### Plotfunction for normalisation tab
plotnorm = function(p,method = 'quantiles',logp = TRUE,mdscol=1){
if (logp) p = log(p,base = 2)
##Change -Inf values in the peptide intensities to NA
exprs = Biobase::exprs(p)
exprs[is.infinite(exprs)] = NA
Biobase::exprs(p) = exprs
unnorm = as.data.frame(p, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
p = normalise(p,method)
norm = as.data.frame(p, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
dens = density(unlist(unnorm[1,]),na.rm = TRUE)
densrest = lapply(2:nrow(unnorm),function(i){
density(unlist(unnorm[i,]),bw = dens$bw,na.rm = TRUE)
densn = density(unlist(norm[1,]),na.rm = TRUE)
densrestn = lapply(2:nrow(norm),function(i){
density(unlist(norm[i,]),bw = densn$bw,na.rm = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
ymax = max(dens$y,sapply(densrest,function(d){d$y}))
xlim = range(unnorm,na.rm = TRUE)#,
plot(dens,type = 'l',ylim = c(0,ymax),xlim = xlim, main = 'Normalisation method: None',col=mdscol[1])
t = sapply(2:nrow(norm),function(i){
if (length(mdscol)>1) lines(densrest[[i-1]],col = mdscol[i]) else lines(densrest[[i-1]],col = i)
ymax = max(densn$y,sapply(densrestn,function(d){d$y}))
xlim = range(norm,na.rm = TRUE)#,
plot(densn,type = 'l',ylim = c(0,ymax),xlim = xlim, main = paste('Normalisation method:',method))
t = sapply(2:nrow(norm),function(i){
if (length(mdscol)>1) lines(densrestn[[i-1]],col = mdscol[i]) else lines(densrestn[[i-1]],col = i)
#Max file size: 500 MB
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#Function to check and process input
processInput <- function(input, fileProtGrps, ann_name){
if(isTRUE(input$onlysite) && is.null(fileProtGrps$datapath)){stop("Please provide a protein groups file or untick the box \"Remove proteins that are only identified by modified peptides\".")}
if(input$save==2 && is.null(input$loadmodel$datapath)){stop("Please provide a saved RData file or don't choose the option \"Upload an existing model\" under \"Save/load options\".")}
type_annot <- NULL
if(isTRUE(as.logical(grep(".xlsx[/\\]*$",ann_name)))){type_annot <- "xlsx"}
proteins <- gsub(" ",".",input$proteins)
annotations <- gsub(" ",".",input$annotations)
filter <- gsub(" ",".",input$filter)
processedvals <- list("proteins"=proteins, "annotations"=annotations,"filter"=filter, "type_annot"=type_annot)
#Needed for the input of a directory
# observeEvent(
# ignoreNULL = TRUE,
# eventExpr = {
# input$directory
# },
# handlerExpr = {
# if (input$directory > 0) {
# # condition prevents handler execution on initial app launch
# # launch the directory selection dialog with initial path read from the widget
# path = choose.dir(default = readDirectoryInput(session, 'directory'))
# # update the widget value
# updateDirectoryInput(session, 'directory', value = path)
# }
# }
# )
# Expression that generates a histogram. The expression is
# wrapped in a call to renderPlot to indicate that:
# 1) It is "reactive" and therefore should
# re-execute automatically when inputs change
# 2) Its output type is a plot
filePep <- reactive({input$peptides})
filterOptions <- reactive({
} else{as.vector(as.matrix(read.table(filePep()$datapath, nrows=1, sep="\t", quote="")))}
selectedFilter <- reactive({
if(!any(c("Reverse", "Contaminant", "Potential contaminant", "Potential.contaminant") %in% filterOptions())) {
}else{c("Reverse", "Contaminant", "Potential contaminant", "Potential.contaminant")[c("Reverse", "Contaminant", "Potential contaminant", "Potential.contaminant") %in% filterOptions()]}
output$selectFilters <- renderUI({
