#' Visualize the phylogenetic tree
#' \code{treePlot} visualizes a phylogenetic tree.
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param branch A vector of node numbers labels to specify the branches to be
#' colored. Each branch is represented by its branch node. A leaf node
#' reprents the edge connecting the leaf and its parent.
#' @param col.branch A vector of colors. Its length should be one or equals to
#' the length of \strong{branch}. If \strong{col.branch} has the same length
#' as \strong{branch}, the branches are colored correspondingly with the
#' \strong{col.branch}. The default is blue.
#' @param col.other A color for the branches other than those specified in
#' \strong{branch}
#' @param point A vector of node numbers or node labels to specify the
#' locations to add points in the tree
#' @param col.point A color for the \strong{point}. It has length equal to one.
#' @param size.point The size for the \strong{point}. It has length equal to
#' one.
#' @param zoomNode A vector of nodes to be zoomed in. If default (NULL), the
#' tree is not zoomed in.
#' @param zoomLevel A numeric vector. Its length is equal to 1 or equal to the
#' length of \strong{zoomNode}. If default (NULL), a leaf is zoomed in its
#' direct parent level and an internal node is zoomed in its own level.
#' @param zoomScale A numeric vector. Its length is equal to one or equal to the
#' length of \strong{zoomNode}. If \strong{zoomScale} has the same length as
#' \strong{zoomNode}, the branches are zoomed in with different scales
#' corresponding to the value of \strong{zoomScale}. If default (NULL), tree
#' is not zoomed in.
#' @param legend TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the legend is
#' created.
#' @param legend.theme A list of arguments used for the theme in ggplot2 package
#' (see \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}} ) and starting with "legend."
#' @param legend.title A vector to specify the title of the legend. It must be
#' named with "branch" and "point" to match with the argument \strong{branch}
#' and \strong{point}.
#' @param legend.label A list with three members: "col.branch", "col.other", and
#' "col.point". The elements order in each member matches with the
#' corresponding argument \strong{col.branch}, \strong{col.other} and
#' \strong{col.point}, and will display in the legend.
#' @param size.line.legend The line size shown in the legend for \strong{branch}
#' @param size.point.legend The point size shown in the legend for
#' \strong{point}.
#' @param ... see also \code{\link[ggtree]{ggtree}}
#' @details treePlot is created based on the \pkg{ggtree} and \pkg{ggplot2}. We
#' could combine geoms from these two packages with \code{treePlot} to add
#' geoms.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggtree
#' @export
#' @return A tree plot
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @examples
#' data(bigTree)
#' # If we want to color two branches with branch node 1000 and 1400
#' treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' zoomNode = 1000, zoomScale = 10)
#' # use col.branch and col.other to specify colors
#' treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' col.branch = c("salmon", "blue"), col.other = "grey40")
#' # add legend to the colored branches
#' treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' col.branch = c("salmon", "blue"), col.other = "grey40",
#' legend = TRUE, legend.label = list(col.branch = c("up", "down")))
#' # change legend title
#' p <- treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' col.branch = c("salmon", "blue"), col.other = "grey40",
#' legend = TRUE,
#' legend.label = list(col.branch = c("Go up", "Go down")),
#' legend.title = c("branch" = "Abundance"))
#' # change legend position (combine with ggplot2 package)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#' # change legend position use legend.theme
#' treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' col.branch = c("salmon", "blue"), col.other = "grey40",
#' legend = TRUE,
#' legend.label = list(col.branch = c("Go up", "Go down")),
#' legend.title = c("branch" = "Truth"),
#' legend.theme = list(legend.position = "bottom"))
#' # add points
#' treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' col.branch = c("salmon", "blue"), col.other = "grey40",
#' legend = TRUE,
#' legend.label = list(col.branch = c("Go up", "Go down")),
#' legend.title = c("branch" = "Truth"),
#' legend.theme = list(legend.position = "bottom"),
#' point = c(500, 5, 10))
#'# add points label in legend
#' treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' col.branch = c("salmon", "blue"), col.other = "grey40",
#' legend = TRUE,
#' legend.label = list(col.branch = c("Go up", "Go down"),
#' col.point = "Found"),
#' legend.title = c("branch" = "Truth", "point"= "Estimate"),
#' legend.theme = list(legend.position = "bottom"),
#' point = c(500, 5, 10))
#'# add points label in legend
#' treePlot(tree = bigTree, branch = c(1000, 1400),
#' col.branch = c("salmon", "blue"), col.other = "grey40",
#' legend = TRUE,
#' legend.label = list(col.branch = c("Go up", "Go down"),
#' col.point = "Found", col.other = "Same"),
#' legend.title = c("branch" = "Truth", "point"= "Estimate"),
#' legend.theme = list(legend.position = "bottom"),
#' point = c(500, 5, 10))
treePlot <- function(tree,
branch = NULL,
col.branch = "blue",
col.other = "grey",
point = NULL,
col.point = "orange",
size.point = 2,
zoomNode = NULL,
zoomLevel = NULL,
zoomScale = 8,
legend = FALSE,
legend.theme = list(NULL),
legend.title = c(
"point" = "Title_point",
"branch" = "Title_branch"),
legend.label = NULL,
size.line.legend = 2,
size.point.legend = 3, size = 1, ...) {
# check tree
if (!inherits(tree, "phylo")) {
stop("tree: should be a phylo object")
# p <- ggtree(tree)
p <- ggtree(tree, size = size, ...)
# color branch
if (!is.null(branch)) {
p <- .addBranch(tree = tree, branch = branch,
col.branch = col.branch,
col.other = col.other,
addTo = p)
# add points
if (!is.null(point)) {
p <- .addPoint(tree = tree, point = point,
col.point = col.point, addTo = p)
# customize the size scale for added points
if (!is.null(point)) {
p <- p +
.sizeScale(size.point = size.point,
legend.label = legend.label,
legend.title = legend.title["point"],
col.point = col.point,
size.point.legend = size.point.legend,
legend = legend)
# customize the color
if (!is.null(branch)) {
p <- p +
.colScale(branch = branch,
point = point,
col.branch = col.branch,
col.other = col.other,
col.point = col.point,
legend.label = legend.label,
legend.title = legend.title,
size.line.legend = size.line.legend,
legend = legend )
# zoom in selected branches
if (!is.null(zoomNode)) {
p <- .addZoom(tree = tree, zoomNode = zoomNode,
zoomLevel = zoomLevel, zoomScale = zoomScale,
addTo = p)
# add legend
if (legend) {
p <- p + .addLegend(legend.theme)
if (is.null(legend.label$col.point)) {
p <- p + guides(size = FALSE)
if (is.null(legend.label$col.branch)) {
p <- p + guides(color = FALSE)
#' Color a branch
#' \code{.addBranch} colors a branch or some edges.
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param branch A vector of node numbers labels to specify the branches to be
#' colored. Each branch is represented by its branch node. A leaf node
#' reprents the edge connecting the leaf and its parent.
#' @param col.branch A vector of colors. Its length should be one or equals to
#' the length of \strong{branch}. If \strong{col.branch} has the same length
#' as \strong{branch}, the branches are colored correspondingly with the
#' \strong{col.branch}. The default is blue.
#' @param col.other A color for the branches other than those specified in
#' \strong{branch}
#' @param addTo NULL or a plot of a phylo object.
