#' @include methods_MseekFamily.R
#' @rdname MseekGraphs
#' @aliases setLayout
#' @description \code{setLayout():} change the graph layout of an existing MseekGraph object.
#' @param object an \code{MseekGraph} object (\code{MseekFT} for \code{buildMseekGraph()})
#' @param layoutFunction function to use for layout of the resulting graph
#' @export
setMethod("setLayout", c("MseekGraph"),
layoutFunction = "qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold"
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
stop("Input to setLayout is not an MseekGraph object")
#make a fixed layout and add it to the graph in a way the NetworkModule will understand
object$graphLayouts <- layout_components_qgraph(object$graph, layoutFunction) # qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold)
V(object$graph)$x__coord <- object$graphLayouts$layout[,1]
V(object$graph)$y__coord <- object$graphLayouts$layout[,2]
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$setLayout <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Updated graph layout"),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::setLayout",
args = list(layoutFunction = layoutFunction),
longArgs = list())
#' @title MseekGraphs
#' @rdname MseekGraphs
#' @name MseekGraphs
#' @aliases buildMseekGraph
#' @description \code{MseekGraph} objects are \code{\link[igraph]{igraph}} objects
#' which have layout information and slots that are the same as MseekFT objects,
#' except that the bulk of data is kept in an \code{igraph} object instead of
#' a \code{data.frame}. These objects are read and displayed by the
#' \code{\link{NetworkModule}}.
#' @export
setMethod("buildMseekGraph", c("MseekFT"),
function(object, cosineThreshold = 0.6,
layoutFunction = "qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold"
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
res <- object[names(object) != "df"]
#only difference is how the dataframe is saved: now in the $graph slot as igraph...
#list(graph = NULL,
# .processHistory = processHistory(object)
class(res) <- "MseekGraph"
stop("No edgelist found. Run FTedges() first")
tempnodes <- object$df[ object$df$MS2scans != "", colnames(object$df)!= "id" ]
tempnodes <- data.frame(id = seq(nrow(tempnodes)), tempnodes)
tempedges <- object$edges[object$edges$cosine >= cosineThreshold,]
tempedges$from <- sapply(tempedges$from, match, tempnodes$fixed__id)
tempedges$to <- sapply(tempedges$to, match, tempnodes$fixed__id)
tempedges <- na.omit(tempedges)
g1 <- graph_from_data_frame(d=tempedges,
V(g1)$id <- tempnodes$id
# Removing loops from the graph:
g1 <- igraph::simplify(g1, remove.multiple = F, remove.loops = T)
#important for overview mode!
V(g1)$subcl <- clusters(g1)$membership
#make a fixed layout and add it to the graph in a way the NetworkModule will understand
# if(is.null(V(g1)$x__coord) || is.null(V(g1)$y__coord)){
# layo <- layout_components_qgraph(g1, eval(parse(text = layoutFunction)))# qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold)
# V(g1)$x__coord <- layo$layout[,1]
# V(g1)$y__coord <- layo$layout[,2]
# }
res$graph <- g1
res <- setLayout(res, layoutFunction)
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$buildMseekGraph <<- paste(e)
finally = {
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(res)
res <- addProcessHistory(res,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Generated MseekGraph from MseekFT object."),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::buildMseekGraph",
args = list(cosineThreshold = cosineThreshold,
layoutFunction = layoutFunction),
longArgs = list())
#' @aliases saveMseekGraph
#' @description \code{saveMseekGraph}: save a \code{MseekGraph} object to a
#' file, registering the save event in the processHistory if the format allows
#' @param file file path to write to
#' @param writeGraphML write object to a .graphML file (will drop metadata and some columns)
#' @param writeRDS write object to an .mskg (RDS) file; saves the entire object
#' @return the \code{MseekFT} object, with saving event added to processHistory
#' @importFrom igraph write_graph
#' @rdname MseekGraphs
#' @export
function(object, file, writeGraphML = FALSE, writeRDS = TRUE){
object <- addProcessHistory(object, FTProcessHistory(info = paste0("Saved MseekGraph object to file:", file),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::saveMseekFT",
args = list(file = file,
inputHash = MseekHash(object),
writeGraphML = writeGraphML,