selectInput("filter", "Also filter based on these columns", filterOptions(), multiple=TRUE, selected=selectedFilter() )
fileAnn <- reactive({input$annotation})
fixedOptions2 <- reactive({
} else{
} else{
read.table(fileAnn()$datapath, sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names = NULL, quote="")
fixedOptions <- reactive({
levelOptions <- reactive({
if(is.null(fixedOptions2()) || is.null(input$fixed)){
} else{
optionsFixedSelected <- fixedOptions2()[,input$fixed,drop=FALSE]
levelOptions <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(sapply(colnames(optionsFixedSelected),function(name){ paste0(name,optionsFixedSelected[,name])}))))
fileProtGrps <- reactive({input$proteingroups})
#Without tabs:
# output$selectLevels <- renderUI({
# #if(!exists("nContr")){nContr <- reactive({1})}
# if(!is.null(levelOptions())){
# lapply(1:input$nContr, function(j) {
# lapply(1:length(levelOptions()), function(i) {
# numericInput(paste0("contrast ",i,"_",j), levelOptions()[i], value=0, min = NA, max = NA, step = NA, width = NULL)
# })
# })
# }
# })
#With tabs:
output$selectLevels = renderUI({
nTabs = input$nContr
myTabs = lapply(paste0('Contrast ', 1:nTabs), function(x){return(tabPanel(x,
lapply(1:length(levelOptions()), function(i) {
numericInput(paste0("contrast ",i,"_",x), levelOptions()[i], value=0, min = NA, max = NA, step = NA, width = NULL)
do.call(tabsetPanel, myTabs)
# fixedOptions <- reactive({
# if(is.null(fileAnn()$name)){
# } else{
# if(isTRUE(as.logical(grep(".xlsx[/\\]*$",fileAnn()$name)))){
# c(as.vector(as.matrix(openxlsx::read.xlsx(fileAnn()$datapath, colNames=FALSE, rows=0:1))),filterOptions())
# } else{
# c(as.vector(as.matrix(read.table(fileAnn()$datapath, sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names = NULL, nrows=1, quote=""))),filterOptions())
# }
# }
# })
nmsFixedOptions <- reactive({names(fixedOptions2())})
output$selectFixed <- renderUI({
selectInput("fixed", "Select fixed effects", nmsFixedOptions(), multiple=TRUE ) #"fixedOptions()" if you want to allow everything as a fixed effect, but then more difficult for contrasts
selectedRandom <- reactive({
if(!c("Sequence") %in% filterOptions()) {
output$selectRandom <- renderUI({
selectInput("random", "Select random effects", fixedOptions(), multiple=TRUE, selected=selectedRandom() )
selectedProteins <- reactive({
if(!c("Proteins") %in% filterOptions()) {
output$selectProteins <- renderUI({
selectInput("proteins", "Select the grouping factor (mostly the \"Proteins\" column)", filterOptions(), multiple=FALSE, selected=selectedProteins() )
selectedAnnotations <- reactive({
if(!any(c("Gene names", "Protein names","Gene.names", "Protein.names") %in% filterOptions())) {
}else{c("Gene names", "Protein names","Gene.names", "Protein.names")[c("Gene names", "Protein names","Gene.names","Protein.names") %in% filterOptions()]}
output$selectAnnotations <- renderUI({
selectInput("annotations", "Select additional annotation columns you want to keep", filterOptions(), multiple=TRUE, selected=selectedAnnotations() )
output$download_button <- renderUI({
downloadButton("downloadData", "Download")
#Here comes what happens when we activate the go button, here are the real calculations
#Maybe with progress bar...
outputlist <- eventReactive(input$go, {
outputlist=list(RData=list(proteins=NULL, models=NULL), test=NULL, results=NULL)
outputlist$RData$proteins <- proteins
outputlist$RData$models <- models
fs <- list()
fs_type <- NULL
processedvals = processInput(input, fileProtGrps(), fileAnn()$name)
peptides = read_MaxQuant(filePep()$datapath, pattern="Intensity.")
