# Create the feature matrix for supervised learning using the experimentally determined coverage
cellColor <- function(style) {
fg <- style$getFillForegroundXSSFColor()
#fg <- style$getFillForegroundColor() # TODO wrong
rgb <- tryCatch(fg$getRgb(), error = function(e) NULL)
rgb <- paste(rgb, collapse = "")
get.ref.df <- function(color.df) {
cnam <- colnames(color.df)
counts <- str_count(cnam, "\\.")
idx.1 <- which(counts == 1)
idx.2 <- which(counts == 2)
idx.3 <- which(counts == 3)
cnam[idx.1] <- sub("\\.", "-", cnam[idx.1])
cnam[idx.2] <- sub("\\.", "*", sub("\\.", "-", cnam[idx.2]))
cnam[idx.3] <- sub("\\.", "*", sub("\\.", "-", sub("\\.", "-", cnam[idx.3])))
m <- match(cnam, template.df$ID)
# manual check:
cbind(cnam, template.df$ID[m])
color.df <- data.frame(color.df[,1], color.df[, !is.na(m)])
colnames(color.df) <- c("Primer", cnam[!is.na(m)])
get.color.df <- function(xls.file, sheet.idx, nbr.rows) {
wb <- loadWorkbook(xls.file)
sheet1 <- getSheets(wb)[[sheet.idx]] # first single primer evaluation, 18
# get all rows
rows <- getRows(sheet1, seq_len(nbr.rows)) # if rows are not specified, too many are extracted
cells <- getCells(rows)
nbr.cols <- as.numeric(tail(strsplit(names(cells), split = "\\."), n =1)[[1]][2])
styles <- vector("list", length(rows))
for (i in seq_along(rows)) {
cell.id <- paste0(i, ".", 1:nbr.cols)
row.data <- cells[cell.id]
cur.styles <- sapply(unlist(row.data), getCellStyle)
styles[[i]] <- cur.styles
fill.colors <- lapply(styles, function(x) sapply(unlist(x), cellColor)) # if this is not the same length, add Identifier column leftmost
fill.matrix <- do.call(rbind, fill.colors[2:length(fill.colors)]) # ignore header row
col.df <- readColumns(sheet1, 1, nbr.cols, 1, nrow(fill.matrix) + 1) # doesn't read cell styles, nrow+1 to load header row
cnames <- colnames(col.df)
col.df[, 2:ncol(col.df)] <- fill.matrix[, 2:ncol(fill.matrix)] # first column has primer identifers -> don't overwrite!
colnames(col.df) <- cnames
get_ref_data <- function(cvg.folders) {
consensus.fun <- function(x) {
count1 <- length(which(x == 1))
count0 <- length(which(x == 0))
if (count1 > count0) {
} else {
agreement.rate <- function(x) {
count1 <- length(which(x == 1))
count0 <- length(which(x == 0))
majority <- ifelse(count1 > count0, 1, 0)
agreement.rate <- length(which(x == majority)) /length(x)
ignore.cols <- c("Evaluator", "experiment")
ref.calls <- vector("list", length(cvg.folders))
for (i in seq_along(cvg.folders)) { # primer sets
csvs <- list.files(cvg.folders[i], full.names = TRUE)
set.name <- basename(cvg.folders[i])
ref.results <- vector("list", length(csvs))
for (j in seq_along(csvs)) { # reviewer results
csv <- read.csv(csvs[j], check.names = FALSE)
csv.j <- csv[, !colnames(csv) %in% ignore.cols]
# determine consensus across individual experiments
res <- ddply(csv.j, c("Primer"), numcolwise(consensus.fun))
res <- cbind("Evaluator" = unique(csv$Evaluator), res)
ref.results[[j]] <- res
cvg.matrix <- do.call(rbind, ref.results)
cvg.matrix.j <- cvg.matrix[, !colnames(cvg.matrix) %in% ignore.cols]
# compute agreement rate per primer template for all the reviewers from this
agree.df <- ddply(cvg.matrix.j, c("Primer"), numcolwise(agreement.rate))
plot.df <- melt(agree.df, variable.name = "Template", value.name = "Agreement")
# plot
p <- ggplot() + geom_boxplot(data = plot.df, aes(x = Primer, y = Agreement))
ggsave(paste0("agreement_", set.name, ".png"), p)
ref.summary <- ddply(cvg.matrix.j, c("Primer"), numcolwise(consensus.fun))
ref.calls[[i]] <- ref.summary
# gather results for Tiller and openPrimeR in a data frame
result.df <- do.call(rbind, ref.calls)
# convert to machine-readable format
res <- melt(result.df, variable.name = "Template", value.name = "Experimental_Coverage")
