
## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
  cache = FALSE,
  fig.width = 9,
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE)

## ----loaddeps, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rpower <- function(n, alpha, norm = FALSE) {
  u <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 1 - .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
  power <- (1 - u)^(1 / (1 - alpha))
  if (norm) {
    return(power / mean(power))
  } else {

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
params <- data.frame(
  alpha = c(7, 3, 2, 1.6, 1.01),
  t_end = c(20, 10, 5, 2, 1),
  t_step = c(0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001)
n_species <- 100

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
H <- list()
df <- list()
plot_hist <- list()
N <- list()
interactions_custom <- list()
A <- list()
g <- list()
g_plot <- list()
local_species_pool <- list()
local_A <- list()

## ---- warning=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------------
for (row in seq_len(nrow(params))) {
  # for each power-law distribution
  print(paste("row =", row))

  H[[row]] <- rpower(n = n_species, alpha = params$alpha[row], norm = TRUE)
  df[[row]] <- data.frame(H[[row]])
  plot_hist[[row]] <- ggplot(df[[row]], aes(H[[row]])) +
    ggtitle(paste("alpha =", params$alpha[[row]])) +
    geom_histogram(fill = "steelblue", color = "grey20", bins = 10) +
    scale_y_log10(breaks = c(1, 10, 100), limits = c(1, 100)) +
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  # plot_hist[[row]]

  N[[row]] <- matrix(rnorm(n = n_species^2, mean = 0, sd = 1), nrow = n_species)
  diag(N[[row]]) <- 0
  interactions_custom[[row]] <- N[[row]] %*% diag(H[[row]])
  A[[row]] <- randomA(
    n_species = 100,
    diagonal = -1,
    scale_off_diagonal = 0.07,
    connectance = 1,
    interactions = interactions_custom[[row]]
  g[[row]] <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A[[row]], weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
  print(paste("max edge weight =", max(E(g[[row]])$weight)))
  rev_viridis <- get_palette("viridis")[rev(seq_len(nrow(get_palette("viridis")))), ]
  E(g[[row]])$color <- head(colour_values(c(abs(E(g[[row]])$weight), 0), palette = rev_viridis, alpha = 0, include_alpha = TRUE), -1)
  g_plot[[row]] <- ggnet2(
    net = g[[row]],
    mode = "circle",
    node.color = "black",
    node.size = 1,
    edge.color = "color", edge.alpha = 0.25
  ) + 
    ggtitle(paste("alpha =", params$alpha[[row]])) + 
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  # g_plot[[row]]

  local_species_pool[[row]] <- list()
  local_A[[row]] <- list()

  for (local_community in seq_len(100)) {
    local_species_pool[[row]][[local_community]] <- sample(x = 100, size = 80)
    local_A[[row]][[local_community]] <- A[[row]][local_species_pool[[row]][[local_community]], local_species_pool[[row]][[local_community]]]
  # save histogram and network plots ####
  # ggsave(paste0("hist", params$alpha[row], ".pdf"), plot = plot_hist[[row]], dpi = 300, width = 6, height = 6, units = "cm")
  # ggsave(paste0("net", params$alpha[row], ".pdf"), plot = g_plot[[row]], dpi = 300, width = 6, height = 6, units = "cm")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SIS <- list()
group_sis <- list()
for (row in seq_len(nrow(params))) {
  SIS[[row]] <- head(order(H[[row]], decreasing = TRUE), 1)
  group_sis[[row]] <- list()
  for (local_community in seq_len(100)) {
    if (paste0("sp", SIS[[row]]) %in% rownames(local_A[[row]][[local_community]])) {
      group_sis[[row]][[local_community]] <- "with SIS"
    } else {
      group_sis[[row]][[local_community]] <- "without SIS"
  group_sis[[row]] <- unlist(group_sis[[row]])

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
simulation_GLV <- list()
otu_table <- list()
jsd <- list()
PCoA <- list()
PCoA_coord <- list()
bestk <- list()
PAM <- list()
SI <- list()
groups <- list()
pcoa_plot <- list()
dfs_to_bind <- list()

scenarios <- c("original", "various growth rates", "SIS grows faster", "non-SIS grows faster")
growthRates <- vector(mode = "list", length = 4)
growthRates[[1]] <- rep(1, 80)
growthRates[[2]] <- NULL
# growthRates for scenario 3 and 4 are assigned in the following loop

customPalette <- c("#d95319", "#0072bd", "#edb120", "#7e2f8e")

