showArrayMask <- function(BLData,array = 0, override = FALSE, wtsName = "wts", transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, horizontal=TRUE)
if(class(BLData) != "beadLevelData")
{stop("Must be performed on a beadLevelData object.")}
if(array == 0)
stop(paste("Please specify an array."))
an = sectionNames(BLData)
if(wtsName %in% colnames(BLData[[array]]))
{ wtCol = which(colnames(BLData[[array]]) == wtsName)
sel <- which(BLData[[array]][,wtCol]==0)
##get out now if there are too many masked beads
if(!override & length(sel) > 200000)
stop(paste("There are over 200 000 beads in the mask, thus plotting the mask may cause R to freeze. (You can override this error by setting override = TRUE.)\nNumber of masked beads:",length(sel),"\n"))
transInten = transFun(BLData, array=array)
pidCol = which(colnames(BLData[[array]]) == "ProbeID")
o <- outlierFun(transInten, BLData[[array]][,pidCol])
plotBeadLocations(BLData, array = array, BeadIDs = c(o,sel), main = an[array], pch = ".",horizontal=horizontal,col=c(rep("black", length(o)), rep("red", length(sel))))
# eliminated <- listEliminatedProbes(BLData, 1)
# sel <- which(BLData[[an[array]]]$ProbeID %in% eliminated)
# x.cds <- BLData[[an[array]]]$GrnX[sel]
# y.cds <- BLData[[an[array]]]$GrnY[sel]
# points(x.cds, y.max - y.cds, pch = "X", col = "Blue")
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