res$Experimental_Coverage <- factor(ifelse(res$Experimental_Coverage == 1, "Amplified", "Unamplified"), levels = c("Unamplified", "Amplified"))
get_tool_primer_data <- function(primer.location, template.df, cur.settings) {
# load primers
primer.df <- openPrimeR::read_primers(primer.location, "_fw", "_rev")
primer.df$ID <- factor(gsub("_fw", "", as.character(primer.df$ID)))
primer.df <- openPrimeR::check_constraints(primer.df, template.df, cur.settings)
template.df <- openPrimeR::update_template_cvg(template.df, primer.df)
out <- list("Primers" = primer.df, "Templates" = template.df)
get_ref_data_old <- function(xls.file) {
message("This function should be run on Windows for correct xls parsing ...")
# turn color xls to labeled R data frame with colors indicating amplification (red: no, green: yes)
tiller.ref.df <- get.color.df(xls.file, 1,13)
tiller.ref.df <- get.ref.df(tiller.ref.df)
open.ref.df <- get.color.df(xls.file, 2, 49)
open.ref.df <- get.ref.df(open.ref.df)
ref.data <- list(tiller.ref.df, open.ref.df)
names(ref.data) <- c("Tiller2008", "openPrimeR")
# compute tool cvg for tiller and openPrimeR
primer.file.t <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers",
"IGHV", "Tiller2008_1st.fasta",
package = "openPrimeR")
primer.file.o <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers",
"IGHV", "openPrimeR2017.fasta",
package = "openPrimeR")
primer.files <- c(primer.file.t, primer.file.o)
for (i in seq_along(primer.files)) {
primer.df <- read_primers(primer.files[[i]])
ref.data[[i]]$Primer <- unlist(lapply(primer.df$ID, function(x) rep(x, 3))) # annotate primers with right IDs (order MUST be the same as the provided 'primer.df' for correct cycling!) -> 3 because of triplicates
get_learning_matrix <- function(ref.data, template.df, tiller.location, open.location) {
# primer set to use for calibration:
mode.directionality <- "fw"
# create tool data for Tiller / openPrimeR:
filename <- system.file("extdata", "settings",
"C_Taq_PCR_high_stringency.xml", package = "openPrimeR")
settings <- openPrimeR::read_settings(filename)
# prevent other binding events:
conOptions(settings)$allowed_other_binding_ratio <- 0.0
# allow input nbr of mismatches
conOptions(settings)$allowed_mismatches <- 12
# require only intersection with target region
conOptions(settings)$allowed_region_definition <- "any"
# compute data
# activate all 'interesting' cvg constraints as features, but don't filter! (set boundaries high)
cvg_constraints(settings) <- list("annealing_DeltaG" = c("max" = 0), "primer_efficiency" = c("max" = 1),
"terminal_mismatch_pos" = c("min" = 0))
tiller.settings <- settings
PCR(tiller.settings)$annealing_temp <- 57
tiller.data <- get_tool_primer_data(tiller.location, template.df, tiller.settings)
open.settings <- settings
PCR(open.settings)$annealing_temp <- 55
open.data <- get_tool_primer_data(open.location, template.df, open.settings)
tool.data <- list("Tiller" = tiller.data, "openPrimeR" = open.data)
feature.data <- vector("list", length(tool.data))
for (i in seq_along(tool.data)) {
ident <- names(tool.data)[i]
primer.df <- tool.data[[i]]$Primers
template.df <- tool.data[[i]]$Templates
data.matrix <- prepare_learning_data(primer.df, template.df, ref.data, settings, cvg.type = "basic")
feature.data[[i]] <- data.matrix
feature.matrix <- do.call(rbind, feature.data)
# encode mismatches locally: hexamer encoding
pos.mod <- feature.matrix$Position_3terminus
pos.mod[is.na(pos.mod) | pos.mod >= 7] <- 7 # no mismatch in 3' hexamer
pos.mod <- abs(pos.mod - 7)
feature.matrix$Position_3terminusLocal <- pos.mod
