##### Use cases 1 and 2 Show my favourite gene info#####
#' Get gene information for set of gene names.
#' Function lookup for name in Human Gene name, Rat Gene name and
#' Mouse Gene name data and return following features for all found genes:
#' GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation (one of the following:
#' presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome),
#' MGI (MGI ID), HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' This function then returns
#' following features for all found genes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item GeneID,
#' \item Localisation,
#' \item MGI,
#' \item HumanEntrez,
#' \item MouseEntrez,
#' \item HumanName,
#' \item MouseName,
#' \item PaperPMID,
#' \item Paper,
#' \item Year,
#' \item SpeciesTaxID,
#' \item BrainRegion
#' }
#' @param name \code{vector} of gene names
#' @return \code{data.frame} with fields specified above.
#' @export
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' # get information for specific gene
#' t <- getGeneInfoByName("CASK")
#' # get information for the list of genes
#' t <- getGeneInfoByName(c("CASK", "DLG2"))
getGeneInfoByName <- function(name) {
ids <- getGeneIdByName(name)
df <- getGeneInfoByIDs(ids)
#' Get gene information for set of genes mentioned by certain papers.
#' Function lookup for specified PubMedIDs in the gene reference data and
#' return following features for genes referenced by requested papers at
#' least \code{cnt} times:
#' GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation (one of the following:
#' presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome),
#' MGI (MGI ID), HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported if
#' it is within \code{pmids} list),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' This function then returns
#' following features for all found genes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item GeneID,
#' \item Localisation,
#' \item MGI,
#' \item HumanEntrez,
#' \item MouseEntrez,
#' \item HumanName,
#' \item MouseName,
#' \item PaperPMID,
#' \item Paper,
#' \item Year,
#' \item SpeciesTaxID,
#' \item BrainRegion
#' }
#' @param pmids vector of PMIDs to search for genes
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with fields specified above.
#' @export
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' res<- getAllGenes4Compartment(compartmentID = 1)
#' gnt<-getGeneInfoByIDs(res$GeneID)
#' pmids<-names(sort(table(gnt$PaperPMID))[1:5])
#' cntT <- getGeneInfoByPapers(pmids,cnt=3)
#' head(cntT)
getGeneInfoByPapers <- function(pmids,cnt=1) {
ids <- getGeneIdByPapers(pmids,cnt)
df <- getGeneInfoByIDs(ids$GeneID) %>% dplyr::filter(PaperPMID %in% pmids)
#' Gene information for given list of gene Entrez IDs
#' Get gene information for set of gene Entrez IDs. Function lookup for
#' name in Human Entrez ID and Mouse Entrez Id data and return following
#' features for all found genes: GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation
#' (presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome), MGI (MGI ID),
#' HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' @param entrez \code{vector} of Entres IDs. Function accepts both
#' integers and characters.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with fields specified above.
#' @export
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' # get information for specific gene
#' t <- getGeneInfoByEntrez(1742)
#' # get information for specific character string Entres representation
#' t <- getGeneInfoByEntrez("1742")
#' # get information for the list of genes
#' t <- getGeneInfoByName(c(1741, 1742, 1739, 1740))
getGeneInfoByEntrez <- function(entrez) {
ids <- getGeneIdByEntrez(entrez)
df <- getGeneInfoByIDs(ids)
#' Internal Gene representation for given list of gene Entrez IDs
#' Get internal gene representation for set of gene Entrez IDs.
#' Function lookups for provided values in Human Entrez ID, Mouse Entrez ID
#' and Rat Entrez ID columns and return following features for all found
#' genes: GeneID (internal database ID), MGI ID, Human Entrez ID, Mouse
#' Entrez ID, Rat Entrez ID, Human gene name, Mouse gene name and Rat
#' gene name.
#' Could be used as an intermediate step for building Protein-Protein
#' interaction map from the list of Gene IDs returned in the first column.
#' Also, this function provides a useful sanity check, e.g. how many Gene IDs
#' correspond to the
#' specific gene name or Entrez ID, which could be specie-specific.
