# Unexported, low-level function for fitting negative binomial GLMs
# Users typically call \code{\link{nbinomWaldTest}} or \code{\link{nbinomLRT}}
# which calls this function to perform fitting. These functions return
# a \code{\link{DESeqDataSet}} object with the appropriate columns
# added. This function returns results as a list.
# object a DESeqDataSet
# modelMatrix the design matrix
# modelFormula a formula specifying how to construct the design matrix
# alpha_hat the dispersion parameter estimates
# lambda the 'ridge' term added for the penalized GLM on the log2 scale
# renameCols whether to give columns variable_B_vs_A style names
# betaTol control parameter: stop when the following is satisfied:
# abs(dev - dev_old)/(abs(dev) + 0.1) < betaTol
# maxit control parameter: maximum number of iteration to allow for
# convergence
# useOptim whether to use optim on rows which have not converged:
# Fisher scoring is not ideal with multiple groups and sparse
# count distributions
# useQR whether to use the QR decomposition on the design matrix X
# forceOptim whether to use optim on all rows
# warnNonposVar whether to warn about non positive variances,
# for advanced users only running LRT without beta prior,
# this might be desirable to be ignored.
# return a list of results, with coefficients and standard
# errors on the log2 scale
fitNbinomGLMs <- function(object, modelMatrix=NULL, modelFormula, alpha_hat, lambda,
renameCols=TRUE, betaTol=1e-8, maxit=100, useOptim=TRUE,
useQR=TRUE, forceOptim=FALSE, warnNonposVar=TRUE, minmu=0.5,
type = c("DESeq2", "glmGamPoi")) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("DESeq2", "glmGamPoi"))
if (missing(modelFormula)) {
modelFormula <- design(object)
if (is.null(modelMatrix)) {
modelAsFormula <- TRUE
modelMatrix <- stats::model.matrix.default(modelFormula, data=as.data.frame(colData(object)))
} else {
modelAsFormula <- FALSE
stopifnot(all(MatrixGenerics::colSums(abs(modelMatrix)) > 0))
# rename columns, for use as columns in DataFrame
# and to emphasize the reference level comparison
modelMatrixNames <- colnames(modelMatrix)
modelMatrixNames[modelMatrixNames == "(Intercept)"] <- "Intercept"
modelMatrixNames <- make.names(modelMatrixNames)
if (renameCols) {
convertNames <- renameModelMatrixColumns(colData(object),
convertNames <- convertNames[convertNames$from %in% modelMatrixNames,,drop=FALSE]
modelMatrixNames[match(convertNames$from, modelMatrixNames)] <- convertNames$to
colnames(modelMatrix) <- modelMatrixNames
normalizationFactors <- getSizeOrNormFactors(object)
if (missing(alpha_hat)) {
alpha_hat <- dispersions(object)
if (length(alpha_hat) != nrow(object)) {
stop("alpha_hat needs to be the same length as nrows(object)")
# set a wide prior for all coefficients
if (missing(lambda)) {
lambda <- rep(1e-6, ncol(modelMatrix))
# use weights if they are present in assays(object)
wlist <- getAndCheckWeights(object, modelMatrix)
weights <- wlist$weights
useWeights <- wlist$useWeights
if(type == "glmGamPoi"){
stopifnot("type = 'glmGamPoi' cannot handle weights" = ! useWeights,
