# Wrappers and utilities for mixture modelling in flow cytometry data
bulk_weighted_gmm <- function(data, k, params, weights = NULL, mixture = NULL,
regularize_variance = TRUE, variance_correction = NULL,
max_steps = 10, relative_loglik_threshold = 5e-3,
verbose = FALSE)
n <- nrow(data)
if (is.null(mixture)) {
mixture <- initialize_mixture(data,k,params,verbose)
} else {
mixture$pro <- mixture$pro / sum(mixture$pro)
if (is.null(weights)) { weights <- rep(1, n) }
sum_weights = sum(weights)
weights <- weights / sum_weights
e_step_result <- e_step(data, mixture, params, verbose = FALSE)
event_probabilities <- e_step_result$probs
probsum <- e_step_result$probsum
loglik <- sum( log(probsum) * weights) * sum_weights / n
loglik_history <- loglik
for (step in seq_len(max_steps)) {
if(verbose) {cat("Starting step ", step, "\n")}
prev_mixture <- mixture
mixture <- m_step(data, mixture, event_probabilities,
params, weights, variance_correction,
regularize_variance, verbose = FALSE)
e_step_result <- e_step(data, mixture, params, verbose = FALSE)
probsum <- e_step_result$probsum
loglik <- sum( log(probsum) * weights) * sum_weights / n
loglik_history <- c(loglik_history, loglik)
loglik_rel_change <- abs((loglik - loglik_history[step]) / loglik_history[step])
if ((step > 1) & (loglik_rel_change < 10*relative_loglik_threshold)) {
mixture <- prev_mixture
if (!is.null(variance_correction)) {
mixture <- correct_variances(mixture, variance_correction, event_probabilities, weights, verbose)
} else { event_probabilities <- e_step_result$probs }
# Utilities for weighted EM algorithm
# Quick and dirty random initialization, if not provided by user
# Works horribly for more than 2-3 dimensions
initialize_mixture <- function(data, k, params, verbose = FALSE)
# Random initialization, with identity variance: modify later
mixture <- list()
d <- length(params)
mixture$pro <- rep(1/k, k)
s <- sample(nrow(data), k)
mixture$mean <- data[s,params,drop = FALSE]
mixture$variance$sigma <- array(NaN, c(d,d,k))
for (component in seq_len(k)) {
mixture$variance$sigma[,,component] <- diag(d)
# Expectation step: given mixture parameters,
# update probabilities of event assignment.
# Identical to unweighted version
e_step <- function(data, mixture, params,
verbose = FALSE)
n <- nrow(data)
k <- length(mixture$pro)
d <- ncol(data)
probs <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
# For each cluster, compute the probability that the
# datapoints belong to it
for (cl in seq(k)) {
proportion <- mixture$pro[cl]
mean <- mixture$mean[cl,]
variance <- mixture$variance$sigma[,,cl]
if (d == 1) {
# dnorm works with standard deviation, not variance
probs[,cl] <- proportion * dnorm(data, mean, sqrt(variance))
else {
probs[,cl] <- proportion * dmvnorm(data, mean, variance)
# Normalize the probability along each row
probsum <- apply(probs, 1, sum)
min <- min(which(probsum > 0))
probsum[probsum == 0] <- min # To avoid division by 0
probs <- probs/probsum
l <- list("probs" = probs, "probsum" = probsum)
# Maximization step: given event probabilities, update mixture parameters
# Modified from vanilla EM, to take weights into account,
# and correct for missing variance
m_step <- function(data, mixture, event_probabilities, params,
weights, variance_correction,
regularize_variance, verbose = FALSE)
k <- ncol(event_probabilities)
d <- ncol(data)
n <- nrow(data)
weighted_probs <- event_probabilities * weights
sqrt_probs <- sqrt(weighted_probs)
mixture$pro <- apply(weighted_probs, 2, sum)
mixture$mean <- t(weighted_probs)%*%data / mixture$pro
for (slice in seq_len(k)) {
if (d==1)
# TO DO: rewrite d == 1 case
else {
scaled_data <- sqrt_probs[,slice] * data
scaled_mean <- apply(scaled_data, 2, mean)
scaled_var <- var(scaled_data)
var <- n/mixture$pro[slice] * (scaled_var +
outer(scaled_mean, scaled_mean) )
var <- var - outer(mixture$mean[slice,], mixture$mean[slice,])
if (regularize_variance) {
var <- var + 0.01 * diag(d)
mixture$variance$sigma[,,slice] <- var
rm(var, scaled_var, scaled_mean, scaled_data)
# Variance correction: account for missing variance
# in each mixture component, arising from replacing a
# bunch of events with the center of their bin
correct_variances <- function(mixture, variance_correction,
event_probabilities, weights,
verbose = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
print("Performing variance correction...")
k <- ncol(event_probabilities)
weighted_probs <- event_probabilities * weights
for (slice in seq_len(k)) {
this_correction <- apply(weighted_probs[,slice] * variance_correction,
c(2:3), sum)
this_correction <- this_correction / mixture$pro[slice]
mixture$variance$sigma[,,slice] <- mixture$variance$sigma[,,slice] +
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