#' @param entrez \code{vector} of Entres IDs. Function accepts both
#' integers and characters.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with columns specified above.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter pull collect
#' @family {Lookup functions}
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # get information for specific gene
#' t <- findGenesByEntrez(c(1742, 1741, 1739, 1740))
findGenesByEntrez <- function(entrez) {
ids <- getGeneIdByEntrez(entrez)
#' Get list of GeneIDs corresponding to provided Entrez IDs.
#' Get internal GeneID values for set of gene Entrez IDs. Function
#' lookups for provided values in Human Entrez ID, Mouse Entrez ID and
#' Rat Entrez ID columns and returns obtained GeneIDs.
#' @param entrez \code{vector} of Entres IDs. Function accepts both
#' integers and characters.
#' @return \code{vector} of GeneID values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' t <- synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByEntrez(c(1742, 1741, 1739, 1740))
getGeneIdByEntrez <- function(entrez) {
idsH <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl("Gene") %>%
HumanEntrez %in% entrez |
MouseEntrez %in% entrez |
RatEntrez %in% entrez
) %>%
dplyr::select(ID) %>%
dplyr::pull(ID) %>%
#' Find GeneIDs for names
#' Get internal gene representation for set of gene names. Function lookups
#' for provided values in Human Name, Mouse Name and Rat Name columns and
#' return following features for all found genes: GeneID (internal database
#' ID), MGI ID, Human Entrez ID, Mouse Entrez ID, Rat Entrez ID, Human gene
#' name, Mouse gene name and Rat gene name.
#' Could be used as an intermediate step for building Protein-Protein
#' interaction map from the list of Gene IDs returned in the first column.
#' Also, this function provides a useful sanity check, e.g. how many Gene
#' IDs correspond to the specific gene name or Entrez ID, which could be
#' specie-specific.
#' @param name \code{vector} of gene names.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with columns specified above.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter pull collect
#' @family {Lookup functions}
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' # Find GeneIDs for names
#' t <- findGenesByName(c("Src", "Srcin1", "Fyn"))
findGenesByName <- function(name) {
ids <- getGeneIdByName(name)
#' Get gene table from list of GeneIDs.
#' Takes internal gene IDs as input and return the following features for
#' all found genes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{GeneID}{ internal database ID}
#' \item{MGI}{ MGI ID}
#' \item{HumanEntrez}{Human Entrez ID}
#' \item{MouseEntrez}{Mouse Entrez ID}
#' \item{HumanName}{Human gene name}
#' \item{MouseName}{Mouse gene name}
#' \item{RatEntrez}{Rat Entrez ID}
#' \item{Rat Name}{Rat gene name}
#' }
#' @param ids \code{vector} of GeneID values.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 8 columns specified above.
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter rename collect
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gdf <- getGenesByID(c(46, 6, 15, 1))
getGenesByID <- function(ids) {
#TODO: fix the DB and remove suppressWarnings
genes <- suppressWarnings(
get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl("Gene") %>%
HumanEntrez, MouseEntrez, RatEntrez,
HumanName, MouseName, RatName
) %>%
dplyr::filter(ID %in% ids) %>%
dplyr::rename(GeneID = ID) %>%
#' Get list of GeneIDs corresponding to provided gene names.
#' @param name \code{vector} of gene names.
