#' Plot feature loadings for TreeSummarizedExperiment
#' objects or feature loadings numeric matrix.
#' This function is used after performing a reduction method. If \code{TreeSE}
#' is given it retrieves the feature loadings matrix to plot values.
#' A tree from \code{rowTree} can be added to heatmap layout.
#' @inheritParams plotTree
#' @param dimred \code{Character scalar}. Determines the reduced dimension to
#' plot.
#' @param layout \code{Character scalar}. Determines the layout of plot. Must be
#' either \code{"barplot"}, \code{"heatmap"}, or \code{"lollipop"}.
#' (Default: \code{"barplot"})
#' @param ncomponents \code{Numeric scalar}. Number of components must be lower
#' or equal to the number of components chosen in the reduction method.
#' (Default: \code{5})
#' @param add.tree \code{Logical scalar}. Whether to add tree to heatmap layout.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param row.var \code{NULL} or \code{Character scalar}. Specifies a
#' variable from \code{rowData} to plot with tree heatmap layout.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param ... additional parameters for plotting.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{n}: \code{Integer scalar}. Number of features to be plotted.
#' Applicable when \code{layout="barplot"}. (Default: \code{10}))
#' \item \code{absolute.scale}: ("barplot", "lollipop") \code{Logical scalar}.
#' Specifies whether a barplot or a lollipop plot should be visualized in
#' absolute scale. (Default: \code{TRUE})
#' }
#' @details
#' These method visualize feature loadings of dimension reduction results.
#' Inspired by the \code{plotASVcircular} method using \code{phyloseq}.
#' \code{TreeSummarizedExperiment} object is expected to have
#' content in \code{reducedDim} slot calculated with standardized methods from
#' \code{mia} or \code{scater} package.
#' @return
#' A \code{ggplot2} object.
#' @name plotLoadings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(mia)
#' library(scater)
#' data("GlobalPatterns", package = "mia")
#' tse <- GlobalPatterns
#' # Calculate PCA
#' tse <- agglomerateByPrevalence(tse, rank="Phylum", update.tree = TRUE)
#' tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "clr", pseudocount = 1)
#' tse <- runPCA(tse, ncomponents = 5, assay.type = "clr")
#' #' # Plotting feature loadings with tree
#' plotLoadings(tse, dimred = "PCA", layout = "heatmap", add.tree = TRUE)
#' # Plotting matrix as a barplot
#' loadings_matrix <- attr(reducedDim(tse, "PCA"), "rotation")
#' plotLoadings(loadings_matrix)
#' # Plotting more features but less components
#' plotLoadings(tse, dimred = "PCA", ncomponents = 2, n = 12)
#' # Plotting matrix as heatmap without tree
#' plotLoadings(loadings_matrix, layout = "heatmap")
#' # Plot with less components
#' plotLoadings(tse, "PCA", layout = "heatmap", ncomponents = 2)
#' @rdname plotLoadings
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDims
setMethod("plotLoadings", signature = c(x = "TreeSummarizedExperiment"),
x, dimred, layout = "barplot", ncomponents = 5, tree.name = "phylo",
row.var = NULL, add.tree = FALSE, ...) {
# Check that there are reducedDim
if( length(reducedDims(x)) == 0 ){
stop("No reducedDims found.", call. = FALSE)
# Check dimred. It must be either string specifying the name of
# reducedDim or an index of reducedDim.
if( !((.is_a_string(dimred) && dimred %in% reducedDimNames(x)) ||
.is_an_integer(dimred) && dimred > 0 &&
dimred <= length(reducedDims(x)) ) ){
stop("'dimred' must be a string or an integer.", call. = FALSE)
# Check add.tree
if( !.is_a_bool(add.tree) ){
stop("'add.tree' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
# Check that tree.name. If user wants to add tree, the tree name must
# specify a tree
if(add.tree && !(.is_a_string(tree.name) &&
tree.name %in% rowTreeNames(x)) ){
"'tree.name' must be a string specifying a rowTree.",
call. = FALSE)
# Check row.var
if( !(is.null(row.var) ||
(.is_a_string(row.var) && row.var %in% colnames(rowData(x)))) ){
"'row.var' must be NULL or a column from rowData(x).",
call. = FALSE)
# Get loadings matrix
mat <- .get_loadings_matrix(x, dimred, ...)
if( add.tree && layout == "heatmap" ){
# Create dataframe for tree plotting
data_list <- .get_loadings_tree_data(mat, x, tree.name, row.var)
tree <- data_list[["tree"]]
mat <- data_list[["loadings"]]
# Plot tree with feature loadings
p <- .loadings_tree_plotter(mat, tree, row.var, ...)
