# R script to prepare benchmark dataset 'Weber-AML-sim-main'
# See Weber et al. (2019), Supplementary Note 1 (paper introducing 'diffcyt' framework)
# for more details
# The 'Weber-AML-sim' dataset is constructed by computationally 'spiking in' small
# percentages of AML (acute myeloid leukemia) blast cells into samples of healthy BMMCs
# (bone marrow mononuclear cells). This simulates the phenotype of minimal residual
# disease (MRD) in AML patients. Raw data is sourced from Levine et al. (2015) (PhenoGraph
# paper). The data generation strategy is modified from Arvaniti et al. (2017) (CellCnn
# paper), who generated a similar benchmark dataset for their evaluations.
# Raw data downloaded from Cytobank:
# - all cells (also contains gating scheme for CD34+CD45mid cells, i.e. blasts):
# https://community.cytobank.org/cytobank/experiments/46098/illustrations/121588
# - blasts (repository cloned from the one for 'all cells' above, using the gating scheme
# for CD34+CD45mid cells; this allows .fcs files for the subset to be exported):
# https://community.cytobank.org/cytobank/experiments/63534/illustrations/125318
# Notes:
# - Gating plots for blasts are also shown in Levine et al. (2015), Supplemental Data S3B.
# - Individuals SJ1, SJ2, and SJ3 each contain two replicates in separate .fcs files. The
# original Cytobank repository combines the two replicates for each individual (see
# 'Individuals' dimension setup); so the combined cells from both .fcs files should be
# used for downstream analysis. However, for SJ1, the total percentage of blasts does not
# match to the published numbers (Levine et al. 2015, Supplemental Data S3B); so we have
# not used these samples.
# - Arvaniti et al. (2017) (CellCnn paper) classified patients SJ10, SJ12, SJ13 as CN
# (cytogenetically normal), and SJ1, SJ2, SJ3, SJ4, SJ5 as CBF (core-binding factor
# translocation); we re-use these classifications here.
# - Sample names and filenames in the raw data are shuffled (e.g. file H3 actually refers
# to sample H1). The matching scheme can be seen in the 'Individuals' setup in Cytobank,
# or in the downloaded .tsv files 'experiment_46098_annotations.tsv' and
# 'experiment_63534_annotations.tsv'.
# Lukas Weber, Jul 2019
# original version of this script available at: https://github.com/lmweber/diffcyt-evaluations
# note: random number generators were changed in R version 3.6.0; we use 'RNGversion()' to
# set random number generators to R version 3.5.3 for reproducibility (see
# https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/NEWS.html)
# -------------
# Download data
# -------------
# note: 'experiment_46098' contains all cells; 'experiment_63534' contains subset of CD34+CD45mid blast cells
# create temporary directories
DIR_TMP <- "tmp"
dir.create(file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_46098"))
dir.create(file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_63534"))
# download from 'imlspenticton' server
URL <- "http://imlspenticton.uzh.ch/robinson_lab/HDCytoData"
DIR <- "Levine_AML"
# download files
fn_experiment_46098 <- "Levine_AML_experiment_46098_files.zip"
fn_experiment_63534 <- "Levine_AML_experiment_63534_files.zip"
download.file(file.path(URL, DIR, fn_experiment_46098), destfile = file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_46098", fn_experiment_46098))
download.file(file.path(URL, DIR, fn_experiment_63534), destfile = file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_63534", fn_experiment_63534))
unzip(file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_46098", fn_experiment_46098), exdir = file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_46098"))
unzip(file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_63534", fn_experiment_63534), exdir = file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_63534"))
# ---------
# Filenames
# ---------
DIR_RAW_DATA_ALL <- file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_46098")
DIR_RAW_DATA_BLASTS <- file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_63534")
files_all <- list.files(DIR_RAW_DATA_ALL, pattern = "\\.fcs$", full.names = TRUE)
files_healthy <- files_all[grep("H[0-9]+", files_all)]
files_blasts <- list.files(DIR_RAW_DATA_BLASTS, pattern = "\\.fcs$", full.names = TRUE)
# metadata spreadsheets to match shuffled sample names
file_match_samples_all <- file.path(DIR_RAW_DATA_ALL, "experiment_46098_annotations.tsv")
