#' Blend spatial points into a spatial network
#' Blending a point into a network is the combined process of first projecting
#' the point onto its nearest point on its nearest edge in the network, then
#' subdividing that edge at the location of the projected point, and finally
#' adding the projected point as node to the network. If the location of the
#' projected point is equal an existing node in the network, the attributes of
#' the point will be joined to that node, instead of adding a new node.
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @param y The spatial features to be blended, either as object of class
#' \code{\link[sf]{sf}} or \code{\link[sf]{sfc}}, with \code{POINT} geometries.
#' @param tolerance The tolerance distance to be used. Only features that are
#' at least as close to the network as the tolerance distance will be blended.
#' Should be a non-negative number preferably given as an object of class
#' \code{\link[units]{units}}. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the unit is
#' meters. If set to \code{Inf} all features will be blended. Defaults to
#' \code{Inf}.
#' @param ignore_duplicates If there are multiple points in \code{y} that have
#' the same projected location, only the first one of them is blended into
#' the network. But what should happen with the others? If this argument is set
#' to \code{TRUE}, they will be ignored. If this argument is set to
#' \code{FALSE}, they will be added as isolated nodes to the returned network.
#' Nodes at equal locations can then be merged using the spatial morpher
#' \code{\link{to_spatial_unique}}. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return The blended network as an object of class \code{\link{sfnetwork}}.
#' @details When the projected location of a given point intersects with more
#' than one edge, it is only blended into the first of these edges. Edges are
#' not connected at blending locations. Use the spatial morpher
#' \code{\link{to_spatial_subdivision}} for that.
#' To determine if a projected point is equal to an existing node, and to
#' determine if multiple projected points are equal to each other, sfnetworks
#' by default rounds coordinates to 12 decimal places. You can influence this
#' behavior by explicitly setting the precision of the network using
#' \code{\link[sf]{st_set_precision}}.
#' @note Due to internal rounding of rational numbers, it may occur that the
#' intersection point between a line and a point is not evaluated as
#' actually intersecting that line by the designated algorithm. Instead, the
#' intersection point lies a tiny-bit away from the edge. Therefore, it is
#' recommended to set the tolerance to a very small number (for example 1e-5)
#' even if you only want to blend points that intersect an edge.
#' @examples
#' library(sf, quietly = TRUE)
#' oldpar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mar = c(1,1,1,1), mfrow = c(1,2))
#' # Create a spatial network.
#' n1 = st_point(c(0, 0))
#' n2 = st_point(c(1, 0))
#' n3 = st_point(c(2, 0))
#' e1 = st_sfc(st_linestring(c(n1, n2)), crs = 3857)
#' e2 = st_sfc(st_linestring(c(n2, n3)), crs = 3857)
#' net = as_sfnetwork(c(e1, e2))
#' # Create spatial points to blend in.
#' p1 = st_sfc(st_point(c(0.5, 0.1)))
#' p2 = st_sfc(st_point(c(0.5, -0.2)))
#' p3 = st_sfc(st_point(c(1, 0.2)))
#' p4 = st_sfc(st_point(c(1.75, 0.2)))
#' p5 = st_sfc(st_point(c(1.25, 0.1)))
#' pts = st_sf(foo = letters[1:5], geometry = c(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5), crs = 3857)
#' # Blend all points into the network.
#' b1 = st_network_blend(net, pts)
#' b1
#' plot(net)
#' plot(st_geometry(pts), pch = 20, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
#' plot(b1)
#' plot(st_geometry(pts), pch = 20, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
#' # Blend points within a tolerance distance.
#' tol = units::set_units(0.1, "m")
#' b2 = st_network_blend(net, pts, tolerance = tol)
#' b2
#' plot(net)
#' plot(st_geometry(pts), pch = 20, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
#' plot(b2)
#' plot(st_geometry(pts), pch = 20, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
#' # Add points with duplicated projected location as isolated nodes.
#' b3 = st_network_blend(net, pts, ignore_duplicates = FALSE)
#' b3
#' par(oldpar)
#' @export
st_network_blend = function(x, y, tolerance = Inf, ignore_duplicates = TRUE) {
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @importFrom tidygraph unfocus
#' @export
st_network_blend.sfnetwork = function(x, y, tolerance = Inf,
ignore_duplicates = TRUE) {
x = unfocus(x)
if (! has_explicit_edges(x)) {
"{.arg x} should have spatially explicit edges.",
"i" = "Call {.fn sfnetworks::to_spatial_explicit} to explicitize edges."
if (! are_points(y)) {
cli_abort("All features in {.arg y} should have {.cls POINT} geometries.")
