#' Fit bias models over single-isoform genes
#' This function estimates parameters for one or more bias models
#' for a single sample over a set of single-isoform
#' genes. ~100 medium to highly expressed genes should be sufficient to
#' estimate the parameters robustly.
#' @param genes a GRangesList with the exons of different
#' single-isoform genes
#' @param bam.file a character string pointing to an indexed BAM file
#' @param fragtypes the output of \link{buildFragtypes}. must contain
#' the potential fragment types for the genes named in \code{genes}
#' @param genome a BSgenome object
#' @param models a list of lists: the outer list describes multiple models.
#' each element of the inner list has two elements: \code{formula} and \code{offset}.
#' \code{formula} should be a character strings of an R formula
#' describing the bias models, e.g. \code{"count ~ ns(gc) + gene"}.
#' The end of the string is required to be \code{"+ gene"}.
#' \code{offset} should be a character vector
#' listing possible bias offsets to be used (\code{"fraglen"} or \code{"vlmm"}).
#' Either \code{offset} or \code{formula} can be NULL for a model.
#' See vignette for recommendations and details.
#' @param readlength the read length
#' @param minsize the minimum fragment length to model
#' @param maxsize the maximum fragment length to model
#' @param speedglm logical, whether to use speedglm to estimate the coefficients.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @param gc.knots knots for the GC splines
#' @param gc.bk boundary knots for the GC splines
#' @param relpos.knots knots for the relative position splines
#' @param relpos.bk boundary knots for the relative position splines
#' @return a list with elements: coefs, summary, models, model.params,
#' and optional offets: fraglen.density, vlmm.fivep,
#' and vlmm.threep.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{coefs} gives the estimated coefficients
#' for the different models that specified formula.
#' \item \strong{summary} gives the tables with coefficients, standard
#' errors and p-values,
#' \item \strong{models} stores the incoming \code{models} list,
#' \item \strong{model.params} stores parameters for the
#' models, such as knot locations
#' \item \strong{fraglen.density} is a
#' estimated density object for the fragment length distribution,
#' \item \strong{vlmm.fivep} and \strong{vlmm.threep}
#' store the observed and expected tabulations for the different
#' orders of the VLMM for read start bias.
#' }
#' @references
#' The complete bias model including fragment sequence bias
#' is described in detail in the Supplemental Note of the
#' following publication:
#' Love, M.I., Hogenesch, J.B., and Irizarry, R.A.,
#' Modeling of RNA-seq fragment sequence bias reduces
#' systematic errors in transcript abundance estimation.
#' Nature Biotechnologyh (2016) doi: 10.1038/nbt.3682
#' The read start variable length Markov model (VLMM) for
#' addressing bias introduced by random hexamer priming
#' was introduced in the following publication (the sequence
#' bias model used in Cufflinks):
#' Roberts, A., Trapnell, C., Donaghey, J., Rinn, J.L., and Pachter, L.,
#' Improving RNA-Seq expression estimates by correcting for fragment bias.
