#' @rdname scatterCompareModels
#' @name scatterCompareModels
#' @title Scatter plot of two conditions for a model metric.
#' @description Scatter plot of two conditions/replicates for a selected metric
#' of a model. For example to compare turnover rates, model errors...
# If applicable, timepoints and different paramenters are separated using
#' \code{facet_wrap}.
#' @param modelList A list containing all the model objects, this should be the
#' output of \code{\link{modelTurnover}} with returnModel as TRUE.
#' @param conditions A \code{character} of length 2 indicating which 2
#' conditions should be compared.
#' @param value A \code{character} indicating which metric to plot. Check
#' \code{names(modelList)} for available options. (Default = 'param_values')
#' @param returnDataFrame A \code{logical} indicating if the \code{data.frame}
#' used for the plot should be returned instead.
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object or the \code{data.frame} that would be used
#' instead in the plot.
#' @examples
#' data('wormsPE')
#' wormsPE <- calculateIsotopeFraction(wormsPE, ratioAssay = 'ratio')
#' modelList <- modelTurnover(x = wormsPE[1:10],
#' assayName = 'fraction',
#' formula = 'fraction ~ 1 - exp(-k*t)',
#' start = list(k = 0.02),
#' mode = 'protein',
#' robust = FALSE,
#' returnModel = TRUE)
#' scatterCompareModels(modelList = modelList,
#' conditions = c('OW40', 'OW450'),
#' value = 'param_values')
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
scatterCompareModels <- function(modelList,
value = 'param_values',
returnDataFrame = FALSE) {
## argument checkers ---------------------------------------------------------
available_metrics <- names(modelList)
if (!value %in% available_metrics) {
txt <- c('%s not found in names(modelList), available options are: %s')
txt <- sprintf(txt, value, paste(available_metrics, collapse = ', '))
## configuration of metaoption -----------------------------------------------
if (length(conditions) != 2) {
stop('conditions must be a character vector of lenght 2')
loopCols <- attributes(modelList)[['loopCols']]
if (length(loopCols) < 2) {
stop('There is only one condition, comparisons cannot be made')
## reduce loopCols to the two conditions
availableConditions <- names(loopCols)
if (!all(conditions %in% availableConditions)) {
txt <- c('The given conditions cannot be found, these are the',
'defined conditions: %s')
txt <- sprintf(paste(txt, collapse = ' '),
paste(availableConditions, collapse = ', '))
} else {
loopCols <- loopCols[match(names(loopCols), conditions)]
## decide type of plot -------------------------------------------------------
## there are three categories of plots that can happen here
## - parameters and their derivatives (parameter facet_wrap)
## - residuals and weights (timepoint facet_wrap)
## - requires timepoint matching
## - error and AIC (no facet_wrap)
n_samples <- length(unlist(attributes(modelList)[['loopCols']]))
n_conditions <- length(attributes(modelList)[['loopCols']])
dataToPlot <- modelList[[value]]
## parameter type
if (is.list(dataToPlot)) {
## add column names to the data and then subset by column name and order
## according to the conditions
dataToPlot <- lapply(dataToPlot, function(x) {
colnames(x) <- levels(attributes(modelList)$cond)
x <- x[, match(colnames(x), conditions)]
plotDf <- .plotCompareModel.Parameter(dataToPlot,
## assay like
} else if (is.matrix(dataToPlot) & ncol(dataToPlot) == n_samples) {
## add column names to the data and then subset by column name and order
## according to the conditions
colnames(dataToPlot) <- attributes(modelList)$cond
cols <- unlist(lapply(conditions,
