as_matrix <- function(data) {
if (is(data, "flowSet")) {
data <- flowCore::exprs(suppressWarnings(as(data, "flowFrame")))
data <- data[,which(colnames(data) != "Original")]
if (is(data, "flowFrame")) {
data <- flowCore::exprs(data)
start_parallel_cluster <- function() {
cores <- detectCores()
cl <- makeCluster(cores[1])
tailor_map_parallel <- function(data, tailor_obj, n_batch)
k <- length(tailor_obj$mixture$pro)
logpro <- log(tailor_obj$mixture$pro)
n <- nrow(data)
params = colnames(data)
mapping <- integer(length = n)
batch_size <- ceiling(n/n_batch)
clust <- start_parallel_cluster()
data_list <- list()
for (batch in seq_len(n_batch))
start_batch <- (batch - 1) * batch_size + 1
end_batch <- batch * batch_size
if (batch == n_batch) { end_batch <- n }
data_list[[batch]] <- data[c(start_batch:end_batch),params]
batch_data <- NULL
mapping <- foreach(batch_data = iter(data_list), .combine = c, .packages = c("mvtnorm")) %dopar%
probs <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(batch_data), ncol = k)
for (cl in seq(k))
mean <- tailor_obj$mixture$mean[cl,]
sigma <- tailor_obj$mixture$variance$sigma[,,cl]
probs[,cl] <- logpro[cl] + dmvnorm(batch_data, mean, sigma, log = TRUE)
# Assign each datapoint to the cluster of maximum probability
result <- apply(probs, 1, which.max)
tailor_map_sequential <- function(data, tailor_obj, n_batch, verbose)
k <- length(tailor_obj$mixture$pro)
logpro <- log(tailor_obj$mixture$pro)
n <- nrow(data)
params = colnames(data)
mapping <- integer(length = n)
batch_size <- ceiling(n/n_batch)
for (batch in seq_len(n_batch)) {
if(verbose) {cat(batch, " ")}
start_batch <- (batch - 1) * batch_size + 1
end_batch <- batch * batch_size
if (batch == n_batch) { end_batch = n }
batch_data <- data[c(start_batch:end_batch),params]
# For each cluster, compute the probability that data in current batch
# are drawn from it
probs <- matrix(0, nrow = end_batch - start_batch + 1, ncol = k)
for (cl in seq(k)) {
weight <- tailor_obj$mixture$pro[cl]
mean <- tailor_obj$mixture$mean[cl,]
sigma <- tailor_obj$mixture$variance$sigma[,,cl]
probs[,cl] <- weight * dmvnorm(batch_data, mean, sigma)
# Assign each datapoint to the cluster of maximum probability
mapping[c(start_batch:end_batch)] <- apply(probs, 1, which.max)
binary_search <- function(f, range, val = 0, error = 1e-4) {
lower <- range[1]
upper <- range[2]
mid <- (lower + upper)/2
trend <- ifelse(f(upper) >= f(lower), 1, -1)
if (abs(f(mid) - val) < error) return(mid)
if (upper - mid < error) return(upper)
if (mid - lower < error) return(lower)
diff <- trend * (f(mid) - val)
if (diff < 0) {
return(binary_search(f, c(mid, upper)))
else {
return(binary_search(f, c(lower, mid)))
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