#' Class that contains all isomiRs annotation for all samples
#' The [IsomirDataSeq] is a subclass of
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment}.
#' used to store the raw data, intermediate calculations and results of an
#' miRNA/isomiR analysis. This class stores all raw isomiRs
#' data for each sample, processed information,
#' summary for each isomiR type,
#' raw counts, normalized counts, and table with
#' experimental information for each sample.
#' [IsomirDataSeqFromFiles] creates this object using seqbuster
#' output files.
#' Methods for this objects are [isomiRs::counts()] to get
#' count matrix and [isomiRs::isoSelect()]
#' for miRNA/isomiR selection. Functions
#' available for this object are [isomiRs::isoCounts()] for
#' count matrix creation,
#' [isomiRs::isoNorm()] for normalization,
#' [isomiRs::isoDE()] for
#' differential expression.
#' [isomiRs::isoPlot()] helps with basic expression plot.
#' `metadata` contains one list:
#' * `rawData` is a [data.frame]
#' with the information of each sequence found in the data
#' and the counts for each sample.
#' The naming of isomiRs follows these rules:
#' * miRNA name
#' * type:ref if the sequence is the same as the miRNA reference.
#' `iso` if the sequence has variations.
#' * `iso_5p tag`:indicates variations at 5 position.
#' The naming contains two words: `direction - nucleotides`,
#' where direction can be UPPER CASE NT
#' (changes upstream of the 5 reference position) or
#' LOWER CASE NT (changes downstream of the 5 reference position).
#' `0` indicates no variation, meaning the 5 position is
#' the same as the reference. After `direction`,
#' it follows the nucleotide/s that are added (for upstream changes)
#' or deleted (for downstream changes).
#' * `iso_3p tag`:indicates variations at 3 position.
#' The naming contains two words: `direction - nucleotides`,
#' where direction can be LOWER CASE NT
#' (upstream of the 3 reference position) or
#' UPPER CASE NT (downstream of the 3 reference position).
#' `0` indicates no variation, meaning the 3 position is
#' the same as the reference. After `direction`,
#' it follows the nucleotide/s that are added (for downstream changes)
#' or deleted (for upstream chanes).
#' * `iso_add tag`:indicates nucleotides additions at 3 position.
#' The naming contains two words: `direction - nucleotides`,
#' where direction is UPPER CASE NT
#' (upstream of the 5 reference position).
#' `0` indicates no variation, meaning the 3 position
#' has no additions. After `direction`,
#' it follows the nucleotide/s that are added.
#' * `iso_snv tag`: indicates nucleotides substitutions along
#' the sequences. The naming contains three words:
#' `position-nucleotide@isomiR-nucleotide@reference`.
#' * `iso_snv_seed tag`: same as `iso_snv` tag,
#' but only if the change happens between nucleotide 2 and 8.
#' In general nucleotides in UPPER case mean insertions respect
#' to the reference sequence, and nucleotides in LOWER case
#' mean deletions respect to the reference sequence.
#' @aliases IsomirDataSeq-class
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extra", package="isomiRs")
#' fn_list <- list.files(path, pattern="mirna", full.names = TRUE)
#' de <- data.frame(row.names=c("f1" , "f2"),
#' condition = c("newborn", "newborn"))
#' ids <- IsomirDataSeqFromFiles(fn_list, coldata=de)
#' head(counts(ids))
#' @rdname IsomirDataSeq
#' @md
#' @exportClass "IsomirDataSeq"
IsomirDataSeq <- setClass("IsomirDataSeq",
contains = "SummarizedExperiment",
representation = representation(
design = "formula"))
setValidity("IsomirDataSeq", function(object) {
if (!("counts" %in% names(assays(object))))
stop("the assays slot must contain a matrix named 'counts'")
if (!is.numeric(counts(object)))
stop("the count data is not numeric")
if (any(is.na(counts(object))))
stop("NA values are not allowed in the count matrix" )
if (any( counts(object) < 0L))
stop("the count data contains negative values")
if (!("rawData" %in% names(metadata(object)))){
stop("rawData is not in metadata.",
"Probably the object is from version < 1.7.*, ",
"use updateIsomir to update the object.")
#' Update [IsomirDataSeq] object from version < 1.7
#' In version 1.9 IsomirDataSeq object changed their
#' internal structure to save space and speed up
#' loading and downstream functions.
#' This function will update to the current structure.
#' @param object [IsomirDataSeq].
