#' Simulate different scenarios of abundance change in entities
#' \code{simData} simulates different abundance patterns for entities under
#' different conditions. These entities have their corresponding nodes on a
#' tree. More details about the simulated patterns could be found in the
#' vignette via \code{browseVignettes("treeAGG")}.
#' @param tree A phylo object. Only use when \code{obj} is NULL.
#' @param data A matrix, representing a table of values, such as count,
#' collected from real data. It has the entities corresponding to tree leaves
#' in the row and samples in the column. Only use when \code{obj} is NULL.
#' @param obj A leafSummarizedExperiment object that includes a list of
#' matrix-like elements, or a matrix-like element in assays, and a phylo
#' object in metadata. In other words, \strong{obj} provides the same
#' information given by \strong{tree} and \strong{data}.
#' @param scenario \dQuote{S1}, \dQuote{S2}, or \dQuote{S3} (see
#' \bold{Details}). Default is \dQuote{S1}.
#' @param from.A,from.B The branch node labels of branches A and B for which the
#' signal is swapped. Default, both are NULL. In simulation, we select two
#' branches (A & B) to have differential abundance under different conditions.
#' One could specify these two branches or let \code{simData} choose. (Note: If
#' \code{from.A} is NULL, \code{from.B} is set to NULL).
#' @param minTip.A The minimum number of leaves in branch A
#' @param maxTip.A The maximum number of leaves in branch A
#' @param minTip.B The minimum number of leaves in branch B
#' @param maxTip.B The maximum number of leaves in branch B
#' @param minPr.A A numeric value selected from 0 to 1. The minimum abundance
#' proportion of leaves in branch A
#' @param maxPr.A A numeric value selected from 0 to 1. The maximum abundance
#' proportion of leaves in branch A
#' @param ratio A numeric value. The proportion ratio of branch B to branch A.
#' This value is used to select branches(see \bold{Details}). If there are no
#' branches having exactly this ratio, the pair with the value closest to
#' \code{ratio} would be selected.
#' @param adjB a numeric value selected from 0 and 1 (only for \code{scenario}
#' is \dQuote{S3}). Default is NULL. If NULL, branch A and the selected part
#' of branch B swap their proportions. If a numeric value, e.g. 0.1, then the
#' selected part of branch B decreases to its one tenth proportion and the
#' decrease in branch B is added to branch A. For example, assume there are
#' two experimental conditions (C1 & C2), branch A has 10 and branch B has 40
#' in C1. If adjB is set to 0.1, then in C2 branch B becomes 4 and branch A 46
#' so that the total proportion stays the same.
#' @param pct The percentage of leaves in branch B that have differential
#' abundance under different conditions (only for scenario \dQuote{S3})
#' @param nSam A numeric vector of length 2, containing the sample size for two
#' different conditions
#' @param mu,size The parameters of the Negative Binomial distribution. (see mu
#' and size in \code{\link[stats:NegBinomial]{rnbinom}}). Parameters used to
#' generate the library size for each simulated sample.
#' @param n A numeric value to specify how many count tables would be generated
#' with the same settings. Default is one and one count table would be
#' obtained at the end. If above one, the output is a list of matrices (count
#' tables). This is useful, when one needs multiple simulations.
#' @param fun A function to derive the count at each internal node based on its
#' descendant leaves, e.g. sum, mean. The argument of the function is a
#' numeric vector with the counts of an internal node's descendant leaves.
#' @importFrom dirmult dirmult
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @export
#' @return a treeSummarizedExperiment object.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{assays} a list of count table or a count table. Entities on
#' the row and samples in the column. Each row could be mapped to a node of the
#' tree.
#' \item \strong{rowData} the annotation data for the rows of tables in
#' \code{assays}.
#' \item \strong{colData} the annotation data for the columns of tables in
#' \code{assays}.
#' \item \strong{metadata} more details about the simulation.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{FC} the fold change of entities correspondint to the tree
#' leaves.