file_match_samples_blasts <- file.path(DIR_RAW_DATA_BLASTS, "experiment_63534_annotations.tsv")
# -----------------------------------------------
# Load data for healthy samples H1-H5 (all cells)
# -----------------------------------------------
data_healthy <- lapply(files_healthy, function(f) exprs(read.FCS(f, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)))
# show shuffled sample names
tbl_match_healthy <- read.delim(file_match_samples_all)
tbl_match_healthy_sub <- tbl_match_healthy[grep("H[0-9]+", tbl_match_healthy[, "FCS.Filename"]), ]
tbl_match_healthy_sub[, c("FCS.Filename", "Individuals")]
# match correct sample names; store as names of list items
names(data_healthy) <- tbl_match_healthy_sub[, "Individuals"]
sapply(data_healthy, dim)
# -------------------------------------------------
# Load data for healthy samples H1-H5 (blast cells)
# -------------------------------------------------
# note sample names and filenames are shuffled
tbl_match_blasts <- read.delim(file_match_samples_blasts)
tbl_match_blasts[grep("H[0-9]+", tbl_match_blasts[, "FCS.Filename"]), c("FCS.Filename", "Individuals")]
files_healthy_blasts <- files_blasts[1:5]
data_healthy_blasts <- lapply(files_healthy_blasts, function(f) exprs(read.FCS(f, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)))
names(data_healthy_blasts) <- names(data_healthy)
# check numbers of cells
sapply(data_healthy_blasts, dim)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load data for AML patients: blast cells (CN: patient SJ10; CBF: patient SJ4)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# note sample names and filenames are shuffled
tbl_match_blasts <- read.delim(file_match_samples_blasts)
tbl_match_blasts[-grep("H[0-9]+", tbl_match_blasts[, "FCS.Filename"]), c("FCS.Filename", "Individuals")]
file_SJ10 <- files_blasts[6]
file_SJ10 # note: sample 'SJ10' has filename 'SJ11'
file_SJ4 <- files_blasts[20]
file_SJ4 # note: sample 'SJ4' has filename 'SJ5'
# load data for SJ10 (CN)
data_SJ10 <- exprs(read.FCS(file_SJ10, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE))
# load data for SJ4 (CBF)
data_SJ4 <- exprs(read.FCS(file_SJ4, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE))
# check column names match for all samples (healthy and blasts)
for (i in 1:5) {
print(all.equal(colnames(data_healthy[[i]]), colnames(data_SJ4)))
all.equal(colnames(data_SJ10), colnames(data_SJ4))
# ----------------------
# Check numbers of cells
# ----------------------
# check numbers of cells
# healthy
sapply(data_healthy, dim)
# healthy blasts
sapply(data_healthy_blasts, dim)
# SJ10: should be 80.7% of total (Levine et al. 2015, Supplemental Data S3B)
n_bl_SJ10 <- nrow(data_SJ10)
n_tot_SJ10 <- nrow(exprs(read.FCS(
file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_46098", "SJ11d_min3_s0.10_m10_debar1_NoDrug_Basal1_Viable_NoDrug_Basal1_SJ11d.fcs")))
# check
n_bl_SJ10 / n_tot_SJ10 # 80.7%
# SJ4: should be 55.2% of total (Levine et al. 2015, Supplemental Data S3B)
n_bl_SJ4 <- nrow(data_SJ4)
n_tot_SJ4 <- nrow(exprs(read.FCS(
file.path(DIR_TMP, "experiment_46098", "SJ5d_min5_s0.15_m10_debar1_NoDrug_Basal1_Viable_NoDrug_Basal1_SJ5d.fcs")))
# check
n_bl_SJ4 / n_tot_SJ4 # 55.2%
# rename objects
data_CN <- data_SJ10
data_CBF <- data_SJ4
# ----------------------
# Delete temporary files
# ----------------------
unlink(DIR_TMP, recursive = TRUE)
# ---------------------
# Split healthy samples
# ---------------------
# Split each healthy sample (H1-H5) into 3 equal parts. One part will be used as the
# healthy sample, and the other parts will each have spike-in cells added (for conditions
# CN and CBF).
data_healthy_base <- data_healthy_CN <- data_healthy_CBF <-
vector("list", length(data_healthy))
names(data_healthy_base) <- names(data_healthy_CN) <- names(data_healthy_CBF) <-
seed <- 100
for (i in 1:length(data_healthy)) {
data_i <- data_healthy[[i]]
set.seed(seed + i)
n <- round(nrow(data_i) / 3)
ix_base <- sample(1:nrow(data_i), n)
ix_CN <- sample((1:nrow(data_i))[-ix_base], n)
ix_CBF <- setdiff(1:nrow(data_i), c(ix_base, ix_CN))
data_healthy_base[[i]] <- data_i[ix_base, ]
data_healthy_CN[[i]] <- data_i[ix_CN, ]
data_healthy_CBF[[i]] <- data_i[ix_CBF, ]
sapply(data_healthy_base, dim)
sapply(data_healthy_CN, dim)
sapply(data_healthy_CBF, dim)