#' Genome Biology (2011) doi: 10.1186/gb-2011-12-3-r22
#' @examples
#' # see vignette for a more realistic example
#' # these next lines just write out a BAM file from R
#' # typically you would already have a BAM file
#' library(alpineData)
#' library(GenomicAlignments)
#' library(rtracklayer)
#' gap <- ERR188088()
#' dir <- system.file(package="alpineData", "extdata")
#' bam.file <- c("ERR188088" = file.path(dir,"ERR188088.bam"))
#' export(gap, con=bam.file)
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38)
#' data(preprocessedData)
#' readlength <- 75
#' minsize <- 125 # see vignette how to choose
#' maxsize <- 175 # see vignette how to choose
#' # here a very small subset, should be ~100 genes
#' gene.names <- names(ebt.fit)[6:8]
#' names(gene.names) <- gene.names
#' fragtypes <- lapply(gene.names, function(gene.name) {
#' buildFragtypes(ebt.fit[[gene.name]],
#' Hsapiens, readlength,
#' minsize, maxsize)
#' })
#' models <- list(
#' "GC" = list(formula = "count ~ ns(gc,knots=gc.knots, Boundary.knots=gc.bk) + gene",
#' offset=c("fraglen","vlmm"))
#' )
#' fitpar <- fitBiasModels(genes=ebt.fit[gene.names],
#' bam.file=bam.file,
#' fragtypes=fragtypes,
#' genome=Hsapiens,
#' models=models,
#' readlength=readlength,
#' minsize=minsize,
#' maxsize=maxsize)
#' @export
fitBiasModels <- function(genes, bam.file, fragtypes, genome,
models, readlength, minsize, maxsize,
gc.knots=seq(from=.4, to=.6, length=3),
relpos.knots=seq(from=.25, to=.75, length=3),
relpos.bk=c(0,1)) {
stopifnot(is(genes, "GRangesList"))
stopifnot(all(!is.na(sapply(models, function(x) x$formula))))
stopifnot(is.numeric(readlength) & length(readlength) == 1)
stopifnot(all(names(genes) %in% names(fragtypes)))
if (any(sapply(models, function(m) "vlmm" %in% m$offset))) {
stopifnot("fivep" %in% colnames(fragtypes[[1]]))
for (m in models) {
if (!is.null(m$formula)) {
if (!grepl("+ gene$",m$formula)) {
stop("'+ gene' needs to be at the end of the formula string")
exon.dna <- getSeq(genome, genes)
gene.seqs <- as(lapply(exon.dna, unlist), "DNAStringSet")
# FPBP needed to downsample to a target fragment per kilobase
fpbp <- getFPBP(genes, bam.file)
# TODO check these downsampling parameters now that subset
# routine is not related to number of positive counts
# want ~1000 rows per gene, so ~300 reads per gene
# so ~300/1500 = 0.2 fragments per basepair
target.fpbp <- 0.4
fitpar.sub <- list()
fitpar.sub[["coefs"]] <- list()
fitpar.sub[["summary"]] <- list()
# create a list over genes, populated with read info from this 'bam.file'
# so we create a new object, and preserve the original 'fragtypes' object
fragtypes.sub.list <- list()
for (i in seq_along(genes)) {
gene.name <- names(genes)[i]
gene <- genes[[gene.name]]
l <- sum(width(gene))
# add counts per sample and subset
generange <- range(gene)
strand(generange) <- "*" # not necessary
if (!as.character(seqnames(generange)) %in% seqlevels(BamFile(bam.file))) next
# this necessary to avoid hanging on highly duplicated regions
## roughNumFrags <- countBam(bam.file, param=ScanBamParam(which=generange))$records/2
## if (roughNumFrags > 10000) next
ga <- readGAlignAlpine(bam.file, generange)
if (length(ga) < 20) next
ga <- keepSeqlevels(ga, as.character(seqnames(gene)[1]))
# downsample to a target FPBP
nfrags <- length(ga)
this.fpbp <- nfrags / l
if (this.fpbp > target.fpbp) {
ga <- ga[sample(nfrags, round(nfrags * target.fpbp / this.fpbp), FALSE)]
fco <- findCompatibleOverlaps(ga, GRangesList(gene))
# message("-- ",round(length(fco)/length(ga),2)," compatible overlaps")
# as.numeric(table(as.character(strand(ga))[queryHits(fco)])) # strand balance
reads <- gaToReadsOnTx(ga, GRangesList(gene), fco)