} else {
# Utilize matrix method to create a plot
p <- plotLoadings(
mat, layout = layout, ncomponents = ncomponents, ...)
#' @rdname plotLoadings
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDims
setMethod("plotLoadings", signature = c(x = "SingleCellExperiment"),
function(x, dimred, layout = "barplot", ncomponents = 5, ...){
# Check that there are reducedDim
if( length(reducedDims(x)) == 0 ){
stop("No reducedDims found.", call. = FALSE)
# Check dimred. It must be either string specifying the name of
# reducedDim or an index of reducedDim.
if( !((.is_a_string(dimred) && dimred %in% reducedDimNames(x)) ||
.is_an_integer(dimred) && dimred > 0 &&
dimred <= length(reducedDims(x)) ) ){
stop("'dimred' must be a string or an integer.", call. = FALSE)
# Get loadings matrix
mat <- .get_loadings_matrix(x, dimred, ...)
# Utilize matrix method to create a plot
p <- plotLoadings(
mat, layout = layout, ncomponents = ncomponents, ...)
#' @rdname plotLoadings
#' @export
setMethod("plotLoadings", signature = c(x = "matrix"),
function(x, layout = "barplot", ncomponents = 5, ...) {
# Input check
x, layout = layout, ncomponents = ncomponents, ...)
# Get data for plotting
df <- .get_loadings_plot_data(x, layout, ncomponents, ...)
# Create a plot
p <- .plot_loadings(df, layout = layout, ...)
################################ HELP FUNCTIONS ################################
# This function fetches loadings matrix from TreeSE object. The loadings
# are fetched from attributes of reducedDim whcih means that the result must be
# first calculated with standardized method.
.get_loadings_matrix <- function(
x, dimred, loadings.name = c("rotation", "loadings", "species"), ...){
if( !is.character(loadings.name) ){
stop("'loadings.name' must be a character value.", call. = FALSE)
# Get reducedDim
reddim <- reducedDim(x, dimred)
# Get loadings matrix.
attr_names <- names(attributes(reddim))
attr_name <- attr_names[ attr_names %in% loadings.name ]
if( length(attr_name) != 1 ) {
stop("Loadings cannot be found.", call. = FALSE)
mat <- attr(reddim, attr_name)
# Ensure that the type is matrix
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
# This functions checks that loadings matrix is correct
.check_loadings_matrix <- function(mat, layout, ncomponents, n = 10, ...) {
# Check layout
if( !(.is_a_string(layout) && layout %in%
c("barplot", "heatmap", "lollipop")) ){
stop("'layout' must be 'barplot' or 'heatmap',", call. = FALSE)
# Check n
if( !(.is_an_integer(n) && n > 0 && n <= nrow(mat)) ){
"'n' must be a positive integer less than or equal to the total ",
"number of features.", call. = FALSE)
# Check ncomponents
if( !(.is_an_integer(ncomponents) && ncomponents > 0 &&
ncomponents <= ncol(mat)) ){
"'ncomponents' must be a positive integer less than or equal to ",
"the total number of components.", call. = FALSE)
# This function manipulates the loadings data into correct format. The output
# is data.frame in long format directly usable for ggplot.
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
.get_loadings_plot_data <- function(df, layout, ncomponents, n = 10, ...) {
# Transform into a dataframe
df <- as.data.frame(df)
# Keep only the number of components needed
df <- df[ , seq_len(ncomponents), drop = FALSE]
# If the layout is barplot, choose top features for each component
if( layout %in% c("barplot", "lollipop") ){
res <- lapply(seq_len(ncomponents), .process_component, df = df, n = n)
# Combine to single data.frame
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
} else{
# For heatmap, the whole data.frame is just converted into long format.
components <- colnames(df)
res <- df %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "Feature") %>%
cols = components,
names_to = "PC",
values_to = "Value")
# Convert into data.frame
res <- as.data.frame(res)
# Check that values are numeric. This is the first time we test that the
# columns were numeric. Now all the values from columns are in this column.
if( !is.numeric(res[["Value"]]) ){
stop("Values must be numeric.", call. = FALSE)
# Calculate max and min values along with maximum absolute value and sign
res <- .calculate_max_and_min_for_loadings(res)
