#' Subsample Counts
#' \code{rarefyAssay} randomly subsamples counts within a
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} object and returns a new
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} containing the original assay and the new
#' subsampled assay.
#' @details
#' Although the subsampling approach is highly debated in microbiome research,
#' we include the \code{rarefyAssay} function because there may be some
#' instances where it can be useful.
#' Note that the output of \code{rarefyAssay} is not the equivalent as the
#' input and any result have to be verified with the original dataset.
#' Subsampling/Rarefying may undermine downstream analyses and have unintended
#' consequences. Therefore, make sure this normalization is appropriate for
#' your data.
#' To maintain the reproducibility, please define the seed using set.seed()
#' before implement this function.
#' When \code{replace = FALSE}, the function uses internally
#' \code{vegan::rarefy} while with replacement enabled the function utilizes
#' own implementation, inspired by \code{phyloseq::rarefy_even_depth}.
#' @inheritParams transformAssay
#' @inheritParams getDominant
#' @param sample \code{Integer scalar}. Indicates the number of counts being
#' simulated i.e. rarefying depth. This can equal to lowest number of total
#' counts found in a sample or a user specified number.
#' @param min_size Deprecated. Use \code{sample} instead.
#' @param replace \code{Logical scalar}. Whether to åperform subsampling with
#' replacement. Ths works similarly to \code{sample(..., replace = TRUE)}.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param ... optional arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{verbose}: \code{Logical scalar}. Choose whether to show
#' messages. (Default: \code{TRUE})
#' }
#' @references
#' McMurdie PJ, Holmes S. Waste not, want not: why rarefying microbiome data
#' is inadmissible. PLoS computational biology. 2014 Apr 3;10(4):e1003531.
#' Gloor GB, Macklaim JM, Pawlowsky-Glahn V & Egozcue JJ (2017)
#' Microbiome Datasets Are Compositional: And This Is Not Optional.
#' Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 2224. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02224
#' Weiss S, Xu ZZ, Peddada S, Amir A, Bittinger K, Gonzalez A, Lozupone C,
#' Zaneveld JR, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Birmingham A, Hyde ER. Normalization and
#' microbial differential abundance strategies depend upon data characteristics.
#' Microbiome. 2017 Dec;5(1):1-8.
#' @return \code{rarefyAssay} return \code{x} with subsampled data.
#' @name rarefyAssay
#' @examples
#' # When samples in TreeSE are less than specified sample, they will be
#' # removed. If after subsampling features are not present in any of the
#' # samples, they will be removed.
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' tse <- GlobalPatterns
#' set.seed(123)
#' tse_subsampled <- rarefyAssay(tse, sample = 60000, name = "subsampled")
#' tse_subsampled
#' dim(tse)
#' dim(assay(tse_subsampled, "subsampled"))
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link[vegan:rrarefy]{vegan::rrarefy}}
#' \item \code{\link[phyloseq:rarefy_even_depth]{phyloseq::rarefy_even_depth}}
#' }
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assay<-
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colSums2 rowSums2
#' @rdname rarefyAssay
#' @export
setMethod("rarefyAssay", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, assay.type = assay_name, assay_name = "counts",
sample = min_size, min_size = min(colSums2(assay(x, assay.type))),
replace = FALSE, name = "subsampled", ...){
# Input check
# Check that assay name is correct and that assay is counts table.
.check_assay_present(assay.type, x)
if( any(assay(x, assay.type) %% 1 != 0 &
!is.na(assay(x, assay.type)) ) ){
stop("assay contains non-integer values. Only counts table ",
"is applicable.", call. = FALSE)
if( any(assay(x, assay.type) < 0 & !is.na(assay(x, assay.type))) ){
stop("assay contains strictly-negative values. Only counts ",
"table is applicable...", call. = FALSE)
# Check that replace is boolean values
if( !.is_a_bool(replace) ){
stop("`replace` must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
# Check name of new assay
if( !.is_non_empty_string(name) || name == assay.type ){
stop("'name' must be a non-empty single character value and be ",
"different from 'assay.type'.", call. = FALSE)
# Check sample. It must be single positive integer value.
if( is.na(sample) || !is.numeric(sample) || length(sample) != 1 ||
sample %% 1 != 0 && sample <= 0 ){
stop("'sample' needs to be a positive integer value.",
call. = FALSE)
# Input check end
# Remove samples that do not have enoguh counts
x <- .remove_samples_below_counts_th(x, assay.type, sample, ...)
