#' Load small RNA-seq bcbio-nextgen run
#' Simply point to the final upload directory output by
#' [bcbio-nextgen](https://bcbio-nextgen.readthedocs.io/), and this function
#' will take care of the rest. It automatically imports small RNA-seq counts,
#' metadata, and program versions used.
#' @note When working in RStudio, we recommend connecting to the bcbio-nextgen
#' run directory as a remote connection over
#' [sshfs](https://github.com/osxfuse/osxfuse/wiki/SSHFS).
#' @author Michael Steinbaugh, Lorena Pantano
#' @param projectDir Path to final upload directory. This path is set when
#' running `bcbio_nextgen -w template`.
#' @param interestingGroups Character vector of interesting groups. First entry
#' is used for plot colors during quality control (QC) analysis. Entire vector
#' is used for PCA and heatmap QC functions.
#' @param maxSamples *Optional*. Maximum number of samples to calculate rlog
#' and variance stabilization object from DESeq2.
#' @param minHits *Optional*. Minimum lines to have in the miRNA output
#' to load the sample.
#' @param colData *Optional* External metadata to be used while reading samples.
#' @param dataDir Folder to keep a cache of the object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, saved as metadata.
#' @return [bcbioSmallRnaDataSet].
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extra", package="bcbioSmallRna")
#' sbcb <- loadSmallRnaRun(file.path(path, "geu_tiny", "final",
#' "2018-12-05_geu_tiny"), "population")
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file
#' @export
loadSmallRnaRun <- function(
projectDir = "date-final",
interestingGroups = "sample",
maxSamples = 50,
minHits = 5,
dataDir = NULL,
colData = NULL,
...) {
if (!is.null(dataDir))
message("Cache will be safed under ", dataDir)
# Directory paths and cache path====
if (!is.null(dataDir)) {
if (file.exists(file.path(dataDir, "bcb.rda"))){
load(file.path(dataDir, "bcb.rda"))
uploadDir <- file.path(projectDir, "..")
upload_dir <- normalizePath(uploadDir)
if (!dir.exists(uploadDir)) {
stop("Final upload directory failed to load")
# Find most recent nested project_dir (normally only 1)
project_dir_pattern <- "^(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})_([^/]+)$"
project_dir <- projectDir
match <- str_match(project_dir, project_dir_pattern)
run_date <- match[[2L]] %>% as.Date
template <- match[[3L]]
# Project summary YAML ====
yaml_file <- file.path(project_dir, "project-summary.yaml")
yaml <- yaml.load_file(yaml_file)
csv_file <- file.path(project_dir, "metadata.csv")
if (!file.exists(csv_file)) {
stop("CSV metadata file is missing ", csv_file)
message("Reading project summary YAML")
csv <- read.csv(csv_file, row.names = 1L, check.names = FALSE)
csv <- csv[,apply(!is.na(csv), 2, all)]
# colData ====
if (is.null(colData)){
col_data <- csv
col_data <- as.data.frame(colData)
col_data[["sample"]] <- rownames(col_data)
stopifnot(interestingGroups %in% names(col_data))
# Sample names ====
# Obtain the samples (and their directories) from the YAML
sample_names <- row.names(csv)
col_data <- col_data[intersect(sample_names, rownames(col_data)),,drop=FALSE]
if (length(sample_names) == 0){
stop("No overlap between metadata rownames and files in final bcbio folder.")
sample_dirs <- file.path(upload_dir, sample_names) %>%
if (!identical(basename(sample_dirs), sample_names)) {
stop("Sample name assignment mismatch")
message(paste(length(sample_dirs), "samples detected"))
# Genome ====
# Use the genome build of the first sample to match
genome_build <- yaml[["samples"]][[1L]][["genome_build"]]
message(paste("Genome:", genome_build))
# Sample metrics ====
metrics <- .metrics(yaml_file) %>%
.[.[["description"]] %in% col_data[["sample"]],]
# bcbio-nextgen run information ====
message("Reading bcbio run information")
data_versions <- .data_versions(project_dir)
programs <- .programs(project_dir)
bcbio_nextgen <- read_lines(
file.path(project_dir, "bcbio-nextgen.log"))
bcbio_nextgen_commands <- read_lines(
file.path(project_dir, "bcbio-nextgen-commands.log"))
# Metadata ====
metadata <- list(
analysis = "smallRna",
upload_dir = upload_dir,
sample_dirs = sample_dirs,
project_dir = project_dir,
template = template,
run_date = run_date,
interesting_groups = interestingGroups,
genome_build = genome_build,
csv_file = csv_file,
metrics = metrics,
data_versions = data_versions,
programs = programs,
bcbio_nextgen = bcbio_nextgen,
bcbio_nextgen_commands = bcbio_nextgen_commands)
# SummarizedExperiment for miRNA ====
mirna <- .read_mirna_counts(metadata, col_data,
min_hits = minHits,
max_samples = maxSamples)
mirna_rlog <- mirna %>%
isoNorm(., maxSamples = maxSamples) %>% counts(., norm = TRUE)
isomirna <- isoCounts(mirna, TRUE, TRUE,
iso_rlog <- isomirna %>%
isoNorm(., maxSamples = maxSamples) %>% counts(., norm = TRUE)
mir <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(
raw = counts(mirna),
log = mirna_rlog),
colData = col_data[rownames(colData(mirna)),])
iso <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(
raw = counts(isomirna),
log = iso_rlog),
metadata = metadata(mirna),
colData = col_data[rownames(colData(isomirna)),])
# SummarizedExperiment for tRNA ====
# SummarizedExperiment for clusters ====
cluster <- .read_cluster_counts(metadata, col_data, max_samples = maxSamples)
cluster_sequences <- .read_cluster_seqs_counts(metadata, col_data,
max_samples = maxSamples)
# SummarizedExperiment for mirdeep2 ====
# MultiAssayExperiment ====
exps <- list(mirna = mir, isomirs = iso,
cluster = cluster, cluster_seqs = cluster_sequences)
exps <- exps[sapply(exps, function(x) !is.null(x))]
se <- MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = exps,
colData = col_data,
metadata = metadata)
# bcbioSmallRnaDataSet ====
bcb <- new("bcbioSmallRnaDataSet", se)
bcbio(bcb, "isomirs") <- mirna
adapter(bcb) <- .read_adapter(bcb)
if (!is.null(dataDir)){
dir.create(dataDir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
save(bcb, file = file.path(dataDir, "bcb.rda"))
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