#' \item \strong{Branch} the information about two selected branches.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{A} the branch node label (or number) of branch A
#' \item \strong{B} the branch node label (or number) of branch B
#' \item \strong{ratio} the count proportion ratio of branch B to branch
#' A
#' \item \strong{A_tips} the number of leaves on branch A
#' \item \strong{B_tips} the number of leaves on branch B
#' \item \strong{A_prop} the count proportion of branch A
#' (a value between 0 and 1)
#' \item \strong{B_prop} the count proportion of branch B
#' (a value between 0 and 1)
#' }
#' }}
#' @details \code{simData} simulates a count table for entities which are
#' corresponding to the nodes of a tree. The entities are in rows and the
#' samples from different groups or conditions are in columns. The library
#' size of each sample is sampled from a Negative Binomial distribution with
#' mean and size specified by the arguments \code{mu} and \code{size}. The
#' counts of entities, that are mapped ot the leaf nodes, in a same sample are
#' assumed to follow a Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution. The parameters for
#' the Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution are estimated from a real data set
#' specified by the argument \code{data} via the function \code{dirmult} (see
#' \code{\link[dirmult]{dirmult}}). To generate different abundance patterns
#' under different conditions, we provide three different scenarios,
#' \dQuote{S1}, \dQuote{S2}, and \dQuote{S3} (specified via \code{scenario}).
#' Our vignette provides figures to explain these three scenarios (try
#' \code{browseVignettes("treeAGG")}). \itemize{ \item S1: two branches are
#' selected to swap their proportions, and leaves on the same branch have the
#' same fold change. \item S2: two branches are selected to swap their
#' proportions. Leaves in the same branch have different fold changes but same
#' direction (either increase or decrease). \item S3: two branches are
#' selected. One branch has its proportion swapped with the proportion of some
#' leaves from the other branch.}
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' y <- matrix(rnbinom(100,size=1,mu=10),nrow=10)
#' colnames(y) <- paste("S", 1:10, sep = "")
#' rownames(y) <- tinyTree$tip.label
#' toy_lse <- leafSummarizedExperiment(tree = tinyTree,
#' assays = list(y))
#' res <- parEstimate(data = toy_lse)
#' set.seed(1122)
#' dat1 <- simData(obj = res)
simData <- function(tree = NULL, data = NULL,
obj = NULL, scenario = "S1",
from.A = NULL, from.B = NULL,
minTip.A = 0, maxTip.A = Inf,
minTip.B = 0, maxTip.B = Inf,
minPr.A = 0, maxPr.A = 1,
ratio = 2, adjB = NULL,
pct = 0.6, nSam = c(50, 50),
mu = 10000, size = 50,
n = 1, fun = sum){
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# provide (tree & data)
if (is.null(obj)) {
if (is.null(tree) | is.null(data)) {
stop("tree or data is not provided")