#' @return \code{vector} of GeneID values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' t <- synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByName(c("Src", "Srcin1", "Fyn"))
getGeneIdByName <- function(name) {
idsH <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl("Gene") %>%
HumanName %in% name |
MouseName %in% name |
RatName %in% name
) %>%
dplyr::select(ID) %>%
dplyr::pull(ID) %>%
#' Get list of GeneIDs for genes found in specified papers
#' @param pmids vector of PMIDs to search for genes
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return tibble wiht GeneID and Npmid columns for genes and paper count
#' data respectively.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' res<- getAllGenes4Compartment(compartmentID = 1)
#' gnt<-getGeneInfoByIDs(res$GeneID)
#' pmids<-names(sort(table(gnt$PaperPMID))[1:5])
#' cntT<-synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByPapers(pmids,3)
getGeneIdByPapers <- function(pmids, cnt = 1) {
if (length(pmids) < 1) {
'At least one paper should be specified.\n',
'To search in all papers use getGeneIdByPaperCnt instead.\n'
if (!is.numeric(cnt)) {
stop('Count shauld be natural number.\n')
if (length(cnt) > 1) {
cnt <- cnt[1]
warning("Count should be a single value. First element is used.\n")
if (cnt < 1) {
stop('Count shauld be natural number. (', cnt, ')\n')
idsCnt <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
dplyr::filter(PaperPMID %in% pmids) %>%
dplyr::group_by(GeneID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Npmid = n_distinct(PaperPMID)) %>%
dplyr::filter(Npmid >= cnt) %>%
#' Get list of frequently found GeneIDs
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return tibble wiht GeneID and Npmid columns for genes and paper count
#' data respectively.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' cntT<-synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByPaperCnt(47)
getGeneIdByPaperCnt <- function(cnt=1) {
stop('Count shauld be natural number.\n')
warning("Count should be a single value. First element is used.\n")
if(cnt < 1){
stop('Count shauld be natural number. (',cnt,')\n')
idsCnt <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
dplyr::group_by(GeneID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Npmid=n_distinct(PaperPMID)) %>%
dplyr::filter( Npmid>=cnt) %>%
#' Get synaptome papers overview
#' @return data.frame with following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item PaperPMID
#' \item SpeciesTaxID
#' \item Year
#' \item Name
#' \item Localisation
#' \item BrainRegion
#' \item Method
#' \item Ngenes
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- getPapers()
#' head(p)
getPapers <- function() {
p <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl('Paper') %>%
dplyr::select(PMID, Year, Name)
b <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl("BrainRegion") %>%
dplyr::select(ID, Name) %>%
dplyr::rename("BrainRegion" = 'Name')
c <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl("Localisation") %>%
dplyr::select(ID, Name) %>%
dplyr::rename("Localisation" = 'Name')
m <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl("Method") %>%
dplyr::select(ID, Name) %>%
dplyr::rename("Method" = 'Name')
papers <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
MethodID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Ngenes = n_distinct(GeneID)) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(p, by = c('PaperPMID' = 'PMID')) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(b, by = c('BrainRegionID' = 'ID')) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(c, by = c('LocalisationID' = 'ID')) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(m, by = c('MethodID' = 'ID')) %>%
papers <- papers %>% as.data.frame %>%
#' Get list of frequently found in `Compartment GeneIDs
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return tibble wiht GeneID, LocalisationID, and Npmid
#' columns for genes and paper count
#' data respectively.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' cntT<-synaptome.db:::getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt(4)
getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt <- function(cnt=1) {
stop('Count shauld be natural number.\n')
warning("Count should be a single value. First element is used.\n")
if(cnt < 1){
stop('Count shauld be natural number. (',cnt,')\n')
idsCnt <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl('PaperGene') %>%
dplyr::group_by(GeneID,LocalisationID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Npmid=n_distinct(PaperPMID)) %>%
dplyr::filter( Npmid>=cnt) %>%
#' Get gene table of frequently found genes
#' Get gene table and paper count for genes mentioned \code{cnt}
#' or more times in different papers.
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 9 columns: 8 specified in
#' \code{\link{getGenesByID}} and \code{Npmid} column for the paper
#' count.
#' @export
#' @seealso getGenesByID
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' cntT <- findGeneByPaperCnt(47)
#' head(cntT)
findGeneByPaperCnt <- function(cnt=1) {
gnt<-getGenesByID(ids$GeneID) %>% dplyr::left_join(ids,by='GeneID')
#' Get gene table of frequently found genes within compartments
#' Get gene table and paper count for genes mentioned \code{cnt}
#' or more times in different compartment-paper pairs.
#' @param cnt minimal number of times mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 9 columns: 8 specified in
#' \code{\link{getGenesByID}} and \code{Npmid} column for the paper
#' count.
