#' @import RMariaDB
#' @import DBI
#' @importFrom yaml read_yaml
#' @importFrom httr cache_info HEAD
#' @import dbplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @import plyr match_df
#' @import dplyr
REPORT_DIR <- "/home/shepherd/Projects/ReportDatabase/BuildReportDatabase/TempCopyOfFiles/"
update_build_database <- function(dbname,
repos=c("bioc", "data-experiment","workflow", "data-annnotation")){
## TODO: add stop if cannot access master.bioconductor.org
stopifnot(is.character(dbname), length(dbname)==1)
stopifnot(is.character(versions), all(versions %in% .get_valid_versions()))
all(repos %in% c("bioc", "data-experiment","workflow", "data-annnotation")))
con <- .connect_to_database(dbname)
for(ver in versions){
message("working on release: ", ver)
## TODO: test with multiple repo types
# for(repo in repos) {
message("working on repo: ", repo)
file <- paste0(
ver, "/",
repo, "-LATEST/STATUS_DB.txt"
date_report <- cache_info(HEAD(file))[["modified"]]
## Update Report Table
if(.needs_database_update(con, date_report)){
message("Duplicate Report. Not Adding Data.")
reports <- .get_reports_table(con, date_report, repo)
## Get Status Table Info Part 1
status <- .parse_STATUSDB_file(file, ver)
## Get Builder Table Info
builder <- .get_builder_table(con, ver)
## Update status table with linking ids
status$builder_id= unname(builder[match(status$builder, rownames(builder)), "builder_id"])
status$report_id = unname(reports$report_id)
status <- select(status, c("builder_id", "report_id", "package",
"git_commit_id", "git_commit_date", "stage", "status"))
dbAppendTable(con, "status", status)
## TODO: need to check skipped file for errors to add to status
} ## loop over versions
## Disconnect from the database
.get_current_bioc_versions <-function(){
config = yaml::read_yaml("https://master.bioconductor.org/config.yaml")
versions <- c(config$release_version, config$devel_version)
.get_valid_versions <- function(){
config = yaml::read_yaml("https://master.bioconductor.org/config.yaml")
versions <- c(names(config$release_date), config$devel_version)
.connect_to_database <- function(dbname){
con <- dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), group = dbname)
.disconnect_from_database <- function(con){
.needs_database_update <- function(con, date_report){
date_formatted <- format(date_report,"%Y-%m-%d")
# check if date is already in database
tbl_reports <- tbl(con, "reports") %>% filter(str_detect(date, date_formatted)) %>% collect(Inf)
nrow(tbl_reports) != 0
.get_reports_table <- function(con, date_report, repo){
repo_type <- ifelse(repo == "bioc","software", repo)
dbAppendTable(con, "reports", data.frame(date=date_report, repo_type=repo_type))
date_formatted <- format(date_report,"%Y-%m-%d")
tbl_reports <- tbl(con, "reports") %>% filter(str_detect(date, date_formatted)) %>% collect(Inf)
.parse_STATUSDB_file <- function(file, ver){
tbl <- read.table(file, comment.char="")
names(tbl) = c("builder", "status")
status <- tbl %>% separate(builder, c("package", "builder", "stage"), "#")
status$stage <- gsub(status$stage, pattern=":", replacement="")
status$status[which(is.na(status$status))] = "NA"
gitcommitid <- rep("", dim(status)[1])
gitcommitdate <- rep("", dim(status)[1])
for(i in seq_len(dim(status)[1])){
pkg <- status[i, "package"]
dcf <-
read.dcf(paste0(REPORT_DIR, ver, "/bioc/gitlog/git-log-", pkg,".dcf"))
gitcommitid[i] <- dcf[,"Last Commit"]
gitcommitdate[i] <- dcf[,"Last Changed Date"]
status <- cbind(status, git_commit_id=gitcommitid, git_commit_date=gitcommitdate)
.get_builder_table <- function(con, ver){
ActiveBuilders <- system2("ls", args= paste0(REPORT_DIR, ver, "/bioc/nodes"), stdout=TRUE)
df <- matrix("", nrow=length(ActiveBuilders), ncol=4)
rownames(df) <- ActiveBuilders
colnames(df) <- c("r_version", "platform", "os", "bioc_version")
for(i in ActiveBuilders){
text <-
readLines(paste0(REPORT_DIR, ver, "/bioc/nodes/",i,"/NodeInfo/R-sessionInfo.txt"),
df[i,] <- c(trimws(gsub(pattern="Platform:|Running under:", replacement="", text)), ver)
builders <- tbl(con, "builders") %>% collect(Inf)
## verify there is an entry in the database and get builder_id for df
builder_id <- rep(NA_integer_, nrow(df))
found <- match_df(builders, as.data.frame(df))
builder_id[match(unname(unlist(found["builder"])), rownames(df))] = found$builder_id
## Update builders table if needed
if (nrow(df) != nrow(found)){
if(nrow(found) == 0){
not_fnd <- cbind(as.data.frame(df), builder=rownames(df))
not_fnd <- df[-(match(found$builder, rownames(df))),,drop=FALSE]
not_fnd <- cbind(not_fnd, builder=rownames(not_fnd))
not_fnd <- as.data.frame(not_fnd) %>% select(colnames(builders)[-1])
dbAppendTable(con, "builders", not_fnd)
builders <- tbl(con, "builders") %>% collect(Inf)
builder_id <- rep(NA_integer_, nrow(df))
found <- match_df(builders, as.data.frame(df))
builder_id[match(unname(unlist(found["builder"])), rownames(df))] = found$builder_id
} else {
message("All builders found")
df <- cbind(builder_id, df)
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