} else {
obj <- .doData(tree = tree, data = data,
scenario = scenario,
from.A = from.A, from.B = from.B,
minTip.A = minTip.A, maxTip.A = maxTip.A,
minTip.B = minTip.B, maxTip.B = maxTip.B,
minPr.A = minPr.A, maxPr.A = maxPr.A,
ratio = ratio, adjB = adjB, pct = pct,
nSam = nSam, mu = mu, size = size,
n = n, fun = fun) }
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# provide obj
} else {
# if(!is(obj, "leafSummarizedExperiment")){
# stop("obj should be a leafSummarizedExperiment object.")
# } else{
# -------------------------------
# don't use tree & data argument
# if ((!is.null(tree)) |
# (!is.null(data)) ) {
# stop("Set tree = NULL and data = NULL when obj is a
# leafSummarizedExperiment object. \n")
# }
# confirme that the dirichlet multinomial parameters are available.
# otherwise, estimate them.
# pars <- metadata(obj)$assays.par
pars <- obj$assays.par
if (is.null(pars)) {
obj <- parEstimate(data = obj)
pars <- metadata(obj)$assays.par
tree <- metadata(obj)$tree
if(length(assays(obj)) > 1){
message("\n more than one table provided in the assays;
only the first one would be used. \n")}
data <- assays(obj)[[1]]
# -------------------------------
# data isn't provided, use obj assays data
# if more than one table in assays, use the first one
# }
obj <- .doData(tree = tree, data = pars,
scenario = scenario, from.A = from.A,
from.B = from.B,
minTip.A = minTip.A, maxTip.A = maxTip.A,
minTip.B = minTip.B, maxTip.B = maxTip.B,
minPr.A = minPr.A, maxPr.A = maxPr.A,
ratio = ratio, adjB = adjB, pct = pct,
nSam = nSam, mu = mu, size = size,
n = n, fun = fun)
#' Simulate a count table
#' \code{.doData} creates a count table for all nodes of a tree under two
#' different groups such that the tree would have different abundance patterns
#' in the different conditions.
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param data A matrix, representing a count table from real data. It has the
#' entities corresponding to tree leaves in the row and samples in the column.
#' @param scenario \dQuote{S1}, \dQuote{S2}, or \dQuote{S3} (see
#' \bold{Details}). Default is \dQuote{S1}.
#' @param from.A,from.B The branch node labels of branches A and B for which the
#' signal is swapped. Default, both are NULL. In simulation, we select two
#' branches (A & B) to have differential abundance under different conditions.
#' One could specify these two branches or let \code{.doData} choose. (Note: If
#' \code{from.A} is NULL, \code{from.B} is set to NULL).
#' @param minTip.A The minimum number of leaves in branch A
#' @param maxTip.A The maximum number of leaves in branch A
#' @param minTip.B The minimum number of leaves in branch B
#' @param maxTip.B The maximum number of leaves in branch B
#' @param minPr.A A numeric value selected from 0 to 1. The minimum abundance
#' proportion of leaves in branch A
#' @param maxPr.A A numeric value selected from 0 to 1.The maximum abundance
#' proportion of leaves in branch A
#' @param ratio The proportion ratio of branch B to branch A. This value is used
#' to select branches(see \bold{Details}). If there are no branches having
#' exactly this ratio, the pair with the value closest to \code{ratio} would
#' be selected.
#' @param adjB a numeric value selected from 0 and 1 (only for \code{scenario}
#' is \dQuote{S3}). Default is NULL. If NULL, branch A and branch B swap their
#' proportions. If a numeric value, e.g. 0.1, then branch B decreases to its
#' one tenth proportion and the decrease in branch B is added to branch A. For
#' example, assume there are two experimental conditions (C1 & C2), branch A
#' has 10 and branch B has 40 in C1. If adjB is set to 0.1, then in C2 branch
#' B becomes 4 and branch A 46 so that the total proportion stays the same.
#' @param pct a numeric value selected from 0 and 1. The percentage of leaves in
#' branch B that have differential abundance under different conditions (only
#' for scenario \dQuote{S3})
#' @param nSam A numeric vector of length 2, containing the sample size for two
#' different conditions
#' @param mu,size The parameters of the Negative Binomial distribution. (see mu
#' and size in \code{\link[stats:NegBinomial]{rnbinom}}). Parameters used to
#' generate the library size for each simulated sample.
#' @param n A numeric value to specify how many count tables would be generated
#' with the same settings. Default is one and one count table would be
#' obtained at the end. If above one, the output of \code{.doData} is a list of
#' matrices (count tables). This is useful, when one needs multiple
#' simulations.
#' @param fun A function to derive the count at each internal node based on its
#' descendant leaves, e.g. sum, mean. The argument of the function is a
#' numeric vector with the counts of an internal node's descendant leaves.
#' @importFrom dirmult dirmult
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a list of objects \item{FC}{the fold change of entities correspondint
#' to the tree leaves.} \item{Count}{a list of count table or a count table.
