### Convert list of platforms and responses
### to DR-suitable data
convertToDr <- function(dataIntersection, response, nPlatforms = length(data)) {
int <- rownames(dataIntersection[[1]])
samples <- colnames(dataIntersection[[1]])
dataForDr <- list()
responseForCommonPatients <- response[(response[,1]%in%samples),]
rownames(responseForCommonPatients) <- responseForCommonPatients[,1]
###r = responseForCommonPatients[samples, ]
for (i in c(1:length(int))) {
if (i%%1000 == 0) { print(i)}
dataForDr[[i]] <- data.frame(x = t(dataIntersection[[1]][int[i],samples]) )
if (nPlatforms >=2) {
for (j in c(2:length(dataIntersection))) {
dataForDr[[i]] <- cbind(dataForDr[[i]],
t(dataIntersection[[j]][int[i],samples]) )
dataForDr[[i]] <- cbind(dataForDr[[i]],
responseForCommonPatients[samples, 2])
colnames(dataForDr[[i]]) <- c(names(dataIntersection), "response")
names(dataForDr) <- int
### Compute dimension reduction stats
computeScore <- function(data, columns, method) {
dat <- data[, c(columns, ncol(data))]
stats <- 0
if (method == "dev") {
dFit <- glm(response~. , dat, family=binomial('logit'))
stats <- dFit$null.deviance - dFit$deviance
if (method == "aic") {
fullFit <- glm(response~. , dat, family=binomial('logit'))
nullFit <- glm(response~1 , dat, family=binomial('logit'))
stats <- nullFit$aic - fullFit$aic
if (method == "bic") {
fullFit <- glm(response~. , dat, family=binomial('logit'))
nullFit <- glm(response~1 , dat, family=binomial('logit'))
stats <- AIC(nullFit, k = log(fullFit$df.null+1))-
AIC(fullFit, k = log(fullFit$df.null+1))
computeDrStat <- function(data, columns= c(1:(ncol(data)-1)), method = "dev", integrate = TRUE) {
if (integrate) {
stats <- lapply(data, computeScore, columns, method)
listOut <- list()
listOut$integrated <- unlist(stats)
} else {
listOut <- list()
for (p in columns) {
stats <- lapply(data, computeScore, columns = p, method)
listOut[[p]] <- unlist(stats)
names(listOut)[p] <- colnames(data[[1]])[p]
###set a function that run geneSetTest after evaluating if genes are present in data
###also turns to absolute values if needed
runGSE <- function(fgs, data, absolute=TRUE, gseFunc=NULL, ...) {
###absolute value
if (absolute) {
data <- abs(data)
###compute Pvalues after checking if genes are available
gsePval <- NULL
if (sum(names(data)%in%fgs)==length(data) | sum(names(data)%in%fgs)==0 ) {
gsePval <- NA
} else {
if(is.null(gseFunc)) {
###with geneSetTest
selection <- names(data)%in%fgs
gsePval <- geneSetTest(selection, data, ...)
} else {
###with user defined function
selection <- names(data)%in%fgs
gsePval <- gseFunc(selection, data, ...)
###set a function that performs runGSE over a list of FGS
runGSEforFGSlist <- function(fgsList, data, ...) {
out <- sapply(fgsList,runGSE, data, ...)
###set a function that makes the test over a list of lists of FGS
runGSEforFGSlistBatch <- function(listFgsList, data, ...) {
out <- lapply(listFgsList, runGSEforFGSlist, data, ...)
###set a function that run the test over a list of lists of FGS over a list of data sets
runBatchGSE <- function(dataList, fgsList, ...) {
func <- function(x, y, ...){out <- runGSEforFGSlistBatch(y, x, ...)}
out <- lapply(dataList, func, y = fgsList, ...)
###set a function that integrates several pvalues from GSE analysis
combineGSE <- function(gseOut, method){
nms <- names(gseOut)
fgs <- unique(unlist(lapply(gseOut,names)))
tmp <- unlist(gseOut,recursive=F)
tmp <- lapply(fgs,function(x,y) data.frame(y[grep(x,names(y))]), y=tmp)
names(tmp) <- fgs
tmp <- lapply(tmp, myMean, method)
out <- list(combinedScore=tmp)
###computes mean by row in a data.frame using various methods, NOT EXPORTED
myMean <- function(matM, method, ...){
###geometric mean
geoMeanM <- function(matM, ...) {
out <- apply(matM,1,function(x){exp(mean(log(x), ...))})
randomM <- function(matM, ...) {
out <- apply(matM,1,sample,size=1, ...)
meanM <- function(matM, ...) {
out <- apply(matM,1,mean, ...)
medianM <- function(matM, ...) {
out <- apply(matM,1,median)
maxM <- function(matM, ...) {
out <- apply(matM,1,max)
minM <- function(matM, ...) {
out <- apply(matM,1,min)
###select method to remove redundancy
choices <- c("geometricMean","mean","median","random","min","max")
method <- match.arg(method, choices)
out <- switch(method,
geometricMean = geoMeanM(matM, ...),
mean = meanM(matM, ...),
random = randomM(matM, ...),
median = medianM(matM, ...),
min = minM(matM, ...),
max = maxM(matM, ...)
} else {stop(paste("Select an available method (", paste(method, collapse=", "), ")", sep=""))}
###set a function that integrates several pvalues from GSE analysis
adjustPvalGSE <- function(gseOut, proc = "BH" , alpha = 0.05, na.rm = FALSE){
out <- lapply(gseOut, function(x, ...) lapply(x,pAdjust, proc, alpha, na.rm) )
###adjust on vector of p-values; NOT EXPORTED
pAdjust <- function(rawp, ...) {
Adj <- mt.rawp2adjp(rawp, ...)
Adj <- Adj$adjp[order(Adj$index),]
rownames(Adj) <- names(rawp)
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