# -------------------------
# Create spike-in data sets
# -------------------------
# AML blast cells are subsampled at various thresholds (5%, 1%, 0.1%) of the total number
# of healthy cells for each sample, and combined with the healthy cells to create the
# spike-in data sets.
data_spike_CN <- data_spike_CBF <-
vector("list", length(data_healthy))
names(data_spike_CN) <- names(data_spike_CBF) <-
thresholds <- c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001) # 5%, 1%, 0.1%
thresholds_nm <- paste0(thresholds * 100, "pc")
# condition CN (patient SJ10)
data_blasts_AML <- data_SJ10
cnd <- "CN"
seed <- 200
for (i in 1:length(data_healthy_CN)) {
data_i <- data_healthy_CN[[i]]
nm_i <- names(data_healthy_CN)[i]
data_spike_CN[[i]] <- vector("list", length(thresholds))
names(data_spike_CN[[i]]) <- thresholds_nm
for (z in 1:length(thresholds)) {
th <- thresholds[z]
set.seed(seed + 10 * th + i)
n_spikein <- ceiling(th * nrow(data_i))
is_spikein <- c(rep(0, nrow(data_i)), rep(1, n_spikein))
cat("n =", n_spikein, "\n")
# subsample blasts
spikein_i <- data_blasts_AML[sample(1:nrow(data_blasts_AML), n_spikein), , drop = FALSE]
data_out_i <- rbind(data_i, spikein_i)
data_out_i <- cbind(data_out_i, spikein = is_spikein)
data_spike_CN[[i]][[z]] <- data_out_i
names(data_spike_CN[[i]][z]) <- paste0(cnd, "_", nm_i, "_", th * 100, "pc")
# condition CBF (patient SJ4)
data_blasts_AML <- data_SJ4
cnd <- "CBF"
seed <- 300
for (i in 1:length(data_healthy_CBF)) {
data_i <- data_healthy_CBF[[i]]
nm_i <- names(data_healthy_CBF)[i]
data_spike_CBF[[i]] <- vector("list", length(thresholds))
names(data_spike_CBF[[i]]) <- thresholds_nm
for (z in 1:length(thresholds)) {
th <- thresholds[z]
set.seed(seed + 10 * th + i)
n_spikein <- ceiling(th * nrow(data_i))
is_spikein <- c(rep(0, nrow(data_i)), rep(1, n_spikein))
cat("n =", n_spikein, "\n")
# subsample blasts
spikein_i <- data_blasts_AML[sample(1:nrow(data_blasts_AML), n_spikein), , drop = FALSE]
data_out_i <- rbind(data_i, spikein_i)
data_out_i <- cbind(data_out_i, spikein = is_spikein)
data_spike_CBF[[i]][[z]] <- data_out_i
names(data_spike_CBF[[i]][z]) <- paste0(cnd, "_", nm_i, "_", th * 100, "pc")
# ---------------
# Create metadata
# ---------------
# sample information
conditions <- c("healthy", "CN", "CBF")
sample_id <- paste0(rep(conditions, each = length(data_healthy)), "_", names(data_healthy))
# convert to factor with levels in expected order
sample_id <- factor(sample_id, levels = sample_id)
group_id <- factor(gsub("_.*$", "", sample_id), levels = c("healthy", "CN", "CBF"))
patient_id <- factor(gsub("^.*_", "", sample_id))
experiment_info <- data.frame(group_id, patient_id, sample_id, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# marker information
# indices of all marker columns, lineage markers, and functional markers
# (16 surface markers / 15 functional markers; see Levine et al. 2015, Supplemental
# Information, p. 4)
cols_markers <- 11:41
cols_lineage <- c(35, 29, 14, 30, 12, 26, 17, 33, 41, 32, 22, 40, 27, 37, 23, 39)
cols_func <- setdiff(cols_markers, cols_lineage)
d_all <- c(data_healthy_base, data_healthy_CN, data_healthy_CBF)
stopifnot(all(sapply(seq_along(d_all), function(i) all(colnames(d_all[[i]]) == colnames(d_all[[1]])))))
# channel and marker names
channel_name <- colnames(d_all[[1]])
marker_name <- gsub("\\(.*$", "", channel_name)
# marker classes
marker_class <- rep("none", length(marker_name))
marker_class[cols_lineage] <- "type"
marker_class[cols_func] <- "state"
marker_class <- factor(marker_class, levels = c("none", "type", "state"))
marker_info <- data.frame(channel_name, marker_name, marker_class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# -----------------------------------
# Create SummarizedExperiment objects
# -----------------------------------
# create a separate object for each threshold (simulation)
d_SE_list <- vector("list", length(thresholds))