#' Entities on the row and samples in the column. Each count table includes
#' entities corresponding to all nodes on the tree structure.}
#' \item{Branch}{the information about two selected branches.} \describe{
#' \item{A}{the branch node label of branch A} \item{B}{the branch node label
#' of branch B} \item{ratio}{the count proportion ratio of branch B to branch
#' A} \item{A_tips}{the number of leaves on branch A} \item{B_tips}{the number
#' of leaves on branch B} \item{A_prop}{the count proportion of branch A (not
#' above 1)} \item{B_prop}{the count proportion of branch B (not above 1)} }
#' @details \code{.doData} simulates a count table for entities which are
#' corresponding to the nodes of a tree. The entities are in rows and the
#' samples from different groups or conditions are in columns. The library
#' size of each sample is sampled from a Negative Binomial distribution with
#' mean and size specified by the arguments \code{mu} and \code{size}. The
#' counts of entities, which are located on the tree leaves, in the same
#' sample are assumed to follow a Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution. The
#' parameters for the Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution are estimated from a
#' real data set specified by the argument \code{data} via the function
#' \code{dirmult} (see \code{\link[dirmult]{dirmult}}). To generate different
#' abundance patterns under different conditions, we provide three different
#' scenarios, \dQuote{S1}, \dQuote{S2}, and \dQuote{S3} (specified via
#' \code{scenario}). \itemize{ \item S1: two branches are selected to swap
#' their proportions, and leaves on the same branch have the same fold change.
#' \item S2: two branches are selected to swap their proportions. Leaves in
#' the same branch have different fold changes but same direction (either
#' increase or decrease). \item S3: two branches are selected. One branch has
#' its proportion swapped with the proportion of some leaves from the other
#' branch.}
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(require(GUniFrac)){
#' data("throat.otu.tab")
#' data("throat.tree")
#' dat <- .doData(tree = throat.tree,
#' data = as.matrix(t(throat.otu.tab)),
#' ratio = 2)
#' }
.doData <- function(tree = NULL, data = NULL,
scenario = "S1",
from.A = NULL, from.B = NULL,
minTip.A = 0, maxTip.A = Inf,
minTip.B = 0, maxTip.B = Inf,
minPr.A = 0, maxPr.A = 1,
ratio = 2, adjB = NULL,
pct = 0.6, nSam = c(50, 50),
mu = 50, size = 10000,
n = 1, fun = sum){
# ---check input is in correct format --------
if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
stop("tree should be a phylo object")
if (!is.list(data)) {
if (!is.matrix(data)) {
stop("data should be a matrix")
} else {
if (!setequal(rownames(data), tree$tip.label)) {
stop("The rownames of data do not match with tree leaf labels")
# estimate parameters for Dirichlet-multinomial distribution
data <- parEstimate(data = data)
if (!is.null(from.A) && !is.null(from.B)) {
pk <- .infLoc(tree = tree, data = data,
from.A = from.A, from.B = from.B)
} else {
pk <- .pickLoc(tree = tree, data = data,
from.A = from.A, minTip.A = minTip.A,
maxTip.A = maxTip.A, minTip.B = minTip.B,
maxTip.B = maxTip.B, minPr.A = minPr.A,
maxPr.A = maxPr.A, ratio = ratio)
beta <- .doFC(tree = tree, data = data,
scenario = scenario,
branchA = pk$A,
branchB = pk$B,
ratio = pk$`ratio`,
adjB = adjB, pct = pct)
count <- .doCount(data = data, FC = beta,
nSam = nSam, mu = mu,
size = size, n = n)
if(is.list(count)) {
grpDat <- data.frame(group = substr(colnames(count[[1]]), 1, 2))
countLSE <- leafSummarizedExperiment(tree = tree, assays = count,
metadata = list(
FC = beta,
branch = pk,
scenario = scenario),
colData = grpDat)
if(is.matrix(count)) {
grpDat <- data.frame(group = substr(colnames(count), 1, 2))
countLSE <- leafSummarizedExperiment(tree = tree,
assays = list(count),
metadata = list(
FC = beta,
branch = pk,
scenario = scenario),
colData = grpDat)
obj <- nodeValue(data = countLSE, fun = sum)
#' Select branches
#' \code{.pickLoc} selects two branches which meet the criteria specified by
#' the arguments
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param data A count table (a matrix or a data frame). It has tree leaves in
#' rows and samples from different conditions in columns.
