readMMmotif <- function(motif_file_path, motif_format, id, num_peak,
nsites, motif_file_path_MEME)
con <- tryCatch({
file(motif_file_path, "r")
warning = function(w)
message(paste0("Warning: Please check your id, motif format or internet access!"))
error = function(err)
message(paste0("Warning: Please check your id, motif format or internet access!"))
# start to process motif file if any
if (!is.null(con))
# count motif file line
line_count <- 0
# store motif matrix values
motif_vector <- c()
if (motif_format == "MEME")
line <- readLines(con, n=1)
line_count <- line_count + 1
if (length(line)==0)
# version line
if (line_count == 1)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
version <- as.numeric(tail(line_vector, n=1))
# alphabet line
if (line_count == 3)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split="="))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
alphabet <- as.character(trimws(tail(line_vector, n = 1), which = "both"))
# strands line
if (line_count == 5)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=":"))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
strand <- as.character(trimws(tail(line_vector, n = 1), which = "both"))
# background line
if (line_count == 8)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
background = c("A"=as.numeric(line_vector[2]), "C"=as.numeric(line_vector[4]),
"G"=as.numeric(line_vector[6]), "T"=as.numeric(line_vector[8]))
# id line
if (line_count == 10)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
if (nchar(line_vector[2]) > nchar(line_vector[3]))
MMmotif_id <- id
alternate_name <- as.character(line_vector[3])
MMmotif_id <- id
alternate_name <- as.character(line_vector[2])
# width, evalue
if (line_count == 12)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
width <- as.integer(line_vector[6])
evalue <- as.numeric(line_vector[10])
# motif matrix
if (line_count > 12)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
for (line_vector_item in line_vector)
motif_vector <- c(motif_vector, as.numeric(trimws(line_vector_item, which = "both")))
motif_matrix <- matrix(motif_vector, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(motif_matrix) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
MMmotif <- new("MMmotif")
MMmotif <- updateMMmotif(MMmotif, motif_format = motif_format,
version = version, alphabet = alphabet,
strand = strand, background = background,
id = MMmotif_id, alternate_name = alternate_name,
width = width, nsites = nsites, nPeaks = num_peak,
evalue = evalue, motif_matrix = motif_matrix )
line <- readLines(con, n=1)
line_count <- line_count + 1
if (line_count > 6 & grepl(pattern = "XX", line))
# id line
if (line_count == 5)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
if (nchar(line_vector[2]) > nchar(line_vector[3]))
MMmotif_id <- id
alternate_name <- as.character(line_vector[3])
MMmotif_id <- id
alternate_name <- as.character(line_vector[2])
# motif matrix
if (line_count > 6 & !grepl(pattern = "XX", line))
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split="\t"))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
for (line_vector_item in line_vector)
motif_vector <- c(motif_vector, as.numeric(trimws(line_vector_item, which = "both")))
motif_matrix <- matrix(motif_vector, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
motif_matrix <- motif_matrix[,-1]
colnames(motif_matrix) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
width <- as.integer(nrow(motif_matrix))
# get background from MEME
con_MEME <- file(motif_file_path_MEME, "r")
line_count_MEME <- 0
background = c("A"=0.25, "C"=0.25, "G"=0.25, T=0.25)
line <- readLines(con, n=1)
line_count_MEME <- line_count_MEME + 1
if (length(line)==0)
# background line
if (line_count_MEME == 8)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
background <- c("A"=as.numeric(line_vector[2]), "C"=as.numeric(line_vector[4]),
"G"=as.numeric(line_vector[6]), "T"=as.numeric(line_vector[8]))
# width, evalue
if (line_count_MEME == 12)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(line), split=" "))
line_vector <- line_vector[line_vector != ""]
evalue <- as.numeric(line_vector[10])
MMmotif <- new("MMmotif")
MMmotif <- updateMMmotif(MMmotif, motif_format = motif_format,
version = 0, alphabet = "ACGT",
strand = "+ -", background = background,
id = MMmotif_id, alternate_name = alternate_name,
width = width, nsites = nsites, nPeaks = num_peak,
evalue = evalue, motif_matrix = motif_matrix )
message("The motif file is NULL!")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.