plotBeadIntensities = function(BLData, array=1, BeadIDs,transFun=logGreenChannelTransform,cols=NULL,...){
pIDs = getBeadData(BLData, array=array, what="ProbeID")
values = transFun(BLData, array = array)
subset = values[which(pIDs %in% BeadIDs)]
pIDs = pIDs[which(pIDs %in% BeadIDs)]
intenList = split(subset, pIDs)
for(i in 1:length(BeadIDs)){
colList = rep(cols[i], length(intenList[[i]]))
else colList = rainbow(n=length(intenList))
genericBeadIntensityPlot(intenList, colList,...)
genericBeadIntensityPlot = function(intenList,colList="black",...){
if(length(intenList) == 0){
stop("No intensities to be plotted\n")
yvals = unlist(intenList)
nItems = unlist(lapply(intenList, length))
xvals = rep(1, nItems[1]) + runif(nItems[1], 0, 0.1)
cols = rep(colList[1], nItems[1])
if(length(intenList) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(intenList)){
xvals = c(xvals, rep(i, nItems[i]) + runif(nItems[i], 0, 0.1))
cols = c(cols, rep(colList[i], nItems[i]))
plot(xvals, yvals, col=cols,pch=16,axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="log2 intensity", las=2,...)
axis(1, at = 1:length(intenList), labels =names(intenList), las=2)
controlProbeDetection = function(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, array = 1, controlProfile = NULL, tagsToDetect = list(housekeeping = "housekeeping", Biotin = "phage_lambda_genome", Hybridisation = "phage_lambda_genome:high"), negativeTag = "permuted_negative", detThresh=0.05){
detect= function(x) 1 - (sum(x>negVals)/(length(negVals)))
##If control profile is not specified we will try and use the annotation of the beadLevelData object
anno = annotation(BLData)
controlProfile = makeControlProfile(anno)
message("ControlProfile could not be created\n")
##Remove any duplicated IDs
if(any(duplicated(controlProfile[,1]))) controlProfile = controlProfile[-which(duplicated(controlProfile[,1])),]
negIDs = controlProfile[which(controlProfile[,2] == negativeTag),1]
if(length(negIDs) == 0) stop("Could not find any IDs with Tag ", negativeTag)
pIDs = getBeadData(BLData, array=array ,what="ProbeID")
transInten = transFun(BLData,array=array)
negVals = transInten[which(pIDs %in% negIDs)]
##No control tags were specified; assume we want to test all
transInten = transInten[which(pIDs %in% controlProfile[,1])]
transIDs = pIDs[which(pIDs %in% controlProfile[,1])]
transFac = controlProfile[match(transIDs, controlProfile[,1]),2]
transInten = split(transInten, transFac)
selIDs = controlProfile[which(controlProfile[,2] %in% unlist(tagsToDetect)),1]
if(length(selIDs) == 0) stop("None of the specified control tags were found in the control profile\n")
transInten = transInten[which(pIDs %in% selIDs)]
transIDs = pIDs[which(pIDs %in% selIDs)]
transFac = as.character(controlProfile[match(transIDs, controlProfile[,1]),2])
transInten = split(transInten, transFac)
names(transInten) = names(tagsToDetect)[match(names(transInten), tagsToDetect)]
M = median(negVals, na.rm=TRUE)
MAD = mad(negVals, na.rm=TRUE)
negVals = negVals[negVals < M+3*MAD]
negVals = negVals[!]
resList = NULL
for(i in 1:length(transInten)){
resList[[i]] = sum(sapply(transInten[[i]],detect) < detThresh,na.rm=TRUE)/length(transInten[[i]])*100
names(resList)= names(transInten)
poscontPlot = function(BLData, array=1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, positiveControlTags = c("housekeeping", "biotin"), colList=c("red","blue"), controlProfile = NULL,...){
controlInfo = makeControlProfile(annotation(BLData))
else controlInfo = controlProfile
message("ControlProfile could not be created\n")
if(is.null(colList)) colList = rainbow(length(positiveControlTags))
posInten = NULL
pIDs = getBeadData(BLData, array=array, what="ProbeID")
transInten = transFun(BLData, array=array)
cols = NULL
for(i in 1:length(positiveControlTags)){
Ids = controlInfo[controlInfo[,2] == positiveControlTags[i],1]
if(length(Ids) == 0){
warning("Could not find any IDs matching the description", positiveControlTags[i])
selBeads = which(pIDs %in% Ids)
subset = cbind(pIDs[selBeads], transInten[selBeads])
posInten = append(posInten, split(subset[,2], subset[,1]))
cols = c(cols, rep(colList[i], length(Ids)))
genericBeadIntensityPlot(posInten, colList = cols,...)
quickSummary = function(BLData, array=1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, reporterIDs = NULL, reporterTags = NULL,reporterFun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)){
controlInfo = makeControlProfile(annotation(BLData))
message("ControlProfile could not be created\n")
reporterIDs = controlInfo[,1]
reporterTags = controlInfo[,2]
if(!is.null(reporterIDs) | !is.null(reporterTags)){
tmp = BLData[[array]]
inten = transFun(BLData, array=array)
probeIDs = tmp[-which(is.infinite(inten)),1]
inten = inten[-which(is.infinite(inten))]
else {
probeIDs = tmp[,1]
tagFac = reporterTags[match(probeIDs, reporterIDs)]
lapply(split(inten, tagFac), reporterFun)
makeQCTable = function(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, controlProfile = NULL, summaryFns = list(Mean = function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), Sd = function(x) sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)), channelSuffix = NULL){
##If no profile was specified, use the annotation of the BLData object
anno = annotation(BLData)
controlProfile = makeControlProfile(anno)
message("ControlProfile could not be generated")
an = sectionNames(BLData)
uIDs = unique(controlProfile[,2])
firstCol = 1 #The first column to be filled in
# reporterIDs = con
qcTable = matrix(nrow = length(an), ncol = length(uIDs)*length(summaryFns))
colnames(qcTable) = paste(rep(names(summaryFns), each = length(uIDs)), rep(sort(uIDs),length(names(summaryFns))),sep=":")
if(!is.null(channelSuffix)) colnames(qcTable) = paste(colnames(qcTable), channelSuffix, sep=":")
rownames(qcTable) = an
for(j in 1:length(summaryFns)){
lastCol = firstCol + length(uIDs) - 1
for(i in 1:length(an)){
qcTable[i,firstCol:lastCol] = unlist(quickSummary(BLData, array=i, transFun = transFun, reporterIDs = controlProfile[,1], reporterTags = controlProfile[,2], reporterFun = summaryFns[[j]]))
firstCol = lastCol + 1
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