#' Optimize eSVD
#' Generic function interface
#' @param input_obj Main object
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @return Output dependent on class of \code{input_obj}
#' @export
opt_esvd <- function(input_obj, ...) {UseMethod("opt_esvd")}
#' Optimize eSVD for eSVD objects
#' @param input_obj \code{eSVD} object outputed from \code{apply_initial_threshold}.
#' @param fit_name String for the name of that will become the current fit when
#' storing the results in \code{input_obj}.
#' @param fit_previous String for the name of the previous fit that this function will
#' grab the initialization values from.
#' @param l2pen Small positive number for the amount of penalization for both the cells'
#' and the genes' latent vectors as well as the coefficients.
#' @param max_iter Positive integer for number of iterations.
#' @param offset_variables A vector of strings depicting which column names in \code{input_obj$covariate}
#' be treated as an offset during the optimization (i.e., their coefficients will not change
#' throughout the optimization).
#' @param tol Small positive number to differentiate between zero and non-zero.
#' @param verbose Integer.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return \code{eSVD} object with added elements with name to whatever
#' \code{fit_name} was set to.
#' @export
opt_esvd.eSVD <- function(input_obj,
fit_name = "fit_First",
fit_previous = "fit_Init",
l2pen = 0.1,
max_iter = 100,
offset_variables = NULL,
tol = 1e-6,
verbose = 0,
dat <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "dat", which_fit = NULL)
covariates <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "covariates", which_fit = NULL)
x_mat <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "x_mat", which_fit = fit_previous)
y_mat <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "y_mat", which_fit = fit_previous)
z_mat <- .get_object(eSVD_obj = input_obj, what_obj = "z_mat", which_fit = fit_previous)
param <- .opt_esvd_format_param(family = "poisson",
l2pen = l2pen,
max_iter = max_iter,
offset_variables = offset_variables,
tol = tol,
prefix = paste0(fit_name, "_"))
input_obj$param <- .combine_two_named_lists(input_obj$param, param)
res <- opt_esvd.default(input_obj = dat,
x_init = x_mat,
y_init = y_mat,
z_init = z_mat,
covariates = covariates,
family = "poisson",
l2pen = l2pen,
max_iter = max_iter,
offset_variables = offset_variables,
tol = tol,
verbose = verbose, ...)
input_obj[[fit_name]] <- .form_esvd_fit(
x_mat = res$x_mat,
y_mat = res$y_mat,
z_mat = res$z_mat,
loss = res$loss
input_obj[["latest_Fit"]] <- fit_name
#' Optimize eSVD for matrices or sparse matrices.
#' @param input_obj Dataset (either \code{matrix} or \code{dgCMatrix}) where the \eqn{n} rows represent cells
#' and \eqn{p} columns represent genes.
#' The rows and columns of the matrix should be named.
#' @param x_init Initial matrix of the cells' latent vectors that is \eqn{n} rows and \eqn{k}
#' columns. The row names should be the same as \code{input_obj}.
#' @param y_init Initial matrix of the genes' latent vectors that is \eqn{p} rows and \eqn{k}
#' columns. The row names should be the same as the column names of \code{input_obj}.
#' @param z_init Initial matrix of the genes' coefficient vectors that is \eqn{p} rows and \code{ncol(covariates)}
#' columns. The row names should be the same as the column names of \code{input_obj},
#' and the column names should be the same as \code{covariates}.
#' @param covariates \code{matrix} object with \eqn{n} rows with the same rownames as \code{input_obj} where the columns
#' represent the different covariates.
#' Notably, this should contain only numerical columns (i.e., all categorical
#' variables should have already been split into numerous indicator variables).
#' @param family String among \code{"gaussian"}, \code{"curved_gaussian"},
#' \code{"exponential"}, \code{"poisson"}, \code{"neg_binom"},
#' \code{"neg_binom2"}, or \code{"bernoulli"}. Notably, with exception of
#' \code{"neg_binom2"}, all the other families are parameterized such that
#' eSVD is fitting the dot product to be the canonical parameter of these
#' expoential-family distributions. For \code{"neg_binom2"}, the dot
#' product is the log-mean of the distribution (i.e., similar to the canonical
#' parameterization of the Poisson family).
#' @param l2pen Small positive number for the amount of penalization for both the cells'
#' and the genes' latent vectors as well as the coefficients.
#' @param library_multipler Vector of positive numerics of length \eqn{n}. It is the multiplier
#' such that the variance of cell \code{i}'s entries is the mean of
#' cell \code{i}'s entries times the square-root of cell \code{i}'s
#' value in \code{library_multipler} (entry-wise). This is used as
#' an alternative interpretation of how library-size affects a cell's
#' gene expression (instead of using the library size as a covariate to be
#' regressed out).