#' @param ... see also \code{\link[ggtree]{ggtree}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree %<+%
#' @return A figure
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # data(tinyTree)
#' # .addBranch(tree = tinyTree, branch = 17,
#' # col.branch = "blue", col.other = "grey")
.addBranch <- function(tree, branch, col.branch,
col.other, addTo = NULL, ...) {
# node number required
if (is.character(branch)) {
branch <- transNode(tree = tree, input = branch,
message = FALSE)
} else {
branch <- branch
# -------------------------------------------------------
# create a data frame to indicate the selected edges
# -------------------------------------------------------
p <- ggtree(tree)
d <- p$data[, "node", drop = FALSE]
# The edges selected to be colored
eList <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = branch,
only.leaf = FALSE, self.include = TRUE)
el <- unlist(lapply(eList, length))
eList <- eList[order(el, decreasing = TRUE)]
if (length(col.branch) == length(branch)) {
col.branch <- col.branch[order(el, decreasing = TRUE)]
dList <- mapply(function(x, y) {
names(x) <- NULL
names(y) <- NULL
cbind.data.frame(node = y, group = x,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)},
x = col.branch, y = eList, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
df <- do.call(rbind, dList)
Truth <- rep("grp_other", nrow(d))
Truth[match(df$node, d$node)] <- df$group
d <- cbind.data.frame(d, Truth = Truth, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# return
if (is.null(addTo)) {
fig <- ggtree(tree, ...)
} else {
fig <- addTo
fig %<+% d + aes(colour = Truth)
#' Add points to the tree plot
#' \code{.addPoint} adds points to a plot of phylogenetic tree.
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param point A vector of node numbers or node labels to specify the
#' locations to add points in the tree
#' @param col.point A color for the \strong{point}. It has length equal to one.
#' @param addTo NULL or a plot of a phylo object.
#' @param ... see also \code{\link[ggtree]{ggtree}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree geom_point2
#' @return A figure
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' data(tinyTree)
.addPoint <- function(tree, point, col.point,
addTo = NULL, ...) {
p <- ggtree(tree)
d <- p$data[, "node", drop = FALSE]
# node number required
if (is.character(point)) {
point <- transNode(tree = tree, input = point,
message = FALSE)
} else {
point <- point
# -------------------------------------------------------
# create a data frame to store the information for points
# -------------------------------------------------------
Estimate <- ifelse(d$node %in% point, "YES_Found",
show <- ifelse(d$node %in% point, TRUE, FALSE)
d <- cbind.data.frame(d, Estimate = Estimate, show = show)
if (is.null(addTo)) {
fig <- ggtree(tree, ...)
} else {
fig <- addTo
fig %<+% d +
geom_point2(aes(subset = show, color = Estimate,
size = Estimate))
#' Visualize the phylogenetic tree
#' \code{.addZoom} zooms in a phylogenetic tree.
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param zoomNode A vector of nodes to be zoomed in. If default (NULL), the
#' tree is not zoomed in.
#' @param zoomLevel A numeric vector. Its length is equal to 1 or equal to the
#' length of \strong{zoomNode}. If default (NULL), a leaf is zoomed in its
#' direct parent level and an internal node is zoomed in its own level.
#' @param zoomScale A numeric vector. Its length is equal to one or equal to the
#' length of \strong{zoomNode}. If \strong{zoomScale} has the same length as
#' \strong{zoomNode}, the branches are zoomed in with different scales
#' corresponding to the value of \strong{zoomScale}. If default (NULL), tree
#' is not zoomed in.
#' @param addTo NULL or a plot of a phylo object.