useful_properties = unique(c(processedvals[["proteins"]],processedvals[["annotations"]],input$fixed,input$random)[c(processedvals[["proteins"]],processedvals[["annotations"]],input$fixed,input$random) %in% colnames(Biobase::fData(peptides))])
peptides2 = preprocess_MaxQuant(peptides, accession=processedvals[["proteins"]], annotation=fileAnn()$datapath, type_annot=processedvals[["type_annot"]], logtransform=input$logtransform, base=input$log_base, normalisation=input$normalisation, useful_properties=useful_properties, filter=processedvals[["filter"]], remove_only_site=input$onlysite, file_proteinGroups=fileProtGrps()$datapath, filter_symbol="+", minIdentified=input$minIdentified)
#save(peptides2, file)
#save(peptides2,processedvals, file="/Users/lgoeminn/MSqRob/test.RData")
#peptides2 <- peptides2[1:30]
Biobase::fData(peptides2) <- droplevels(Biobase::fData(peptides2))
proteins = MSnSet2protdata(peptides2, accession=processedvals[["proteins"]], annotations=processedvals[["annotations"]])
#save(proteins, file="/Users/lgoeminn/MSqRob/proteins_test.RData")
models <- fit.model(protdata=proteins, response="value", fixed=input$fixed, random=input$random)
outputlist$RData$proteins <- proteins
outputlist$RData$models <- models
#If no save
outputlist$RData$proteins <- NULL
outputlist$RData$models <- NULL
nTabs <- input$nContr
L <- matrix(0, nrow=length(levelOptions()), ncol=nTabs)
colnames(L) <- paste0('Contrast ', 1:nTabs)
rownames(L) <- levelOptions()
for(x in 1:nTabs){
for(i in 1:length(levelOptions())){
L[i,x] <- input[[paste0("contrast ",i,"_Contrast ",x)]]
#If standard
RidgeSqM <- test.contrast_adjust(models, L, simplify=FALSE)
#If stagewise
} else if(input$analysis_type=="stagewise"){
RidgeSqM <- test.contrast_stagewise(models, L, simplify=FALSE)
} else if(input$analysis_type=="ANOVA"){
RidgeSqM <- test.contrast_adjust(models, L, simplify=FALSE, anova=TRUE, anova.na.ignore=FALSE)
names(RidgeSqM) <- "ANOVA"
outputlist$results <- RidgeSqM
outputlist$test <- "DONE!"
estimate <- reactive({
if(input$analysis_type %in% c("standard","stagewise")){
estimate <- "estimate"
} else if(input$analysis_type=="ANOVA"){
estimate <- "AveExpr"
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(filename = function() { paste0(input$project_name,".zip") }, #default name
content = function(file){
#Works, but all folders on top are also included in the zip:
#!!!Temporary folder will be removed, careful when changing this!!!
temppath <- file.path(getwd(), "temp")
proteins <- outputlist()$RData$proteins
models <- outputlist()$RData$models
save(proteins,models, file=file.path(temppath, "models.RData"))
results <- outputlist()$results
names_res_xlsx <- character()
for(i in 1:length(results)){
names_res_xlsx[i] <- paste0("results",i,".xlsx")
xlsx::write.xlsx(results[[i]], file = file.path(temppath, names_res_xlsx[i]), col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE)
files <- file.path(temppath, "models.RData")
for(i in 1:length(results)){
files[(i+1)] <- file.path(temppath, names_res_xlsx[i])
zip(zipfile=file, files=files)
openxlsx::write.xlsx(results, file = file.path(temppath, "results.xlsx"), colNames = TRUE, rowNames = TRUE)
zip(zipfile=file, files=c(file.path(temppath, "models.RData"),file.path(temppath, "results.xlsx")))
#!!!Removes temporary folder, careful when changing this!!!!
unlink(temppath, recursive = TRUE)
contentType = "application/zip"
ranges <- reactiveValues(x = NULL, y = NULL)
#Een dropdown om het contrast te kiezen voor de plots
contrastOptions <- reactive({
nTabs = input$nContr
paste0('Contrast ', 1:nTabs)
output$plot_contrast <- renderUI({
selectInput("plot_contrast", "Select the contrast you want to visualize", contrastOptions())
dataset <- reactive({
if(input$analysis_type %in% c("standard","stagewise")){
dataset <- outputlist()$results[[input$plot_contrast]]
} else if(input$analysis_type=="ANOVA"){
dataset <- outputlist()$results[["ANOVA"]]
#!!! "as.numeric:" Quick fix voor ANOVA waarbij alles NA is (e.g. data Emmy, treatKO-treatWT en treatKO_LPS_1h-treatWT_LPS_1h), verder verfijnen!!!!:
dataset$minus_log10_p <- -log10(as.numeric(dataset$pval)) #Moet er zijn omdat anders yvar niet gevonden kan worden!
dataset <- data.frame(Accessions=rownames(dataset), dataset, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
rownames(dataset) <- NULL
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
#!!!Quick fix voor ANOVA waarbij alles NA is (e.g. data Emmy, treatKO-treatWT en treatKO_LPS_1h-treatWT_LPS_1h), verder verfijnen!!!!:
colBool <- dataset()$qval<0.05#subset(dataset, dataset$qval<0.05)
colors <- rep(NA,length(dataset()$qval))
colors[colBool] <- "red"
colors[!colBool] <- "black"
if(input$analysis_type %in% c("standard","stagewise")){
xlab <- "estimate"
} else if(input$analysis_type=="ANOVA"){
xlab <- "average expression"
plot(dataset()[[estimate()]], dataset()$minus_log10_p, main="Volcano plot MSqRob", xlab=xlab, ylab="-log10(p)", xlim = ranges$x, ylim = ranges$y, las=1, col=colors, frame=FALSE)
#points(sign_MSqRob$estimate, sign_MSqRob$minus_log10_p, col="red")
s = input$table_rows_selected
#Door het selecteren verandert de plot...
