retcorParam["family",1]))
camera = read.csv("settings/camera.csv",
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = F)
cam_param <- list(polarity = as.character(camera["polarity",1]),
ppm = as.numeric(camera["ppm",1]),
mzabs = as.numeric(camera["mzabs",1]),
sigma = as.numeric(camera["sigma",1]),
perfwhm = as.numeric(camera["perfwhm",1]),
cor_eic_th = as.numeric(camera["cor_eic_th",1]),
pval = as.numeric(camera["pval",1]),
maxcharge = as.integer(camera["maxcharge",1]),
maxiso = as.integer(camera["maxiso",1]),
minfrac = as.numeric(camera["minfrac",1]),
filter = as.logical(camera["filter",1]))
outputs = read.csv("settings/outputs.csv",
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = F)
#make all columns except the desxr
for (i in seq(ncol(outputs) - 1)){
outputs[,i] <- as.logical(outputs[,i])
ppOptions <- NULL
ppOptions <- jsonlite::unserializeJSON(readChar("settings/postProcessingSettings.json","settings/postProcessingSettings.json")$size))
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Starting analysis",
Details = "loading files"))
#xcmsRaw object list for Mseek intensity method
|| (length(ppOptions)
&& any(grepl("shapes", ppOptions$analysesSelected2)))){ #needed for peak shapes analysis types
rfiles <- loadRawM(filelist= mzxml_pos, MSn = F, workers = as.integer(centWave["workers",1]), rnames = mzxml_pos)
rfiles <- NULL
fileaccess <- readMSData(mzxml_pos, pdata = NULL, verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose(),
msLevel. = 1,
centroided. = T,
smoothed. = NA,
mode = "onDisk")
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Finding peaks",
Details = "XcmsSet peak detection"))
xset <- findChromPeaks(fileaccess, cparam,
BPPARAM = bpparam(), return.type = "XCMSnExp")
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Exporting data",
Details = "peaktable_all.csv"))
# write.csv(chromPeaks(xset),file = "peaktable_all_unfilled.csv")
sep = ",",
quote = T,
row.names = F
#only run this if anything other than the peaktable_all is requested
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Group peaks",
Details = "group.density"))
## group corresponding peaks across samples (NOT needed for retcor with obiwarp)
xset <- groupChromPeaks(xset,
if(outputs["peaktable_grouped", "Value"]){
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Saving table",
Details = "Saving peaktable_grouped and running post-processing"))
peaktable_grouped <- savetable(xset,
#status = history,
# fill = if(outputs["peaktable_grouped","xcms_peakfilling"]){
# fparam}
# else{NULL},
# nonfill = outputs["peaktable_grouped", "Value"],
filename = "peaktable_grouped",
bparams = bpparam(),
intensities = if((outputs["peaktable_grouped", "MOSAIC_intensities"])){mos_fparam}else{NULL},
rawdata = rfiles,
postProc = if(length(ppOptions) && ppOptions$noRtCorrAnaCheck){ppOptions}else{NULL})
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Saving table",
Details = "Performing xcms peak filling. Saving peaktable_grouped_filled and running post-processing"))
xset <- xcms::fillChromPeaks(xset, fparam,
BPPARAM = bpparam())
peaktable_grouped <- savetable(xset,
importResultsFrom = peaktable_grouped, #will import post-processing and Mseek intensities from previous step if appropriate, otherwise will generate them de novo
filename = "peaktable_grouped_filled",
bparams = bpparam(),
intensities = if((outputs["peaktable_grouped", "MOSAIC_intensities"])){mos_fparam}else{NULL},
rawdata = rfiles,
postProc = if(length(ppOptions) && ppOptions$noRtCorrAnaCheck){ppOptions}else{NULL})
if(outputs["peaktable_grouped", "CAMERA_analysis"]){
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "CAMERA annotation",
Details = "Adduct and isotope annotation with the CAMERA package (before RT correction)"))