#' @param ... see also \code{\link[ggtree]{ggtree}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree %>% scaleClade
#' @return A figure
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # data(tinyTree)
#' # .addZoom(tree = tinyTree, zoomNode = 17,
#' # zoomScale = 3)
.addZoom <- function(tree, zoomNode = NULL, zoomLevel = NULL,
zoomScale = NULL, addTo = NULL, ...) {
# node number required
if (is.character(zoomNode)) {
zoomNode <- transNode(tree = tree, input = zoomNode,
message = FALSE)
} else {
zoomNode <- zoomNode
labAlias <- transNode(tree = tree, input = zoomNode,
use.alias = TRUE)
zList <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = zoomNode,
only.leaf = FALSE, self.include = TRUE)
if (!is.list(zList)) {zList <- list(zList)}
names(zList) <- labAlias
z_len <- unlist(lapply(zList, length))
# define zoomLevel
if (is.null(zoomLevel)) {
zoomLevel <- ifelse(z_len > 1, 0, 1)
} else {
if (length(zoomLevel) == 1) {
zoomLevel <- rep(zoomLevel, length(zoomNode))
} else {
zoomLevel <- zoomLevel
names(zoomLevel) <- labAlias
# define zoomScale
if (is.null(zoomScale)) {
zoomScale <- rep(1, length(zoomNode))
} else {
zoomScale <- rep(zoomScale, length(zoomNode))
# the nodes to be zoomed in
nodZ <- findAncestor(tree = tree, node = zoomNode,
level = zoomLevel)
nodLZ <- transNode(tree = tree, input = nodZ, use.alias = TRUE)
names(nodZ) <- names(zoomScale) <- nodLZ
# remove nodes which are the descendants of the others
nodZW <- rmDesc(node = nodZ, tree = tree, use.alias = TRUE)
zoomScale[!names(zoomScale) %in% names(nodZW)] <- 1
if (is.null(addTo)) {
fig <- ggtree(tree, ...)
} else {
fig <- addTo
# zoom the selected nodes
i <- 1
repeat {
fig <- fig %>% scaleClade(nodZ[i], scale = zoomScale[i])
i <- i + 1
if (i > length(nodZ)) {
lim <- c(min(fig$data$y), max(fig$data$y))
## I reset limits for y because ggtree function use ylim to limit y axis.
## This would lead to issues, like points not displayed when zoom in some
## branches at the case that layout is circular or radical.
suppressMessages(fig <- fig + scale_y_continuous(limits = lim))
#' Add legend
#' \code{.addLegend} customizes the legend.
#' @param legend.theme A list of arguments used for the theme in ggplot2 package
#' (see \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}} ) and starting with "legend."
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @return a list
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
.addLegend <- function(legend.theme = list(NULL)) {
# default way to put legend
li1 <- list(legend.position = "right",
legend.text = element_text(size= 12),
legend.key.size = unit(4,"cm"),
legend.key.height = unit(0.4,"cm"),
legend.key.width = unit(0.5, "cm"),
legend.title = element_text(size = 15)
# legend.background = element_rect(),
#legend.box.background = element_rect()
# user defined
li2 <- legend.theme
# overwrite the default
li <- modifyList(li1, li2)
# ggplot2 theme
do.call(theme, li)
#' Customize the scale
#' \code{.sizeScale} customizes the size scale.
#' @param col.point A color for the \strong{point}. It has length equal to one.
#' @param size.point The size for the \strong{point}. It has length equal to
#' one.
#' @param legend.label A list with three members: "col.branch", "col.other", and
#' "col.point". The elements order in each member matches with the
#' corresponding argument \strong{col.branch}, \strong{col.other} and
#' \strong{col.point}, and will display in the legend. See Examples.
#' @param legend.title A vector to specify the title of the legend. It must be
#' named with "branch" and "point" to match with the argument \strong{branch}
#' and \strong{point}.
#' @param size.point.legend the point size shown in the legend for
#' \strong{point}.
#' @param legend TRUE or FALSE
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @return ggproto object (Scale)
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
.sizeScale <- function(col.point, size.point,
legend.label, legend.title,
size.point.legend, legend, ...) {
ol <- list(...)
sl <- ol$size
if (!is.null(sl)) {
size.point <- c(sl, size.point)
# if legend is required, correct the label with guide_legend
if (legend) {
ll <- list("branch" = NULL, "point" = NULL)
lt <- as.list(legend.title)
names(lt) <- names(legend.title)
legend.title <- modifyList(ll, lt)
scale_size_manual(values = size.point,
labels = legend.label$col.point,
guide = guide_legend(
title = legend.title$point,
override.aes = list(
shape = 16, color = col.point,
size = size.point.legend)))
} else {
scale_size_manual(values = size.point)
#' Customize the color
#' \code{.colScale} customizes the color scale.
