#' Table of the top differential nodes
#' \code{topNodes} extracts the top differential nodes in a data frame or a list
#' of data frame for a given pair of group, ranked by p-value or absolute change
#' (e.g. log-fold change)
#' @param data A tree summarizedExperiment object output from
#' \code{\link{treeAGG}}
#' @param sort.by The name of the column to sort by
#' @param decreasing A logical value. TRUE or FALSE. Should the sorting be
#' decreasing or not.
#' @param col.rowData The names of columns to be extracted from \code{rowData}.
#' @param col.linkData The names of columns to be extracted from
#' \code{linkData}.
#' @param use.assays A numeric vector. It specifies the result of which table
#' should be shown. The default is NULL, all available results are shown;
#' otherwise, the result of the specified table (via the table number) is
#' shown. To recall, the table number is the number of table in \code{assays}
#' (e.g. 1 represents the first table). If users forgot which tables have been
#' used to do data analysis, they could check \code{use.assays} in the
#' \code{metadata} of input \code{data}.
#' @export
#' @return a list of data frame
#' @author Ruizhu HUANG
#' @examples
#' library(S4Vectors)
#' set.seed(1)
#' y <- matrix(rnbinom(300,size=1,mu=10),nrow=10)
#' colnames(y) <- paste(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 10), rep(1:10,3), sep = "_")
#' rownames(y) <- tinyTree$tip.label
#' rowInf <- DataFrame(nodeLab = rownames(y),
#' var1 = sample(letters[1:3], 10, replace = TRUE),
#' var2 = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 10, replace = TRUE))
#' colInf <- DataFrame(gg = factor(sample(1:3, 30, replace = TRUE)),
#' group = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 10))
#' toy_lse <- leafSummarizedExperiment(tree = tinyTree, rowData = rowInf,
#' colData = colInf,
#' assays = list(y, (2*y), 3*y))
#' toy_tse <- nodeValue(data = toy_lse, fun = sum, tree = tinyTree,
#' message = TRUE)
#' # build the model
#' contrastList <- list(contrast1 = c(0, 0, 0, -1, 1),
#' contrast2 = c(0, -1, 1, 0, 0))
#' mod <- runEdgeR(obj = toy_tse, contrast = contrastList)
#' # results are stored as the column result_assay1, result_assay2, and
#' # result_assay3
#' (res <- rowData(mod, internal = TRUE))
#' # show results gained from the second element of the assasy
#' # sort by PValue
#' topNodes(mod, sort.by = "PValue", use.assays = 2)
topNodes <- function(data, sort.by = "FDR", decreasing = FALSE,
col.rowData = NULL, col.linkData = NULL,
use.assays = NULL){
# extract row data
rData <- data@elementMetadata$Results_internal_treeAGG
# which assay tables have available result
av <- gsub(pattern = "result_assay", replacement = "",
x = colnames(rData))
av <- as.numeric(av)
if (is.null(use.assays)) {
use.assays <- av
} else {
use.assays <- use.assays
if (! all(use.assays %in% av)) {
stop("The result of assay table",
use.assays[! use.assays %in% av],
"is not available. /n")
# the name of column that stores results we are interested
cNam <- paste("result_assay", use.assays, sep = "")
fData <- rData[, cNam, drop = FALSE]
if (ncol(fData) == 0) {
stop("Results can't be found in the internal part of row data")
# convert to a list: results from different assays as different elements
list1 <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(fData)),
FUN = function(x) {fData[, x]})
names(list1) <- colnames(fData)
# convert to a list: results from different contrasts as different
# sub-elements
list2 <- lapply(list1, FUN = function(x) {
xx <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(x)),
FUN = function(y) { x[, y]})
names(xx) <- colnames(x)
# add columns from rowData and linkData
list3 <- rapply(list2, function(x) {
xx <- cbind(x, rowData(data)[, col.rowData],
linkData(data)[, col.linkData])
colnames(xx) <- c(colnames(x), col.rowData, col.linkData)
}, how = "list")
# sort according to a column specified by sort.by
list4 <- rapply(list3, function(x) {
if (! sort.by %in% colnames(x)) {
cat("Available columns: ", colnames(x), ".\n" )
stop("\n ", sort.by,
" can't be found. \n",
"Choose another from the available columns. \n" )
oo <- order(x[[sort.by]], decreasing = decreasing, na.last = TRUE)
fx <- x[oo, ]
}, how = "list")
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