names(d_SE_list) <- thresholds_nm
patients_nm <- names(data_healthy)
for (z in 1:length(d_SE_list)) {
# set up row data
n_cells_healthy <- sapply(data_healthy_base, dim)[1, ]
n_cells_CN_z <- sapply(patients_nm, function(i) dim(data_spike_CN[[i]][[z]]))[1, ]
n_cells_CBF_z <- sapply(patients_nm, function(i) dim(data_spike_CBF[[i]][[z]]))[1, ]
n_cells_z <- c(n_cells_healthy, n_cells_CN_z, n_cells_CBF_z)
stopifnot(length(n_cells_z) == nrow(experiment_info))
stopifnot(all(names(n_cells_z) == gsub("^.*_", "", experiment_info$sample_id)))
names(n_cells_z) <- experiment_info$sample_id
row_data <- as.data.frame(lapply(experiment_info, function(col) {
as.factor(rep(col, n_cells_z))
stopifnot(nrow(row_data) == sum(n_cells_z))
# set up column data
col_data <- marker_info
# set up expression data
data_healthy_base_z <- sapply(data_healthy_base, function(d) {
cbind(d, spikein = 0)
d_exprs <- matrix(, nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(data_healthy_base_z[[1]]))
colnames(d_exprs) <- colnames(data_healthy_base_z[[1]])
for (i in patients_nm) {
stopifnot(colnames(d_exprs) == colnames(data_healthy_base_z[[i]]))
d_exprs <- rbind(d_exprs, data_healthy_base_z[[i]])
for (i in patients_nm) {
stopifnot(colnames(d_exprs) == colnames(data_spike_CN[[i]][[z]]))
d_exprs <- rbind(d_exprs, data_spike_CN[[i]][[z]])
for (i in patients_nm) {
stopifnot(colnames(d_exprs) == colnames(data_spike_CBF[[i]][[z]]))
d_exprs <- rbind(d_exprs, data_spike_CBF[[i]][[z]])
stopifnot(nrow(d_exprs) == nrow(row_data))
stopifnot(nrow(d_exprs) == sum(n_cells_z))
stopifnot(all(colnames(d_exprs)[-ncol(d_exprs)] == marker_info$channel_name))
# move spike-in column to row data
row_data <- cbind(row_data, spikein = as.logical(d_exprs[, "spikein"]))
d_exprs <- d_exprs[, -ncol(d_exprs)]
stopifnot(all(colnames(d_exprs) == marker_info$channel_name))
stopifnot(ncol(d_exprs) == nrow(col_data))
# create SummarizedExperiment objects
d_SE_list[[z]] <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = list(exprs = d_exprs),
rowData = row_data,
colData = col_data,
metadata = list(experiment_info = experiment_info, n_cells = n_cells_z)
# additional object containing all blasts (for plotting)
# set up row data
n_cells_blasts_all_healthy <- sapply(data_healthy_blasts, dim)[1, ]
n_cells_blasts_all_CN <- nrow(data_CN)
n_cells_blasts_all_CBF <- nrow(data_CBF)
n_cells_blasts_all <- c(n_cells_blasts_all_healthy, CN_all = n_cells_blasts_all_CN, CBF_all = n_cells_blasts_all_CBF)
experiment_info_blasts_all <- experiment_info[1:5, ]
levels(experiment_info_blasts_all$group_id) <- c(levels(experiment_info_blasts_all$group_id), "CN", "CBF")
levels(experiment_info_blasts_all$patient_id) <- c(levels(experiment_info_blasts_all$patient_id), "all")
levels(experiment_info_blasts_all$sample_id) <- c(levels(experiment_info_blasts_all$sample_id), "CN_all", "CBF_all")
experiment_info_blasts_all <- rbind(
c(group_id = "CN", patient_id = "all", sample_id = "CN_all"),
c(group_id = "CBF", patient_id = "all", sample_id = "CBF_all")
stopifnot(length(n_cells_blasts_all) == nrow(experiment_info_blasts_all))
stopifnot(all(names(n_cells_blasts_all) == gsub("^healthy_", "", experiment_info_blasts_all$sample_id)))
names(n_cells_blasts_all) <- experiment_info_blasts_all$sample_id
row_data <- as.data.frame(lapply(experiment_info_blasts_all, function(col) {
as.factor(rep(col, n_cells_blasts_all))
# include spike-in status column (all FALSE) so same structure as other objects
row_data <- cbind(row_data, spikein = FALSE)
stopifnot(nrow(row_data) == sum(n_cells_blasts_all))
# set up column data
col_data <- marker_info
# set up expression data
for (i in 1:5) {
stopifnot(all(colnames(data_healthy_blasts[[i]]) == colnames(data_CN)))
stopifnot(all(colnames(data_healthy_blasts[[i]]) == colnames(data_CBF)))
d_exprs <- rbind(
do.call("rbind", data_healthy_blasts),
stopifnot(all(colnames(d_exprs) == marker_info$channel_name))
