Man pages for markziemann/getDEE2
Programmatic access to the DEE2 RNA expression dataset

getDEE2getDEE2: Programmatic access to the DEE2 RNA expression...
getDEE2_bundleGet a DEE2 project bundle
getDEE2MetadataGet DEE2 Metadata
list_bundlesGet a table of all completed projects at DEE2
loadFullMetaLoad Full Metadata
loadGeneCountsLoad Gene Counts
loadGeneInfoLoad Gene Info
loadQcMxLoad Quality Control Info
loadSummaryMetaLoad Summary Metadata
loadTxCountsLoad Transcript Counts
loadTxInfoLoad Transcript Info
query_bundlesQuery whether a project bundle is available from DEE2
queryDEE2Query Whether a DEE2 Dataset is Available
seCreate summarizedExperiment object
srx_aggSummarized run data to experiments
Tx2GeneAggregate Transcript Counts to Gene-Level Counts
markziemann/getDEE2 documentation built on Jan. 16, 2025, midnight