## ----
#' @title Create a QC Manhattan plots from rTASSEL association output
#' @description This function allows for quick generation of a QC
#' plot from rTASSEL association statistical output data. The main goal
#' of this function is to provide "zoomed" in Manhattan plots that
#' typically fall within genomic ranges of interest plus a flanking
#' window up- and downstream of the ranges.
#' @param assocRes An object of type \code{AssociationResults}
#' @param gr Genomic ranges of interest. Can be passed as a \code{GRanges}
#' object or a \code{data.frame} object.
#' @param trait Which phenotypic trait do you want to plot? If set to
#' \code{NULL}, this will generate a faceted plot with all mapped traits.
#' @param window Window size (base-pairs) flanking surround reference range.
#' Defaults to \code{100000} (100,000 base-pairs).
#' @param threshold User-defined \eqn{-log_{10}(p)}-value threshold for
#' significant marker determination. Once specified any marker points
#' higher than this line will be highlighted.
#' @param classicNames Do you want to plot classical gene names instead?
#' NOTE: this will need a \code{classical_id} column for the "ranges of
#' interest" data. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param interactive Do you want to produce an interactive visualization?
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose Should messages be printed to console? Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Returns a \code{ggplot2} object
#' @export
plotManhattanQC <- function(
trait = NULL,
window = 100000,
threshold = NULL,
classicNames = FALSE,
interactive = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
) {
if (!is(assocRes, "AssociationResults")) {
"The object '", deparse(substitute(assocRes)),
"' is not an 'AssociationResults' object"
traitValidityChecker(trait, assocRes)
assocStats <- switch (
"GLM" = tableReport(assocRes, "GLM_Stats"),
"MLM" = tableReport(assocRes, "MLM_Stats"),
"FastAssoc" = tableReport(assocRes, "FastAssociation"),
"default" = NULL
if (is.null(assocStats)) {
stop("Association Type not defined")
# Make a more robust/'OOP' object to pass
pManQCCoreParams <- list(
"assocStats" = assocStats,
"classicNames" = classicNames,
"gr" = gr,
"threshold" = threshold,
"trait" = trait,
"window" = window,
"verbose" = verbose
if (!interactive) {
} else {
## ----
# @title Core visual engine for QQ plotting
# @param params A list of parameter variables
# @importFrom rlang .data
plotManhattanQCCore <- function(params) {
## Parse parameters
assocStats <- params$assocStats
gr <- params$gr
threshold <- params$threshold
trait <- params$trait
window <- params$window
## "Prime" and filter data for plotting
filtStats <- primeManhattanData(params)
## Filter based on ranges of interest
filtStats <- filterByGRanges(filtStats, params)
## Convert ranges to mapping data
grDfAes <- grToAesMappingDf(params)
## Dynamic facet generation
if (is.null(trait) || length(trait) > 1) {
trait_facet <- ggplot2::facet_grid(Trait ~ range_id, scales = "free")
main_title <- NULL
} else {
trait_facet <- ggplot2::facet_grid(. ~ range_id, scales = "free_x")
main_title <- ggplot2::ggtitle(label = paste("Trait:", paste(trait, collapse = ", ")))
## Check for threshold
if (is.null(threshold)) {
thresholdAes <- NULL
} else {
thresholdAes <- ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = threshold, linetype = "dashed")
## Plot components
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
data = filtStats,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
x = .data$pos_mbp,
y = -log10(.data$p)
size = 0.8,
na.rm = TRUE
) +
data = grDfAes$aes_vlin,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
xintercept = .data$x_pos
linetype = "dashed"
) +
thresholdAes +
data = grDfAes$aes_rect,
fill = "blue",
alpha = 0.2,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
xmin = .data$xmin,
xmax = .data$xmax,
ymin = .data$ymin,
ymax = .data$ymax
) +
# Hack 1 - "set" lower x bound
data = grDfAes$aes_vlin,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
y = 0,
x = .data$x_start_bound
) +
# Hack 2 - "set" upper x bound
data = grDfAes$aes_vlin,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
y = 0,
x = .data$x_end_bound
) +
ggplot2::xlab("SNP Position (Mbp)") +
ggplot2::ylab(bquote(~-log[10]~ '('*italic(p)*'-value)')) +
main_title +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
trait_facet +
legend.position = "none",
panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = ggplot2::element_blank()
## ----
# @title Modify fancy quotes for plotly
# @param params A list of parameter variables
plotManhattanQCCoreInteractive <- function(params) {
p <- plotManhattanQCCore(params) +
## ----
filterByGRanges <- function(assocStats, params) {
## Parse parameters
gr <- params$gr
window <- params$window
classicNames <- params$classicNames
verbose <- params$verbose
## Coerce to data frame (if GRanges object)
grDf <- as.data.frame(gr)
## Sanity check for columns
neededCols <- c("seqnames", "start", "end", "range_id")
checkForValidColumns(grDf, neededCols)
## Drop possible factors
grDf$seqnames <- as.character(grDf$seqnames)
## Check for classic ID
idType <- checkForClassicId(classicNames, grDf, muteWarnings = FALSE)
## Convoluted base R filtering!
dfLs <- vector("list", length = nrow(grDf))
for (row in seq_len(nrow(grDf))) {
tmpRow <- grDf[row, ]
if ((tmpRow$start - window) < 1) {
windowStart <- 1
windowEnd <- tmpRow$end + window
} else {
windowStart <- tmpRow$start - window
windowEnd <- tmpRow$end + window
filtStats <- assocStats[
assocStats$Chr == tmpRow$seqnames &
assocStats$Pos >= windowStart &
assocStats$Pos <= windowEnd,
if (nrow(filtStats) != 0) {
filtStats$range_id <- tmpRow[, idType]
filtStats$range_start <- tmpRow$start
filtStats$range_end <- tmpRow$end
dfLs[[row]] <- filtStats
} else {
if (verbose) message("No association results found for: ", tmpRow[, idType])
dfLs <- do.call("rbind", dfLs)
if (!is.null(dfLs)) {
} else {
stop("No association results found for any trait")
## ----
checkForClassicId <- function(
muteWarnings = TRUE
) {
ID_TYPE <- list(
"DEFAULT" = "range_id",
"CLASSIC" = "classical_id"
if (classicNames) {
if (!"classical_id" %in% colnames(grDf)) {
if (!muteWarnings) {
warning("'classical_id' parameter not found. Defaulting to 'range_id'")
} else {
} else {
## ----
grToAesMappingDf <- function(params) {
## Parse parameters
gr <- params$gr
window <- params$window
classicNames <- params$classicNames
scale <- 1e6
grDf <- as.data.frame(gr)
## Sanity check for columns
neededCols <- c("seqnames", "start", "end", "range_id")
checkForValidColumns(grDf, neededCols)
idType <- checkForClassicId(classicNames, grDf)
aesDf <- data.frame(
xmin = grDf$start / scale,
xmax = grDf$end / scale,
ymin = -Inf,
ymax = Inf,
range_id = grDf[, idType]
aesVLineDf <- data.frame(
x_pos = ((grDf$start / scale) + (grDf$end / scale)) * 0.5,
x_start_bound = (grDf$start / scale) - (window / scale),
x_end_bound = (grDf$end / scale) + (window / scale),
range_id = grDf[, idType]
"aes_rect" = aesDf,
"aes_vlin" = aesVLineDf
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