#' Create isomiRs object from bcbio output
#' Read bcbio sample information from YAML to get isomiR object.
#' @rdname read_smallrna_counts
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @noRd
#' @param meta Metadata of the bcbio run.
#' @param col_data Samples information.
#' @param max_samples Maximum samples to perform count transformation.
.read_mirna_counts <- function(meta, col_data, min_hits = 500, max_samples = 50) {
# TODO Better way to handle sample_dirs than by piping in via metadata?
fns <- file.path(meta[["sample_dirs"]],
sep = "-"))
names(fns) <- names(meta[["sample_dirs"]])
message("Reading miRNA count files")
fns = .check_compress(fns)
iso <- IsomirDataSeqFromFiles(
files = fns[rownames(col_data)],
coldata = col_data,
minHits = min_hits,
design = ~1)
.check_compress <- function(fns){
sapply(fns, function(fn){
if (file.exists(fn))
if (file.exists(paste0(fn, ".gz")))
return(paste0(fn, ".gz"))
warning("File doesn't exists: ", fn)
.choose_mapping <- function(mapping, priority){
class <- sapply(priority, function(x){
grep(x, mapping, ignore.case = TRUE)
}) %>% which.min() %>% names(.) %>% .[1L]
if (class=="" & mapping != "")
if (class=="")
.clean_id <- function(row){
priority <- row[1]
names <- row[2]
rna <- sapply(str_split(names, ";")[[1]], function(x){
if (grepl(priority, x))
}) %>% unique(.) %>%
paste(., collapse = ";") %>%
str_replace_all(., "NULL", "")
if (rna == "")
return (str_split(names, ";")[[1]] %>%
unique() %>%
paste(., collapse = ";"))
#' Load cluster data
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname read_cluster_counts
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams read_smallrna_counts
.read_cluster_counts <- function(meta, col_data, max_samples){
if (!file.exists(file.path(meta[["project_dir"]], "seqcluster")))
priority = c("miRNA", "tRNA", "repeat", "ncRNA", "gene", "rRNA", "")
clus <- file.path(meta[["project_dir"]],
"counts.tsv") %>%
read.table(., header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
row.names = 1L, check.names = FALSE)
reads_stats <- file.path(meta[["project_dir"]],
"read_stats.tsv") %>%
read.table(., header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
size_data <- file.path(meta[["project_dir"]],
"size_counts.tsv") %>%
read.table(., header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
size_data[["cluster"]] <- paste0("cluster:", size_data[["V4"]])
clus_ma <- clus[, 3L:ncol(clus)]
row_data <- clus[,1L:2L]
row_data[["cluster"]] <- paste0("cluster:", 1L:nrow(clus))
row_data <- row_data %>%
separate(!!sym("ann"), sep = "\\|", into = c("biotype", "names"))
row_data[["priority"]] <- sapply(row_data[["names"]],
.choose_mapping, priority)
row_data[["rna_id"]] <- apply(row_data[,c("priority", "names")],
row_data <- row_data[,c("cluster", "priority", "rna_id",
"biotype", "names", "nloci")]
row.names(clus_ma) <- paste0("cluster:", 1L:nrow(clus))
clus_ma <- clus_ma[, row.names(col_data)]
clus_rlog <- .normalize(clus_ma, col_data, max_samples = max_samples)
size_data <- left_join(row_data, size_data, by = "cluster") %>%
group_by(!!!sym("V1"), !!!sym("priority")) %>%
summarise(counts = sum(!!!sym("V2"))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(pct = counts / sum(counts) * 100L) %>%
dplyr::rename(size = "V1") %>%
.[,c("size", "priority", "pct")]
SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(
raw = clus_ma,
log = clus_rlog),
colData = col_data,
rowData = row_data,
metadata = list(stats = reads_stats, size = size_data))
#' Load cluster data at sequence level
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname read_cluster_counts
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams read_smallrna_counts
.read_cluster_seqs_counts <- function(meta, col_data, row_data, max_samples){
if (!file.exists(file.path(meta[["project_dir"]], "seqcluster")))
clus <- file.path(meta[["project_dir"]],
"counts_sequence.tsv") %>%
read.table(., header = TRUE, sep = "\t", check.names = FALSE)
names(clus)[3] <- "sequence"
clus_ma <- clus[, 4L:ncol(clus)]
clus[["id"]] <- paste0("cluster:", clus[["id"]])
row_data <- left_join(clus[,c(1L,3L)] %>%
dplyr::rename(cluster = "id"),
by = "cluster")
row.names(clus_ma) <- paste0("sequence:", 1L:nrow(clus))
clus_ma <- clus_ma[, row.names(col_data)]
row.names(row_data) <- row.names(clus_ma)
clus_rlog <- .normalize(clus_ma, col_data, max_samples = max_samples)
SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(
raw = clus_ma,
log = clus_rlog),
colData = col_data,
rowData = row_data)
#' Load cluster data
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname read_cluster_size
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams read_smallrna_counts
.read_cluster_size <- function(meta, col_data, max_samples){
if (!file.exists(file.path(meta[["project_dir"]], "seqcluster")))
priority = c("miRNA", "tRNA", "repeat", "ncrna", "gene", "")
clus <- file.path(meta[["project_dir"]],
"size_counts.tsv") %>%
read.table(., header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
row_data[["priority"]] <- sapply(row_data[["biotype"]],
.choose_mapping, priority)
row_data[["rna_id"]] <- apply(row_data[,c("priority", "names")],
row_data <- row_data[,c("cluster", "priority", "rna_id",
"biotype", "names", "nloci")]
row.names(clus_ma) <- paste0("cluster:", 1L:nrow(clus))
clus_ma <- clus_ma[, row.names(col_data)]
clus_rlog <- .normalize(clus_ma, col_data, max_samples = max_samples)
SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(
raw = clus_ma,
log = clus_rlog),
colData = col_data,
rowData = row_data,
metadata = list(stats = reads_stats))
.normalize <- function(ma, col_data, max_samples){
if (ncol(ma) < max_samples){
clus_rlog <- ma %>%
DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(., colData = col_data, design = ~1) %>%
estimateSizeFactors %>%
varianceStabilizingTransformation %>% assay
clus_rlog <- voom(ma, plot = FALSE)[["E"]]
.read_cluster_sequences <- function(meta, row_data){
clus_seqs <- file.path(meta[["project_dir"]],
if (!file.exists(clus_seqs)){
ma <- read.table(clus_seqs, header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
row.names = 1L, check.names = FALSE)
ma[["cluster"]] <- paste0("cluster:", ma[["id"]])
left_join(row_data, ma, by = "cluster")
#' Read adapter removal statistics
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname read_adapter
#' @author Lorena Pantano
#' @noRd
#' @param bcb The [bcbioSmallRnaDataSet] object
.read_adapter <- function(bcb) {
meta <- metadata(bcb)
coldata <- colData(bcb)
fns <- file.path(meta[["sample_dirs"]],
sep = "-"))
names(fns) <- names(meta[["sample_dirs"]])
reads_by_pos <- lapply(rownames(coldata), function(sample) {
read.table(fns[sample], sep = "", col.names = c("size", "reads") ) %>%
sample = sample,
colorby = coldata[sample, meta[["interesting_groups"]][1]])
}) %>% bind_rows()
reads_by_sample <- reads_by_pos %>%
group_by(!!!sym("sample"), !!!sym("colorby")) %>%
summarise(total = sum(.data[["reads"]]))
list(reads_by_pos = reads_by_pos, reads_by_sample = reads_by_sample)
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