#' @param from.A The branch node label of branch A. In simulation, we select two
#' branches (A & B) to have differential abundance under different conditions.
#' If from.A is specified, then branch A is fixed. If from.A is NULL, one can
#' find a suitable branch which meets the criteria specified in \code{minTip.A},
#' \code{maxTip.A}, \code{minPr.A} and \code{maxPr.A}.
#' @param minTip.A The minimum number of leaves in branch A
#' @param maxTip.A The maximum number of leaves in branch A
#' @param minPr.A The minimum abundance proportion of leaves in branch A
#' @param maxPr.A The maximum abundance proportion of leaves in branch A
#' @param minTip.B The minimum number of leaves in branch B
#' @param maxTip.B The maximum number of leaves in branch B
#' @param ratio The proportion ratio of branch B to branch A. This value is
#' used to select branches(see \bold{Details}). If there are no branches having
#' exactly this ratio, the pair with the value closest to \code{ratio} would
#' be selected.
#' @return a data frame of one row
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
.pickLoc <- function(tree = NULL, data = NULL,
from.A = NULL,
minTip.A = 0, maxTip.A = Inf,
minTip.B = 0, maxTip.B = Inf,
minPr.A = 0, maxPr.A = 1,
ratio = 1) {
# tip proportions estimated from real data
# rename using the alias of node label
pars <- parEstimate(data = data)$pi
nam1 <- names(pars)
val1 <- transNode(tree = tree, input = nam1, message = FALSE)
nam2 <- transNode(tree = tree, input = val1, use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE)
names(pars) <- nam2
# df <- data.frame(pr = pars, nodeLab = nam1,
# nodNum = val1, nodeLab_alias = nam2)
# proportion of internal nodes
leaf <- setdiff(tree$edge[, 2], tree$edge[, 1])
leaf <- sort(leaf)
nodI <- setdiff(tree$edge[, 1], leaf)
nodI <- sort(nodI)
desI <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = nodI,
only.leaf = TRUE,
self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
desI <- lapply(desI, names)
names(desI) <- transNode(tree = tree, input = nodI,
use.alias = TRUE, message = FALSE)
nodP <- mapply(function(x, y) {sum(x[y])},
x = list(pars), y = desI)
# matrix: abundance proprotion & the number of descendant leaves
lenI <- unlist(lapply(desI, length))
tt <- cbind(nodP, lenI)
rownames(tt) <- transNode(tree = tree,
input = nodI,
use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE)
# return error when the given limits for
# proportion are outside
# the range estimated from the real data.
if (maxPr.A < min(tt[, 1])) {
stop("maxPr.A is lower than the minimum value of
node proportion", signif(min(tt[, 1]), 2), "\n")
if (minPr.A*ratio > max(tt[, 1])) {
stop("minPr.A*ratio is above the maximum value of
node proportion; try lower ratio", signif(min(tt[, 1]), 2), "\n")
# only consider nodes with enough tips and
# desired proportion level
if (is.null(from.A)) {
tt.sel <- tt
} else {
# if node numbers, change them to node labels
if (is.character(from.A)) {
from.A <- from.A
} else {
from.A <- transNode(tree = tree, input = from.A,
use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE)
tt.sel <- tt[match(from.A, rownames(tt)), , drop = FALSE]
st <- tt.sel[tt.sel[, 2] >= minTip.A &
tt.sel[, 2] <= maxTip.A &
tt.sel[, 1] >= minPr.A &
tt.sel[, 1] <= maxPr.A, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(st) == 0) {
stop("No nodes fullfill the requirements;
try other values for minTip.A, maxTip.A,
minPr.A, or maxPr.A")
st2 <- tt[tt[, 2] >= minTip.B &
tt[, 2] <= maxTip.B, , drop = FALSE]
# fold change between any two nodes (large/small)
mm <- (1/st[, 1]) %o% st2[, 1]
rownames(mm) <- rownames(st)
maxM <- max(mm, na.rm = TRUE)
minM <- min(mm, na.rm = TRUE)
if (ratio >= 1 & ratio > maxM) {