an <-, c(list(xset = xset, workers = as.integer(centWave["workers",1])),cam_param))
importResultsFrom = peaktable_grouped, #will import post-processing and Mseek intensities from previous step if appropriate, otherwise will generate them de novo
filename = if(outputs["peaktable_grouped","xcms_peakfilling"]){"peaktable_filled_noRTcorr_CAMERA"}else{"peaktable_noRTcorr_CAMERA"},
bparams = bpparam(),
intensities = if(outputs["peaktable_grouped", "MOSAIC_intensities"]){mos_fparam}else{NULL},
rawdata = rfiles,
postProc = if(length(ppOptions) && ppOptions$noRtCorrAnaCheck){ppOptions}else{NULL})
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Retention time correction",
Details = as.character(retcorParam["method",1])))
if(as.character(retcorParam["method",1]) == "obiwarp"){
xset <- tryCatch(adjustRtime(xset,
param = rparam),
error = function(e){list(msg = e,
obj = adjustRtime(xset,
param = pgparam))})
xset <- adjustRtime(xset,
param = pgparam)
xset <- xset[[2]]
history$status[1,"Details"] <- paste("ERROR: Obiwarp failed, used PeakGroups method instead.")
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Exporting data",
Details = "Retention time correction information"))
rtx <- rtexport(xset)
#save(rtx, file = "RTcorr_data.Rdata")
saveRDS(rtx, file = "RTcorr_data.Rds")
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Regroup peaks",
Details = "group.density"))
xset <- groupChromPeaks(xset,
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Saving table",
Details = "Saving peaktable_grouped_RTcorr and running post-processing"))
peaktable_grouped <- savetable(xset,
filename = "peaktable_grouped_RTcorr",
bparams = bpparam(),
intensities = if((outputs["peaktable_grouped_Rtcorr", "MOSAIC_intensities"])){mos_fparam}else{NULL},
rawdata = rfiles,
postProc = if(length(ppOptions) && ppOptions$rtCorrAnaCheck){ppOptions}else{NULL})
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Saving table",
Details = "Performing xcms peak filling. Saving peaktable_grouped_RTcorr_filled and running post-processing"))
xset <- xcms::fillChromPeaks(xset, fparam,
BPPARAM = bpparam())
peaktable_grouped <- savetable(xset,
importResultsFrom = peaktable_grouped, #will import post-processing and Mseek intensities from previous step if appropriate, otherwise will generate them de novo
filename = "peaktable_grouped_RTcorr_filled",
bparams = bpparam(),
intensities = if((outputs["peaktable_grouped_Rtcorr", "MOSAIC_intensities"])){mos_fparam}else{NULL},
rawdata = rfiles,
postProc = if(length(ppOptions) && ppOptions$rtCorrAnaCheck){ppOptions}else{NULL})
if(outputs["peaktable_grouped_Rtcorr", "CAMERA_analysis"]){
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "CAMERA annotation",
Details = "Adduct and isotope annotation with the CAMERA package (after RT correction)"))
an <-, c(list(xset = xset, workers = as.integer(centWave["workers",1])),cam_param))
importResultsFrom = peaktable_grouped, #will import post-processing and Mseek intensities from previous step if appropriate, otherwise will generate them de novo
filename = if(outputs["peaktable_grouped_Rtcorr","xcms_peakfilling"]){"peaktable_grouped_RTcorr_filled_CAMERA"}else{"peaktable_grouped_RTcorr_CAMERA"},
bparams = bpparam(),
intensities = if(outputs["peaktable_grouped_Rtcorr", "MOSAIC_intensities"]){mos_fparam}else{NULL},
rawdata = rfiles,
postProc = if(length(ppOptions) && ppOptions$rtCorrAnaCheck){ppOptions}else{NULL})
history <- writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "Finished",
Details = "all analyses done, total time"))
error = function(e){writeStatus (previous = history,
message = list(Status = "ERROR",
Details = paste("An error has occured:", e, collapse = " "))) }
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