#' @export
updateIsomirDataSeq <- function(object){
coldata <- colData(object)
rawList <- metadata(object)[["rawList"]]
rawData <- lapply(names(rawList), function(s) {
d <- rawList[[s]]
d %>%
unite("uid", seq, mir, mism, add, t5, t3, sep = ":") %>%
select(uid, freq) %>%
gather(uid, freq) %>%
mutate(sample = s)
}) %>% bind_rows() %>%
group_by(uid, sample) %>%
summarise(freq = sum(freq)) %>%
spread(sample, freq, fill = 0) %>%
into = c("seq", "mir", "mism", "add", "t5", "t3"),
sep = ":")
if (nrow(rawData) == 0)
stop("No samples had valids miRNA hits.")
countData <- IsoCountsFromMatrix(rawData, coldata)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts = countData),
colData = DataFrame(coldata))
ids <- .IsomirDataSeq(se, rawData, design(object))
# Constructor
.IsomirDataSeq <- function(se, rawData=NULL, design=~1L){
if (!is(se, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (is(se, "SummarizedExperiment0")) {
se <- as(se, "SummarizedExperiment")
} else if (is(se, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
# only to help transition from SummarizedExperiment to new
# RangedSummarizedExperiment objects,
# remove once transition is complete
se <- as(se, "SummarizedExperiment")
} else {
stop("'se' must be a SummarizedExperiment object")
metadata(se)[["sequences"]] <- .make_isomir_naming(rawData)
metadata(se)[["rawData"]] = rawData
ids <- new("IsomirDataSeq", se, design = design)
#' Loads miRNA annotation from seqbuster tool or pre-processed data.
#' This function parses
#' output of seqbuster tool to allow isomiRs/miRNAs analysis of samples
#' in different groups such as
#' characterization, differential expression and clustering. It creates an
#' [isomiRs::IsomirDataSeq] object.
#' @param files files with the output of seqbuster tool
#' @param coldata data frame containing groups for each sample
#' @param design a `formula` to pass to [DESeq2::DESeqDataSet]
#' @param rate minimum counts fraction to consider a mismatch a real mutation
#' @param canonicalAdd `boolean` only keep A/T non-template addition.
#' All non-template nucleotides at the 3' end will be removed if they
#' contain C/G nts.
#' @param uniqueMism `boolean` only keep mutations that have
#' a unique hit to one miRNA molecule. For instance, if the sequence map
#' to two different miRNAs, then it would be removed.
#' @param uniqueHits `boolean` whether filtering ambigous sequences or not.
#' @param minHits Minimum number of reads in the sample to consider it
#' in the final matrix.
#' @param header boolean to indicate files contain headers
#' @param skip skip first line when reading files
#' @param quiet boolean indicating to print messages
#' while reading files. Default `FALSE`.
#' @param ... arguments provided to
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} and [IsomirDataSeqFromRawData].
#' including rowData.
#' @details
#' This function parses the output of
#' http://seqcluster.readthedocs.org/mirna_annotation.html
#' for each sample to create a count matrix for isomiRs, miRNAs or
#' isomiRs grouped in
#' types (i.e all sequences with variations at 5' but ignoring any other type).
#' It creates
#' [isomiRs::IsomirDataSeq] object (see link to example usage of
#' this class)
#' to allow visualization, queries, differential
#' expression analysis and clustering.
#' To create the [isomiRs::IsomirDataSeq], it parses the isomiRs
#' files, and generates
#' an initial matrix having all isomiRs detected among samples. As well,
#' it creates
#' a summary for each isomiR type (trimming, addition and substitution) to
#' visualize general isomiRs distribution.
#' @rdname IsomirDataSeqFromFiles
#' @name IsomirDataSeqFromFiles
#' @return
#' [IsomirDataSeq] class object.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extra", package="isomiRs")
#' fn_list <- list.files(path, pattern="mirna", full.names = TRUE)
#' de <- data.frame(row.names=c("f1" , "f2"),
#' condition = c("newborn", "newborn"))
#' ids <- IsomirDataSeqFromFiles(fn_list, coldata=de)
#' head(counts(ids))
#' IsomirDataSeqFromRawData(metadata(ids)[["rawData"]], de)
#' @export
IsomirDataSeqFromFiles <- function(files, coldata, rate = 0.2,
canonicalAdd = TRUE, uniqueMism = TRUE,
uniqueHits = FALSE,
design = ~1L,
minHits = 1L,
header = TRUE, skip = 0, quiet = TRUE, ...){
n_filtered = 0
idx <- 0
if (header == FALSE)
skip = 1
rawData <- lapply(files, function(f) {
s <- rownames(coldata)[files==f]
d <- as.data.frame(suppressMessages(read_tsv(f, skip = skip)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
d <- d[d[,3]>0,]
if (quiet == FALSE)
message("reading file: ", f)
if (nrow(d) < 2) {
n_filtered = n_filtered + 1
message(paste0("This sample hasn't any lines: ", f))
d <- .filter_table(d, rate = 0, canonicalAdd = canonicalAdd,
uniqueMism = uniqueMism, uniqueHits = uniqueHits)
if (nrow(d) < minHits){
n_filtered = n_filtered + 1
message("Skipping sample ", f,
". Low number of hits according to minHits.")