if (length(s)) {
subdataset <- clickInfo()[s, , drop = FALSE]
colBool2 <- subdataset$qval<0.05
colors2 <- rep(NA,length(subdataset$qval))
colors2[colBool2] <- "red"
colors2[!colBool2] <- "black"
points(subdataset[[estimate()]], subdataset$minus_log10_p, pch = 19, cex = 2, col=colors2)
#When a double-click happens, check if there's a brush on the plot.
#If so, zoom to the brush bounds; if not, reset the zoom.
observeEvent(input$plot1_dblclick, {
brush <- input$plot1_brush
if (!is.null(brush)) {
ranges$x <- c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax)
ranges$y <- c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax)
} else {
ranges$x <- NULL
ranges$y <- NULL
#Set selection to zero: happens already if ranges change, but should also happen on normal double click
proxy %>% DT::selectRows(NULL)
clickInfo <- reactive({
# Because it's a ggplot2, we don't need to supply xvar or yvar; if this
# were a base graphics plot, we'd need those.
# if(nrow(brushedPoints(dataset(), input$plot1_brush, xvar="estimate", yvar="minus_log10_p"))==0){
if(!is.null(ranges$x) && !is.null(ranges$y)){clickInfo <- subset(dataset(), (dataset()$estimate>ranges$x[1] & dataset()$estimate<ranges$x[2] & dataset()$minus_log10_p>ranges$y[1] & dataset()$minus_log10_p<ranges$y[2]))
} else if(is.null(ranges$x) && is.null(ranges$y)){clickInfo <- dataset()}
# } else{
# clickInfo <- brushedPoints(dataset(), input$plot1_brush, xvar="estimate", yvar="minus_log10_p")
# #Raar soort bug: enkel bij brushedPoints en als je DT::renderDataTable gebruikt, 2 lege rijen onderaan toegevoegd in de print...
# #Verwijder 2 laatste rijen als ze niet voorkomen in de dataset
# if(!(clickInfo[nrow(clickInfo),1] %in% dataset()[,1]) && !(clickInfo[(nrow(clickInfo)-1),1] %in% dataset()[,1])){clickInfo <- clickInfo[-c(nrow(clickInfo),(nrow(clickInfo)-1)),]}
# }
data <- reactive(
data <- clickInfo()
#oldnames <- c("se","df","Tval","pval","qval","signif","pvalS1","qvalS1","signifS1","AveExpr","df_num","df_den","Fval")
#newnames <- c("standard error","degrees of freedom","T value","p value", "false discovery rate","significant","p value stage 1","false discovery rate stage 1","significant stage 1","average expression","degrees of freedom numerator","degrees of freedom denominator","F value")
#for(i in 1:length(oldnames)){
# colnames(data)[colnames(data)==oldnames[i]] <- newnames[i]
#output$table <- DT::renderDataTable( #DT version
# data() ,selection='single' , options = list(
# pageLength = 10,
# initComplete = I("function(settings, json) {alert('Done.');}")
# ))
proxy = dataTableProxy('table')
#clickInfo <- nearPoints(dataset, input$plot1_click, addDist = TRUE, xvar="estimate", yvar="minus_log10_p")
#Add and remove points by clicking in the plot window
observeEvent(input$plot1_click, {
selected <- nearPoints(clickInfo(), input$plot1_click, addDist = TRUE,maxpoints=1, xvar=estimate(), yvar="minus_log10_p")
sel_rows <- which(clickInfo()$Accessions %in% selected$Accessions)
#Rows which were selected and selected again are removed, rows which were already selected but not selected again are retained
#Don't sort this! Otherwise reacalculated.
new_rows <- c(sel_rows[!sel_rows%in%input$table_rows_selected], input$table_rows_selected[!input$table_rows_selected%in%sel_rows])
proxy %>% DT::selectRows(new_rows)
#IKweg #Enable or disable add brush to selection and remove brush from selection buttons
if (is.null(input$plot1_brush)) {
} else {
observeEvent(input$add_area_selection, {
selected <- brushedPoints(clickInfo(), input$plot1_brush, xvar=estimate(), yvar="minus_log10_p")
sel_rows <- which(clickInfo()$Accessions %in% selected$Accessions)
#Rows which were selected and selected again are removed, rows which were already selected but not selected again are retained
#Don't sort this! Otherwise reacalculated.