#' @param branch A vector of node numbers labels to specify the branches to be
#' colored. Each branch is represented by its branch node. A leaf node
#' reprents the edge connecting the leaf and its parent.
#' @param point A vector of node numbers or node labels to specify the locations
#' to add points in the tree.
#' @param col.branch A vector of colors. Its length should be one or equals to
#' the length of \strong{branch}. If \strong{col.branch} has the same length
#' as \strong{branch}, the branches are colored correspondingly with the
#' \strong{col.branch}. The default is blue.
#' @param col.other A color for the branches other than those specified in
#' \strong{branch}
#' @param col.point A color for the \strong{point}. It has length equal to one.
#' @param legend.label A list with three members: "col.branch", "col.other", and
#' "col.point". The elements order in each member matches with the
#' corresponding argument \strong{col.branch}, \strong{col.other} and
#' \strong{col.point}, and will display in the legend. See Examples.
#' @param legend.title A vector to specify the title of the legend. It must be
#' named with "branch" and "point" to match with the argument \strong{branch}
#' and \strong{point}.
#' @param size.line.legend the line size shown in the legend for \strong{branch}
#' @param legend TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the legend is
#' created.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom utils modifyList tail
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @return ggproto object (color)
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
.colScale <- function(branch,
legend) {
# colG is created to correct the color
# vG is created to output the label
if (length(legend.label$col.branch) > length(col.branch)) {
stop("Same color with different labels. You probably need more colors")
if (is.null(point)) {
cG <- list(col.branch, col.other)
names(cG) <- c("col.branch", "col.other")
colV <- c(col.branch, col.other)
names(colV) <- c(col.branch, "grp_other")
} else {
cG <- list(col.branch, col.other, col.point)
names(cG) <- c("col.branch", "col.other", "col.point")
colV <- c(col.branch, col.other, col.point)
names(colV) <- c(col.branch, "grp_other", "YES_Found")
if (legend) {
#if legend label is not provided
if (is.null(legend.label)) {
stop("legend.label isn't provided")
# decide the content in the legend (branch, other or point)
# ll is a template
ll <- list(col.branch = "",
col.other = "",
col.point = "")
listG <- listLab <- ll[names(ll) %in% names(cG)]
listG <- modifyList(listG, cG)
listLab <- modifyList(listLab, legend.label)
# check whether listG and listLab have the same composition pattern.
llG <- lapply(listG, FUN = function(x){match(x, unique(x))})
llLab <- lapply(listLab, FUN = function(x){match(x, unique(x))})
if(!setequal(llG, llLab)){
message("\n The legend label isn't correctly specified. \n")
# match the color and the label
namG <- mapply(function(x, y) {
names(x) <- y
}, x = setNames(listG, NULL),
y = setNames(listLab, NULL))
if (is.list(namG)) {
colG <- unlist(namG)
} else {
colG <- namG
colG <- colG[!(duplicated(colG) &
lab <- names(colG)
ww <- tail(which(lab %in% legend.label$col.point),1)
lab[ww] <- ""
lty <- ifelse(lab %in% "", "blank", "solid")
du <- duplicated(colG) & duplicated(names(colG))
lab <- ifelse(du, "", lab)
lty <- ifelse(du, "blank", lty)
# update legend.title
ll <- list("branch" = NULL, "point" = NULL)
lt <- as.list(legend.title)
names(lt) <- names(legend.title)
legend.title <- modifyList(ll, lt)
values = colV,
labels = lab,
guide = guide_legend(
title = legend.title$branch,
override.aes = list(
color = colG,
linetype = lty,
shape = rep(NA, length(colG)),
size = size.line.legend
} else {
scale_color_manual(values = colV)
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