# ========================================================================
# fitting Server
# ========================================================================
#' @title shiny module - fitting in server
#' @description Should not be called by users. shiny module for server, curve fitting
#' @param input shiny input
#' @param output shiny output
#' @param session shiny session
#' @param x a reactive object, matrix, passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param tcc a reactive object, cell doubling time
#' @param f a reactive object, f passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param time a reactive object, time points passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param type a reactive object, the type of fitting (syn or deg) passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param A a reactive object, passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param B a reactive object, passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param par.init a reactive object, passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param par.lower a reactive object, passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param par.upper a reactive object, passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param pre.col a reactive object containing a data.frame, for the annotation columns
#' @param ncore a reactive object, passed to fitNLSModels
#' @param resultPath where the figures to be saved
#' @return a reactive value
#' reactive( list(pre.col = pre.col(), mat = r()$mat, list = r()$list, type = r()$type) )
#' @import shiny shinyBS
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off tiff
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @include runShiny.R
#' @keywords internal
fmod <- function(input, output, session, x, tcc = reactive(Inf), f, time, type, A, B,
par.init, par.lower, par.upper, pre.col, ncore, resultPath) {
r <- reactive({
fitNLSModels(x = x(), f = f(), t = time(), type = type(),
A = A(), B = B(), tcc = tcc(),
par.init = par.init(), par.lower = par.lower(),
par.upper = par.upper(), ncore = ncore())
k <- reactive(ifelse(type() == "syn", "ks", "kd") )
ot <- reactive( cbind(pre.col(), sigDF(r()$mat)) )
output$tab <- DT::renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(ot(), filter = "bottom", class = list("nowrap"),
selection = "single", options = list(scrollX = TRUE, autoWidth = TRUE),
rownames= FALSE)
}, server = TRUE)
outputOptions(output, "tab", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste("data-", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep="")
content = function(file) {
write.table(ot(), file, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
figInd <- reactive({
i <- input$tab_rows_selected
err.x <- log(2)/ r()$mat[i, c("ci025", "ci975")]
err.y <- ifelse(type() == "syn",
synCurve(A = r()$mat[i, "A"], B = r()$mat[i, "B"], r()$mat[i, k()],
tcc = tcc(), t = log(2)/ r()$mat[i, k()]),
degCurve(A = r()$mat[i, "A"], B = r()$mat[i, "B"], r()$mat[i, k()],
tcc = tcc(), t = log(2)/ r()$mat[i, k()]))
list(x = x()[i, ], t = time(), tcc = tcc(), A = r()$mat[i, "A"],
B = r()$mat[i, "B"], k = r()$mat[i, k()], curve = type(),
err.x = err.x, err.y = err.y)
figComb <- reactive({
updateOutlierBox <- TRUE
if (r()$type == "individual")
i <- input$tab_rows_selected
ii <- r()$mat[i, 1]
combList <- r()$list[[ii]]
if (!is.null(input$outlier)) {
if (input$outlier[1] != "") {
iir <- !rownames(attr(combList, "individual")) %in% input$outlier
if (any(iir)) {
updateOutlierBox <- FALSE
combList <- refitwoOutlier(
x = combList, include = iir,
t = time(), A = A(), B = B(), tcc = tcc(), par.init = par.init(),
par.lower = par.lower(), par.upper = par.upper() )
list(x = combList, t = time(), tcc = tcc(),
leg.vec = structure(rownames(x()), names = rownames(x())),
curve = type(), updateOutlierBox = updateOutlierBox)