#' @param max_iter Positive integer for number of iterations.
#' @param nuisance_vec Vector of non-negative numerics (or \code{NA}'s) of length \eqn{p},
#' representing each gene's nuisance parameter when using an exponential-family
#' distribution that requires one.
#' It is used only when \code{family} is \code{"curved_gaussian"} or
#' \code{"neg_binom"} or \code{"neg_binom2"}.
#' @param offset_variables A vector of strings depicting which column names in \code{input_obj$covariate}
#' be treated as an offset during the optimization (i.e., their coefficients will not change
#' throughout the optimization).
#' @param tol Small positive number to differentiate between zero and non-zero.
#' @param verbose Integer
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @return a \code{list} with elements \code{x_mat}, \code{y_mat},
#' \code{z_mat}, \code{library_multiplier}, \code{loss}, \code{nuisance_vec}
#' and \code{param}.
#' @export
opt_esvd.default <- function(input_obj,
z_init = NULL,
covariates = NULL,
family = "poisson",
l2pen = 0.1,
library_multipler = rep(1, nrow(input_obj)),
max_iter = 100,
nuisance_vec = rep(NA, ncol(input_obj)),
offset_variables = NULL,
tol = 1e-6,
verbose = 0,
n <- nrow(input_obj)
p <- ncol(input_obj)
k <- ncol(x_init)
inherits(input_obj, c("matrix", "dgCMatrix")),
nrow(x_init) == n, nrow(y_init) == p, ncol(y_init) == k,
is.character(family), sum(!is.na(input_obj)) > 0
all(offset_variables %in% colnames(covariates)))
# Convert family string to internal family object
family_str <- as.character(family)
family <- esvd_family(family_str)
param <- .opt_esvd_format_param(family = family_str,
l2pen = l2pen,
max_iter = max_iter,
offset_variables = offset_variables,
tol = tol)
# Load the data
loader <- data_loader(input_obj)
# Initialize embedding matrices
z_mat <- .opt_esvd_setup_z_mat(covariates = covariates,
p = ncol(input_obj),
z_init = z_init)
xc_mat <- cbind(x_init, covariates)
yz_mat <- cbind(y_init, z_mat)
fixed_cols <- which(colnames(yz_mat) %in% offset_variables)
losses <- c()
for(i in seq_len(max_iter))
if(verbose >= 1) cat("========== eSVD Iter ", i, " ==========\n\n", sep = "")
# Optimize X given C, Y, and Z
xc_mat <- opt_x(
XC_init = xc_mat,
YZ = yz_mat,
k = k,
loader = loader,
family = family,
s = library_multipler,
gamma = nuisance_vec,
l2penx = l2pen,
verbose = verbose)
# Optimize Y and Z given X
yz_mat <- opt_yz(
YZ_init = yz_mat,
XC = xc_mat,
k = k,
fixed_cols = fixed_cols,
loader = loader,
family = family,
s = library_multipler,
gamma = nuisance_vec,
l2peny = l2pen,
l2penz = l2pen,
verbose = verbose)
# Loss function
loss <- objfn_all_r(
XC = xc_mat,
YZ = yz_mat,
k = k,
loader = loader,
family = family,
s = library_multipler,
gamma = nuisance_vec,
l2penx = l2pen,
l2peny = l2pen,
l2penz = l2pen
losses <- c(losses, loss)
if(verbose >= 1) cat("========== eSVD Iter ", i, ", loss = ", loss, " ==========\n\n", sep = "")
# Convergence test
if(i >= 2){
resid <- abs(losses[i] - losses[i - 1])
thresh <- tol * max(1, abs(losses[i - 1]))
if(resid <= thresh) break()
x_mat <- xc_mat[,1:k, drop = F]
y_mat <- yz_mat[,1:k, drop = F]
if(k < ncol(yz_mat)){
z_mat <- yz_mat[,(k+1):ncol(yz_mat), drop = F]
tmp <- tryCatch(.reparameterize(x_mat, y_mat, equal_covariance = T),
error = function(e){list(x_mat = x_mat, y_mat = y_mat)})
x_mat <- tmp$x_mat
y_mat <- tmp$y_mat
tmp <- .opt_esvd_format_matrices(covariates = covariates,
dat = input_obj,
x_mat = x_mat,
y_mat = y_mat,
z_mat = z_mat)
list(x_mat = tmp$x_mat,
y_mat = tmp$y_mat,
covariates = covariates,
z_mat = tmp$z_mat,
library_multipler = library_multipler,
loss = losses,
nuisance_vec = nuisance_vec,
param = param)
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