#feature.matrix$Position_3terminus[is.na(feature.matrix$Position_3terminus)] <- max(feature.matrix$Position_3terminus, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
feature.matrix$Number_of_mismatches_hexamer <- feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_1 + feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_2 +
feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_3 + feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_4 +
feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_5 + feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_6
result <- list("feature_matrix" = feature.matrix, "primer_data" = tool.data)
get_learning_matrix_old <- function(ref.data) {
data(Ippolito) # load templates
# primer set to use for calibration:
mode.directionality <- "fw"
# create tool data for Tiller / openPrimeR:
# selected reduced template set, for which experimental annotation exists
template.file <- fasta.file <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "templates",
package = "openPrimeR")
leader.file <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "templates",
package = "openPrimeR")
hdr.structure <- c("ACCESSION", "GROUP", "SPECIES", "FUNCTION")
# load templates
template.df <- openPrimeR::read_templates(template.file, hdr.structure, "|", "GROUP", rm.keywords = "partial")
# assign leader:
template.df <- assign_binding_regions(template.df, leader.file, NULL)
# extend forward binding region by one position for overlap cvg starting at V-gene
template.df <- adjust_binding_regions(template.df, c(-max(template.df$Allowed_End_fw_initial - template.df$Allowed_Start_fw_initial), 0), c(-50,1))
m <- match(colnames(ref.data[[1]]), template.df$ID)
my.templates <- template.df[m[!is.na(m)],]
tiller.location <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers", "IGHV",
"Tiller2008_1st.fasta", package = "openPrimeR")
open.location <- system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "primers", "IGHV",
"openPrimeR2017.fasta", package = "openPrimeR")
# create settings for individual tool data generation:
filename <- system.file("extdata", "settings",
"C_Taq_PCR_high_stringency.xml", package = "openPrimeR")
settings <- openPrimeR::read_settings(filename)
# prevent other binding events:
conOptions(settings)$allowed_other_binding_ratio <- 0.0
# allow input nbr of mismatches
conOptions(settings)$allowed_mismatches <- 12
# require only intersection with target region
conOptions(settings)$allowed_region_definition <- "any"
# compute data
# activate all 'interesting' cvg constraints as features, but don't filter! (set boundaries high)
cvg_constraints(settings) <- list("annealing_DeltaG" = c("max" = 0), "primer_efficiency" = c("max" = 1),
"terminal_mismatch_pos" = c("min" = 0))
tiller.settings <- settings
PCR(tiller.settings)$annealing_temp <- 57
tiller.data <- get_tool_primer_data(tiller.location, my.templates, tiller.settings)
open.settings <- settings
PCR(open.settings)$annealing_temp <- 55
open.data <- get_tool_primer_data(open.location, my.templates, open.settings)
tool.data <- list("Tiller" = tiller.data, "openPrimeR" = open.data)
feature.data <- vector("list", length(tool.data))
for (i in seq_along(tool.data)) {
ident <- names(tool.data)[i]
primer.df <- tool.data[[i]]$Primers
template.df <- tool.data[[i]]$Templates
ref.cvg <- ref.data[[i]]
data.matrix <- prepare_learning_data(primer.df, template.df, ref.cvg, settings, cvg.type = "basic")
feature.data[[i]] <- data.matrix
feature.matrix <- do.call(rbind, feature.data)
# important: set position of 3' terminus mismatch to primer length if NA (no mismatch)
pos.mod <- feature.matrix$Position_3terminus
# add prior knowledge to positions representation (only consider 3' hexamer)
pos.mod[is.na(pos.mod) | pos.mod >= 7] <- 7 # no mismatch in 3' hexamer