new_rows <- unique(c(input$table_rows_selected,sel_rows))
proxy %>% DT::selectRows(new_rows)
observeEvent(input$remove_area_selection, {
selected <- brushedPoints(clickInfo(), input$plot1_brush, xvar=estimate(), yvar="minus_log10_p")
sel_rows <- which(clickInfo()$Accessions %in% selected$Accessions)
#Rows which were selected and selected again are removed, rows which were already selected but not selected again are retained
#Don't sort this! Otherwise reacalculated.
new_rows <- input$table_rows_selected[!(input$table_rows_selected %in% sel_rows)]
proxy %>% DT::selectRows(new_rows)
#Drop down menu for plot 2
plot2DependentVars <- reactive({
as.list(c(input$fixed, input$random))
plot2OtherVars <- reactive({
as.list(c("none",input$fixed, input$random))
output$selectPlot2 <- renderUI({
selectInput("selPlot2", "Select independent variable", plot2DependentVars())
output$selectColPlot2 <- renderUI({
selectInput("selColPlot2", "Select color variable", plot2OtherVars())
#Plot 2
acc_plot2 <- reactive({as.character(clickInfo()[input$table_rows_selected,"Accessions"])}) #[input$table_rows_selected,"Accessions"]
indep_var_plot2 <- reactive({input$selPlot2})
color_var_plot2 <- reactive({input$selColPlot2})
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
accessions <- acc_plot2() #Geeft "NA"
proteins <- outputlist()$RData$proteins
indep_var <- indep_var_plot2()
color_var <- color_var_plot2()
if(color_var=="none"){colors <- 1} else{
colordata <- tryCatch(getData(proteins[accessions])[[color_var]], error=function(e){
colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"))(length(unique(colordata)))
colors <- colors[as.numeric(as.factor(colordata))]
boxplot(getData(proteins[accessions])$value~getData(proteins[accessions])[[indep_var]], outline=FALSE, ylim=c(min(getData(proteins[accessions])$value)-0.2,max(getData(proteins[accessions])$value)+0.2), ylab="log2(peptide intensity)", xlab="", main=getAccessions(proteins[accessions]), las=2, frame.plot=FALSE, frame=FALSE, col="grey", pars=list(boxcol="white")) #, cex.main=2, cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, cex=2
points(jitter((as.numeric(getData(proteins[accessions])[[indep_var]])), factor=2),getData(proteins[accessions])$value, col=colors) #,cex=2, lwd=2, col=c(1,2,3,4,"cyan2",6)
# title(ylab="Log2(Intensity)", line=5, cex.lab=2, family="Calibri Light")
} else{NULL}
# Nieuwe select button maken voor brushed area
# observeEvent(input$select1, {
# proxy %>% selectRows(as.numeric(input$rows))
# })
output$nText <- renderText({
## Normalisation tab
# v <- reactiveValues(peps = NULL,normmethod = 'quantiles',normlog = TRUE)
# observeEvent(input$norm1, {
# v$normmethod = input$norm1
# })
# observeEvent(input$peptides, {
# v$peps = read_MaxQuant(input$peptides$datapath)
# })
# output$plotnorm1 = renderPlot({
# if(!is.null(v$peps)){
# plotnorm(v$peps,v$normmethod,v$normlog)
# }},
# width = 700, height = 800)
#Drop down menu for plot normalization Plot
plotNorm1DependentVars <- reactive({
output$selectColPlotNorm1 <- renderUI({
selectInput("selColPlotNorm1", "Select variable for visualisation", plotNorm1DependentVars())
v <- reactiveValues(peps = NULL,normmethod = 'quantiles',normlog = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$norm1, {
v$normmethod = input$norm1
observeEvent(input$peptides, {
v$peps = read_MaxQuant(input$peptides$datapath)
color_var_plotnorm1 <- reactive({input$selColPlotNorm1})
output$plotnorm1<- renderPlot(
color_var <- color_var_plotnorm1()
colors <- 1
{colordata <- fixedOptions2()[,color_var]
#colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan",
# "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))(length(unique(colordata)))
colors <- colors[as.numeric(as.factor(colordata))]
width = 700, height = 800)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.