### BASH functions, and other image manipulation functions:
## *** GENERATE E ***
##this function returns an E value for each bead - it finds the set of all beads on the array with the same probeID, takes the median of their intensities, and subtracts this off.
generateE <- function(data, probeIDs, wts=NULL, neighbours = NULL, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, method = "median", bgfilter = "none", invasions = 20, useLocs = TRUE)
method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("mean", "median"))
bgfilter <- match.arg(bgfilter, choices = c("none", "median", "mean", "MAD", "medianMAD"))
if(method == "median") beadTypeAverage = aggregate(x=data.frame(y=data),by=list(y=probeIDs),median,na.rm=TRUE)
if(method == "mean") beadTypeAverage = aggregate(x=data.frame(y=data),by=list(y=probeIDs),mean,na.rm=TRUE)
#new = data2 - unlist(beadTypeAverage)[as.character(probeIDs)]
new = data2 - beadTypeAverage[ match(probeIDs, beadTypeAverage[,1]), 2 ]
#deal with negative or NA vals
minG <- min(new[which(!is.na(new) & is.finite(new) )])
new <- ifelse( (is.na(new) | !is.finite(new)), minG, new)
E <- new
##perform a filter afterwards if appropriate
if(bgfilter != "none")
##generate missing data
if (is.null(neighbours))
#cat("Neighbours not specified - Generating Neighbours, using defaults...\n")
#neighbours <- generateNeighbours(BLData, array, useLocs)
stop("generateE will no longer calculate a neighbours matrix. One must be supplied. Type ?generateNeighbours for help\n")
E <- BGFilter(E = E, neighbours = neighbours, method = bgfilter, invasions = invasions)
generateNeighbours <- function(BLData, array = 1, useLocs = TRUE, window = 30, margin = 10, thresh = 2.2)
data <- NULL
data <- BLData[[array]]
xcol = grep("GrnX", colnames(data))
ycol = grep("GrnY", colnames(data))
## see if we can find the .locs file and use that
locsFileName <- file.path(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[array], BLData@sectionData$Targets$greenLocs[array])
## Can we ID the platform and if so is this a BeadChip or SAM
if( is.null(BLData@experimentData$platformClass) || grepl("Matrix", BLData@experimentData$platformClass) )
BeadChip <- FALSE
BeadChip <- TRUE
if(file.exists(locsFileName) && useLocs && BeadChip) {
message("Using locs file to generate neighbours matrix")
## hacky code until we have somewhere to store grid sizes
sdf <- simpleXMLparse(readLines(file.path(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[array], list.files(as.character(BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[array]), pattern = ".sdf")[1]), warn = FALSE))
nSegs <- as.integer(sdf$RegistrationParameters$SizeBlockY[[1]]);
nRows <- as.integer(sdf$RegistrationParameters$SizeGridX[[1]]);
neighbours <- neighboursFromLocs(data[,c(xcol,ycol)], locsName = BLData@sectionData$Targets$greenLocs[array], locsPath = BLData@sectionData$Targets$directory[array], nrowPerSegment = nRows, nSegs = nSegs)
## remove NAs for now
neighbours[which(is.na(neighbours))] <- 0;
else {
if(useLocs && BeadChip) {
message(".locs file not found.\nGenerating neighbours instead.");
else if(useLocs && !BeadChip) {
message("Array type is either SAM or unknown.\nGenerating neighbours instead of using .locs");
an <- sectionNames(BLData)
wcols <- ceiling(max(data[,xcol])/(2*window))
wrows <- ceiling(max(data[,ycol])/(2*window))
neighbours = matrix(0, length(data[,xcol]), 6)
Coutput <- .C("Neighbours", as.double(data[,xcol]), as.double(data[,ycol]), as.integer(length(data[,xcol])), as.integer(t(neighbours)), as.double(thresh), as.double(margin), as.double(window), as.integer(wcols), as.integer(wrows), PACKAGE = "beadarray")
neighbours <- matrix(Coutput[[4]], ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)