if (! have_equal_crs(x, y)) {
"{.arg x} and {.arg y} should have the same CRS.",
"i" = "Call {.fn sf::st_transform} to transform to a different CRS."
if (! as.numeric(tolerance) >= 0) {
cli_abort("{.arg tolerance} should be positive.")
if (will_assume_projected(x)) {
blend(x, y, tolerance = tolerance, ignore_duplicates = ignore_duplicates)
#' @importFrom cli cli_warn
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows left_join
#' @importFrom igraph is_directed
#' @importFrom sf st_distance st_drop_geometry st_geometry st_geometry<-
#' st_is_within_distance st_nearest_feature st_nearest_points st_precision
#' @importFrom sfheaders sfc_cast sfc_to_df
#' @importFrom units set_units
blend = function(x, y, tolerance, ignore_duplicates = TRUE) {
# Extract the following:
# --> The node data of x and its geometries.
# --> The edge data of x and its geometries.
# --> The geometries of the features to be blended.
nodes = nodes_as_sf(x)
edges = edges_as_sf(x)
Y = st_geometry(y)
# For later use:
# --> Retrieve the name of the geometry column of the nodes in x.
# --> Retrieve the precision of x and y.
node_colname = attr(nodes, "sf_column")
xp = network_precision(x)
yp = st_precision(y)
## ===========================
# Decompose the edges linestring geometries into the points that shape them.
## ===========================
# Decompose edge linestrings into points.
edge_pts = sf_to_df(edges)
# Define the total number of edge points.
n = nrow(edge_pts)
# Store additional information for each edge point.
edge_pts$pid = seq_len(n) # Unique id for each edge point.
edge_pts$eid = edge_pts$linestring_id # Edge index for each edge point.
# Define which edge points are boundaries.
is_startpoint = !duplicated(edge_pts$eid)
is_endpoint = !duplicated(edge_pts$eid, fromLast = TRUE)
is_boundary = is_startpoint | is_endpoint
# Store for each edge point the node index, if it is a boundary.
edge_nids = rep(NA, n)
edge_nids[is_boundary] = edge_incident_ids(x)
edge_pts$nid = edge_nids
# Store for each edge point a segment index.
# The edge point gets the index of the segment it is the start of.
edge_pts$sid = NA
edge_pts$sid[!is_endpoint] = seq_len(n - nrow(edges))
# Store for each edge point a feature index.
# This will store the index of the feature in y it is the projection of.
# This will be filled later, for now only store a placeholder.
edge_pts$fid = NA
# Clean up.
edge_pts$sfg_id = NULL
edge_pts$linestring_id = NULL
## ================================
# Create geometries for each individual edge segment.
## ================================
# Subset the start points and end points of each segment.
segment_src = edge_pts[!is_endpoint, ]
segment_trg = edge_pts[!is_startpoint, ]
segment_src$sid = seq_len(nrow(segment_src))
segment_trg$sid = seq_len(nrow(segment_trg))
# Construct the segment geometries.
segment_pts = rbind(segment_src, segment_trg)
segment_pts = segment_pts[order(segment_pts$sid), ]
S = df_to_lines(segment_pts, x, id_col = "sid")
# Store for each feature the index of its nearest segment.
# This will be filled later, for now only store a placeholder.
nearest = rep(NA, length(Y))
## ========================================
# This depends on the provided tolerance.
## ========================================
# Define which features to blend.
if (is.infinite(tolerance)) {
# Infinite tolerance means:
# --> All given features should be blended.
do_blend = rep(TRUE, length(Y))
} else {
# Parse the tolerance.
# If units are not explicitly specified we assume its in meters.
if (! inherits(tolerance, "units")) {
tolerance = set_units(tolerance, "m")
# Finite tolerance means:
# --> Only features within tolerance distance should be blended.
do_blend = lengths(st_is_within_distance(Y, S, tolerance)) > 0
# Subset the features.
Y = Y[do_blend]
# Return the network unmodified when there are no features to be blended.
if (length(Y) == 0) {
"{.fn st_network_blend} did not blend any points into the network.",
"i" = "Increase {.arg tolerance} for a higher tolerance distance."
return (x)
} else {
if (will_assume_constant(x)) raise_assume_constant("st_network_blend")
## ============================================
# This means finding the nearest point on the nearest edge to each feature.
## ============================================
# Find the nearest edge segment to each feature.
nearest = suppressMessages(st_nearest_feature(Y, S))
# Find the nearest point on the nearest edge to each close feature.
# For this we can use sf::sf_nearest_points, which returns:
# --> A straight line between feature and point if they are different.
# --> A multipoint of feature and point if they are equal.
# To make it easier for ourselves we cast all outputs to lines.
# Then, the endpoint of that line is the location we are looking for.
L = suppressMessages(st_nearest_points(Y, S[nearest], pairwise = TRUE))
L = sfc_cast(L, "LINESTRING")
P = linestring_end_points(L)
# Determine if multiple features have the same projected location.
# This features will not be blended into the network.
# They may be added as isolated nodes afterwards, if ignore_duplicates = FALSE.
is_duplicated = st_duplicated_points(P)
if (any(is_duplicated)) {
P = P[!is_duplicated]
nearest = nearest[!is_duplicated]
if (ignore_duplicates) {
"{.fn st_network_blend} did not blend in all requested features.",
"!" = paste(
"Some projected features have duplicated locations, of which all",
"but the first one are ignored."
