#' Plot factor data as tiles
#' Relative relations of two grouping can be visualized by plotting tiles with
#' relative sizes. \code{plotColTile} and \code{plotRowTile} can be used for
#' this.
#' @param object a
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' object.
#' @param x \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the column-level metadata field
#' to show on the x-axis.
#' Alternatively, an \link{AsIs} vector or data.frame, see
#' \code{?\link{retrieveFeatureInfo}} or \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}}. Must
#' result in a returned \code{character} or \code{factor} vector.
#' @param y \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the column-level metadata to
#' show on the y-axis.
#' Alternatively, an \link{AsIs} vector or data.frame, see
#' \code{?\link{retrieveFeatureInfo}} or \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}}. Must
#' result in a returned \code{character} or \code{factor} vector.
#' @param ... additional arguments for plotting. See
#' \code{\link{mia-plot-args}} for more details i.e. call
#' \code{help("mia-plot-args")}
#' @return
#' A \code{ggplot2} object or \code{plotly} object, if more than one
#' \code{prevalences} was defined.
#' @name plotColTile
#' @examples
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' se <- GlobalPatterns
#' plotColTile(se,"SampleType","Primer")
#' @rdname plotColTile
#' @export
setMethod("plotColTile", signature = c("SummarizedExperiment"),
function(object, x, y, ...){
.plot_tile_data(object, type = "column", x, y, ...)
#' @rdname plotColTile
#' @export
setMethod("plotRowTile", signature = c("SummarizedExperiment"),
function(object, x, y, ...){
.plot_tile_data(object, type = "row", x, y, ...)
.get_tile_data <- function(object, type, x, y){
retrieve_FUN <- switch(
"row" = retrieveFeatureInfo,
"column" = retrieveCellInfo)
retrieve_search <- switch(
"row" = "rowData",
"column" = "colData")
x_by_out <- retrieve_FUN(object, x, search = retrieve_search)
x_lab <- x_by_out$name
y_by_out <- retrieve_FUN(object, y, search = retrieve_search)
y_lab <- y_by_out$name
if(!is.factor(x_by_out$value) && !is.character(x_by_out$value)){
stop("'x' must specify a factor or character vector.", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.factor(y_by_out$value) && !is.character(y_by_out$value)){
stop("'y' must specify a factor or character vector.", call. = FALSE)
data = data.frame(
X = factor(x_by_out$value),
Y = factor(y_by_out$value)),
x_lab = x_lab,
y_lab = y_lab)
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by mutate summarise ungroup n
.summarise_tile_data <- function(object, data, type){
retrieve_FUN <- switch(
"row" = retrieveFeatureInfo,
"column" = retrieveCellInfo)
retrieve_search <- switch(
"row" = "rowData",
"column" = "colData")
x_group <- data %>%
group_by(.data$X) %>%
summarise(group_n = n()) %>%
group_freq = .data$group_n/sum(.data$group_n),
x = cumsum(.data$group_freq),
xmin = c(0,.data$x[-length(.data$x)]))
data <- data %>%
group_by(.data$X, .data$Y) %>%
summarise(fill_n = n(), .groups = "rowwise") %>%
dplyr::left_join(x_group, by = "X") %>%
mutate(fill_freq = .data$fill_n/.data$group_n) %>%
group_by(.data$X) %>%
y = cumsum(.data$fill_freq),
ymin = c(0,.data$y[-length(.data$y)])) %>%
.plot_tile_data <- function(object, type = c("row", "column"), x, y, ...){
type <- match.arg(type)
tile_out <- .get_tile_data(object, type, x, y)
tile_data <- tile_out$data
xlab <- tile_out$x_lab
ylab <- tile_out$y_lab
tile_data <- .summarise_tile_data(object, tile_data, type)
tile_data$colour_by <- tile_data$Y
.tile_plotter(tile_data, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
.get_xcoord_mid <- function(data){
data %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(.data$X, .data$x, .data$xmin) %>%
unique() %>%
mutate(xmid = .data$xmin + (.data$x - .data$xmin)/2 )
.tile_plotter <- function(
add_legend = add.legend,
add.legend = TRUE,
rect_alpha = rect.alpha,
rect.alpha = 1,
rect_colour = rect.colour,
rect.colour = "black",
na.value = "grey80"){
coord <- .get_xcoord_mid(data)
# get plotting arguments for rect
rect_args <- .get_rect_args(
colour_by = ylab, alpha = rect_alpha, colour = rect_colour)
rect_args$args$mapping$xmin <- sym("xmin")
rect_args$args$mapping$xmax <- sym("x")
rect_args$args$mapping$ymin <- sym("ymin")
rect_args$args$mapping$ymax <- sym("y")
# start plotting
plot_out <- ggplot(data)
plot_out <- plot_out +
# add scales
plot_out <- plot_out +
name = paste0("Fraction (",xlab,")"),
expand = c(0,0),
breaks = seq(0,1,0.1),
sec.axis = dup_axis(
name = xlab, breaks = coord$xmid, labels = coord$X)) +
name = paste0("Fraction (",ylab,")"),
expand = c(0,0),
breaks = seq(0,1,0.1))
# resolve the fill colours
plot_out <- .resolve_plot_colours(
plot_out, data$colour_by, ylab, fill = TRUE, na.value = na.value)
# add legend and theme
plot_out <- plot_out +
if (!add_legend) {
plot_out <- plot_out + theme(legend.position = "none")
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