# This function subsets the data so that it selects top features that have the
# greatest loadings for single component.
.process_component <- function(i, df, n) {
# Get order of loadings based on absolute value
ind <- order(-abs(df[[i]]))
# Get top n values
ind <- ind[seq_len(n)]
# Get the sorted data of single PC
df <- df[ind, i, drop = FALSE]
# Add PC number to data.frame so that each row can be identified to belong
# to certain PC after merging the data into single dataset
df[["PC"]] <- colnames(df)
# Rename so that the colnames is same for all components
colnames(df)[[1]] <- "Value"
# Add rownames
df[["Feature"]] <- rownames(df)
# This function calculates place for +/- sign in barplot/lollipop plot
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% group_by mutate case_when ungroup
.calculate_max_and_min_for_loadings <- function(df){
# To disable "no visible binding for global variable" message in cmdcheck
Value <- PC <- NULL
# Add column that shows the values in absolute scale, and another column
# showing sign
df[["Value_abs"]] <- abs(df[["Value"]])
df[["Sign"]] <- ifelse(
df[["Value"]] > 0, "+", ifelse(df[["Value"]] < 0, "-", ""))
# Add maximum values. This is used in scaling and placement of +/- sign
# in barplot and lollipop plot. In absolute scale, we use the maximum
# absolute value. In original scale, negative values gets minimum value
# and positive values maximum. These values are for each PC.
df <- df %>%
group_by(PC) %>%
# Calculate max of abs(Value) and add 10%
max_scale_abs = max(abs(Value), na.rm = TRUE) +
0.1 * max(abs(Value), na.rm = TRUE),
# Calculate max_scale based on the sign of the Value
max_scale = case_when(
Value < 0 ~ min(Value, na.rm = TRUE) +
0.1 * min(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
Value > 0 ~ max(Value, na.rm = TRUE) +
0.1 * max(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
TRUE ~ NA_real_
) %>%
# This functions plots a data.frame in barplot or heatmap layout.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_tile scale_fill_gradient2
.plot_loadings <- function(df, layout, ...) {
# To disable "no visible binding for global variable" message in cmdcheck
PC <- Feature <- Value <- NULL
# Initialize a plot
plot_out <- ggplot(df)
# Either create a heatmap or barplot/lollipop
if( layout == "heatmap" ){
plot_out <- plot_out +
# Create a heatmap
mapping = aes(x = PC, y = Feature, fill = Value),
position = position_identity()
) +
# Adjust color scale
limits = c(-max(abs(df$Value)), max(abs(df$Value))),
low = "darkblue", mid = "white", high = "darkred"
} else if( layout %in% c("barplot", "lollipop") ){
plot_out <- .plot_bar_or_lollipop(plot_out, df, layout, ...)
# Adjust theme
plot_out <- plot_out +
# This functions creates a barplot or lollipop plot.
#' @importFrom tidytext scale_y_reordered reorder_within
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_bar geom_segment geom_point geom_text
.plot_bar_or_lollipop <- function(
plot_out, df, layout, absolute.scale = TRUE, show.color = TRUE,
show.sign = FALSE, ...){
# To disable "no visible binding for global variable" message in cmdcheck
Sign <- max_scale_abs <- max_scale <- NULL
if( !.is_a_bool(absolute.scale) ){
stop("'absolute.scale' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(show.color) ){
stop("'show.color' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
if( !.is_a_bool(show.sign) ){
stop("'show.sign' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
# Set the variables to use for aesthetics
value_var <- if (absolute.scale) "Value_abs" else "Value"
# Set the y aesthetics with reorder_within, making sure 'df' is referenced
y_aes <- reorder_within(
# Either get values in absolute scale or not
if(absolute.scale) -df$Value_abs else df$Value,
# Plot barplot or lollipop
if (layout == "barplot") {
# This creates a barplot
aesthetic <- aes(
x = !!sym(value_var),
y = y_aes,
# User can decide whether the bars are colored based on +/-
fill = if(show.color) Sign else NULL
plot_out <- plot_out + geom_bar(mapping = aesthetic, stat = "identity")
} else if (layout == "lollipop") {
# This creates a lollipop plot
plot_out <- plot_out +
# Add line
geom_segment(mapping = aes(
x = 0, xend = !!sym(value_var),
y = y_aes, yend = y_aes
)) +
# Add point at the end of the line to create "lollipop"
geom_point(mapping = aes(
x = !!sym(value_var),
y = y_aes,
# User can choose whether the point is colored based on sign
color = if (show.color) Sign else NULL
# Add sign labels if needed
if( show.sign ){
plot_out <- plot_out + geom_text(aes(
# This determines where the sign is placed, absolute scale or not
x = if (absolute.scale) max_scale_abs else max_scale,
y = y_aes,
label = Sign,
fontface = "bold"