"type = 'glmGamPoi' does not support NA's in alpha_hat" = all(! is.na(alpha_hat)))
gp_res <- glmGamPoi::glm_gp(counts(object), design = modelMatrix,
size_factors = FALSE, offset = log(normalizationFactors),
overdispersion = alpha_hat, verbose = FALSE)
logLikeMat <- dnbinom(counts(object), mu=gp_res$Mu, size=1/alpha_hat, log=TRUE)
logLike <- MatrixGenerics::rowSums(logLikeMat)
res <- list(logLike = logLike, betaConv = rep(TRUE, nrow(object)), betaMatrix = gp_res$Beta / log(2),
betaSE = NULL, mu = gp_res$Mu, betaIter = rep(NA,nrow(object)),
nterms=ncol(modelMatrix), hat_diagonals = NULL)
# bypass the beta fitting if the model formula is only intercept and
# the prior variance is large (1e6)
# i.e., LRT with reduced ~ 1 and no beta prior
justIntercept <- if (modelAsFormula) {
modelFormula == formula(~ 1)
} else {
ncol(modelMatrix) == 1 & all(modelMatrix == 1)
if (justIntercept & all(lambda <= 1e-6)) {
alpha <- alpha_hat
betaConv <- rep(TRUE, nrow(object))
betaIter <- rep(1,nrow(object))
betaMatrix <- if (useWeights) {
matrix(log2(MatrixGenerics::rowSums(weights*counts(object, normalized=TRUE))
} else {
matrix(log2(MatrixGenerics::rowMeans(counts(object, normalized=TRUE))),ncol=1)
mu <- normalizationFactors * as.numeric(2^betaMatrix)
logLikeMat <- dnbinom(counts(object), mu=mu, size=1/alpha, log=TRUE)
logLike <- if (useWeights) {
} else {
modelMatrix <- stats::model.matrix.default(~ 1, data=as.data.frame(colData(object)))
colnames(modelMatrix) <- modelMatrixNames <- "Intercept"
w <- if (useWeights) {
weights * (mu^-1 + alpha)^-1
} else {
(mu^-1 + alpha)^-1
xtwx <- MatrixGenerics::rowSums(w)
sigma <- xtwx^-1
betaSE <- matrix(log2(exp(1)) * sqrt(sigma),ncol=1)
hat_diagonals <- w * xtwx^-1;
res <- list(logLike = logLike, betaConv = betaConv, betaMatrix = betaMatrix,
betaSE = betaSE, mu = mu, betaIter = betaIter,
nterms=1, hat_diagonals=hat_diagonals)
qrx <- qr(modelMatrix)
# if full rank, estimate initial betas for IRLS below
if (qrx$rank == ncol(modelMatrix)) {
Q <- qr.Q(qrx)
R <- qr.R(qrx)
y <- t(log(counts(object,normalized=TRUE) + .1))
beta_mat <- t(solve(R, t(Q) %*% y))
} else {
if ("Intercept" %in% modelMatrixNames) {
beta_mat <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(modelMatrix), nrow=nrow(object))
# use the natural log as fitBeta occurs in the natural log scale
logBaseMean <- log(MatrixGenerics::rowMeans(counts(object,normalized=TRUE)))
beta_mat[,which(modelMatrixNames == "Intercept")] <- logBaseMean
} else {
beta_mat <- matrix(1, ncol=ncol(modelMatrix), nrow=nrow(object))
# here we convert from the log2 scale of the betas
# and the beta prior variance to the log scale
# used in fitBeta.
# so we divide by the square of the
# conversion factor, log(2)
lambdaNatLogScale <- lambda / log(2)^2
betaRes <- fitBetaWrapper(ySEXP = counts(object), xSEXP = modelMatrix,
nfSEXP = normalizationFactors,
alpha_hatSEXP = alpha_hat,
beta_matSEXP = beta_mat,
lambdaSEXP = lambdaNatLogScale,
weightsSEXP = weights,
useWeightsSEXP = useWeights,
tolSEXP = betaTol, maxitSEXP = maxit,
useQRSEXP=useQR, minmuSEXP=minmu)
