#' @title Exporting Spectra as .mgf file
#' @description
#' `exportMgf` This function allows to export <code>Spectra</code> object to .mgf
#' files. If the <code>Spectra</code> object contains the CLUSTER_ID and RAWFILE variables
#' this is additionally exported as additional metadata fields.
#' @param splist `Spectra` Spectra object containing spectra to be exported
#' @param con `character` File name for export to .mgf
#' @param COM `character` Optional comment
#' @param TITLE `character` Optional title
#' @author Michael Witting
#' @export
#' @examples
exportMgf <- function(splist, con, COM = NULL, TITLE = NULL) {
.Deprecated("Use the export() function from the Spectra package.")
if (class(con) == "character" && file.exists(con)) {
message("Overwriting ", con, "!")
if (class(con)[1] == "character") {
con <- file(description = con, open = "at")
if (is.null(COM)) {
COM <- paste0(ifelse(length(splist) <= 1, "Spectrum", "Experiment"),
"exported by gnedataRutils on ", date())
cat(paste0("COM=",COM), file = con, sep = "")
for (i in seq(along=splist)) {
.writeMgfContent(splist[i], TITLE = TITLE, con = con)
#' private function for writing content
#' @noRd
.writeMgfContent <- function(sp, TITLE = NULL, con) {
# custom cat function for writing of content
.cat <- function(..., file = con, sep = "", append = TRUE) {
cat(..., file = file, sep = sep, append = append)
.cat("\nBEGIN IONS\n",
if (is.null(TITLE)) {
.cat("\nTITLE=msLevel ", sp$msLevel,
"; retentionTime ", sp$rtime,
"; scanNum ", sp$acquisitionNum)
if (length(sp$scanIndex)) {
.cat("; scanIndex ", sp$scanIndex)
if (sp$msLevel > 1) {
.cat("; precMz ", precursorMz(sp),
"; precCharge ", precursorCharge(sp))
} else {
.cat("\nTITLE=", TITLE)
if (sp$msLevel > 1) {
.cat("\nRTINSECONDS=", sp$rtime,
"\nPEPMASS=", sp$precursorMz)
if (length(sp$precursorCharge) && !is.na(sp$precursorCharge)) {
.cat("\nCHARGE=", sp$precursorCharge, "+")
} else {
.cat("\nRTINSECONDS=", sp$rtime)
if("RAWFILE" %in% spectraVariables(sp) && length(sp$RAWFILE) && !is.na(sp$RAWFILE)) {
.cat("\nRAWFILE=", sp$RAWFILE)
if("CLUSTER_ID" %in% spectraVariables(sp) && length(sp$CLUSTER_ID) && !is.na(sp$CLUSTER_ID)) {
.cat("\nCLUSTER_ID=", sp$CLUSTER_ID)
.cat("\n", paste(sp$mz[[1]], sp$intensity[[1]], collapse = "\n"))
.cat("\nEND IONS\n")
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