# Customize the legend for Sign as "Effect"
if( show.color ) {
# Get correct function, barplot uses fill, lollipop color
scale_FUN <- if( layout == "barplot" ) scale_fill_manual else
# Currently the legend has title that shows the function call and the
# values shows + or -. Make the legend nicer.
plot_out <- plot_out +
name = "Effect",
values = c("+" = "red", "-" = "blue"),
labels = c("+" = "positive", "-" = "negative")
# Final wrangle, set facets and order the data
plot_out <- plot_out +
scale_y_reordered() +
facet_wrap(~PC, scales = "free") +
labs(x = "Value", y = "Feature")
# This function retrieves the data for tree + heatmap plotting. The output
# is a list that includes tree and data.frame in wide format.
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree
.get_loadings_tree_data <- function(df, x, tree.name, row.var){
# Check that rownames of loading matrix match with rownames of TreeSE. It
# might be that TreeSE is updated after calculating the reduced dimension
# which is why rownames do not match.
all_match <- all(rownames(x) %in% rownames(df)) &&
all(rownames(df) %in% rownames(x))
if( !all_match ){
"Features of loading matrix do not match with rownames(x)",
call. = FALSE)
# Sort the loading matrix
df <- df[match(rownames(x), rownames(df)), ]
# Convert loadings matrix to data.frame
df <- as.data.frame(df)
# Retrieve rowTree
phylo <- rowTree(x, tree.name)
# Subset data based on the tree
ind <- rowLinks(x)[["whichTree"]] == tree.name
if( any(!ind) ){
warning("Data is subsetted.", call. = FALSE)
# Subset both TreeSE and loadings dfrix
x <- x[ind, ]
df <- df[ind, ]
# Add feature to column
df[["Feature"]] <- rownames(df)
# Instead of rownames, user can also specify a column from rowData to be
# plotted
if( !is.null(row.var) ){
df[["Feature"]] <- rowData(x)[[row.var]]
# Check that there are not too many features to plot. If there are too many
# rank values (or rownames), it is not possible to plot.
if( length(unique(df[["Feature"]])) > 100 ){
stop("Too many features to plot.", call. = FALSE)
# Add rowlinks to data
rownames(df) <- rowLinks(x)[["nodeLab"]]
res <- list(tree = phylo, loadings = df)
# This function is for plotting tree with heatmap. It utilizes ggtree package.
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree gheatmap
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale_fill
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_gradient2 scale_fill_viridis_d
.loadings_tree_plotter <- function(
df, tree, rank, rank.title = ifelse(!is.null(rank), rank, "Feature"),
...) {
# Check rank.title
if( !.is_a_string(rank.title) ){
stop("'rank.title' must be a string.", call. = FALSE)
# Get features
features <- df[ , colnames(df) %in% c("Feature"), drop = FALSE]
# Get loadings
loadings <- df[ , !colnames(df) %in% c("Feature"), drop = FALSE]
# Create a tree plot
plot_out <- ggtree(tree, layout = "circular")
# Add first inner circle (features)
plot_out <- gheatmap(
p = plot_out, data = features, width = 0.1, colnames_angle = 90)
# Adjust color scale for discrete feature values
plot_out <- plot_out +
scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "D", name = rank.title)
# Add outer circles (feature loadings)
plot_out <- plot_out + new_scale_fill()
plot_out <- gheatmap(
p = plot_out, data = loadings, offset = 0.1, width = 0.3,
colnames_angle = 90
# Adjust color scale in continuous scale
plot_out <- plot_out +
limits = c(-1, 1),
low = "darkslateblue", mid = "white", high = "darkred",
name = "Value"
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