# Note on deviance: the 'deviance' calculated in fitBeta() (C++)
# is not returned in mcols(object)$deviance. instead, we calculate
# the log likelihood below and use -2 * logLike.
# (reason is that we have other ways of estimating beta:
# above intercept code, and below optim code)
mu <- normalizationFactors * t(exp(modelMatrix %*% t(betaRes$beta_mat)))
dispersionVector <- rep(dispersions(object), times=ncol(object))
logLike <- nbinomLogLike(counts(object), mu, dispersions(object), weights, useWeights)
# test for stability
rowStable <- apply(betaRes$beta_mat,1,function(row) sum(is.na(row))) == 0
# test for positive variances
rowVarPositive <- apply(betaRes$beta_var_mat,1,function(row) sum(row <= 0)) == 0
# test for convergence, stability and positive variances
betaConv <- betaRes$iter < maxit
# here we transform the betaMatrix and betaSE to a log2 scale
betaMatrix <- log2(exp(1))*betaRes$beta_mat
colnames(betaMatrix) <- modelMatrixNames
colnames(modelMatrix) <- modelMatrixNames
# warn below regarding these rows with negative variance
betaSE <- log2(exp(1))*sqrt(pmax(betaRes$beta_var_mat,0))
colnames(betaSE) <- paste0("SE_",modelMatrixNames)
# switch based on whether we should also use optim
# on rows which did not converge
rowsForOptim <- if (useOptim) {
which(!betaConv | !rowStable | !rowVarPositive)
} else {
which(!rowStable | !rowVarPositive)
if (forceOptim) {
rowsForOptim <- seq_along(betaConv)
if (length(rowsForOptim) > 0) {
# we use optim if didn't reach convergence with the IRLS code
resOptim <- fitNbinomGLMsOptim(object,modelMatrix,lambda,
betaMatrix <- resOptim$betaMatrix
betaSE <- resOptim$betaSE
betaConv <- resOptim$betaConv
mu <- resOptim$mu
logLike <- resOptim$logLike
nNonposVar <- sum(MatrixGenerics::rowSums(betaSE == 0) > 0)
if (warnNonposVar & nNonposVar > 0) warning(nNonposVar,"rows had non-positive estimates of variance for coefficients")
list(logLike = logLike, betaConv = betaConv, betaMatrix = betaMatrix,
betaSE = betaSE, mu = mu, betaIter = betaRes$iter, modelMatrix=modelMatrix,
nterms=ncol(modelMatrix), hat_diagonals=betaRes$hat_diagonals)
# this function calls fitNbinomGLMs() twice:
# 1 - without the beta prior, in order to calculate the
# beta prior variance and hat matrix
# 2 - again but with the prior in order to get beta matrix and standard errors
fitGLMsWithPrior <- function(object, betaTol, maxit, useOptim, useQR, betaPriorVar, modelMatrix=NULL, minmu=0.5) {
objectNZ <- object[!mcols(object)$allZero,,drop=FALSE]
modelMatrixType <- attr(object, "modelMatrixType")
if (missing(betaPriorVar) | !(all(c("mu","H") %in% assayNames(objectNZ)))) {
# stop unless modelMatrix was NOT supplied, the code below all works
# by building model matrices using the formula, doesn't work with incoming model matrices
# fit the negative binomial GLM without a prior,
# used to construct the prior variances
# and for the hat matrix diagonals for calculating Cook's distance
fit <- fitNbinomGLMs(objectNZ,
betaTol=betaTol, maxit=maxit,
useOptim=useOptim, useQR=useQR,
renameCols = (modelMatrixType == "standard"),
modelMatrix <- fit$modelMatrix
modelMatrixNames <- colnames(modelMatrix)
H <- fit$hat_diagonal
betaMatrix <- fit$betaMatrix
mu <- fit$mu
modelMatrixNames[modelMatrixNames == "(Intercept)"] <- "Intercept"
modelMatrixNames <- make.names(modelMatrixNames)
colnames(betaMatrix) <- modelMatrixNames
# save the MLE log fold changes for addMLE argument of results
convertNames <- renameModelMatrixColumns(colData(object),
convertNames <- convertNames[convertNames$from %in% modelMatrixNames,,drop=FALSE]
modelMatrixNames[match(convertNames$from, modelMatrixNames)] <- convertNames$to