#' @export
#' @seealso getGenesByID
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' cntT <- findGeneByPaperCnt(47)
#' head(cntT)
findGeneByCompartmentPaperCnt <- function(cnt = 1) {
ids <- getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCnt(cnt) %>%
by = c("LocalisationID" = 'ID')) %>%
dplyr::rename('Localisation' = 'Name') %>%
dplyr::select('GeneID', 'Localisation', 'Npmid')
gnt <- getGenesByID(ids$GeneID) %>%
dplyr::left_join(ids, by = 'GeneID')
#' Get gene table of frequently found genes
#' Get gene table and paper count for genes mentioned \code{cnt}
#' or more times in different papers.
#' @param pmids vector of PMIDs to search for genes
#' @param cnt minimal number of papers that mentioned gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} with 9 columns: 8 specified in
#' \code{\link{getGenesByID}} and \code{Npmid} column for the paper
#' count.
#' @export
#' @seealso getGenesByID
#' @family {Gene functions}
#' @examples
#' res<- getAllGenes4Compartment(compartmentID = 1)
#' gnt<-getGeneInfoByIDs(res$GeneID)
#' pmids<-names(sort(table(gnt$PaperPMID))[1:5])
#' cntT <- findGeneByPapers(pmids,cnt=3)
#' head(cntT)
findGeneByPapers <- function(pmids,cnt=1) {
gnt<-getGenesByID(ids$GeneID) %>% dplyr::left_join(ids,by='GeneID')
#' Get GeneInfo table for set of GeneIDs
#' Function lookup for internal GeneID values and return following
#' features for all found genes:
#' GeneID (internal database ID), Localisation (one of the following:
#' presynaptic, postsynaptic, synaptosome),
#' MGI (MGI ID), HumanEntrez (Human Entrez ID), MouseEntrez (Mouse Entrez ID),
#' HumanName (Human gene name), MouseName (Mouse gene name),
#' PaperPMID (PMID IDs for the publications where the genes were reported),
#' Paper (papers where specific genes were reported in a format
#' FIRSTAUTHOR_YEAR), Year, SpeciesTaxID (specie the original experiment
#' was performed on), BrainRegion (Brain region where the specific genes
#' were identified, according to the paper)
#' This function then returns
#' following features for all found genes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item GeneID,
#' \item Localisation,
#' \item MGI,
#' \item HumanEntrez,
#' \item MouseEntrez,
#' \item HumanName,
#' \item MouseName,
#' \item PaperPMID,
#' \item Paper,
#' \item Year,
#' \item SpeciesTaxID,
#' \item BrainRegion
#' }
#' @param ids \code{vector} of Gene IDs.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with column specified above.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl select filter pull collect
#' @family {GeneInfo functions}
#' @examples
#' gdf <- getGeneInfoByIDs(c(46, 6, 15, 1))
getGeneInfoByIDs <- function(ids) {
if("Dataset" %in% DBI::dbListFields(get_dbconn(),'PaperGene')){
gtbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl('Gene') %>%
dplyr::filter(ID %in% ids)
ltbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
pgtbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
ptbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
brtbl <- get_dbconn() %>%
gns <- gtbl %>%
dplyr::inner_join(pgtbl, by = c('ID' = 'GeneID')) %>%
dplyr::rename(GeneID = ID) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(ltbl, by = c('LocalisationID' = 'ID')) %>%
dplyr::rename(Localisation = Name) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(ptbl, by = c('PaperPMID' = 'PMID')) %>%
dplyr::rename(Paper = Name) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(brtbl, by = c('BrainRegionID' = 'ID')) %>%
dplyr::rename(BrainRegion = Name) %>%
# gns <- get_dbconn() %>%
# dplyr::tbl("FullGeneFullPaperFullRegion") %>%
# dplyr::filter(GeneID %in% ids) %>%
# dplyr::select(
warning('Old DB structure is used.\n',
'Call: AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub() to update the cache.\n')
gns <- get_dbconn() %>%
dplyr::tbl("FullGeneFullPaperFullRegion") %>%
dplyr::filter(GeneID %in% ids) %>%
df <- gns %>% dplyr::collect() %>% unique
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