#' @include CompAnnotationSource.R
#' @title Compound Annotation Sources for `CompDb` databases
#' @aliases CompDbSource-class
#' @description
#' `CompDbSource` objects represent references to [CompoundDb::CompDb]
#' database-backed annotation resources. Instances are expected to be
#' created with the dedicated construction functions such as
#' `MassBankSource` or the generic `CompDbSource`. The annotation data is
#' not stored within the object but will be accessed/loaded within the
#' object's `matchSpectra` method.
#' New `CompDbSource` objects can be created using the functions:
#' - `CompDbSource`: create a new `CompDbSource` object from an existing
#' `CompDb` database. The (SQLite) database file (including the full path)
#' needs to be provided with parameter `dbfile`.
#' - `MassBankSource`: retrieves a `CompDb` database for the specified MassBank
#' release from Bioconductor's online `AnnotationHub` (if it exists) and
#' uses that. Note that `AnnotationHub` resources are cached locally and thus
#' only downloaded the first time.
#' The function has parameters `release` which allows to define the desired
#' MassBank release (e.g. `release = "2021.03"` or `release = "2022.06"`)
#' and `...` which allows to pass optional parameters to the `AnnotationHub`
#' constructor function, such as `localHub = TRUE` to use only the cached
#' data and avoid updating/retrieving updates from the internet.
#' Other functions:
#' - `metadata`: get metadata (information) on the annotation resource.
#' @param dbfile `character(1)` with the database file (including the full
#' path).
#' @param object A `CompDbSource` object.
#' @param release A `character(1)` defining the version/release of MassBank that
#' should be used.
#' @param x A `CompDbSource` object.
#' @param ... For `CompDbSource`: ignored. For `MassBankSource`: optional
#' parameters passed to the `AnnotationHub` constructor function.
#' @name CompDbSource
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' ## Locate a CompDb SQLite database file. For this example we use the test
#' ## database from the `CompoundDb` package.
#' fl <- system.file("sql", "CompDb.MassBank.sql", package = "CompoundDb")
#' ann_src <- CompDbSource(fl)
#' ## The object contains only the reference/link to the annotation resource.
#' ann_src
#' ## Retrieve a CompDb with MassBank data for a certain MassBank release
#' mb_src <- MassBankSource("2021.03")
#' mb_src
#' @description
#' It is better to NOT put neither a connection object nor the data itself into
#' the source object to allow parallel processing. The `matchSpectra` method
#' needs then to make sure to load/retrieve the data and connect to it.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @exportClass CompDbSource
contains = "CompAnnotationSource",
slots = c(dbfile = "character"),
prototype = list(dbfile = character())
#' validator to check if the provided file name is indeed a CompDb database.
#' @importFrom CompoundDb CompDb
#' @noRd
.validate_dbfile <- function(x) {
if (length(x))
else TRUE
setValidity("CompDbSource", function(object) {
#' @rdname CompDbSource
#' @export
CompDbSource <- function(dbfile = character()) {
new("CompDbSource", dbfile = dbfile)
#' @export
#' @rdname CompDbSource
setMethod("metadata", "CompDbSource", function(x, ...) {
db <- CompDb(x@dbfile)
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
#' @rdname CompDbSource
setMethod("show", "CompDbSource", function(object) {
md <- metadata(object)
cat("Metadata information:\n")
cat(paste0(" - ", md[, 1], ": ", md[, 2], "\n"), sep = "")
#' @rdname CompareSpectraParam
#' @importFrom Spectra MsBackendDataFrame
#' @importClassesFrom Spectra MsBackendDataFrame
"matchSpectra", signature(query = "Spectra", target = "CompDbSource",
param = "Param"),
function(query, target, param, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
addOriginalQueryIndex = TRUE) {
## connect to the database
db <- CompDb(target@dbfile)
## get the Spectra from the source and call matchSpectra
res <- matchSpectra(
query, Spectra(db), param = param, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
addOriginalQueryIndex = addOriginalQueryIndex)
## keep only matching reference/target spectra and change the
## backend to MsBackendDataFrame
res <- pruneTarget(res)
res@target <- setBackend(res@target, backend = MsBackendDataFrame())
#' @export
#' @rdname CompDbSource
MassBankSource <- function(release = "2021.03", ...) {
if (!.is_available_annotation_hub())
stop("'MassBankSource' requires the 'AnnotationHub' package.\n",
"Please install it with 'BiocManager::install(",
"\"AnnotationHub\")' and try again.")
ah <- AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub(...)
res <- AnnotationHub::query(ah, c("MassBank", release))
if (!length(res))
stop("MassBank release \"", release, "\" not found in AnnotationHub")
if (length(res) > 1)
stop("Provided release is ambiguous: ", length(res), " data sets in ",
"AnnotationHub match the provided release information.")
fn <- unname(AnnotationHub::cache(res))
.is_available_annotation_hub <- function(x) {
requireNamespace("AnnotationHub", quietly = TRUE)
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