colnames(d_exprs) <- marker_info$channel_name
stopifnot(nrow(d_exprs) == nrow(row_data))
stopifnot(nrow(d_exprs) == sum(c(sapply(data_healthy_blasts, dim)[1, ], nrow(data_CN), nrow(data_CBF))))
stopifnot(all(colnames(d_exprs) == marker_info$channel_name))
# create SummarizedExperiment object
d_SE_blasts_all <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = list(exprs = d_exprs),
rowData = row_data,
colData = col_data,
metadata = list(experiment_info = experiment_info_blasts_all, n_cells = n_cells_blasts_all)
# ----------------------
# Create flowSet objects
# ----------------------
# note: row data is stored as additional columns of data in the expression matrices;
# additional information from row data and column data (e.g. marker classes) is stored in
# 'description' slot
# create a separate object for each threshold (simulation)
# and additional object containing all blasts (for plotting)
d_SE_combined <- c(d_SE_list, list(blasts_all = d_SE_blasts_all))
d_flowSet_combined <- vector("list", length(d_SE_combined))
names(d_flowSet_combined) <- names(d_SE_combined)
for (i in seq_along(d_SE_combined)) {
# extract data
row_data <- rowData(d_SE_combined[[i]])
col_data <- colData(d_SE_combined[[i]])
d_exprs <- assay(d_SE_combined[[i]])
meta_data <- metadata(d_SE_combined[[i]])
# create tables to identify row data values when converted to numeric
stopifnot(all(colnames(row_data) == c("group_id", "patient_id", "sample_id", "spikein")))
group_info <- data.frame(
group_id = seq_len(nlevels(row_data$group_id)),
group_name = levels(row_data$group_id),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
patient_info <- data.frame(
patient_id = seq_len(nlevels(row_data$patient_id)),
patient_name = levels(row_data$patient_id),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
sample_info <- data.frame(
sample_id = seq_len(nlevels(row_data$sample_id)),
sample_name = levels(row_data$sample_id),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
spikein_info <- data.frame(
spikein = c(0, 1),
spikein_status = c("FALSE", "TRUE"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# create extra columns of data from row data
row_data_fs <- do.call("cbind", lapply(row_data, as.numeric))
stopifnot(all(colnames(row_data_fs) == colnames(row_data)))
stopifnot(nrow(row_data_fs) == nrow(d_exprs))
# create marker info
marker_info <- as.data.frame(col_data, row.names = seq_len(nrow(col_data)))
# create flowFrame
ff <- flowFrame(cbind(d_exprs, row_data_fs))
stopifnot(all(colnames(ff) == c(colnames(d_exprs), colnames(row_data_fs))))
# include both channel and marker names in 'pData(parameters(.))'
stopifnot(length(c(marker_info$marker_name, colnames(row_data_fs))) == nrow(pData(parameters(ff))))
pData(parameters(ff))$desc <- c(marker_info$marker_name, colnames(row_data_fs))
# create flowSet
d_flowSet_combined[[i]] <- flowSet(ff)
# include additional information in 'description' slot
description(d_flowSet_combined[[i]][[1]])$GROUP_INFO <- group_info
description(d_flowSet_combined[[i]][[1]])$PATIENT_INFO <- patient_info
description(d_flowSet_combined[[i]][[1]])$SAMPLE_INFO <- sample_info
description(d_flowSet_combined[[i]][[1]])$SPIKEIN_INFO <- spikein_info
# experiment information and marker information
description(d_flowSet_combined[[i]][[1]])$EXPERIMENT_INFO <- meta_data$experiment_info
description(d_flowSet_combined[[i]][[1]])$MARKER_INFO <- marker_info
# ------------
# Save objects
# ------------
stopifnot(all(names(d_SE_combined) == names(d_flowSet_combined)))
filenames_SE <- paste0("Weber_AML_sim_main_", names(d_SE_combined), "_SE.rda")
filenames_flowSet <- paste0("Weber_AML_sim_main_", names(d_flowSet_combined), "_flowSet.rda")
for (i in 1:4) {
d_SE <- d_SE_combined[[i]]
d_flowSet <- d_flowSet_combined[[i]]
save(d_SE, file = filenames_SE[i])
save(d_flowSet, file = filenames_flowSet[i])
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