# find and subtract/scale by local background, the slow change of which is causing problems on the beadchips
BGFilter <- function(E = NULL, neighbours, invasions = 20, method = "median")
##quick checks
if(is.null(E)) {stop("No error image (E). Please run generateE to obtain one.")}
method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("median", "mean", "MAD", "medianMAD"))
method <- switch(method, median = 1, mean = 2, MAD = 3, medianMAD = 4)
##C code here to apply the median filter
Etilde <- rep(0, length(E))
output <- .C("BGFilter", as.double(E), as.double(Etilde), as.integer(t(neighbours)), as.integer(nrow(neighbours)), as.integer(invasions), as.integer(method), PACKAGE = "beadarray")
Etilde <- output[[2]]
##Variance: Singleton causes NAs (singletons are insignificant so no harm done)
if(method > 2) {Etilde <- ifelse(!is.na(Etilde),Etilde,1)}
BGFilterWeighted <- function(E = NULL, neighbours, invasions = 20, weights = NULL)
if(is.null(weights)) {weights <- rep(1, nrow(neighbours))}
if(is.null(E)) {stop("No error image (E). Please run generateE to obtain one.")}
##C code here to apply the filter
Etilde <- rep(0, length(E))
output <- .C("BGFilterWeighted", as.double(E), as.double(Etilde), as.integer(t(neighbours)), as.double(weights), as.integer(nrow(neighbours)), as.integer(invasions), PACKAGE = "beadarray")
Etilde <- output[[2]]
## floods, returning significant clusters
chooseClusters <- function(IDs, neighbours, cutoff = 8)
##first, we blank all links to non-outliers.
neighbours2 <- matrix((neighbours %in% IDs),ncol = 6)*neighbours
##now we can flood fill the outliers, obtaining a clusterID for each point, and a cluster size for each clusterID
clusterID <- rep(0, nrow(neighbours))
clustersize <- rep(0, nrow(neighbours))
nIDs <- length(IDs)
Coutput <- .C("FloodFill", as.integer(t(neighbours2)), as.integer(IDs), as.integer(nIDs), as.integer(clusterID), as.integer(clustersize), PACKAGE = "beadarray")
##only return beads in large enough clusters
size <- Coutput[[5]]
size <- size[which(size>0)]
sig <- which(size > cutoff)
which(Coutput[[4]] %in% sig)
## given neighbours matrix and IDs of nodes, returns the closure of these nodes
closeImage <- function(IDs, neighbours, cinvasions = 10)
IDs <- sort(IDs)
nIDs <- length(IDs)
nbeads <- nrow(neighbours)
IDs <- c(IDs, rep(0, nbeads - nIDs))
output <- .C("Close", as.integer(IDs), as.integer(nIDs), as.integer(t(neighbours)), as.integer(nbeads), as.integer(cinvasions), PACKAGE = "beadarray")
sort(output[[1]][which(output[[1]] > 0)])
## *** DENSE REGIONS ***
##given an outlier image, return the (unclosed) locus of pixels (i.e. diffuse defects)
denseRegions <- function (IDs, neighbours, ignore = NULL, sig = 0.0001, invasions = 10)
##remove ignored beads (usually compacts)
nignore <- length(ignore)
if(nignore > 0)
IDs <- IDs[which(!(IDs %in% ignore))]
##viciously sever all links in or out of ignored beads
keep <- 1:nrow(neighbours) %in% ignore
keep <- !keep
neighbours <- neighbours*keep
neighbours <- neighbours*(!(neighbours %in% ignore))
##sort IDs
IDs <- sort(IDs)
nIDs <- length(IDs)
nbeads <- nrow(neighbours)
##call C function
Coutput <- .C("DiffuseDefects", as.integer(t(neighbours)), as.integer(IDs), as.integer(nbeads), as.integer(nIDs), as.integer(nignore), as.integer(invasions), output = as.double(rep(0, nbeads)), as.double(sig), PACKAGE = "beadarray")
return(which(Coutput$output == 1))
## *** VIEW BEADS ***
##diagnostic code to take a look at the bead network
viewBeads <- function (BLData, array, x, y, xwidth = 100, ywidth = 100, neighbours = NULL, mark = NULL, markcol = "blue", markpch = 21, inten = TRUE, low = "black", high = "green", what = "G", log = TRUE, zlim = NULL, ...)
