mpathSim: Calculates the Dice similarity between pathways

View source: R/mpathSim.R

mpathSimR Documentation

Calculates the Dice similarity between pathways


Calculates the similarity between several pathways using dice similarity score. If one needs the matrix of similarities between pathways set the argument methods to NULL.


mpathSim(pathways, info, method = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,GeneSetCollection,ANY'
mpathSim(pathways, info, method = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,GeneSetCollection,ANY'
mpathSim(pathways, info, method = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,list,ANY'
mpathSim(pathways, info, method = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,list,missing'
mpathSim(pathways, info, method = NULL, ...)



Pathways to calculate the similarity for


A list of genes and the pathways they are involved or a GeneSetCollection object


To combine the scores of each pathway, one of c("avg", "max", "rcmax", "rcmax.avg", "BMA"), if NULL returns the matrix of similarities.


Other arguments passed to combineScoresPar()


The similarity between those pathways or all the similarities between each comparison.

Methods (by class)

  • mpathSim(pathways = character, info = GeneSetCollection, method = ANY): Calculates the similarity between the provided pathways of the GeneSetCollection using combineScoresPar

  • mpathSim(pathways = missing, info = GeneSetCollection, method = ANY): Calculates all the similarities of the GeneSetCollection and combine them using combineScoresPar

  • mpathSim(pathways = missing, info = list, method = ANY): Calculates all the similarities of the list and combine them using combineScoresPar

  • mpathSim(pathways = missing, info = list, method = missing): Calculates all the similarities of the list


pathways accept named characters, and then the output will have the names

See Also

pathSim() For single pairwise comparison. conversions() To convert the Dice similarity to Jaccard similarity


if (require("reactome.db")) {
    genes.react <- as.list(reactomeEXTID2PATHID)
    (pathways <- sample(unique(unlist(genes.react)), 10))
    mpathSim(pathways, genes.react, NULL)
    named_paths <- structure(
        c("R-HSA-112310", "R-HSA-112316", "R-HSA-112315"),
        .Names = c(
            "Neurotransmitter Release Cycle",
            "Neuronal System",
            "Transmission across Chemical Synapses"
    mpathSim(named_paths, genes.react, NULL)
    many_pathways <- sample(unique(unlist(genes.react)), 152)
    mpathSim(many_pathways, genes.react, "avg")
} else {
    warning("You need reactome.db package for this example")

llrs/BioCor documentation built on Dec. 26, 2024, 11:52 a.m.