saveCombFigure <- function(ind, comb, file) {
tiff(file, width = 24, height = 14, res = 150, units = "cm")
layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2))
plotCurve(ind$x, t = ind$t, tcc = ind$tcc, A = ind$A, B = ind$B, k = ind$k,
add = FALSE, col="red", lineOnly = FALSE, curve = ind$curve, pch=20,
err.x = ind$err.x, err.y = ind$err.y)
plotCurve.comb(x = comb$x, t = comb$t, tcc = comb$tcc,
leg.vec = comb$leg.vec, curve = comb$curve)
output$downloadFigures <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste("figure-", Sys.Date(), ".tif", sep="")
content = function(file) {
saveCombFigure(ind = figInd(), comb = figComb(), file = file)
output$plotInd <- renderPlot({
plotCurve(figInd()$x, t = figInd()$t, tcc = figInd()$tcc, A = figInd()$A, B = figInd()$B, k = figInd()$k,
add = FALSE, col="red", lineOnly = FALSE, curve = figInd()$curve, pch=20,
err.x = figInd()$err.x, err.y = figInd()$err.y)
observeEvent(input$tab_rows_selected, {
updateSelectInput(session, "outlier", choices = rownames(attr(figComb()$x, "inputmatrix")), selected = NULL)
output$plotComb <- renderPlot({
plotCurve.comb(x = figComb()$x, t = figComb()$t, tcc = figComb()$tcc,
leg.vec = figComb()$leg.vec, curve = figComb()$curve)
observeEvent(input$save2folder, {
withProgress(message = "making plots", value = 0, {
unif <- unique(r()$mat[, 1])
n <- length(unif)
if (!dir.exists(resultPath))
dir <- file.path(resultPath, paste0("PROTURN", gsub("-| |:|", "", Sys.time())))
if (!dir.exists(dir))
for (isave in unif) {
combList <- r()$list[[isave]]
comb <- list(x = combList, t = time(), tcc = tcc(),
leg.vec = structure(rownames(x()), names = rownames(x())),
curve = type())
file <- paste(dir, "/", isave, ".tiff", sep = '')
tiff(file, width = 500, height = 400)
plotCurve.comb(x = comb$x, t = comb$t, tcc = comb$tcc, main = isave,
leg.vec = comb$leg.vec, curve = comb$curve, leg.cex = 0.7)
reactive( list(pre.col = pre.col(), mat = r()$mat, list = r()$list, type = r()$type) )
# ========================================================================
# Fitting UI
# ========================================================================
#' @title shiny module, curve fitting UI
#' @description Should not be called by users. shiny module, curve fitting UI
#' @param id id for namespace
#' @return no value to be returned
#' @keywords internal
fmodUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
column(12, DT::dataTableOutput(ns("tab")))
tags$b("Single fitting"),
column(6, tags$b("Collapsed fitting")),
tags$style("label {display:inline;}")
column(6, selectizeInput(ns("outlier"),"", choices=NULL, multiple=TRUE,
options = list(placeholder = 'Select outlier to exclude ...')))
column(2, downloadButton(ns("downloadData"), "Download table")),
column(3, downloadButton(ns("downloadFigures"), "Download current figures")),
column(3, actionButton(ns("save2folder"), "Save all figures", icon = icon("download")))
# column(3, shinyDirButton(ns("save2folder"), "Save all fig to folder", "Select a folder"))
# ========================================================================
# View server
# ========================================================================
#' @title shiny module server - view curves
#' @description Should not be called by users. shiny module server - view curves
#' @param input shiny input
#' @param output shiny output
#' @param session shiny session
#' @param deg a reactive object, containing an object returned by fitNLSModels
#' @param syn a reactive object, containing an object returned by fitNLSModels
#' @param deg.ratio a reactive object, a matrix of degradation ratios at differnet time points
#' @param syn.ratio a reactive object, a matrix of synthesis ratios at differnet time points
#' @param deg.t a reactive object, times points for degradation ratios
#' @param syn.t a reactive object, time points for synthesis ratios