pos.mode <- abs(pos.mod - 7)
feature.matrix$Position_3terminusLocal <- pos.mode
feature.matrix$Position_3terminus[is.na(feature.matrix$Position_3terminus)] <- max(feature.matrix$Position_3terminus, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
feature.matrix$Number_of_mismatches_hexamer <- feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_1 + feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_2 +
feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_3 + feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_4 +
feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_5 + feature.matrix$Mismatch_pos_6
color.to.class <- function(ref.df) {
cnam <- colnames(ref.df)
red <- "ff0000"
orange <- "ed7d31"
fail.colors <- c(red, orange)
conv <- function(color) {
out <- rep("Amplified", length(color))
idx <- which(color %in% fail.colors) # red-colored -> not amplified
if (length(idx) != 0) {
out[idx] <- "Unamplified"
df <- data.frame(apply(ref.df, 2, conv))
colnames(df) <- cnam
prepare_learning_data <- function(primer.df, template.df, ref.data, settings, cvg.type = c("constrained", "basic")) {
# prepare tool results for learning:
cvg.type <- match.arg(cvg.type)
full.df <- prepare_mm_plot(primer.df, template.df)
full.df <- full.df[full.df$Coverage_Type == cvg.type,]
# select unique binding event for all mismatch contacts:
df <- plyr::ddply(full.df, c("Primer", "Template", "Group"), plyr::summarize,
Number_of_mismatches = unique(substitute(Number_of_mismatches)),
primer_efficiency = unique(substitute(primer_efficiency)),
annealing_DeltaG = unique(substitute(annealing_DeltaG)),
Position_3terminus = min(substitute(Position_3terminus)),
All_mismatches = paste(substitute(Position_3prime), collapse = ","),# mismatches relative to the 3' end (pos 1 indicates 3' terminus)
Worst_Case_MismatchLocal = paste(substitute(Position_3terminusLocal), collapse = ",")) # worst case mismatches where 1 -> first pos in 3' hexamer, 6 -> 3' terminus
#Binding_Pos_Start = unique(substitute(Binding_Position_Start_fw)))
# add some primer features
m <- match(df$Primer, primer.df$ID)
df$Primer_Sequence <- primer.df$Forward[m]
df$Terminal_Dinucleotide <- substr(primer.df$Forward[m], nchar(primer.df$Forward[m]) - 1, nchar(primer.df$Forward[m]))
# add some template features; TODO: need to adjust prepare_mm_plot to output the binding stretch or binding position in the templates
m <- match(df$Template, template.df$ID)
template.seqs <- template.df$Sequence[m]
# add 3' hexamer mismatch features: 1 if mismatch, 0 if not, per position in the 3' hexamer:
# pos 1 -> first position in 3' hexamer, pos6: last position in 3' hexamer (<=> 3' terminus)
hexa.df <- data.frame(matrix(rep(0, 6 * nrow(df)), nrow = nrow(df), ncol = 6))
colnames(hexa.df) <- paste0("Mismatch_pos_", seq(1, 6)) # changed labels for considering position starting in the sequence direction
mm <- lapply(strsplit(df$All_mismatches, split = ","), function(x) ifelse(x == "NA", NA, as.numeric(x)))
for (i in seq_along(mm)) {
cur.mm <- mm[[i]]
if (!is.na(cur.mm[1])) {
sel <- which(cur.mm <= 6)
if (length(sel) != 0) {
hexa.mm <- abs(cur.mm[sel] - 7)
hexa.df[i, hexa.mm] <- 1
# determine count of hexamer mismatches
hexa.counts <- apply(hexa.df, 1, sum)
df <- cbind(df, hexa.df, "Hexamer_Mismatch_Count" = hexa.counts)
# prepare experimental data
# assign labels to the learning data
combi.df <- merge(df, ref.data, by=c("Primer","Template")) # NA's match
if (nrow(combi.df) != nrow(df)) {
warning("combi.df excluded some obsevations; probably because number of allowed mismatches was too low when evaluating the primer coverage -> set it higher for creating a full training set.")