xwidth = xwidth/2
ywidth = ywidth/2
low = col2rgb(low)
high = col2rgb(high)
if((xwidth > 150 | ywidth > 150) & !is.null(neighbours))
choice = menu(c("Yes", "No", "Yes, but don't plot links"), title = "Alert: neighbours specified, and xwidth or ywidth is over 300 - this may cause severe slowdown or a crash, are you sure?")
if(choice == 2) {stop("Cancelled.")}
if(choice == 3) {neighbours = NULL}
an <- sectionNames(BLData)
data <- BLData[[an[array]]]
data <- cbind(as.numeric(row.names(BLData[[an[array]]])), data)
data$GrnY <- max(data$GrnY) - data$GrnY
data$G <- getBeadData(BLData, what = what, array = array)
data$G <- ifelse(is.na(data$G),min(data$G[which(!is.na(data$G))]),data$G)
colnames(data)[1] <- "ID"
sel <- which(abs(data$GrnX-x) < xwidth & abs(data$GrnY-y) < ywidth)
vertex <- NULL
vertex$x <- data$GrnX[sel]
vertex$y <- data$GrnY[sel]
vertex$ID <- data$ID[sel]
if(is.null(zlim)) {vertex$colour <- (data$G[sel] - min(data$G))/(max(data$G) - min(data$G))}
vertex$colour <- (data$G[sel] - zlim[1])/(zlim[2] - zlim[1])
vertex$colour <- pmin(vertex$colour,1)
vertex$colour <- pmax(vertex$colour,0)
plot(vertex$x, vertex$y)#, pch=19, col = rgb(0,vertex$colour,0,255,maxColorValue = 255))
for(i in 1:length(vertex$x))
iID <- vertex$ID[i]
for(j in 1:6)
if (neighbours[iID,j] != 0)
colours <- rgb(low[1]+(high[1]-low[1])*vertex$colour,low[2]+(high[2]-low[2])*vertex$colour,low[3]+(high[3]-low[3])*vertex$colour,255,maxColorValue = 255)
if(inten) {points(vertex$x, vertex$y, pch=19, col = colours)}
if(length(mark) > 0) {points(data$GrnX[mark], data$GrnY[mark], col = markcol, pch = markpch)}
## log fns and outlier functions (not exported)
log2.na = function (x, ...)
log2(ifelse(x > 0, x, NA), ...)
log2cap <- function(x)
temp <- min(x[x > 0])
x <- ifelse(x > 0, x, temp)
x <- log2(x)
findAllOutliersE = function(BLData, array=1, Ehat, log = FALSE, n = 3, ignore = NULL)
tmp = BLData[[array]]
probeList = tmp[,1]
probes = sort(unique(probeList[probeList>0]))
inten = Ehat ##change 1 (use Ehat, not intensities)
nasinf = is.na(inten) | !is.finite(inten)
nasinf = nasinf | (1:length(nasinf) %in% ignore) ##change 2 (ignore)
inten = inten[!nasinf]
probeList = probeList[!nasinf]
nbeads = length(inten)
start = 0
foo <- .C("findAllOutliers", as.double(inten), binStatus = integer(length = nbeads), as.integer(probeList), as.integer(probes), as.integer(length(probes)), as.integer(nbeads), as.integer(start), as.double(n), PACKAGE = "beadarray")
sel = which((probeList > 0) & (foo$binStatus == 0))
findAllOutliersIgnore <- function (BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, n = 3, what = "G", ignore = NULL)
tmp = BLData[[array]]
probeList = tmp[,"ProbeID"]
probes = sort(unique(probeList[probeList > 0]))
inten = transFun(BLData, array=array)
nasinf = is.na(inten) | !is.finite(inten)
nasinf = nasinf | (1:length(nasinf) %in% ignore)
inten = inten[!nasinf]
probeList = probeList[!nasinf]
nbeads = length(inten)
start = 0
foo <- .C("findAllOutliers", as.double(inten), binStatus = integer(length = nbeads),
as.integer(probeList), as.integer(probes), as.integer(length(probes)),
as.integer(nbeads), as.integer(start), as.double(n),
PACKAGE = "beadarray")
sel = which((probeList > 0) & (foo$binStatus == 0))
illuminaOutlierMethod= function(inten, probeList,wts=1,n= 3)
probes = sort(unique(probeList[probeList > 0]))
nasinf = is.na(inten) | !is.finite(inten) | (wts==0)
inten = inten[!nasinf]
probeList = probeList[!nasinf]
nbeads = length(inten)
start = 0
foo <- .C("findAllOutliers", as.double(inten), binStatus = integer(length = nbeads),
as.integer(probeList), as.integer(probes), as.integer(length(probes)),
as.integer(nbeads), as.integer(start), as.double(n),
PACKAGE = "beadarray")
sel = which((probeList > 0) & (foo$binStatus == 0))
## Pipeline functions
BASHCompact <- function(inten, probeIDs, neighbours = NULL, wts=1,n=3, maxiter = 10, cutoff = 8, cinvasions = 10, outlierFun=illuminaOutlierMethod, ...)