writeRDS = writeRDS))))
#make sure file extension is .mskFT
file, ignore.case = TRUE),
format = "graphml")
#make sure file extension is .mskFT
file = paste0(gsub('\\.mskg$','',
file, ignore.case = TRUE),
#' @aliases loadMseekGraph
#' @param layoutFunction function to use for layout of the resulting graph
#' @description \code{loadMseekGraph}: load a \code{MseekGraph} object from an
#' .mskg or .graphml file (file extensions inform how file is loaded in)
#' @rdname MseekGraphs
#' @export
signature(object = "character"),
layoutFunction = "qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold"
lapply(object, loadMseekFT)
if(grepl("\\.graphml$", object, ignore.case = TRUE)){
res <- constructFeatureTable(tablename = basename(gsub("\\.graphml$","", ignore.case = TRUE, object)))
res <- res[names(res) != "df"]
res$graph <- read_graph(object, "graphml")
V(res$graph)$fixed__id <- seq(vcount(res$graph))
# #make a fixed layout and add it to the graph in a way the NetworkModule will understand
# if(is.null(V(res$graph)$x__coord)
# || is.null(V(res$graph)$y__coord)){
# layo <- layout_components_qgraph(res$graph,
# eval(parse(text = layoutFunction)))
# # qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold)
# V(res$graph)$x__coord <- layo$layout[,1]
# V(res$graph)$y__coord <- layo$layout[,2]
# }
class(res) <- "MseekGraph"
res <- setLayout(res, layoutFunction)
if(grepl("\\.mskg$", object, ignore.case = TRUE)){
res <- readRDS(object)
res <- setLayout(res, layoutFunction)
res <- addProcessHistory(res, FTProcessHistory(info = paste0("Loaded MseekGraph object from file: ", object),
sessionInfo = sessionInfo(),
outputHash = MseekHash(res),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::loadMseekGraph",
args = list(file = object,
layoutFunction = if(grepl("\\.mskg$", object, ignore.case = TRUE)){NULL}else{layoutFunction}))))
#' @rdname MseekGraphs
#' @description \code{simplify}: simplify an MseekGraph object, reducing the number of edges
#' using additional filters.
#' @param maxK if length > 0, will only allow at most this many edges from each node
#' @param rankBy if length > 0, will use this edge attribute to rank keep only the top \code{maxK} edges
#' @param cosineThreshold if length > 0, will remove all edges with a cosine value below this
#' @param layoutFunction function to use for layout of the resulting graph
#' @export
setMethod("simplify", c("MseekGraph"),
function(object, rankBy = NULL,
maxK = 10,
cosineThreshold = NULL,
layoutFunction = "qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold"
) {
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
tables <- list(nodes = type.convert(as_data_frame(object$graph, "vertices"), as.is = T),
edges = type.convert(as_data_frame(object$graph, "edges"), as.is = T))
nedgesBefore <- nrow(tables$edges)
tables$edges <- tables$edges[tables$edges$cosine >= cosineThreshold,]
if(! "fixed__id" %in% colnames(tables$nodes)){
tables$nodes$fixed__id <- tables$nodes[,1]
# if(FALSE
# #input$mergeCheck
# ){
# if(input$mergeCheck2){
# res <- list(tables = simplifyGraph(res$tables$nodes,
# res$tables$edges,
# which(res$tables$edges[[internalValues$colSelected1]] >= input$col1min
# & res$tables$edges[[internalValues$colSelected1]] <= input$col1max
# & res$tables$edges[[internalValues$colSelected2]] >= input$col2min
# & res$tables$edges[[internalValues$colSelected2]] <= input$col2max
# )),
# graph = NULL)
# }else{
# res <- list(tables = simplifyGraph(res$tables$nodes,
# res$tables$edges,
# which(res$tables$edges[[internalValues$colSelected1]] >= input$col1min
# & res$tables$edges[[internalValues$colSelected1]] <= input$col1max)),
# graph = NULL)
# }
# }
#select edges to remove
# print("beforeremoval")
rankBy <- 1
removeindices <- integer(0)
for(i in unique(c(tables$edges[,1], tables$edges[,2]))){
selall <- which(tables$edges[,1] == i | tables$edges[,2] ==i)
if(length(selall) > maxK){
removeindices <- c(removeindices, selall[order(tables$edges[selall,rankBy])][1:max(c(1,(length(selall)-maxK)))])
if(length(removeindices) > 0){
tables$edges <- tables$edges[-unique(removeindices),]
# print(res$tables$edges)
# print(res$tables$nodes)
object$edges <- tables$edges
g1 <- graph_from_data_frame(d=tables$edges, vertices=tables$nodes, directed=F)
#V(g1)$label <- V(g1)$parent.mass
V(g1)$id <- seq(vcount(g1))
# Removing loops from the graph:
g1 <- igraph::simplify(g1, remove.multiple = F, remove.loops = T)
#important for overview mode!