"i" = paste(
"If you want to add duplicated projection locations as isolated",
"nodes instead, set {.arg ignore_duplicates} to {.code FALSE}."
} else {
"{.fn st_network_blend} created isolated nodes.",
"!" = paste(
"Some projected features have duplicated locations, of which all",
"but the first one are added as isolated nodes to the network."
"i" = paste(
"If you want to ignore duplicated projection locations instead,",
"set {.arg ignore_duplicates} to {.code TRUE}."
P_dups = P[is_duplicated]
## =====================================================
# The projected features should be included in the edge geometries.
# Only then we can start to subdivide the edges.
# There are two options:
# --> The projection already matches an interior or endpoint of an edge.
# --> The projection does not match any interior or endpoint of an edge.
# In case 1 we need to map the projection to the existing edge point.
# In case 2 we need to include a new point in the edge geometry.
## =====================================================
# Convert projection points into the same structure as the decomposed edges.
p_pts = sfc_to_df(P)
p_pts$pid = NA
p_pts$eid = NA
p_pts$nid = NA
p_pts$sid = NA
p_pts$fid = p_pts$point_id
p_pts$sfg_id = NULL
p_pts$point_id = NULL
# Define a function to:
# --> Include one or more projected features in an edge segment.
include_in_segment = function(i) {
# Extract the features to be included in segment i.
fts = p_pts[which(nearest == i), ]
fts_coords = df_to_coords(fts, yp)
# Extract the source edge point of segment i.
src_pid = which(edge_pts$sid == i)
src = edge_pts[src_pid, ]
# Extract the target edge point of segment i.
trg_pid = src_pid + 1
trg = edge_pts[trg_pid, ]
# Define the position of the feature in the segment.
if (nrow(fts) == 1) {
# There is only one feature to be included in segment i.
# First check if the feature matches the source.
src_coords = df_to_coords(src, xp)
if (fts_coords == src_coords) {
src$fid = fts$fid
fts = src
} else {
# Then check if the feature matches the target.
trg_coords = df_to_coords(trg, xp)
if (fts_coords == trg_coords) {
trg$fid = fts$fid
fts = trg
} else {
# Otherwise add the feature between the source and target.
fts$pid = src_pid + 0.5
} else {
# There are multiple features to be included in segment i.
# First check which of them equal source or target.
# And which should be added as new points to the segment.
src_coords = df_to_coords(src, xp)
trg_coords = df_to_coords(trg, xp)
equal_to_src = fts_coords == src_coords
equal_to_trg = fts_coords == trg_coords
not_equal = !(equal_to_src | equal_to_trg)
# Match feature to source.
if (any(equal_to_src)) {
src$fid = fts$fid[equal_to_src]
fts[equal_to_src, ] = src
# Match feature to target.
if (any(equal_to_trg)) {
trg$fid = fts$fid[equal_to_trg]
fts[equal_to_trg, ] = trg
# Add feature(s) as new point(s).
if (any(not_equal)) {
n = sum(not_equal)
if (n > 1) {
# If there are multiple features to be added.
# Determine their order based on distance to the source point.
src_geom = df_to_points(src, edges) # Convert to sfc.
fts_geom = df_to_points(fts[not_equal, ], y) # Convert to sfc.
dists = st_distance(src_geom, fts_geom)
d = 1 / (n + 1) # How much the pid should increment per feature.