start = maxiter
# will have to provide neighbours from here on in.
##generate missing data?
if (is.null(neighbours))
#cat("Neighbours not specified - Generating Neighbours, using defaults...\n")
#neighbours <- generateNeighbours(BLData, array, useLocs)
stop("BASHCompact will no longer calculate a neighbours matrix. One must be supplied. Type ?generateNeighbours for help\n")
output = NULL
o <- 42
while(maxiter > 0 & length(o) > 0)
#o <- findAllOutliersIgnore(BLData, array = array, transFun = transFun, ignore = output, ...)
o <- outlierFun(bcinten,probeIDs,wts,...)
o <- chooseClusters(o, neighbours, cutoff = cutoff)
#o <- closeImage(o, neighbours, invasions = cinvasions)
output <- sort(c(output,o))
output <- closeImage(output, neighbours, cinvasions = cinvasions)
maxiter = maxiter - 1
if(maxiter == 0){warning(paste(start,"iterations performed. (Array may be seriously defective.)"))}
BASHDiffuse <- function(inten, probeIDs, wts=NULL, neighbours = NULL, E = NULL, n = 3, compact = NULL, sig = 0.0001, invasions = 10, cutoff = 8, cinvasions = 10, twotail = FALSE,einvasions=20,outlierFun=illuminaOutlierMethod,...)
##generate missing data
if (is.null(neighbours))
#cat("Neighbours not specified - Generating Neighbours, using defaults...\n")
#neighbours <- generateNeighbours(BLData, array, useLocs)
stop("BASHDiffuse will no longer calculate a neighbours matrix. One must be supplied. Type ?generateNeighbours for help\n")
if (is.null(E))
cat("Error image, E, not specified - Generating E, using bgfilter = \"median\"...\n")
E <- generateE(data=inten, probeIDs=probeIDs, wts = wts, neighbours = neighbours, method = "median", bgfilter = median, invasions = einvasions)
o <- outlierFun(bdinten,probeIDs,wts,...)
##find tail outliers
o.top <- o[which(E[o] > 0)]
o.bottom <- o[which(E[o] < 0)]
diffuse.top <- denseRegions(o.top, neighbours, sig = sig, invasions = invasions, ignore = compact)
diffuse.bottom <- denseRegions(o.bottom, neighbours, sig = sig, invasions = invasions, ignore = compact)
diffuse <- unique(c(diffuse.top, diffuse.bottom))
diffuse <- denseRegions(o, neighbours, sig = sig, invasions = invasions, ignore = compact)
#diffuse <- which(diffuse > 1 - sig)
##only large clusters
diffuse <- chooseClusters(diffuse, neighbours, cutoff = cutoff)
diffuse <- closeImage(diffuse, neighbours, cinvasions = cinvasions)
BASHExtended <- function(BLData, array, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, neighbours = NULL, useLocs = TRUE, E = NULL, E.BG = NULL)
##generate missing data
if (is.null(neighbours) && is.null(E.BG)) ##we only need neighbours if E.BG isn't specified
cat("Neighbours not specified - Generating Neighbours, using defaults...\n")
neighbours <- generateNeighbours(BLData, array,useLocs)
if (is.null(E))
cat("Error Image, E, not specified - Generating E (with bgfilter = none)...\n")
E <- generateE(BLData, array, transFun = transFun, neighbours, method = "median", bgfilter = "none",useLocs)
if (is.null(E.BG))
cat("Background Error Image, E.BG, not specified - Generating E.BG, via median filter on E.\n")
E.BG <- E - BGFilter(E = E, neighbours = neighbours, invasions = 20, method = "median")
## *** BASH FUNCTION ***
## Entire pipeline analysis
BASH <- function(BLData, array, neighbours=NULL, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun=illuminaOutlierMethod, compn=3, wtsname=NULL, compact = TRUE, diffuse = TRUE, extended = TRUE, cinvasions = 10, dinvasions = 15, einvasions = 20, bgcorr = "median", maxiter = 10, compcutoff = 8, compdiscard = TRUE, diffcutoff = 10, diffsig = 0.0001, diffn = 3, difftwotail = FALSE, useLocs = TRUE,...)