stop("could not find any two branches which fullfill
these requirement;
try lower ratio, lower minTip.A, or higher maxTip.B",
if (ratio <= 1 & ratio < minM) {
stop("could not find any two branches which fullfill
these requirement; try higher ratio or lower minTip.B",
nm <- mm
nm[] <- vapply(
FUN = function(x) {
# each column
cn <- colnames(mm)
cx <- cn[x]
# all rows
rn <- rownames(mm)
tx <- desI[rn]
cs <- lapply(
FUN = function(x) {
length(intersect(x, desI[[cx]])) > 0
cv <- unlist(cs)
fm <- mm[, x]
fm[cv] <- NA
FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(mm))
colnames(nm) <- colnames(mm)
rownames(nm) <- rownames(mm)
dif <- abs(nm - ratio)
wi <- which(dif == min(dif, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
si <- sample(seq_len(nrow(wi)), 1)
an <- rownames(nm)[wi[si, 1]]
bn <- colnames(nm)[wi[si, 2]]
du <- cbind.data.frame(
"A" = transNode(tree = tree, input = an,
use.alias = FALSE, message = FALSE),
"B" = transNode(tree = tree, input = bn,
use.alias = FALSE, message = FALSE),
"ratio" = round(nm[wi], digits = 2),
"A_tips" = tt[an, 2],
"B_tips" = tt[bn, 2],
"A_prop" = round(tt[an, 1],
digits = 4),
"B_prop" = round(tt[bn, 1],
digits = 4),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rownames(du) <- NULL
#' Provide the information of two branches
#' \code{.infLoc} is to give information of two branches about the count
#' proportion and the number of leaves
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param data A count table (a matrix or a data frame). It has tree leaves in
#' rows and samples from different conditions in columns.
#' @param from.A,from.B The branch node labels of Branch A, B.
#' @return A data frame of one row
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
.infLoc <- function(tree = NULL, data = NULL,
from.A = NULL, from.B = NULL) {
# tip proportions estimated from real data
# rename using the alias of node label
pars <- parEstimate(data = data)$pi
nam1 <- names(pars)
val1 <- transNode(tree = tree, input = nam1, message = FALSE)
nam2 <- transNode(tree = tree, input = val1, use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE)
names(pars) <- nam2
# nodes
leaf <- setdiff(tree$edge[, 2], tree$edge[, 1])
leaf <- sort(leaf)
nodI <- setdiff(tree$edge[, 1], leaf)
nodI <- sort(nodI)
nodA <- c(leaf, nodI)
# find descendants
desI <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = nodI,
only.leaf = TRUE,
self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
desI <- lapply(desI, names)
nodP <- mapply(function(x, y) {
}, x = list(pars), y = desI)
# matrix: abundance proprotion & the number of descendant leaves
lenI <- unlist(lapply(desI, length))
tt <- cbind(nodP, lenI)
rownames(tt) <- transNode(tree = tree, input = nodI,
use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE)
# if both branches are given
labA <- ifelse(is.character(from.A), from.A,
transNode(tree = tree, input = from.A,
use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE))
labB <- ifelse(is.character(from.B), from.B,
transNode(tree = tree, input = from.B,
use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE))
rAB <- tt[labB, 1]/tt[labA, 1]
du <- cbind.data.frame(
"A" = from.A,
"B" = from.B,
"ratio" = round(rAB, digits = 2),
"A_tips" = tt[labA, 2],
"B_tips" = tt[labB, 2],
"A_prop" = round(tt[labA, 1],
digits = 4),
"B_prop" = round(tt[labB, 1],
digits = 4),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(du) <- NULL
#' Generate the fold change
#' \code{.doFC} generates fold changes for different scenarios
#' @param tree A phylo object
#' @param data The real data (count table)
#' @param scenario Scenarios (\dQuote{S1}, \dQuote{S2}, \dQuote{S3})
#' @param branchA The branch node label of branch A.
