plotVar.mcia <-
function(x, var=NA, axes=1:2,
var.col="red", # the length either 1 or length(var)
var.lab=FALSE, # T or F
bg.var.col="gray", # the length either 1 or length(df)
sepID.sep= "\\.",
df=NA, # either name of data.frame or numeric
layout=NA, ...)
if (is.null( <- seq_along(x$coa)
mcoin <- x
rows <- mcoin$mcoa$Tco[axes]
row.lab <- mcoin$mcoa$TC$"T"
datasets <- names(mcoin$coa)
if (length(sepID.sep) == 1)
sepID.sep <- rep(sepID.sep, length(
if ([1]))
df <- 1:length(datasets) else
if (!all(df %in% 1:length(datasets)) & !all(df %in% datasets))
stop("undefined data.frame selected")
if (!inherits(mcoin, "mcia"))
stop("mcia object expected for mcoin")
jt <- any(sapply(unique(sepID.sep), function(x) any(grep(x, var))))
if (!is.null([1]) && jt)
warning("be careful: sepID.separator present in variable names")
if (length(axes) != 2)
stop("you have to select (only) 2 axis")
if (length(var.col) != 1 & length(var.col) != length(var))
stop("the length of var.col could only be either 1 or length(var)")
if (length(bg.var.col) != 1 & length(bg.var.col) != length(df))
stop("the length of bg.var.col could only be either 1 or length(df)")
if (length(bg.var.col) == 1)
bg.var.col <- rep(bg.var.col, length(df))
if (length(var.col) == 1)
var.col <- rep(var.col, length(var))
df.list <- lapply(levels(row.lab),
function(x) return(rows[row.lab %in% x, ]))
n <- length(df)
n <- ceiling(n/2)*2
rep <- var
if (is.matrix(layout))
layout(layout) else
if ( {
if (length(df) == 1)
layout(1) else
if (length(df) == 2)
layout(t(t(1:2))) else
if (length(df) == 3)
layout(t(t(1:3))) else
if (length(df) > 3)
layout(matrix(1:n, n/2, byrow=T))
par(mar=c(0.1, .1, .1, .1))
for (i in df) {
where <- match(i, df)
idf <- df.list[[i]]
ns <- rownames(idf)
if (all(grepl("\\.[1-9]$", ns)))
ns <- sapply(lapply(strsplit(ns, split="\\."),
function(x) x[-length(x)]), paste, collapse=".")
plotgenes(idf, axis1=1, axis2=2, nlab=nlab, genelabels=ns, colpoints=bg.var.col)
if (!is.null(
if (i %in% {
ww <- match(i,
ns <- sapply(lapply(strsplit(ns, split=sepID.sep[ww]),
function(x) x[-length(x)]), paste, collapse=sepID.sep[ww])
ind <- ns %in% var
if (any(ind)) {
points(idf[ind, ], pch=20, col=var.col[na.omit(match(ns, var))])
if (var.lab)
text(idf[ind, 1], idf[ind, 2], ns[ind])
legend(x="bottomleft", bty="n", legend=datasets[i], x.intersp=-.5)
rep <- cbind(rep, var %in% ns)
colnames(rep) <- c("Variables", datasets[df])
rep <-
if (![1]))
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