bgcorr = match.arg(bgcorr, c("none", "median", "medianMAD"))
output <- NULL
scores <- NULL
an <- sectionNames(BLData)
if(is.null(array)) {array = 1}
if(length(array)>1){stop("BASH can be applied to only one array at a time")}
if(!compact & !diffuse & !extended) {stop("All analyses disabled.")}
cat("Applying BASH to array",array,"(",an[array],"):\n")
cat("Generating neighbours matrix... ")
neighbours <- generateNeighbours(BLData, array, useLocs=useLocs)
cat("Compact analysis... ")
c <- BASHCompact(inten,probeIDs=probeIDs, neighbours = neighbours, wts=ewts, maxiter = maxiter, cutoff = compcutoff, cinvasions = cinvasions,outlierFun=outlierFun,n=compn,...)
cat("done.",length(c),"beads identified.\n")
{c = numeric(0)}
cat("Extended analysis... ")
E <-generateE(data=inten,probeIDs=probeIDs,wts=ewts,neighbours = NULL, method = "median", bgfilter = "none",invasions = einvasions)
E.med <- BGFilter(E = E, neighbours = neighbours, invasions = einvasions, method = "median")
E.BG <- E - E.med ##this reverses the subtraction process BGFilter performs, to get E.BG = median filtered
score <- var(E.BG)/var(E)
#scores[i] <- BASHExtended(BLData, array = i, neighbours = neighbours, transFun = transFun,E = E, E.BG = E.BG)
# when calling from BASH, we know that the E and E.BG vectors exist, so the call to BASHExtended is not required.
cat("done. Value is",score,".\n")
cat("Diffuse analyis... ")
##if we did the extended analysis, then pass the baton to save recomputation
if(bgcorr == "medianMAD") {E <- BGFilter(E = E.med, neighbours = neighbours, method = "MAD")}
if(bgcorr == "median") {E <- E.med}
if(bgcorr == "none") {E <- E}
E <- generateE(data=inten, probeIDs=probeIDs, wts=ewts, neighbours = neighbours, method = "median", bgfilter = bgcorr, invasions = einvasions)
d <- BASHDiffuse(inten,probeIDs,wts=ewts, neighbours = neighbours, E = E, n = diffn, compact = c, sig = diffsig, invasions = dinvasions, cutoff = diffcutoff, cinvasions = cinvasions, twotail = difftwotail,outlierFun=outlierFun,...)
d <- BASHDiffuse(inten,probeIDs,wts=ewts, neighbours = neighbours, E = E, n = diffn, compact = NULL, sig = diffsig, invasions = dinvasions, cutoff = diffcutoff, cinvasions = cinvasions, twotail = difftwotail,outlierFun=outlierFun,...)
cat("done.",length(d),"beads identified.\n")
else {
d = numeric(0)
output <- NULL
output$wts <- as.numeric(!1:nrow(BLData[[array]]) %in% unique(c(c,d)))
# cat("Weights found. Total no of defective beads:",length(which(!output$wts[[i]])),"\n")
if (extended) output$ext <- score
# ##Store some QC stats
if(extended) output$QC = data.frame(BeadsMasked = sum(output$wts==0), ExtendedScore = output$ext)
else output$QC = data.frame(BeadsMasked = sum(output$wts==0))
# output$call <- match.call()
# output <- as.numeric(!1:nrow(BLData[[array]]) %in% unique(c(c,d)))
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