#' @param branchB The branh node label of branch B.
#' @param ratio The proportion ratio between \code{branchB} and \code{branchA}
#' (B/A)
#' @param adjB A numeric value between 0 and 1 (only for \code{scenario}
#' is \dQuote{S3}). Default is NULL. If NULL, branch A and branch B swap their
#' proportions. If a numeric value, e.g. 0.1, then branch B decreases to its
#' one tenth proportion and the decrease in branch B is added to branch A.
#' For example, assume there are two experimental conditions (C1 & C2), branch
#' A has 10 and branch B has 40 in C1. If adjB is set to 0.1, then in C2 branch
#' B becomes 4 and branch A 46 so that the total proportion stays the same.
#' @param pct The percentage (in number) of the leaves in branchA that will
#' swap with branchB. The default is 1.
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return numeric vector
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
.doFC <- function(tree = NULL, data = NULL, scenario = "S1",
branchA = NULL, branchB = NULL,
ratio = 1, adjB = NULL, pct = 1) {
# nodes
leaf <- setdiff(tree$edge[, 2], tree$edge[, 1])
leaf <- sort(leaf)
nodI <- setdiff(tree$edge[, 1], leaf)
nodI <- sort(nodI)
nodA <- c(leaf, nodI)
# beta
beta <- rep(1, length(leaf))
names(beta) <- transNode(tree = tree, input = leaf,
use.alias = TRUE)
## the label of nodes on branch A
# leaves
tip.A <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = branchA,
only.leaf = TRUE, self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
tip.A <- names(tip.A)
# nodes
nodA.A <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = branchA,
only.leaf = FALSE, self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
nodA.A <- names(nodA.A)
# internal nodes
nodI.A <- setdiff(nodA.A, tip.A)
# descendants of internal nodes
des.IA <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = nodI.A,
only.leaf = TRUE,
self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
des.IA <- lapply(des.IA, names)
# tip proportions estimated from real data
# rename using the alias of node label
pars <- parEstimate(data = data)$pi
nam1 <- names(pars)
val1 <- transNode(tree = tree, input = nam1, message = FALSE)
nam2 <- transNode(tree = tree, input = val1, use.alias = TRUE,
message = FALSE)
names(pars) <- nam2
# swap proportion of two branches: tips in the same branch
# have the same fold change
if (scenario == "S1") {
# leaves on branch B
tip.B <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = branchB,
only.leaf = TRUE, self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
tip.B <- names(tip.B)
beta[tip.A] <- ratio
beta[tip.B] <- 1/ratio
# swap proportion of two branches: tips in the same branch
# have different fold changes but same direction (either
# increase or decrease)
if (scenario == "S2") {
tip.B <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = branchB,
only.leaf = TRUE, self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
tip.B <- names(tip.B)
# proportion on two branches
propA <- sum(pars[tip.A])
propB <- sum(pars[tip.B])
# swap proportions on two branches and randomly assign a fold change
# value to the the leaves on a branch (log fold change in the same
# branch should have the same sign)
a1 <- runif(length(tip.A))
sa <- sum(a1 * propA)
a2 <- (propB - propA)/sa
a3 <- a1 * a2 + 1
beta[tip.A] <- a3
b1 <- runif(length(tip.B))
sb <- sum(b1 * propB)
b2 <- (propA - propB)/sb
b3 <- b1 * b2 + 1
beta[tip.B] <- b3
# distribute signal randomly in one branch and evenly in
# another branch
# tip proportions estimated from real data
if (scenario == "S3") {
iter <- 1
while (iter <= 200) {
# select only some tips
selA <- sample(tip.A, ceiling(length(tip.A)*pct))
# to make the selected tips disperse evenly in the branch
subA <- lapply(des.IA, FUN = function(x) {
ix <- intersect(x, selA)
subA <- unlist(subA)
sumA <- sum(pars[selA])
# the abundance proportion of the selected tips
# are roughly equal to its number proportion in the branch
# avoid (select all low or high abundance tips in the branch)
spr <- sumA/sum(pars[tip.A])
ind.pr <- spr <= (pct + 0.05) & spr >= (pct - 0.05)
if(all(subA <= 0.6) & ind.pr){break}
iter <- iter+1
if (length(branchB) == 0) {
stop("No suitable branches.
