outlierplot <- function(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, n=3,wtsname=NULL,horizontal = TRUE, nSegments = NULL, lowOutlierCol = "blue", highOutlierCol = "pink", outlierPch = ".", main="",...){
##Find all outliers on the array
oList = outlierFun(transFun(BLData, array=array), probeList = getBeadData(BLData,array=array,what="ProbeID"),wts = wts,n=n,...)
cat(length(oList), " outliers found on the section\n")
beadMeans = lapply(split(getBeadData(BLData, what="Grn", array=array), getBeadData(BLData, what="ProbeID", array=array)), mean,na.rm=TRUE)
resids = getBeadData(BLData, what="Grn",array=array) - unlist(beadMeans[match(getBeadData(BLData, what="ProbeID", array=array), names(beadMeans))])
oCols = NULL
oCols[which(resids > 0 )] = highOutlierCol
oCols[which(resids < 0 )] = lowOutlierCol
oCols[which(resids == 0 )] = lowOutlierCol
plotBeadLocations(BLData, array=array, BeadIDs = oList, horizontal = horizontal, col=oCols,pch=outlierPch,main=main)
##Work out the position of segments
## can we read the sdf file?
sdfFileName <- file.path(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[1], list.files(as.character(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[1]), pattern = ".sdf")[1]);
if( file.exists(sdfFileName) && (is.null(nSegments)) ){
sdf <- simpleXMLparse(readLines(sdfFileName, warn = FALSE))
nSegments <- as.integer(sdf$RegistrationParameters$SizeBlockY[[1]]);
## only plot the segments if we have a value and this is a BeadChip rather than a SAM
if( !is.null(nSegments) && !is.null(BLData@experimentData$platformClass) && !grepl("Matrix", BLData@experimentData$platformClass) ) {
ys = getBeadData(BLData, what="GrnY", array=array)
ys = ys - min(ys)
segEnds = seq(from=0, to = max(ys), by = max(ys)/(nSegments))
abline(v=segEnds, lty=2, col="red")
abline(h=segEnds, lty=2, col="red")
calculateOutlierStats = function(BLData, array=array, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, n=3, useLocs = TRUE, nSegments = 9,... ){
##Find all outliers on the array
oList = outlierFun(transFun(BLData, array=array), probeList = BLData[[array]][,1],n=n,...)
cat(length(oList), " outliers found on the section\n")
beadMeans = lapply(split(getBeadData(BLData, what="Grn", array=array), getBeadData(BLData, what="ProbeID", array=array)), mean,na.rm=TRUE)
resids = getBeadData(BLData, what="Grn",array=array) - unlist(beadMeans[match(getBeadData(BLData, what="ProbeID", array=array), names(beadMeans))])
ys = getBeadData(BLData, what="GrnY", array=array)
ys = ys - min(ys)
segEnds = seq(from=0, to = max(ys), by = max(ys)/(nSegments))
##find out which segment each bead belongs to
segInfo = cut(ys, segEnds)
table(segInfo[oList]) / table(segInfo)*100
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