fts$pid[not_equal][order(dists)] = seq(d, d * n, d) + src_pid
} else {
# If there is one feature to be added.
# Add it between the source and target points.
fts$pid[not_equal] = src_pid + 0.5
# Fill the other columns.
fts$eid = src$eid
fts$sid = NA
# Return the updated edge points for segment i.
# Apply the function to each segment that is nearest to a projected feature.
new_pts = do.call("rbind", lapply(unique(nearest), include_in_segment))
# Update the edge points data frame by integrating the updates.
edge_pts = rbind(edge_pts, new_pts)
edge_pts = edge_pts[!duplicated(edge_pts$pid, fromLast = TRUE), ]
edge_pts = edge_pts[order(edge_pts$pid), ]
# Clean up.
rownames(edge_pts) = NULL
edge_pts$pid = seq_len(nrow(edge_pts))
## ==========================================
# Now we can subdivide edge geometries at each projected feature.
# Then we need to build a linestring geometry for each new edge.
## ==========================================
# Define where to subdivide.
# This is at edge points that:
# --> Match a projected feature location.
# --> Are not already an endpoint of an edge.
is_split = !is.na(edge_pts$fid) & is.na(edge_pts$nid)
# Create the new set of edge points by duplicating split points.
new_edge_pts = create_new_edge_df(edge_pts, is_split)
# Define the new edge index of each new edge point.
new_edge_ids = create_new_edge_ids(new_edge_pts, is_split)
# Construct the new edge linestring geometries.
new_edge_geoms = create_new_edge_geoms(new_edge_pts, new_edge_ids, edges)
## =====================================
# We now have the geometries of the new edges.
# However, the original edge attributes got lost.
# We will restore them by:
# --> Adding back the attributes to edges that were not split.
# --> Duplicating original attributes within splitted edges.
# Beware that from and to columns will remain unchanged at this stage.
# We will update them later.
## =====================================
# Define at which new edge points a new edge starts and ends.
is_new_startpoint = !duplicated(new_edge_ids)
is_new_endpoint = !duplicated(new_edge_ids, fromLast = TRUE)
# Use the original edge ids of the startpoints to copy original attributes.
new_edges = edges[new_edge_pts$eid[is_new_startpoint], ]
# Insert the newly constructed edge geometries.
st_geometry(new_edges) = new_edge_geoms
## ======================================
# New nodes are added at the subdivision locations.
## ======================================
# Identify and select the edge points that become a node in the new network.
is_new_node = is_new_startpoint | is_new_endpoint
new_node_pts = new_edge_pts[is_new_node, ]
# Define the node indices of those nodes that are added to the network.
is_add = is.na(new_node_pts$nid)
add_node_pids = new_node_pts$pid[is_add]
add_node_ids = match(add_node_pids, unique(add_node_pids)) + nrow(nodes)
new_node_pts[is_add, ]$nid = add_node_ids
# Construct the geometries of those nodes.
add_node_pts = new_node_pts[is_add, ][!duplicated(add_node_ids), ]
add_node_geoms = df_to_points(add_node_pts, nodes)
# Construct the new node data.
# This is done by simply binding original node data with added geometries.
add_nodes = sfc_to_sf(add_node_geoms, colname = node_colname)
new_nodes = bind_rows(nodes, add_nodes)
# Join the attributes of the blended features into the new nodes.
# This is of course only needed if the given features have attributes.
if (is_sf(y) && ncol(y) > 1) {
# Subset y to contain only attributes (not geometries) of blended features.
y_blend = st_drop_geometry(y)
y_blend = y_blend[do_blend, , drop = FALSE][!is_duplicated, , drop = FALSE]
# Subset the node points data frame to contain each node only once.
new_nodes_df = new_node_pts[!duplicated(new_node_pts$nid), ]
# Add an index column to match nodes to features.
if (".sfnetwork_index" %in% c(names(nodes), names(y))) {
y_blend$.sfnetwork_index = seq_len(nrow(y_blend))
new_nodes$.sfnetwork_index = new_nodes_df$fid[order(new_nodes_df$nid)]
# Join attributes of blended features with the new nodes table.
new_nodes = left_join(new_nodes, y_blend, by = ".sfnetwork_index")
new_nodes$.sfnetwork_index = NULL
# Add features with duplicated projection locations if requested.
if (!ignore_duplicates && any(is_duplicated)) {
y_dups = y[do_blend, , drop = FALSE][is_duplicated, , drop = FALSE]
st_geometry(y_dups) = P_dups
st_geometry(y_dups) = node_colname # Use correct name.
new_nodes = bind_rows(new_nodes, y_dups)
} else {
# Add features with duplicated projection locations if requested.
if (!ignore_duplicates && any(is_duplicated)) {
y_dups = sfc_to_sf(P_dups, colname = node_colname)
new_nodes = bind_rows(new_nodes, y_dups)
## ==================================================
# Now we constructed the new node data with updated node indices.
# Therefore we need to update the from and to columns of the edges as well.
## ==================================================
new_edges$from = new_node_pts$nid[is_new_startpoint[is_new_node]]
new_edges$to = new_node_pts$nid[is_new_endpoint[is_new_node]]
## ============================
# Use the new nodes data and the new edges data to create the new network.
## ============================
x_new = sfnetwork_(new_nodes, new_edges, directed = is_directed(x))
x_new %preserve_network_attrs% x
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