# Subsample specified assay
mat <- .get_subsamples_matrix(x, assay.type, sample, replace, ...)
# Subset the TreeSE based on new feature-set
x <- x[rownames(mat), ]
# Add new assay to TreeSE
assay(x, name, withDimnames = FALSE) <- mat
# 'sample' determines the number of reads subsampled from samples.
# This means that every samples should have at least 'sample' of reads.
# If they do not have, drop those samples at this point.
# Get those sample names that we are going to remove due to too
# small number of reads.
.remove_samples_below_counts_th <- function(
x, assay.type, sample, verbose = TRUE, ...){
if( !.is_a_bool(verbose) ){
stop("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
rm_samples <- colSums2(assay(x, assay.type), na.rm = TRUE) < sample
if( any(rm_samples) ){
# Remove sample(s) from TreeSE (or keep rest of the samples)
x <- x[ , !rm_samples, drop = FALSE]
# Return NULL, if no samples were found after subsampling
if( ncol(x) == 0 ){
stop("No samples were found after subsampling. Consider ",
"lower 'sample'.", call. = FALSE)
# Give message which samples were removed
if( verbose ){
sum(rm_samples), " samples removed because they contained ",
"fewer reads than `sample`.")
# This function gets abundance table as input and returns subsampled matrix.
#' @importFrom vegan rrarefy
.get_subsamples_matrix <- function(
x, assay.type, sample, replace, verbose = TRUE, ...){
if( !.is_a_bool(verbose) ){
stop("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
# We use vegan::rrarefy by default. However, as it does not support
# replace=TRUE, we use our own implementation in this case.
mat <- assay(x, assay.type)
if( replace ){
# Loop throguh samples and subsample samples one-by-one
mat <- apply(
mat, 2, .subsample_assay, sample = sample, replace = replace)
rownames(mat) <- rownames(x)
} else{
mat <- t( vegan::rrarefy(t(mat), sample) )
# remove features not present in any samples after subsampling
feat_inc <- rowSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE) > 0
mat <- mat[feat_inc, ]
# Give message if some features were dropped
if( verbose && any(!feat_inc) ){
sum(!feat_inc), " features removed because they are not ",
"present in any of the samples after subsampling."
# Add info on sample to attributes
attr(mat, "subsample") <- sample
## Modified Sub sampling function from phyloseq internals
.subsample_assay <- function(x, sample, replace){
# Create replacement species vector
rarvec <- numeric(length(x))
# Perform the sub-sampling. Suppress warnings due to old R compat issue.
# Also, make sure to avoid errors from x summing to zero,
# and there are no observations to sample.
# The initialization of rarvec above is already sufficient.
if(sum(x) <= 0){
# Protect against, and quickly return an empty vector,
# if x is already an empty count vector
# resample with replacement
obsvec <- seq_along(x)
prob <- x
} else {
# resample without replacement
obsvec <- mapply(rep_len, x = seq_along(x), length.out = x)
obsvec <- unlist(obsvec, use.names = FALSE)
# use `sample` for subsampling. Hope that obsvec doesn't overflow.
prob <- NULL
# Do the sampling of features from the single sample
suppressWarnings(subsample <- sample(
replace = replace,
prob = prob))
# Tabulate the results (these are already named by the order in `x`)
sstab <- table(subsample)
# Assign the tabulated random subsample values to the species vector
rarvec[as(names(sstab), "integer")] <- sstab
# Return abundance vector. Let replacement happen elsewhere.
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