
Defines functions .perform_DMNgroup_cv .calculate_DMNgroup .get_best_dmn_fit .get_dmn_fit_FUN .get_dmn runDMN .calculate_DMN

Documented in runDMN

#' Dirichlet-Multinomial Mixture Model: Machine Learning for Microbiome Data
#' These functions are accessors for functions implemented in the
#' \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:DirichletMultinomial-package]{DirichletMultinomial}}
#' package
#' @param x a numeric matrix with samples as rows or a
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' object.
#' @param assay.type \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of the
#'   assay used in calculation. (Default: \code{"counts"})
#' @param exprs_values Deprecated. Use \code{assay.type} instead.
#' @param assay_name Deprecated. Use \code{assay.type} instead.
#' @param k \code{Numeric scalar}. The number of Dirichlet components to fit.
#' See \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:dmn]{dmn}}. (Default: \code{1})
#' @param BPPARAM A
#'   \code{\link[BiocParallel:BiocParallelParam-class]{BiocParallelParam}}
#'   object specifying whether the calculation should be parallelized.
#' @param transposed \code{Logical scalar}. Is \code{x} transposed with samples
#' in rows? (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param type \code{Character scalar}. The type of measure used for the
#' goodness of fit. One of \sQuote{laplace}, \sQuote{AIC} or \sQuote{BIC}.
#' @param name \code{Character scalar}. The name to store the result in
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:RangedSummarizedExperiment-class]{metadata}}
#' @param variable \code{Character scalar}. A variable from \code{colData} to
#' use as a grouping variable. Must be a character of factor.
#' @param seed \code{Numeric scalar}. Random number seed. See
#'   \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:dmn]{dmn}}
#' @param ... optional arguments not used.
#' @return
#' \code{calculateDMN} and \code{getDMN} return a list of \code{DMN} objects,
#' one element for each value of k provided.
#' \code{bestDMNFit} returns the index for the best fit and \code{getBestDMNFit}
#' returns a single \code{DMN} object.
#' \code{calculateDMNgroup} returns a
#'   \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:DMNGroup-class]{DMNGroup}} object
#' \code{performDMNgroupCV} returns a \code{data.frame}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:DMN-class]{DMN-class}},
#' \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:DMNGroup-class]{DMNGroup-class}},
#' \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:dmn]{dmn}},
#' \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:dmngroup]{dmngroup}},
#' \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:cvdmngroup]{cvdmngroup }},
#' \code{\link[DirichletMultinomial:fitted]{accessors for DMN objects}}
#' @name calculateDMN
#' @examples
#' fl <- system.file(package="DirichletMultinomial", "extdata", "Twins.csv")
#' counts <- as.matrix(read.csv(fl, row.names=1))
#' fl <- system.file(package="DirichletMultinomial", "extdata", "TwinStudy.t")
#' pheno0 <- scan(fl)
#' lvls <- c("Lean", "Obese", "Overwt")
#' pheno <- factor(lvls[pheno0 + 1], levels=lvls)
#' colData <- DataFrame(pheno = pheno)
#' tse <- TreeSummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts = counts),
#'                                 colData = colData)
#' library(bluster)
#' # Compute DMM algorithm and store result in metadata
#' tse <- addCluster(tse, name = "DMM", DmmParam(k = 1:3, type = "laplace"),
#'                by = "samples", full = TRUE)
#' # Get the list of DMN objects
#' metadata(tse)$DMM$dmm
#' # Get and display which objects fits best
#' bestFit <- metadata(tse)$DMM$best
#' bestFit
#' # Get the model that generated the best fit
#' bestModel <- metadata(tse)$DMM$dmm[[bestFit]]
#' bestModel
#' # Get the sample-cluster assignment probability matrix
#' head(metadata(tse)$DMM$prob)
#' # Get the weight of each component for the best model
#' bestModel@mixture$Weight

#' @importFrom DirichletMultinomial dmn
#' @importFrom stats runif
.calculate_DMN <- function(x, k = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
                            seed = runif(1, 0, .Machine$integer.max), ...){
    if(!is.numeric(k) ||
        length(k) == 0 ||
        anyNA(k) ||
        any(k <= 0) ||
        any(k != as.integer(k))){
        stop("'k' must be an integer vector with positive values only.",
            call. = FALSE)
    old <- getAutoBPPARAM()
    if (!(bpisup(BPPARAM) || is(BPPARAM, "MulticoreParam"))) {
        on.exit(bpstop(BPPARAM), add = TRUE)
    ans <- BiocParallel::bplapply(k, DirichletMultinomial::dmn, count = x,
                                    seed = seed, ...,
                                    BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @export
setMethod("calculateDMN", signature = c(x = "ANY"), .calculate_DMN)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @export
setMethod("calculateDMN", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
    function(x, assay.type = assay_name, assay_name = exprs_values,
            exprs_values = "counts", transposed = FALSE, ...){
        .Deprecated(old="calculateDMN", new="cluster", 
                    "Now calculateDMN is deprecated. 
                    Use cluster with DMMParam parameter instead.")
        mat <- assay(x, assay.type)
            mat <- t(mat)
        calculateDMN(mat, ...)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @export
runDMN <- function(x, name = "DMN", ...){
    .Deprecated(old="runDMN", new="cluster", 
                "Now runDMN is deprecated. 
                Use cluster with DMMParam parameter instead.")
        stop("'x' must be a SummarizedExperiment")
    metadata(x)[[name]] <- calculateDMN(x, ...)