# fraglist.temp is a list of length 1
# ...(matchReadsToFraglist also works for multiple transcripts)
# it will only last for a few lines...
fraglist.temp <- matchReadsToFraglist(reads, fragtypes[gene.name])
# remove first and last bp for fitting the bias terms
not.first.or.last.bp <- !(fraglist.temp[[1]]$start == 1 | fraglist.temp[[1]]$end == l)
fraglist.temp[[1]] <- fraglist.temp[[1]][not.first.or.last.bp,]
if (sum(fraglist.temp[[1]]$count) < 20) next
# randomly downsample and up-weight
fragtypes.sub.list[[gene.name]] <- subsetAndWeightFraglist(fraglist.temp,
if (length(fragtypes.sub.list) == 0) stop("not enough reads to model: ",bam.file)
# collapse the list over genes into a
# single DataFrame with the subsetted and weighted
# potential fragment types from all genes
# message("num genes w/ suf. reads: ",length(fragtypes.sub.list))
if (length(fragtypes.sub.list) < 2) stop("requires at least two genes to fit model")
gene.nrows <- sapply(fragtypes.sub.list, nrow)
# message("mean rows per gene: ", round(mean(gene.nrows)))
# a DataFrame of the subsetted fragtypes
fragtypes.sub <- do.call(rbind, fragtypes.sub.list)
# check the FPBP after downsampling:
## gene.counts <- sapply(fragtypes.sub.list, function(x) sum(x$count))
## gene.lengths <- sum(width(genes))
## round(unname(gene.counts / gene.lengths[names(gene.counts)]), 2)
# save the models and parameters
fitpar.sub[["models"]] <- models
fitpar.sub[["model.params"]] <- list(
if (any(sapply(models, function(m) "fraglen" %in% m$offset))) {
## -- fragment bias --
pos.count <- fragtypes.sub$count > 0
fraglens <- rep(fragtypes.sub$fraglen[pos.count], fragtypes.sub$count[pos.count])
fraglen.density <- density(fraglens)
fragtypes.sub$logdfraglen <- log(matchToDensity(fragtypes.sub$fraglen, fraglen.density))
# with(fragtypes.sub, plot(fraglen, exp(logdfraglen), cex=.1))
fitpar.sub[["fraglen.density"]] <- fraglen.density
if (any(sapply(models, function(m) "vlmm" %in% m$offset))) {
## -- random hexamer priming bias with VLMM --
pos.count <- fragtypes.sub$count > 0
fivep <- fragtypes.sub$fivep[fragtypes.sub$fivep.test & pos.count]
threep <- fragtypes.sub$threep[fragtypes.sub$threep.test & pos.count]
vlmm.fivep <- fitVLMM(fivep, gene.seqs)
vlmm.threep <- fitVLMM(threep, gene.seqs)
## par(mfrow=c(2,1))
## plotOrder0(vlmm.fivep$order0)
## plotOrder0(vlmm.threep$order0)
# now calculate log(bias) for each fragment based on the VLMM
fragtypes.sub <- addVLMMBias(fragtypes.sub, vlmm.fivep, vlmm.threep)
fitpar.sub[["vlmm.fivep"]] <- vlmm.fivep
fitpar.sub[["vlmm.threep"]] <- vlmm.threep
# allow a gene-specific intercept (although mostly handled already with downsampling)
fragtypes.sub$gene <- factor(rep(seq_along(gene.nrows), gene.nrows))
for (modeltype in names(models)) {
if (is.null(models[[modeltype]]$formula)) {
# message("fitting model type: ",modeltype)
f <- models[[modeltype]]$formula
offset <- numeric(nrow(fragtypes.sub))
if ("fraglen" %in% models[[modeltype]]$offset) {
# message("-- fragment length correction")
offset <- offset + fragtypes.sub$logdfraglen
if ("vlmm" %in% models[[modeltype]]$offset) {
# message("-- VLMM fragment start/end correction")
offset <- offset + fragtypes.sub$fivep.bias + fragtypes.sub$threep.bias
if (!all(is.finite(offset))) stop("offset needs to be finite")
fragtypes.sub$offset <- offset
if ( speedglm ) {
# mm.small <- sparse.model.matrix(f, data=fragtypes.sub)
mm.small <- model.matrix(formula(f), data=fragtypes.sub)
stopifnot(all(colSums(abs(mm.small)) > 0))
fit <- speedglm.wfit(fragtypes.sub$count, mm.small,
} else {
fit <- glm(formula(f),
fitpar.sub[["coefs"]][[modeltype]] <- fit$coefficients
fitpar.sub[["summary"]][[modeltype]] <- summary(fit)$coefficients
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