
Defines functions fcbf .get.next.elem

Documented in fcbf

#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assay colData
# Adapted by Tiago Lubiana (tiago.lubiana.alves@usp.br)
# From Rajarshi Guha <rajarshi@presidency.com>'s implementation of FCBF
# Implementation of the Fast Correlation Based Filter
# described in
# Yu, L. and Liu, H.; Feature Selection
# for High-Dimensional Data A Fast Correlation Based Filter Solution,
# Proc. 20th Intl. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML-2003), Washington DC, 2003
# Require the functions in entropy.R which can be obtained from
# http://blue.chem.psu.edu/~rajarshi/code/R/#entropy


.get.next.elem <- function(s, first_prime) {
  index <- which(s == first_prime)
  if (index == length(s)) {
  } else {
    s[index + 1]

#' Fast Correlation Based Filter function.
#' This functions allows selection of variables from a feature table
#' of discrete/categorial variables and a target class.
#' The function is based on the algorithm described in
#' Yu, L. and Liu, H.; Feature Selection
#' for High-Dimensional Data A Fast Correlation Based Filter Solution,
#' Proc. 20th Intl. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML-2003), Washington DC, 2003
#' Obs: For gene expression, you will need to run discretize_exprs first
#' @param feature_table A table of features (samples in rows, variables in columns, and each observation in each cell)
#' @param target_vector A target vector, factor containing classes of the observations. Note: the
#' observations must be in the same order as the parameter x
#' @param n_genes_selected_in_first_step Sets the number of genes to be selected in the first part of the algorithm.
#' The final number of selected genes is related to this paramenter, but depends on the correlation structure of the data.
#' It overrides the minimum_su parameter.
#' If left unchanged, it defaults to NULL and the minimum_su parameter is used.
#' @param minimum_su A minimum_suold for the minimum correlation (as determined by symettrical uncertainty)
#' between each variable and the class. Defaults to 0.25.
#' Note: this might drastically change the number of selected features.

#' @param samples_in_rows A flag for the case in which samples are in rows and variables/genes in columns. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param verbose Adds verbosity. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param balance_classes Balances number of instances in the target vector y by sampling the number of instances in the
#' minor class from all others. The number of samplings is controlled by resampling_number. Defaults to FALSE.

#' @return Returns a data frame with the selected features index (first row) and their symmetrical uncertainty values regarding the class (second row). Variable names are present in rownames
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  data(scDengue)
#'  exprs <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(scDengue, 'logcounts')
#'  discrete_expression <- as.data.frame(discretize_exprs(exprs))
#'  head(discrete_expression[,1:4])
#'  infection <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(scDengue)
#'  target <- infection$infection
#'  fcbf(discrete_expression,target, minimum_su = 0.05, verbose = TRUE)
#'  fcbf(discrete_expression,target, n_genes_selected_in_first_step = 100)

fcbf <-
           minimum_su = 0.25,
           n_genes_selected_in_first_step = NULL,
           verbose = FALSE,
           samples_in_rows = FALSE,
           balance_classes = FALSE) {
    if (samples_in_rows == FALSE) {
      feature_table <- t(feature_table)
    print(paste('Number of features features = ', ncol(feature_table)))
    # Resampling of the feature table to balance class weights and recursive call to FCBF
    if (balance_classes == TRUE) {
      instances_in_minor_class <- min(table(target_vector))
      n_x <- as.data.frame(cbind(feature_table, target_vector))
      final_x <- data.frame(n_x[1,])
      final_x <- final_x[-1,]
      for (i in levels(as.factor(n_x[, ncol(n_x)]))) {
        n_x_i <- n_x[n_x[, ncol(n_x)] == i,]
        n_x_i <-
          n_x_i[sample(seq_len(length.out = nrow(n_x_i)), instances_in_minor_class),]
        final_x <- rbind(n_x_i, final_x)
      final_x$target_vector <- NULL
        balance_classes = FALSE
    else if (balance_classes == FALSE) {
      feature_table <- data.frame(feature_table)
      number_of_variables <- ncol(feature_table)
      if (verbose) {
        message("Calculating symmetrical uncertainties")
      su_values_for_features_with_regards_to_class <-
        apply(feature_table, 2, function(xx, yy) {
          get_SU_for_vector_pair(xx, yy)
        }, target_vector)
      if (length(n_genes_selected_in_first_step)) {
        minimum_su <-
               decreasing = TRUE)[n_genes_selected_in_first_step - 1]
      s_prime <-
        data.frame(f = (seq_len(number_of_variables))[which(su_values_for_features_with_regards_to_class >= minimum_su)],
                   su = su_values_for_features_with_regards_to_class[which(su_values_for_features_with_regards_to_class >= minimum_su)])
      s_prime <- s_prime[sort.list(s_prime$su, decreasing = TRUE),]
      # s_prime is the list of selected features ranked by su_values_for_features_with_regards_to_class
      s_prime <- s_prime[, 1]
      if (length(s_prime) == 1) {
      } else if (length(s_prime) == 0) {
        stop("No prospective features for this minimum_su level. Threshold: ",
      print(paste('Number of prospective features = ', length(s_prime)))
      first_prime  <- s_prime[1]
      cnt <- 1
      while (TRUE) {
        if (verbose) {
          cat("Round ")
          cat(cnt, "\n")
          cnt <- cnt + 1
            'first_prime  round ( |s_prime| =',
            ')' ,
            sep =
              ' '
        next_element_in_prime_list <- .get.next.elem(s_prime, first_prime)
        if (!is.na(next_element_in_prime_list)) {
          while (TRUE) {
            prime_to_be_compared <- next_element_in_prime_list
            su1 = get_SU_for_vector_pair(feature_table[, first_prime], feature_table[, next_element_in_prime_list])
            su2 = get_SU_for_vector_pair(feature_table[, next_element_in_prime_list], target_vector)
            if (su1 > su2) {
              next_element_in_prime_list <- .get.next.elem(s_prime, next_element_in_prime_list)
              s_prime <-
                s_prime[-which(s_prime == prime_to_be_compared)]
              if (verbose) {
                cat("  ",
                    " ",
                    " ",
                    "Removed feature ",
            else {
              next_element_in_prime_list <- .get.next.elem(s_prime, next_element_in_prime_list)
            if (is.na(next_element_in_prime_list)) {
        first_prime  <- .get.next.elem(s_prime, first_prime)
        if (is.na(first_prime)) {
      if (length(s_prime) > 1) {
        suvalues <- apply(feature_table[, s_prime], 2, function(xx, yy) {
          get_SU_for_vector_pair(xx, yy)
        }, target_vector)
        print(paste('Number of final features = ', length(s_prime)))
        return(data.frame(index = s_prime, SU = suvalues))

      } else {
        return(data.frame(index = s_prime,
                   SU = get_SU_for_vector_pair(feature_table[, s_prime], target_vector)))
lubianat/FCBF documentation built on March 3, 2021, 12:35 a.m.