#' @param tcc a reactive object, cell doubling time
#' @return write table to disk
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off tiff
#' @importFrom utils write.table
combView <- function(input, output, session, deg, syn,
deg.ratio, syn.ratio, deg.t, syn.t, tcc) {
tab <- reactive({
output$tab <- DT::renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(tab(), filter = "bottom", class = list("nowrap"),
selection = "single", options = list(scrollX = TRUE, autoWidth = TRUE),
rownames= FALSE)
}, server = TRUE)
outputOptions(output, "tab", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$figInd <- renderPlot({
i <- input$tab_rows_selected
req(syn()$mat[i, "B"])
req(syn()$mat[i, "A"])
req(syn()$mat[i, "ks"])
req(deg()$mat[i, "B"])
req(deg()$mat[i, "A"])
req(deg()$mat[i, "kd"])
ylim <- c(0, max(c(deg.ratio()[i, ], syn.ratio()[i, ]), na.rm = TRUE))
plotCurve(deg.ratio()[i, ], t = deg.t(), tcc = tcc(), ylim = ylim,
A = deg()$mat[i, "A"], B = deg()$mat[i, "B"], k = deg()$mat[i, "kd"],
add = FALSE, col="red", lineOnly = FALSE, curve = "deg", pch=20)
plotCurve(syn.ratio()[i, ], t = syn.t(), tcc = tcc(), lty = 2,
A = syn()$mat[i, "A"], B = syn()$mat[i, "B"], k = syn()$mat[i, "ks"],
add = TRUE, col="red", lineOnly = FALSE, curve = "syn", pch=1)
output$figComb <- renderPlot({
if (deg()$type == "individual")
i <- input$tab_rows_selected
ii <- deg()$mat[i, 1]
lv <- structure(rownames(deg.ratio()), names = rownames(deg.ratio()))
plotCurve.comb(x = deg()$list[[ii]], t = deg.t(), tcc = tcc(),
leg.vec = lv, curve = "deg")
plotCurve.comb(x = syn()$list[[ii]], t = syn.t(), tcc = tcc(),
leg.vec = lv, curve = "syn", add = TRUE, pch = 1, lty = 2, legend = FALSE)
output$downloadFigures <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste("figure-", Sys.Date(), ".tif", sep="")
content = function(file) {
tiff(file, width = 24, height = 14, res = 150, units = "cm")
layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2))
i <- input$tab_rows_selected
ylim <- c(0, max(c(deg.ratio()[i, ], syn.ratio()[i, ]), na.rm = TRUE))
plotCurve(deg.ratio()[i, ], t = deg.t(), tcc = tcc(), ylim = ylim,
A = deg()$mat[i, "A"], B = deg()$mat[i, "B"], k = deg()$mat[i, "kd"],
add = FALSE, col="red", lineOnly = FALSE, curve = "deg", pch=20)
plotCurve(syn.ratio()[i, ], t = syn.t(), tcc = tcc(), lty = 2,
A = syn()$mat[i, "A"], B = syn()$mat[i, "B"], k = syn()$mat[i, "ks"],
add = TRUE, col="red", lineOnly = FALSE, curve = "syn", pch=1)
if (deg()$type != "individual") {
ii <- deg()$mat[i, 1]
lv <- structure(rownames(deg.ratio()), names = rownames(deg.ratio()))
plotCurve.comb(x = deg()$list[[ii]], t = deg.t(), tcc = tcc(),
leg.vec = lv, curve = "deg")
plotCurve.comb(x = syn()$list[[ii]], t = syn.t(), tcc = tcc(),
leg.vec = lv, curve = "syn", add = TRUE, pch = 1, lty = 2, legend = FALSE)
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste("data-", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep="")
content = function(file) {
write.table(tab(), file, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# ========================================================================
# View UI
# ========================================================================
#' @title shiny module, view UI
#' @description Should not be called by users. shiny module, view UI
#' @param id id for namespace
#' @return no value to be returned
#' @keywords internal
combViewUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
column(12, DT::dataTableOutput(ns("tab")))
tags$b("Single fitting"),
tags$b("Collapsed fitting"),
# column(6, selectizeInput(ns("outlier"), "outlier", choices=NULL, multiple=TRUE,
# options = list(placeholder = 'Select outlier to exclude ...'))),
column(2, downloadButton(ns("downloadData"), "Download Table")),
column(2, downloadButton(ns("downloadFigures"), "Download Figures"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.