V(g1)$subcl <- clusters(g1)$membership
object$graph <- g1
if(nedgesBefore != nrow(tables$edges)){
object <- setLayout(object, layoutFunction)
# layo <- layout_components_qgraph(g1, eval(parse(text = layoutFunction))) #qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold)
# V(g1)$x__coord <- layo$layout[,1]
# V(g1)$y__coord <- layo$layout[,2]
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$simplify <<- paste(e)
finally =
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
# fileNames = names(rawdata),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Simplified network"),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::simplify",
args = list(rankBy = rankBy,
maxK = maxK,
cosineThreshold = cosineThreshold,
layoutFunction = layoutFunction),
longArgs = list())
#' @rdname MseekGraphs
#' @description \code{limitComponents}: simplify an MseekGraph object, reducing the number of edges
#' for any subgraph with more than n components.
#' @param n maximum number of nodes connected in a cluster
#' @param rankBy if length > 0, will use this edge attribute to iteratively remove the lowest scoring edges from the large clusters until
#' @param layoutFunction function to use for layout of the resulting graph
#' @param percentile remove edges in percentile steps
#' @export
setMethod("limitComponents", c("MseekGraph"),
function(object, rankBy = "cosine",
n = Inf,
layoutFunction = "qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold",
percentile = TRUE
) {
beforeHash <- MseekHash(object)
p1 <- proc.time()
err <- list()
g <- object$graph
allClusters <- clusters(g, mode="weak")
maxClusSize <- max(allClusters$csize)
print(paste0("Largest cluster size: ", max(allClusters$csize), ". Increasing cosine threshold for large clusters..."))
while(any(allClusters$csize > n)){
if(maxClusSize > max(allClusters$csize)){
print(paste0("Largest cluster size: ", max(allClusters$csize), ". Increasing cosine threshold for large clusters..."))
maxClusSize <- max(allClusters$csize)
largeClusterNodes <- which(allClusters$membership %in% which(allClusters$csize > n))
tables <- list(nodes = type.convert(as_data_frame(g, "vertices"), as.is = T),
edges = type.convert(as_data_frame(g, "edges"), as.is = T))
tables$edges <- tables$edges[-which(tables$edges$from %in% largeClusterNodes
& tables$edges[[rankBy]] <= quantile(tables$edges[[rankBy]][tables$edges$from %in% largeClusterNodes], 0.01)#1.01*min(tables$edges[[rankBy]][tables$edges$from %in% largeClusterNodes])
tables$edges <- tables$edges[-which(tables$edges$from %in% largeClusterNodes
& tables$edges[[rankBy]] < 1.01*min(tables$edges[[rankBy]][tables$edges$from %in% largeClusterNodes])
# ie <- incident_edges(g, v = largeClusterNodes, mode = c("all"))
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d=tables$edges, vertices=tables$nodes, directed=F)
allClusters <- clusters(g, mode="weak")
print(paste0("Success: Cluster sizes reduced. Largest cluster size: ", max(allClusters$csize)))
nedgesBefore <- nrow(object$edges)
object$edges <- type.convert(as_data_frame(g, "edges"), as.is = T)
#V(g)$label <- V(g)$parent.mass
V(g)$id <- seq(vcount(g))
# Removing loops from the graph:
g <- igraph::simplify(g, remove.multiple = F, remove.loops = T)
#important for overview mode!
V(g)$subcl <- clusters(g)$membership
object$graph <- g
if(nedgesBefore != nrow(object$edges)){
object <- setLayout(object, layoutFunction)
# layo <- layout_components_qgraph(g1, eval(parse(text = layoutFunction))) #qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold)
# V(g1)$x__coord <- layo$layout[,1]
# V(g1)$y__coord <- layo$layout[,2]
error = function(e){
#this assigns to object err in function environment,
#but err has to exist in the environment, otherwise
#will move through scopes up to global environment..
err$simplify <<- paste(e)
finally =
p1 <- (proc.time() - p1)["elapsed"]
afterHash <- MseekHash(object)
object <- addProcessHistory(object,
FTProcessHistory(changes = afterHash != beforeHash,
inputHash = beforeHash,
outputHash = afterHash,
# fileNames = names(rawdata),
error = err,
sessionInfo = NULL,
processingTime = p1,
info = paste0("Simplified network by limiting number of components"),
param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::limitComponents",
args = list(rankBy = rankBy,
n = n,
layoutFunction = layoutFunction),
longArgs = list())
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.