Try another branchA or another max of ratio... \n")
tip.B <- findOS(tree = tree, ancestor = branchB,
only.leaf = TRUE, self.include = TRUE,
use.alias = TRUE)
tip.B <- names(tip.B)
sumB <- sum(pars[tip.B])
beta[selA] <- sumB/sumA
beta[tip.B] <- sumA/sumB
stop("adjB should be numeric")
beta[tip.B] <- adjB
beta[selA] <- (sumB*(1-adjB)+sumA)/sumA
# rename beta with the node label instead of the alias of node label
names(beta) <- transNode(tree = tree, input = leaf,
use.alias = FALSE)
#' generate a count table
#' \code{.doCount} generates a count table given some available information.
#' Here, the information includes the fold change between two conditions,
#' the parameters of Negative Binomial distritubion (which the sample library
#' size follows), a data table from real data (to estimate the proportion of
#' each entity in the sample), and the number of samples in two different
#' groups or conditions.
#' @param data A matrix or data frame, representing the count table from real
#' data
#' @param FC A numeric vector, representing the fold changes
#' @param nSam A vector of length two containing the number of samples in two
#' different groups or conditions.
#' @param mu,size The parameters of the Negative Binomial distribution (see mu
#' and size in \code{\link[stats:NegBinomial]{rnbinom}}.)
#' @param n A numeric value, representing the number of count tables generated.
#' If above one, the output is a list of matrices.
#' @importFrom dirmult rdirichlet
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom rnbinom
#' @return a matrix or a list of matrices
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
.doCount <- function(data, FC, nSam, mu,
size, n) {
# parameters
pars <- parEstimate(data = data)
theta <- pars$theta
gplus <- (1 - theta) / theta
# tip proportion
pr <- pars$pi
p.c1 <- pr
p.c2 <- pr * FC[names(p.c1)]
# parameters for dirichlet distribution
g.c1 <- p.c1 * gplus
g.c2 <- p.c2 * gplus
resList <- lapply(seq_len(n), FUN = function(j) {
# condition 1
n1 <- nSam[1]
Mp.c1 <- matrix(0, nrow = n1, ncol = length(g.c1))
rownames(Mp.c1) <- paste("C1_", seq_len(n1), sep = "")
colnames(Mp.c1) <- names(p.c1)
Mobs.c1 <- Mp.c1
nSeq1 <- rnbinom(n = n1, mu = mu, size = size)
for (i in seq_len(n1)) {
Mp.c1[i, ] <- rdirichlet(1, g.c1)[1, ]
Mobs.c1[i, ] <- rmultinom(1, nSeq1[i], prob = Mp.c1[i, ])[, 1]
# condition 2
n2 <- nSam[2]
Mp.c2 <- matrix(0, nrow = n2, ncol = length(g.c2))
rownames(Mp.c2) <- paste("C2_", seq_len(n2), sep = "")
colnames(Mp.c2) <- names(p.c2)
Mobs.c2 <- Mp.c2
nSeq2 <- rnbinom(n = n2, mu = mu, size = size)
for (i in seq_len(n2)) {
Mp.c2[i, ] <- rdirichlet(1, g.c2)[1, ]
Mobs.c2[i, ] <- rmultinom(1, nSeq2[i], prob = Mp.c2[i, ])[, 1]
cb <- t(rbind(Mobs.c1, Mobs.c2))
if (n == 1) {
count <- do.call(rbind, resList)
} else {
count <- resList
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