d %>%
unite("uid", seq, mir, mism, add, t5, t3, sep = ":") %>%
select(uid, freq) %>%
gather(uid, freq) %>%
mutate(sample = s)
}) %>% bind_rows()
rawData <- rawData %>%
group_by(uid, sample) %>%
summarise(freq = sum(freq)) %>%
spread(sample, freq, fill = 0) %>%
into = c("seq", "mir", "mism", "add", "t5", "t3"),
sep = ":")
if (nrow(rawData) == 0)
stop("No samples had valids miRNA hits.")
ids <- IsomirDataSeqFromRawData(rawData, coldata, pct=rate, ...)
# countData <- IsoCountsFromMatrix(rawData, coldata)
# se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts = countData),
# colData = DataFrame(coldata), ...)
# ids <- .IsomirDataSeq(se, rawData, design)
message("Total samples filtered due to low number of hits: ", n_filtered)
#' Import `mirtop` output into `IsomirDataSeq`
#' The tabular output of [mirtop]() is compatible with [IsomirDataSeq]. This
#' function allows to import the data and filter low confidence isomiRs for
#' downstream analysis.
#' The output is generated with `mirtop export --format isomir`.
#' @param mirtop data.frame with the output of `mirtop export`
#' @param coldata data.frame with the metadata of the samples
#' @param ... It supports the same parameters as in [IsomirDataSeqFromRawData].
#' @return
#' [IsomirDataSeq] class object.
#' @examples
#' library(readr)
#' path <- system.file("extra", "mirtop", package="isomiRs")
#' fn <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
#' de <- data.frame(row.names=c("sample1" , "sample2"),
#' condition = c("cc", "cc"))
#' # mirtop export --format isomir ....
#' IsomirDataSeqFromMirtop(read_tsv(fn), de)
#' @export
IsomirDataSeqFromMirtop <- function(mirtop, coldata, ...){
# check mirtop table and convert to rawdata
# remove more than X snv
ids <- IsomirDataSeqFromRawData(mirtop, coldata, ...)
#' Loads miRNA annotation from seqbuster tool or pre-processed data.
#' Process raw data like tables to speed up filtering steps.
#' @param rawdata data.frame stored in metadata slot of [IsomirDataSeq] object.
#' @param coldata data frame containing groups for each sample
#' @param design a `formula` to pass to [DESeq2::DESeqDataSet]
#' @param pct numeric used to remove isomiRs with an importance lower than
#' this value. Importance is calculated by dividing the isomiR count
#' by the total counts of the miRNA to which it maps.
#' @param n_snv numeric used to remove isomiRs with more than this number of
#' single nucleotide variants (indels are counted here).
#' @param whitelist character vector with sequences to keep even
#' if the filtering step would have removed them. They have to match
#' the `seq` column in the table.
#' @param ... arguments provided to
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment}.
#' including rowData.
#' @return
#' [IsomirDataSeq] class object.
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extra", package="isomiRs")
#' fn_list <- list.files(path, pattern="mirna", full.names = TRUE)
#' de <- data.frame(row.names=c("f1" , "f2"),
#' condition = c("newborn", "newborn"))
#' ids <- IsomirDataSeqFromFiles(fn_list, coldata=de)
#' head(counts(ids))
#' IsomirDataSeqFromRawData(metadata(ids)[["rawData"]], de)
#' @export
IsomirDataSeqFromRawData <- function(rawdata, coldata,
design = ~1L,
pct = 0.1,
n_snv = 1,
whitelist = NULL, ...){
if (nrow(rawdata) == 0)
stop("No samples had valids miRNA hits.")
rawdata <- .clean_noise(rawdata, pct, whitelist)
rawdata <- .remove_gt_n_changes(rawdata, n_snv)
countData <- IsoCountsFromMatrix(rawdata, coldata)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts = countData),
colData = DataFrame(coldata), ...)
ids <- .IsomirDataSeq(se, rawdata, design)
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