mleBetaMatrix <- fit$betaMatrix
colnames(mleBetaMatrix) <- paste0("MLE_",modelMatrixNames)
# store for use in estimateBetaPriorVar below
mcols(objectNZ) <- cbind(mcols(objectNZ), DataFrame(mleBetaMatrix))
} else {
# we can skip the first MLE fit because the
# beta prior variance and hat matrix diagonals were provided
if (is.null(modelMatrix)) {
modelMatrix <- getModelMatrix(object)
H <- assays(objectNZ)[["H"]]
mu <- assays(objectNZ)[["mu"]]
mleBetaMatrix <- as.matrix(mcols(objectNZ)[,grep("MLE_",names(mcols(objectNZ))),drop=FALSE])
if (missing(betaPriorVar)) {
betaPriorVar <- estimateBetaPriorVar(objectNZ, modelMatrix=modelMatrix)
} else {
# else we are provided the prior variance:
# check if the lambda is the correct length
# given the design formula
if (modelMatrixType == "expanded") {
modelMatrix <- makeExpandedModelMatrix(objectNZ)
p <- ncol(modelMatrix)
if (length(betaPriorVar) != p) {
stop(paste("betaPriorVar should have length",p,"to match:",paste(colnames(modelMatrix),collapse=", ")))
# refit the negative binomial GLM with a prior on betas
if (any(betaPriorVar == 0)) {
stop("beta prior variances are equal to zero for some variables")
lambda <- 1/betaPriorVar
if (modelMatrixType == "standard") {
fit <- fitNbinomGLMs(objectNZ, lambda=lambda,
betaTol=betaTol, maxit=maxit,
useOptim=useOptim, useQR=useQR,
modelMatrix <- fit$modelMatrix
} else if (modelMatrixType == "expanded") {
modelMatrix <- makeExpandedModelMatrix(objectNZ)
fit <- fitNbinomGLMs(objectNZ, lambda=lambda,
betaTol=betaTol, maxit=maxit,
useOptim=useOptim, useQR=useQR,
modelMatrix=modelMatrix, renameCols=FALSE,
} else if (modelMatrixType == "user-supplied") {
fit <- fitNbinomGLMs(objectNZ, lambda=lambda,
betaTol=betaTol, maxit=maxit,
useOptim=useOptim, useQR=useQR,
modelMatrix=modelMatrix, renameCols=FALSE,
res <- list(fit=fit, H=H, betaPriorVar=betaPriorVar, mu=mu,
modelMatrix=modelMatrix, mleBetaMatrix=mleBetaMatrix)
# breaking out the optim backup code from fitNbinomGLMs
fitNbinomGLMsOptim <- function(object,modelMatrix,lambda,
mu,logLike,minmu=0.5) {
x <- modelMatrix
lambdaNatLogScale <- lambda / log(2)^2
large <- 30
for (row in rowsForOptim) {
betaRow <- if (rowStable[row] & all(abs(betaMatrix[row,]) < large)) {
} else {
nf <- normalizationFactors[row,]
k <- counts(object)[row,]
alpha <- alpha_hat[row]
objectiveFn <- function(p) {
mu_row <- as.numeric(nf * 2^(x %*% p))
logLikeVector <- dnbinom(k,mu=mu_row,size=1/alpha,log=TRUE)
logLike <- if (useWeights) {
sum(weights[row,] * logLikeVector)
} else {
logPrior <- sum(dnorm(p,0,sqrt(1/lambda),log=TRUE))
negLogPost <- -1 * (logLike + logPrior)
if (is.finite(negLogPost)) negLogPost else 10^300
o <- optim(betaRow, objectiveFn, method="L-BFGS-B",lower=-large, upper=large)
ridge <- if (length(lambdaNatLogScale) > 1) {
} else {
# if we converged, change betaConv to TRUE
if (o$convergence == 0) {
betaConv[row] <- TRUE
# with or without convergence, store the estimate from optim
betaMatrix[row,] <- o$par
# calculate the standard errors
mu_row <- as.numeric(nf * 2^(x %*% o$par))
# store the new mu vector
mu[row,] <- mu_row
mu_row[mu_row < minmu] <- minmu
w <- if (useWeights) {
diag(weights[row,] * (mu_row^-1 + alpha)^-1)
} else {
diag((mu_row^-1 + alpha)^-1)
xtwx <- t(x) %*% w %*% x
xtwxRidgeInv <- solve(xtwx + ridge)
sigma <- xtwxRidgeInv %*% xtwx %*% xtwxRidgeInv
# warn below regarding these rows with negative variance
betaSE[row,] <- log2(exp(1)) * sqrt(pmax(diag(sigma),0))
logLikeVector <- dnbinom(k,mu=mu_row,size=1/alpha,log=TRUE)
logLike[row] <- if (useWeights) {
sum(weights[row,] * logLikeVector)
} else {
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