function(x) which(colnames(dataToPlot) == x)))
dataToPlot <- dataToPlot[, cols]
plotDf <- .plotCompareModel.Assay(dataToPlot,
ml_attr = attributes(modelList),
loopCols = loopCols,
## model like
} else if (is.matrix(dataToPlot) & ncol(dataToPlot) == n_conditions) {
## add column names to the data and then subset by column name and order
## according to the conditions
colnames(dataToPlot) <- levels(attributes(modelList)$cond)
dataToPlot <- dataToPlot[, match(colnames(dataToPlot), conditions)]
plotDf <- .plotCompareModel.Model(dataToPlot,
if (returnDataFrame) {
} else {
#' @keywords internal
.plotCompareModel.Parameter <- function(data,
returnDataFrame) {
## loop over the different parameters
for (i in seq_len(length(data))) {
if (i == 1) {
dfList <- list()
plotDf <- data.frame(val1 = as.vector(data[[i]][, 1]),
val2 = as.vector(data[[i]][, 2]),
param = rep(names(data)[i],
times = nrow(data[[i]])))
dfList[[i]] <- plotDf
## join all the parameters into one data.frame
plotDf <- do.call('rbind', dfList)
plotDf$param <- as.factor(plotDf$param)
colnames(plotDf)[seq_len(2)] <- colnames(data[[1]])
if (returnDataFrame) {
## remove missing values because they make the coordinate limits look weird
plotDf <- plotDf[which(apply(plotDf[,seq_len(2)], 1,
function(x) sum(is.na(x))) < 1),]
p <- ggplot(data = plotDf) +
geom_point(aes_string(x = colnames(plotDf)[1],
y = colnames(plotDf)[2])) +
facet_wrap(~param, scales = 'free') +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = 'grey70', linetype = 2) +
.plotCompareModel.Assay <- function(data, ml_attr, loopCols, returnDataFrame) {
## timepoints for matching
timepoints.x <- ml_attr$time[ml_attr$loopCols[[1]]]
timepoints.y <- ml_attr$time[ml_attr$loopCols[[2]]]
## if timepoints do not match try to match them
if (!all(timepoints.x == timepoints.y)) {
timepoints.x <- timepoints.x[match(timepoints.x, timepoints.y)]
timepoints.y <- timepoints.y[match(timepoints.x, timepoints.y)]
mat.x <- mat.x[,which(!is.na(timepoints.x))]
mat.y <- mat.y[,which(!is.na(timepoints.y))]
timepoints.x <- timepoints.x[which(!is.na(timepoints.x))]
timepoints.y <- timepoints.y[which(!is.na(timepoints.y))]
## there are no matching timepoints error
if (length(timepoints.x) == 0 | length(timepoints.y) == 0) {
txt <- sprintf('The timepoints do not coincide: %s; %s.',
paste(timepoints.x, collapse = ', '),
paste(timepoints.y, collapse = ', '))
## make a long format data.frame for plotting
plotDf <- data.frame(Cond1 = as.vector(data[, loopCols[[1]]]),
Cond2 = as.vector(data[, loopCols[[2]]]),
Time = rep(c(timepoints.x, timepoints.y),
each = nrow(data)))
## remove NAs
plotDf <- subset(plotDf, !is.na(plotDf$Cond1))
plotDf <- subset(plotDf, !is.na(plotDf$Cond2))
## change column names to conditions
colnames(plotDf)[seq_len(2)] <- names(loopCols)
if (returnDataFrame) {
## plotting ------------------------------------------------------------------
p <- ggplot(data = plotDf,
aes_string(x = colnames(plotDf)[1],
y = colnames(plotDf)[2])) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = 'grey70', linetype = 2) +
facet_wrap(~Time, nrow = 1) +
#' @keywords internal
.plotCompareModel.Model <- function(data, returnDataFrame) {
## no additional processing needed
plotDf <- as.data.frame(data)
if (returnDataFrame) {
## remove missing values because they make the coordinate limits look weird
plotDf <- plotDf[which(apply(plotDf[, seq_len(2)], 1,
function(x) sum(is.na(x))) < 1), ]
p <- ggplot(data = plotDf) +
geom_point(aes_string(x = colnames(plotDf)[1],
y = colnames(plotDf)[2])) +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = 'grey70', linetype = 2) +
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