# accessors

#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
.get_dmn <- function(x, name){
    dmn <- metadata(x)[[name]]
        stop("No data found for '",name,"'.", call. = FALSE)
    all_dmn <- vapply(dmn, is, logical(1), "DMN")
        stop("'name' does not a list of DMN objects.", call. = FALSE)

.get_dmn_fit_FUN <- function(type){
    type <- match.arg(type, c("laplace","AIC","BIC"))
    fit_FUN <- switch(type,
                        laplace = DirichletMultinomial::laplace,
                        AIC = DirichletMultinomial::AIC,
                        BIC = DirichletMultinomial::BIC)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @importFrom DirichletMultinomial laplace AIC BIC
#' @export
setMethod("getDMN", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
            function(x, name = "DMN"){
                .Deprecated(old="getDMN", new="cluster", 
                            "Now getDMN is deprecated. 
                            Use cluster with DMMParam parameter 
                            and full parameter set as true instead.")
                .get_dmn(x, name)

.get_best_dmn_fit <- function(dmn, fit_FUN){
    fit <- vapply(dmn, fit_FUN, numeric(1))

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @importFrom DirichletMultinomial laplace AIC BIC
#' @export
setMethod("bestDMNFit", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
            function(x, name = "DMN", type = c("laplace","AIC","BIC")){
                .Deprecated(old="bestDMNFit", new="cluster", 
                            "Now bestDMNFit is deprecated.
                            Use cluster with DMMParam parameter 
                            and full parameter set as true instead.")
                dmn <- getDMN(x, name)
                fit_FUN <- .get_dmn_fit_FUN(type)
                .get_best_dmn_fit(dmn, fit_FUN)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @importFrom DirichletMultinomial laplace AIC BIC
#' @export
setMethod("getBestDMNFit", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
            function(x, name = "DMN", type = c("laplace","AIC","BIC")){
                .Deprecated(old="getBestDMNFit", new="cluster", 
                            "Now getBestDMNFit is deprecated. 
                            Use cluster with DMMParam parameter 
                            and full parameter set as true instead.")
                dmn <- getDMN(x, name)
                fit_FUN <- .get_dmn_fit_FUN(type)
                dmn[[.get_best_dmn_fit(dmn, fit_FUN)]]

# DMN group

#' @importFrom DirichletMultinomial dmngroup
#' @importFrom stats runif
.calculate_DMNgroup <- function(x, variable, k = 1,
                                seed = runif(1, 0, .Machine$integer.max), ...){
    # input check
    if(!is.factor(variable) && is.character(variable)){
        variable <- factor(variable, unique(variable))
    } else if(!is.factor(variable)) {
        stop("'variable' must be a factor or a character value.", call. = FALSE)
    variable <- droplevels(variable)
    dmngroup(x, variable, k = k, seed = seed, ...)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @export
setMethod("calculateDMNgroup", signature = c(x = "ANY"), .calculate_DMNgroup)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @export
setMethod("calculateDMNgroup", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
            function(x, variable, 
                    assay.type = assay_name, assay_name = exprs_values, 
                    exprs_values = "counts", transposed = FALSE, ...){
                mat <- assay(x, assay.type)
                    mat <- t(mat)
                variable <- colData(x)[,variable]
                    stop("No data found in '",variable,
                        "' column of colData(x).", call. = FALSE)
                calculateDMNgroup(x = mat, variable = variable, ...)

# DMN group cross validations

#' @importFrom DirichletMultinomial cvdmngroup
#' @importFrom stats runif
.perform_DMNgroup_cv <- function(x, variable, k = 1,
                                seed = runif(1, 0, .Machine$integer.max), ...){
    # input check
    if(!is.factor(variable) && is.character(variable)){
        variable <- factor(variable, unique(variable))
    } else if(!is.factor(variable)) {
        stop("'variable' must be a factor or a character value.", call. = FALSE)
    variable <- droplevels(variable)
    if(is.null(names(k)) || !all(names(k) %in% levels(variable))){
        stop("'k' must be named. Names must fit the levels of 'variable'.",
            call. = FALSE)
    cvdmngroup(nrow(x), x, variable, k = k, seed = seed, ...)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @export
setMethod("performDMNgroupCV", signature = c(x = "ANY"), .perform_DMNgroup_cv)

#' @rdname calculateDMN
#' @export
setMethod("performDMNgroupCV", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
            function(x, variable, 
                    assay.type = assay_name, assay_name = exprs_values, 
                    exprs_values = "counts", transposed = FALSE, ...){
                mat <- assay(x, assay.type)
                    mat <- t(mat)
                variable <- colData(x)[,variable]
                    stop("No data found in '",variable,
                        "' column of colData(x).", call. = FALSE)
                performDMNgroupCV(x = mat, variable = variable, ...)
microbiome/mia documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 12:32 a.m.