
Defines functions readPhenotypeFromPath readPhenotypeFromDataFrame getPhenotypeDF getPhenotypeTable extractPhenotypeAttDf

Documented in getPhenotypeDF readPhenotypeFromDataFrame readPhenotypeFromPath

# Script Name:   PhenotypeFunctions.R
# Description:   Functions to create TASSEL Phenotype
# Author:        Brandon Monier & Ed Buckler
# Created:       2018-11-26 at 11:14:36
# Last Modified: 2019-04-04 at 19:20:28

# Detailed Purpose:
#    The main purpose of this Rscript is to house functions
#    necessary for reading in phenotype datasets into R and
#    extracting data from TASSEL phenotype objects.

#' @title Wrapper function of TasselGenotypePhenotype class for phenotype
#'    data from a path.
#' @description This function is a wrapper for the
#'    \code{TasselGenotypePhenotype} class. It is used for storing phenotype
#'    information into a class object. This will read in phenotype data from
#'    a path.
#' @return Returns an object of \code{TasselGenotypePhenotype} class.
#' @name readPhenotypeFromPath
#' @rdname readPhenotypeFromPath
#' @param path A phenotype data path.
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom rJava %instanceof%
#' @importFrom rJava new
#' @export
readPhenotypeFromPath <- function(path) {
    if (!file.exists(path)) {
        stop("Cannot open file ", path, ": No such file or directory")

    jObj <- rJava::new(


#' @title Wrapper function of TasselGenotypePhenotype class for phenotype
#'    data from an R data frame
#' @description This function is a wrapper for the
#'    \code{TasselGenotypePhenotype} class. It is used for storing phenotype
#'    information into a class object.
#' @return Returns an object of \code{TasselGenotypePhenotype} class.
#' @name readPhenotypeFromDataFrame
#' @rdname readPhenotypeFromDataFrame
#' @param phenotypeDF A \code{R} object of class \code{data.frame}.
#' @param taxaID The column name that represents your taxa data as a string.
#' @param attributeTypes A vector of non-taxa attributes. If \code{NULL}, all
#'    attributes will be TASSEL \code{<data>} types.
#' @importFrom rJava .jarray
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom rJava new
#' @export
readPhenotypeFromDataFrame <- function(phenotypeDF,
                                       attributeTypes = NULL) {
    safeAtt <- c("covariate", "data", "factor", "taxa")
    if (!is.null(attributeTypes) & !all(attributeTypes %in% safeAtt)) {
                "Parameter `attributeTypes` contains incorrect attributes.\n",
                "Please select from the following:\n",
                "  taxa\n",
                "  factor\n",
                "  data\n",
                "  covariate\n"
    taxaNames <- as.vector(phenotypeDF[, taxaID])
    colnames <- colnames(phenotypeDF)
    notTaxaCols <- colnames[!colnames %in% taxaID]
    if(is.null(attributeTypes)) {
        atttype <- c(rep("data", length(notTaxaCols)))
    } else {
        atttype <- attributeTypes
    jList <- rJava::new(rJava::J("java/util/ArrayList"))
    for (col_i in notTaxaCols) {
    jc <- J("net/maizegenetics/plugindef/GenerateRCode")
    jc <- jc$createPhenotypeFromRDataFrameElements(

#' @title Get an R/\code{tibble} phenotype data frame from TASSEL object
#' @description This function will extract a \code{tibble}-based R data
#'    frame from an object of \code{TasselGenotypePhenotype} class that
#'    contains phenotypic data. Column data will be converted to the following
#'    types data depending on TASSEL data type:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item{\code{<taxa>}: \code{character}}
#'      \item{\code{<data>}: \code{numeric}}
#'      \item{\code{<covariate>}: \code{numeric}}
#'      \item{\code{<factor>}: \code{factor}}
#'    }
#' @return Returns an \code{tibble} based data frame
#' @name getPhenotypeDF
#' @rdname getPhenotypeDF
#' @param tasObj An object of class \code{TasselGenotypePenotype}.
#' @importFrom rJava is.jnull
#' @export
getPhenotypeDF <- function(tasObj) {
    if (class(tasObj) != "TasselGenotypePhenotype") {
        stop("`tasObj` must be of class `TasselGenotypePhenotype`")

    jPhenoTable <- getPhenotypeTable(tasObj)
    if (rJava::is.jnull(jPhenoTable)) {
        stop("TASSEL phenotype object not found")

    jPhenoAttri <- extractPhenotypeAttDf(jPhenoTable)
    jPhenoTable <- tasTableConvert(jPhenoTable$toStringTabDelim())

    # Get list of TASSEL data types
    attributes <- c("taxa", "factor", "covariate", "data")
    att <- lapply(seq_along(attributes), function(i) {
        as.vector(jPhenoAttri$traitName[which(jPhenoAttri$traitType == attributes[i])])
    names(att) <- attributes

    # Convert column data based TASSEL data types
    jPhenoTable[c(att$covariate, att$data)] <- sapply(
        jPhenoTable[c(att$covariate, att$data)], as.numeric
    jPhenoTable[c(att$factor)] <- lapply(
        jPhenoTable[c(att$factor)], factor
    names(jPhenoTable) <- jPhenoAttri$traitName

## Get a Phenotype object - not exported (house keeping)
getPhenotypeTable <- function(jtsObject) {
    if(is(jtsObject, "TasselGenotypePhenotype")) {
    if(!is(jtsObject,"jobjRef")) return(rJava::.jnull())
    if(jtsObject %instanceof% "net.maizegenetics.phenotype.Phenotype") {
    } else if(jtsObject %instanceof% "net.maizegenetics.phenotype.GenotypePhenotype") {
    } else {

## Get Phenotype attributes as data frame - not exported (house keeping)
extractPhenotypeAttDf <- function(phenotype) {
    traitName = phenotype$getTableColumnNames()
    traitType = unlist(
        lapply(as.list(phenotype$typeListCopy()), function(tc) {

    # Pull the java class and return the class without the whole path
    traitAttribute = unlist(
        lapply(as.list(phenotype$attributeListCopy()), function(tc) {
    return(data.frame(traitName, traitType, traitAttribute))
maize-genetics/bioconductor_test documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 5:19 p.m.