print(paste("Obs. in tool data frame: ", nrow(df)))
print(paste("Obs. in merged data frame: ", nrow(combi.df)))
# assign features from evaluation of primers:
sel.features <- names(constraints(settings))
excl.features <- c("cross_dimerization", "melting_temp_diff") # not single-primer based constraints
sel.features <- setdiff(sel.features, excl.features)
# rename some features for matching:
sel.features[sel.features == "melting_temp_range"] <- "melting_temp"
sel.features[sel.features == "secondary_structure"] <- "Structure_deltaG"
sel.features[sel.features == "self_dimerization"] <- "Self_Dimer_DeltaG"
feature.idx <- sapply(sel.features, function(x) grep(paste0("^",x), colnames(primer.df))[1])
feature.df <- cbind(Primer = primer.df$ID, primer.df[, feature.idx])
# extract features and assign to the combined data frame
augmented.df <- merge(combi.df, feature.df, by = "Primer")
# store info about primer set in rownames
rownames(augmented.df) <- paste0(rownames(augmented.df), "_", unique(primer.df$Run))
augmented.df$Experimental_Coverage <- factor(augmented.df$Experimental_Coverage, levels = c("Unamplified", "Amplified"))
# add run
augmented.df$Run <- unique(primer.df$Run)
devtools::load_all("src/openPrimeR") # load openPrimeR package
# get reference coverage for primer sets
cvg.folder <- system.file("data-raw", "coverage_data", package = "openPrimeR")
cvg.folders <- c(file.path(cvg.folder, "Tiller"), file.path(cvg.folder, "openPrimeR"))
ref.data <- get_ref_data(cvg.folders)
#save(ref.data, file = out.loc, compress = "xz")
# load templates
template.file <- file.path(cvg.folder, "IGHV_templates.fasta")
# define 5' UTR + leader as allowed binding region
allowed.file <- file.path(cvg.folder, "IGHV_allowed_region.fasta")
template.df <- read_templates(template.file, c("GROUP"), delim = "|")
template.df <- assign_binding_regions(template.df, fw = allowed.file, rev = NULL)
# extend forward binding region by one position in order to set coverage definition where any overlap with binding region is tolerated (ensure that primers bind at the start position at the latest)
template.df <- adjust_binding_regions(template.df, c(-max(template.df$Allowed_End_fw_initial - template.df$Allowed_Start_fw_initial), 0), c(-50,1))
# load primers from adjusted paths due to adapted filenames fitting for reference primer IDs
tiller.location <- file.path(cvg.folder, "Tiller2008_1st.fasta")
open.location <- file.path(cvg.folder,"openPrimeR2017.fasta")
# get feature matrix for supervised learning
feature.matrix.data <- get_learning_matrix(ref.data, template.df, tiller.location, open.location)
feature.matrix <- feature.matrix.data$feature_matrix
primer.data <- feature.matrix.data$primer_data
out.loc <- file.path(system.file("data", package = "openPrimeR"), "RefCoverage.rda")
# Store the reference data, feature matrix:
save(ref.data, feature.matrix, primer.data, file = out.loc, compress = "xz")
if (FALSE) {
# old code:
xls.file <- system.file("data-raw", "PCR_ref_data.xlsx", package = "openPrimeR")
hdr.structure <- c("ACCESSION", "GROUP", "SPECIES", "FUNCTION")
template.df <- read_templates(system.file("extdata", "IMGT_data", "templates",
package = "openPrimeR"), hdr.structure, "|")
template.df <- assign_binding_regions(template.df, fw = system.file("inst", "extdata", "IMGT_data", "templates", "Homo_sapiens_IGH_functional_leader_exp.fasta", package = "openPrimeR"), rev = NULL)
ref.data <- get_ref_data (xls.file)
feature.matrix <- get_learning_matrix(ref.data)
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