## ----scenarios, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
##   scenario <- 1
##   print(paste0("scenario: ", scenarios[scenario]))
##   ### make new lists ####
##   simulation_GLV[[scenario]] <- list()
##   otu_table[[scenario]] <- list()
##   jsd[[scenario]] <- list()
##   PCoA[[scenario]] <- list()
##   PCoA_coord[[scenario]] <- list()
##   bestk[[scenario]] <- list()
##   PAM[[scenario]] <- list()
##   SI[[scenario]] <- list()
##   groups[[scenario]] <- list()
##   pcoa_plot[[scenario]] <- list()
##   ### run simulations ####
##   for (row in seq_len(nrow(params))) {
##     simulation_GLV[[scenario]][[row]] <- list()
##     otu_table[[scenario]][[row]] <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 100))
##     colnames(otu_table[[scenario]][[row]]) <- paste0("sp", 1:100)
##     dfs_to_bind[[scenario]] <- list()
##     #### overwrite growth rates ####
##     for (local_community in seq_len(100)) {
##       if (scenario == 3) {
##         growthRates[[scenario]] <- 9.9 * local_species_pool[[row]][[local_community]] == SIS[[row]] + 0.1
##       }
##       if (scenario == 4) {
##         growthRates[[scenario]] <- -9.9 * local_species_pool[[row]][[local_community]] == SIS[[row]] + 10
##       }
##       simulation_GLV[[scenario]][[row]][[local_community]] <- simulateGLV(
##         n_species = 80,
##         names_species = paste0("sp", local_species_pool[[row]][[local_community]]),
##         A = local_A[[row]][[local_community]],
##         x0 = rep(1, 80),
##         growth_rates = growthRates[[scenario]],
##         t_end = params$t_end[row],
##         t_step = params$t_step[row],
##         stochastic = FALSE,
##         norm = TRUE
##       )
##       # makePlot(simulation_GLV[[scenario]][[row]][[local_community]]$matrix)
##       dfs_to_bind[[scenario]] <- append(dfs_to_bind[[scenario]], list(simulation_GLV[[scenario]][[row]][[local_community]]$matrix[time = 1000, ]))
##     }
##     ### form otu tables ####
##     otu_table[[scenario]][[row]] <- bind_rows(dfs_to_bind[[scenario]])
##     otu_table[[scenario]][[row]] <- otu_table[[scenario]][[row]][, setdiff(colnames(otu_table[[scenario]][[row]]), "time")] # Remove time column
##     otu_table[[scenario]][[row]][[[scenario]][[row]])] <- 0
##     ### calculate jensen-shannon distance and plot PCoA ####
##     jsd[[scenario]][[row]] <- JSD(as.matrix(otu_table[[scenario]][[row]]))
##     PCoA[[scenario]][[row]] <- ape::pcoa(as.dist(jsd[[scenario]][[row]]))
##     PCoA_coord[[scenario]][[row]] <- PCoA[[scenario]][[row]]$vectors[, 1:2]
##     colnames(PCoA_coord[[scenario]][[row]]) <- c("PCo1", "PCo2")
##     bestk[[scenario]][[row]] <- 2
##     PAM[[scenario]][[row]] <- pam(PCoA[[scenario]][[row]]$vectors, k = 2)
##     SI[[scenario]][[row]] <- PAM[[scenario]][[row]]$silinfo$avg.width
##     for (k in 3:10) {
##       PAMtemp <- pam(PCoA[[scenario]][[row]]$vectors, k = k)
##       if (PAMtemp$silinfo$avg.width > SI[[scenario]][[row]]) {
##         SI[[scenario]][[row]] <- PAMtemp$silinfo$avg.width
##         bestk[[scenario]][[row]] <- k
##         PAM[[scenario]][[row]] <- PAMtemp
##       }
##     }
##     groups[[scenario]][[row]] <- factor(PAM[[scenario]][[row]]$clustering)
##     dataframe_pcoa <-[[scenario]][[row]])
##     dataframe_pcoa$group <- groups[[scenario]][[row]]
##     pcoa_plot[[scenario]][[row]] <- ggplot(
##       dataframe_pcoa,
##       aes(x = PCo1, y = PCo2, color = group)
##     ) +
##       ggtitle(paste("scenario", scenario, scenarios[scenario], ";", "alpha =", params$alpha[[row]])) +
##       geom_point() +
##       # coord_fixed(xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1)) +
##       theme_bw() +
##       scale_color_manual(values = customPalette) +
##       theme(legend.position = "none", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
##     print(pcoa_plot[[scenario]][[row]])
##   }

## ----pcoa, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
## pcoa_plot_sis <- list()
## for (row in seq_len(nrow(params))) {
##   pcoa_plot_sis[[row]] <- ggplot([[1]][[row]]), aes(x = PCo1, y = PCo2)) +
##     geom_point(aes(color = group_sis[[row]])) +
##     ggtitle(paste("alpha =", params$alpha[[row]])) +
##     theme_bw() +
##     theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
##   print(pcoa_plot_sis[[row]])
##   # ggsave(paste0("pcoa_validation_", params$alpha[row], ".pdf"), plot = pcoa_plot_sis[[row]], dpi = 300, width = 6, height = 6, units = "cm")
## }
microbiome/miaSim documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 7:16 p.m.